6 research outputs found

    Metodval vid lÀs- och skrivinlÀrning i skolÄr 1 - Olika synsÀtt pÄ hur barn lÀr sig lÀsa och skriva

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    Bakgrund och syfte Vi ville i vÄr studie undersöka hur lÀs och skrivundervisningen bedrevs i tvÄ klasser i skolÄr 1. DÀrför var vÄrt syfte att undersöka vilka metoder, arbetssÀtt, arbetsformer och förhÄllningssÀtt lÀrarna i de bÄda klasserna utövade. Vi ville ocksÄ undersöka vad eleverna sjÀlva ansÄg om behovet av att lÀra sig lÀsa och skriva. Metod För att fÄ svar pÄ vÄra frÄgestÀllningar genomförde vi en kvalitativ studie som inspirerats av den etnografiska metoden. UtifrÄn vÄra frÄgestÀllningar gjorde vi observationer och intervjuer med sÄvÀl barn som deras lÀrare samt en forskare vid Göteborgs universitet. Vi intervjuade sammanlagt Ätta barn och tvÄ lÀrare, fyra barn i varje klass. Vi valde vÄra skolor vÀl medvetna om deras olika lÀs- och skrivmetoder. IntervjufrÄgorna till forskaren var halvstrukturerade med följdfrÄgor för att fÄ mer fördjupade svar. För att fÄ kunskap om barnens egna tankar och undvika ja och nej svar stÀllde vi öppna frÄgor som "Vad skulle hÀnda om......". Resultat Alla barn lÀr sig att lÀsa och skriva men barn lÀr sig pÄ olika sÀtt. För vissa barn Àr den syntetiska metoden med sin strukturerade inlÀrningsgÄng frÄn del till helhet den bÀsta menar vissa forskare och lÀrare. Andra forskare och pedagoger föredrar den analytiska metoden som utgÄr frÄn hela texter. Det finns ingen metod som Àr rÀtt eller fel vid lÀs- och skrivinlÀrning. Samtliga Ätta elever vi intervjuade i de bÄda skolorna hade förstÄtt poÀngen med att kunna lÀsa och skriva men bara tvÄ elever av de Ätta nÀmnde lÀsningen för nöjes skull. I Tomteskolan nÀmnde tre av eleverna att de kunde lÀsa det som fröken sagt till dem att lÀsa. LÀsningen skedde individuellt och sprÄkmiljön kan beskrivas som tyst. I Trollskolan anvÀnde sig eleverna av varandra nÀr de skulle lÀsa och samarbetet mellan eleverna var viktigt i deras lÀs- och skrivinlÀrning. HöglÀsningens betydelse var de bÄda lÀrarna mycket vÀl medvetna om men det var bara i den sociokulturellt prÀglade skolan som höglÀsning bedrevs dagligen i samlingen. LÀraren i den mer behavioristiskt influerade skolan anvÀnde sig av höglÀsning "nÀr det fanns tid till det". I de tvÄ skolorna var det behavioristiska respektive det sociokulturella synsÀttet pÄfallande tydligt i undervisningen. SprÄkmiljön kan beskrivas som flerstÀmmig

    Cognitions and Beliefs Influencing the Use of Bed Nets for Malaria Prevention in Zanzibar

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    Malaria is a major public health problem in sub-Saharan Africa, affecting young children more than any other group. Insecticide treated bed nets provide efficient protection against malaria if used correctly and consistently. The Health Belief Model proposes that preventive health behaviour is influenced by individuals’ cognitions and beliefs. Qualitative interviews were conducted with parents (N=20) in Zanzibar to explore the cognitions influencing their use of bed nets for children under five. Malaria was perceived as severe and common for young children. Bed nets were considered efficient in preventing malaria. Reasons for not using were beliefs about low risk of infection due to low mosquito density in the hot seasons, and perceptions of bed nets causing heat. Mixed messages from different malaria prevention measures may have undesirable effects. These findings could be used to optimize the design of malaria prevention strategies

    Cognitions and Beliefs Influencing the Use of Bed Nets for Malaria Prevention in Zanzibar

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    Malaria is a major public health problem in sub-Saharan Africa, affecting young children more than any other group. Insecticide treated bed nets provide efficient protection against malaria if used correctly and consistently. The Health Belief Model proposes that preventive health behaviour is influenced by individuals’ cognitions and beliefs. Qualitative interviews were conducted with parents (N=20) in Zanzibar to explore the cognitions influencing their use of bed nets for children under five. Malaria was perceived as severe and common for young children. Bed nets were considered efficient in preventing malaria. Reasons for not using were beliefs about low risk of infection due to low mosquito density in the hot seasons, and perceptions of bed nets causing heat. Mixed messages from different malaria prevention measures may have undesirable effects. These findings could be used to optimize the design of malaria prevention strategies

    A qualitative study on caretakers' perceived need of bed-nets after reduced malaria transmission in Zanzibar, Tanzania

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    Abstract Background The elimination of malaria in Zanzibar is highly dependent on sustained effective coverage of bed-nets to avoid malaria resurgence. The Health Belief Model (HBM) framework was used to explore the perceptions of malaria and bed-net use after a noticeable reduction in malaria incidence. Methods Nineteen in-depth interviews were conducted with female and male caretakers of children under five in North A district, Zanzibar. Deductive content analysis was used to identify meaning units that were condensed, coded and assigned to pre-determined elements of the HBM. Results Awareness of malaria among caretakers was high but the illness was now seen as easily curable and uncommon. In addition to the perceived advantage of providing protection against malaria, bed-nets were also thought to be useful for avoiding mosquito nuisance, especially during the rainy season when the malaria and mosquito burden is high. The discomfort of sleeping under a net during the hot season was the main barrier that interrupted consistent bed-net usage. The main cue to using a bed-net was high mosquito density, and children were prioritized when it came to bed-net usage. Caretakers had high perceived self-efficacy and did not find it difficult to use bed-nets. Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS), which was recognized as an additional means of mosquito prevention, was not identified as an alternative for bed-nets. A barrier to net ownership was the increasingly high cost of bed-nets. Conclusions Despite the reduction in malaria incidence and the resulting low malaria risk perceptions among caretakers, the benefit of bed-nets as the most proficient protection against mosquito bites upholds their use. This, in combination with the perceived high self-efficacy of caretakers, supports bed-net usage, while seasonality interrupts consistent use. High effective coverage of bed-nets could be further improved by reinforcing the benefits of bed-nets, addressing the seasonal heat barrier by using nets with larger mesh sizes and ensuring high bed-net ownership rates through sustainable and affordable delivery mechanisms.</p

    Ventilatory settings in the initial 72 h and their association with outcome in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients: a preplanned secondary analysis of the targeted hypothermia versus targeted normothermia after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (TTM2) trial

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    International audienc

    Oxygen targets and 6-month outcome after out of hospital cardiac arrest: a pre-planned sub-analysis of the targeted hypothermia versus targeted normothermia after Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest (TTM2) trial

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    International audienceAbstract Background Optimal oxygen targets in patients resuscitated after cardiac arrest are uncertain. The primary aim of this study was to describe the values of partial pressure of oxygen values (PaO 2 ) and the episodes of hypoxemia and hyperoxemia occurring within the first 72 h of mechanical ventilation in out of hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) patients. The secondary aim was to evaluate the association of PaO 2 with patients’ outcome. Methods Preplanned secondary analysis of the targeted hypothermia versus targeted normothermia after OHCA (TTM2) trial. Arterial blood gases values were collected from randomization every 4 h for the first 32 h, and then, every 8 h until day 3. Hypoxemia was defined as PaO 2  300 mmHg. Mortality and poor neurological outcome (defined according to modified Rankin scale) were collected at 6 months. Results 1418 patients were included in the analysis. The mean age was 64 ± 14 years, and 292 patients (20.6%) were female. 24.9% of patients had at least one episode of hypoxemia, and 7.6% of patients had at least one episode of severe hyperoxemia. Both hypoxemia and hyperoxemia were independently associated with 6-month mortality, but not with poor neurological outcome. The best cutoff point associated with 6-month mortality for hypoxemia was 69 mmHg (Risk Ratio, RR = 1.009, 95% CI 0.93–1.09), and for hyperoxemia was 195 mmHg (RR = 1.006, 95% CI 0.95–1.06). The time exposure, i.e., the area under the curve (PaO 2 -AUC), for hyperoxemia was significantly associated with mortality ( p = 0.003). Conclusions In OHCA patients, both hypoxemia and hyperoxemia are associated with 6-months mortality, with an effect mediated by the timing exposure to high values of oxygen. Precise titration of oxygen levels should be considered in this group of patients. Trial registration : clinicaltrials.gov NCT02908308 , Registered September 20, 2016