269 research outputs found

    Electrophysiological assessment of audiovisual integration in speech perception

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    Face configuration affects speech perception: Evidence from a McGurk mismatch negativity study

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    AbstractWe perceive identity, expression and speech from faces. While perception of identity and expression depends crucially on the configuration of facial features it is less clear whether this holds for visual speech perception.Facial configuration is poorly perceived for upside-down faces as demonstrated by the Thatcher illusion in which the orientation of the eyes and mouth with respect to the face is inverted (Thatcherization). This gives the face a grotesque appearance but this is only seen when the face is upright.Thatcherization can likewise disrupt visual speech perception but only when the face is upright indicating that facial configuration can be important for visual speech perception. This effect can propagate to auditory speech perception through audiovisual integration so that Thatcherization disrupts the McGurk illusion in which visual speech perception alters perception of an incongruent acoustic phoneme. This is known as the McThatcher effect.Here we show that the McThatcher effect is reflected in the McGurk mismatch negativity (MMN). The MMN is an event-related potential elicited by a change in auditory perception. The McGurk-MMN can be elicited by a change in auditory perception due to the McGurk illusion without any change in the acoustic stimulus.We found that Thatcherization disrupted a strong McGurk illusion and a correspondingly strong McGurk-MMN only for upright faces. This confirms that facial configuration can be important for audiovisual speech perception. For inverted faces we found a weaker McGurk illusion but, surprisingly, no MMN. We also found no correlation between the strength of the McGurk illusion and the amplitude of the McGurk-MMN. We suggest that this may be due to a threshold effect so that a strong McGurk illusion is required to elicit the McGurk-MMN

    Idræt og byplanlægning - med København som case

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    Sport and urban planning – with Copenhagen as case study This article deals with the field of sport and urban planning in large cities, with special focus on the municipality of Copenhagen from 1988-2003. In the first place a situation marked by decline is shown to have existed in the field of sport in Copenhagen over recent years (especially in the central section of the city). This provides the opportunity to pose the question of primary concern: How can sport, city life and urban planning be conceived in relation to future guidelines on the politics of sport and on urban planning in a large city such as Copenhagen? The task here is to recommend a way out of decline through an analysis of the area of “sport and urban planning”. Looked at more specifically, in an attempt to break with possibly restrictive thinking patterns, questions have to asked as to the reasoning behind existing politics on this area. What forms of authoritative and legitimate rationalization (and what conditions of power) have been dominating the politics of sport in Copenhagen from 1988- 2003? And how should future guidelines be formulated in order to make sport a more integral part of the city? On this matter a hypothesis is put forward here that sport in a municipal context is subject to a dominant planning norm, which is devoted to an idea of “obligational fellowship”, and that this norm can be restrictive in regard to new thinking on how to make sport a more integral part of the city

    Vores by - mellem vækst og velfærd. Om de (re)kreative planlægningstanker bag Carlsbergbyen

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    Artiklen har til formål at kaste et kritisk blik på byplanlægningstanker, bl.a. med udgangspunkt i Carlsbergbyen. Disse tanker analyseres i forhold til aktuelle samfundsidealer, og det diskuteres, om de er ulighedsskabende set i et velfærdsperspektiv. The article »Our City – between economic growth and social welfare« deals with physical recreational activity in regard to urban planning. A specific planning site in Copenhagen, »Carlsbergbyen« in Valby is picked out to exemplify contemporary dominating thoughts of planning. In the early planning process, »Carlsbergbyen « was called »Our City« referring to the Carlsberg slogan: »Our Beer«. But seen from a critical perspective it can also refer to »Our City« in contrast to »Their City« – and »Our City« in this matter is the city for The Creative Class. A city that facilitates flexible and multifunctional urban spaces, and that is in particular when it comes to recreational activity. The question asked here is what the social consequences are if contemporary urban planning is dominated by The Creative Class. The question is what mechanisms of social exclusion are at stake? To answer this question the article talks about new paradigms of urban planning, new ways of social distinction and in particular new tendencies of physical recreational activities. The aim of the article is to present a critical perspective that focuses on mechanisms of social exclusion, and hereby call for thoughts of reflection when it comes to the ease with which a term like »Our City« seems to be used in the planning process of »Carlsbergbyen«

    Brug af læremidler i facilitering af læreprocesser i historieundervisning: Casestudier af historieundervisning på 3. klassetrin

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    Didaktiske læremidler fylder meget i historieundervisning i forhold til etablering og forankring af viden i faget. Men udviklingen i faget efter folkeskolereformen i 2014 løfter spørgsmålet om elevens rolle som den lærende, herunder sammenhænge mellem lærer, læremidler og elevers læreprocesser frem på nye måder. Artiklen undersøger, hvad læremiddelbrug er, herunder hvordan læremidler som ressourcer i historieundervisning betyder noget for facilitering af elevers læreprocesser. På grundlag af learning design theory viser artiklen, at iscenesættelse af undervisningsindhold er afgørende for, hvordan elever i første omgang tolker og transformerer informationer til mening. Historielæreren adskiller sig fra læremidlet ved at kunne intervenere og respondere på udviklingen i elevforståelser, men artiklen viser også, at ingen af lærerne i to casestudier faciliterer deres elevers meningsskabende læreprocesser så langt, at elevernes egne repræsentationer af mening danner afsæt for diskussion og metareflekterende overvejelser. Det er således uklart, hvad eleverne reelt lærer

    Vores by - mellem vækst og velfærd. Om de (re)kreative planlægningstanker bag Carlsbergbyen

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    Artiklen har til formål at kaste et kritisk blik på byplanlægningstanker, bl.a. med udgangspunkt i Carlsbergbyen. Disse tanker analyseres i forhold til aktuelle samfundsidealer, og det diskuteres, om de er ulighedsskabende set i et velfærdsperspektiv. The article »Our City – between economic growth and social welfare« deals with physical recreational activity in regard to urban planning. A specific planning site in Copenhagen, »Carlsbergbyen« in Valby is picked out to exemplify contemporary dominating thoughts of planning. In the early planning process, »Carlsbergbyen « was called »Our City« referring to the Carlsberg slogan: »Our Beer«. But seen from a critical perspective it can also refer to »Our City« in contrast to »Their City« – and »Our City« in this matter is the city for The Creative Class. A city that facilitates flexible and multifunctional urban spaces, and that is in particular when it comes to recreational activity. The question asked here is what the social consequences are if contemporary urban planning is dominated by The Creative Class. The question is what mechanisms of social exclusion are at stake? To answer this question the article talks about new paradigms of urban planning, new ways of social distinction and in particular new tendencies of physical recreational activities. The aim of the article is to present a critical perspective that focuses on mechanisms of social exclusion, and hereby call for thoughts of reflection when it comes to the ease with which a term like »Our City« seems to be used in the planning process of »Carlsbergbyen«

    Idræt og byplanlægning - med København som case

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    Sport and urban planning – with Copenhagen as case study This article deals with the field of sport and urban planning in large cities, with special focus on the municipality of Copenhagen from 1988-2003. In the first place a situation marked by decline is shown to have existed in the field of sport in Copenhagen over recent years (especially in the central section of the city). This provides the opportunity to pose the question of primary concern: How can sport, city life and urban planning be conceived in relation to future guidelines on the politics of sport and on urban planning in a large city such as Copenhagen? The task here is to recommend a way out of decline through an analysis of the area of “sport and urban planning”. Looked at more specifically, in an attempt to break with possibly restrictive thinking patterns, questions have to asked as to the reasoning behind existing politics on this area. What forms of authoritative and legitimate rationalization (and what conditions of power) have been dominating the politics of sport in Copenhagen from 1988- 2003? And how should future guidelines be formulated in order to make sport a more integral part of the city? On this matter a hypothesis is put forward here that sport in a municipal context is subject to a dominant planning norm, which is devoted to an idea of “obligational fellowship”, and that this norm can be restrictive in regard to new thinking on how to make sport a more integral part of the city

    Active Self-Tracking of Subjective Experience with a One-Button Wearable: A Case Study in Military PTSD

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    We describe a case study with the participation of a Danish veteran suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). As part of psychotherapeutic treatment the participant and therapist have used our novel technique for instrumenting self-tracking of select aspects of subjective experience using a one-button wearable device. The instrumentation system is described along with the specific self-track- ing protocol which defined the participant's self-tracking of a single symptom, namely the occurrences of a bodily experienced precursor to hyperarousal. Results from the case study demonstrate how self-tracking data on a single symptom collected by a patient can provide valuable input to the therapeutic process. Specifically, it facilitated identification of crucial details otherwise unavailable from the clinical assessment and even became decisive in disentangling different symptoms and their causes.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 2nd Symposium Computing and Mental Health at ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 201