245 research outputs found

    Waiting For The Barbarians

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    Waiting for the Barbarians is one of the philip Glass's political opera, telling the story of conflict between oppressor and opressed. The theme of the opera is oppression, repression, torture, and unjustifiable restriction of people's freedom. And this theme has been successfully intensifed and accentuated by Christopher Hampton's brilliant Libretto and Glass's dynamic music. "Waiting For The Barbarians" with its compelling theme and music is doubtlessly a challenge for a designer. This piece demands not only a powerful visualization of its allegoric story , but also asks for as equally rhythmic images as the music. Therefore the designer should build an environmet which is interwoven with emotional, musical, and visual elements of the piece. When I started to work on the opera I realized that the key to design this piece is liad in Philip Glass's own composing method and music. Therefore, I approach the design for the set by utilizing Glass's additive and repetitive music structure and adapting it to the Alpha and Beta brain waves principles. For the costumes, I was inspired by the Mongolian traditional outfits and the pattern from the carpeting art of countries such as Morocco, Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan. Likewise lighting requirement was fulfilled by using backlights and creating exaggerated shadows to intensify the theme of repression, unjustifiable restriction, fear, and anxiety. Therefor by fulfilling different elements of the design, the composition was ready to move and dance with Philip Glass's music; from its monophony, to polyphony and then the modulation at the climax of the libretto

    An Experiment with Digital Lighting in Adding Machine: A Musical

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    This is the published version. Copyright 2014 United States Institute for Theatre Technology, Inc. Per the publisher: "agreement asks for two things: the right to be the first periodical to publish the article (first serial rights), and the right to reprint the article either as a stand-alone piece, or in an anthology (reprint rights). Reprint rights extend to publication on USITT's Web site. Authors retain all other rights, including the right to publish the article elsewhere after publication in TD&T.

    Interview with John Klock

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    Bat guano and historical evidence of climate changes in the west of Iran during the Late Holocene (Meghalayan Stage)

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    An 86 cm thick sequence of bat guano layers in the Kolatarika Cave in Kurdistan province in the west of Iran was analysed. The sequence was radiocarbon dated and covers an age of approximately 4060 years. The results of geochemical data, statistical studies, along with the investigation, analysis and explanation of historical sources indicate the presence of warm and dry climate conditions between ca 2100 BC and 800 CE. These were contemporaneous with the occurrence of periods of drought and famine during the Achaemenid and Sassanid empires, and might have been was one of the causes of their ‘collapse. The existence of humid climate conditions between 800 and 1450 AD was contemporaneous with the period of Medieval Climate Anomaly and the historically documented prosperity of farms and agriculture during the Seljuk dynasties, the Samanids, and the rise of rainfall and river floods during the period of the Abbasid caliphate. The presence of cold and humid climate conditions between ca 1600 and 1750 AD was consistent with the so-called Little Ice Age and the Maunder Minimum. After this period, the climate of this area changed to warm and dry which was contemporaneous with the occurrence of famine and subsequent droughts of the late Safavid and Qajar dynasties in Iran.Key words: palaeoclimate, geochemistry, Little Ice Age, Medieval Climate Anomaly, Kolatarika Cave, Iran.Poznoholocenske podnebne spremembe v zahodnem Iranu: analize netopirskega gvana in zgodovinskih dokumentovV članku predstavimo analize 86 centimetrov debelega zaporedja plasti netopirskega gvana v jami Kolatarika v provinci Kurdistan, Zahodni Iran. Radiometrično ugotovljen starostni razpon gvana obsega zadnjih 4060 let. Statistična obravnava geokemičnih analiz gvana in raziskava zgodovinskih virov kažeta na toplo in suho podnebje v obdobju 2100 pr. n. št. in 800 n. št. To sovpada s sušami in lakoto v času ahamenidskega in sasanidskega cesarstva, kar je bil najverjetneje tudi vzrok njunega propada. Analize gvana kažejo na vlažno podnebje med 800 n. št. in 1450 n. št., kar ustreza srednjeveški podnebni anomaliji in obdobju razvoja kmetijstva in blaginje v času dinastij Seldžukov in Samanidov. Vlažno podnebje s padavinami je povzročilo tudi poplavljanje rek v času abasidskega kalifata. Hladno in vlažno obdobje med letoma 1600 in 1700 sovpada z malo ledeno dobo oziroma Maunderjevim minimumom. Po tem obdobju podnebje postane toplejše in bolj suho, kar spet sovpada z lakoto in sušami v poznem obdobju safavidske in kadžarske dinastije v Iranu.Ključne besede: paleoklima, geokemija, mala ledena doba, srednjeveška podnebna anomalija, jama Kolatarika, Iran.

    Understanding Structural Stability of Pharmaceutically Relevant Macromolecular Complexes: A Biophysical and Biochemical Approach

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    Macromolecules, due to their large size and complexity are prone to a variety of physical and chemical degradations. Development of stable formulations that retain the macromolecule's stability and activity over its designated shelf life is therefore a crucial step in the production of such complexes as safe and effective therapeutics. One rapid and systematic formulation tool is the utility of the empirical phase diagrams (EPDs) which have enhanced our understanding of the response of the structure and stability of proteins to environmental perturbations. In the case of more complex macromolecular systems (e.g., multi-domain fusion proteins, large recombinant proteins, and viruses), however, the measured stability is presumably the sum of all components. This makes interpretations at the molecular level difficult. Herein, we have investigated the structural stability of three macromolecular systems of varying complexity to see if their structural stability can at least be partially understood in terms of the behavior of their individual domains and components. We have examined the effect of the observed structural alterations on the losses in activity. We have discussed how this information can be used in designing high throughput screening assays for identification of solution stabilizers for development of optimal formulations. The utility of the obtained information in interpretation of the biological functions of these systems in vivo is also evaluated. Empirical Phase Diagrams constructed based on techniques sensitive to transitions due to alterations of protein motions have been shown to provide information above and beyond that obtained by the static approach. Therefore, integration of techniques that detect extensive and subtle conformational alterations of proteins, as well as structural fluctuations into an EPD appears to be crucial. Herein, we show that plots of the temperature dependent 2nd derivative peak positions of aromatic residues have measurable slopes prior to protein unfolding and that these slopes are sensitive to the dielectric properties of the surrounding microenvironment. We further demonstrate that these slopes correlate with hydration of the buried aromatic residues in protein cores and can therefore be used as qualitative probes of protein dynamics

    On the effects of surface waviness upon catalytic steam reforming of methane in micro-structured reactors - a computational study

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    The effects of wavy channels upon steam methane reforming in catalytic micro-structured reactors, using Nickle as the catalyst, are investigated numerically. Laminar, three-dimensional models of reacting flows, with heterogeneous chemistry, are developed and applied to micro-structured reactors with different wave patterns on their internal walls. It is observed that introduction of surface waves on the walls of reactor, can significantly alter production and consumption of H2 and CH4. This is shown to be due to large fluctuations in convective mass and heat transfer, induced by the surface waviness. In particular, it is shown that separation and reattachment of concentration and thermal boundary layers and the subsequent modifications in Sherwood and Nusselt number can significantly affect the catalytic processes over the walls of reactor. A major local intensification of catalytic processes is observed where Sherwood and Nusselt number are maximised. Similarly, the catalytic process becomes highly inefficient in places with minimal Sherwood (and Nusselt) number. The analyses further reveal that a strategic discrete coating of wavy walls with the catalyst can substantially improve the performance of microstructure. For example, by coating only 25% of the surface area of wavy walls, CH4 conversion rate and selectivity per coated surface area increase by 459% and 308% compared to those of an equivalent fully coated straight channel. This implies the possibility of developing highly efficient and cost-effective catalytic micro-reactors for production of hydrogen from methane

    Cytotoxic activities of <em>Euphorbia kopetdaghi</em> against OVCAR-3 and EJ-138 cell lines

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    Introduction: Over the centuries, the genus Euphorbia was known to be toxic to humans and animals. Recently, in a primary study significant suppressive activity against phytohemagglutinin activated T-cell proliferation has been reported from this plant. Therefore, this study was designed to evaluate the cytotoxic effects of different parts of E. kopetdaghi against cancer cell lines. Methods: Filtration and in vacuo concentration resulted in a green gum which was subjected on silica gel CC (hexane/Acetone, 0&rarr;50) to several fractions: F1-F8. The inhibitory effects of obtained fractions with 5, 50, and 500 &mu;g/ml concentrations were evaluated on proliferation and viability of cancer cells (OVCAR and EJ-138) in 48 hours treatment. Finally, cell viability was determined at a wavelength of 570 by 3-4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) method. Results: Based on studies of microscopic observation and viability testing, F1, F2, F4, F5, F6, and F7 showed significant cytotoxic effect at concentration of 50 and 500 &mu;g/ml against EJ-138 and OVCAR-3 cell lines. These fractions inhibited growth of EJ-138 and OVCAR-3 cells in a concentration-dependent manner. Fraction of F8 induced tumor promotion significantly in EJ-138 and OVCAR-3 cells, respectively. Conclusion: Due to the inhibitory properties of E. kopetdaghi extract and its fractions on cancer cells of OVCAR3 and EJ-13, isolation, purification and identification of compounds presented in the fractions possessing cytotoxic effects are recommended which were the area of our future research.</p

    Pengaruh Konsentrasi dan Lama Perendaman ZPT Alami Keong Mas (Pomacea Canaliculata) terhadap Setek Tanaman Jeruk Lemon (Citrus Limon)

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    Salah satu hambatan dalam pengembangan tanaman jeruk lemon (Citrus limon) adalah ketersediaan bibit atau bahan tanam yang berkualitas. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengembangkan tanaman jeruk lemon secara setek dengan zat pengatur tumbuh alami keong mas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan konsentrasi, lama perendaman dan kombinasi antara konsentrasi dan lama perendaman yang paling baik dari zat pengatur tumbuh alami keong mas (Pomacea canaliculata) terhadap pertumbuhan setek tanaman jeruk lemon (Citrus limon). Penelitian dilaksanakan pada Januari sampai April 2020 di Desa Banjarsari Kulon, Kecamatan Sumbang, Kabupaten Banyumas. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan yaitu Rancangan Acak Kelompok Lengkap (RAKL) dengan dua faktor. Faktor pertaman yaitu konsentrasi zat pengatur tumbuh alami yang terdiri dari 3 taraf, yaitu 250 ml/l, 500 ml/l dan 750 ml/l. Faktor kedua yaitu lama perendaman zat pengatur tumbuh alami yang terdiri dari 3 taraf, yaitu 1,5 jam, 3 jam, 4,5 jam. Variabel yang diamati yaitu persentase setek hidup, panjang tunas, jumlah tunas, bobot tunas segar, bobot tunas kering, volume akar, bobot akar segar, bobot akar kering. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan uji F, apabila terdapat keragaman dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa konsentrasi zat pengatur tumbuh alami keong mas (Pomacea canaliculata) dengan konsentrasi 500 ml/l memberikan hasil bobot tunas segar, bobot akar segar dan bobot akar kering yaitu 0,84 g, 0,56 g dan 0,17 g. Lama perendaman zat pengatur tumbuh alami keong mas (Pomacea canaliculata) dengan lama perendaman 3 jam memberikan hasil bobot tunas segar dan bobot akar kering yaitu 0,79 g dan 0,16 g. lama perendaman 4,5 memberikan hasil panjang tunas dan berat akar segar dengan hasil berturut-turut yaitu 17,52 cm dan 0,53 g. Kombinasi perlakuan antara konsentrasi dan lama perendaman zat pengatur tumbuh alami keong mas (Pomacea canaliculata) yang diberikan memberikan hasil panjang tunas pada perlakuan konsentrasi 250 ml/l dan lama perendaman 4,5 jam yaitu 18,91 cm

    Otherwise, The Gap: Performing Identities in Iranian Contemporary Art and Performance

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    Otherwise, the Gap: Performing Identities in Iranian Contemporary Art and Performance explores the intersections between race, performance, and politics within and without the so-called Middle Eastern region. I use theories of race, gender, performance, and ritual to investigate the performativity of what I call strategic acts of repair in the context of four case studies: Shadi Ghadirian’s Like EveryDay photo collection; 84Theatre Company’s productions of Endless Monologue and Mountain Language; and the underground Iranian instrumental and electronic music movement. Through the framework of strategic acts of repair, I intend to theorize the performativity of constant attempts made by Iranian artist-activists in raising awareness as well as facilitating a platform for addressing the political violence imposed on Iranian identity on its legal top-down and everyday bottom-up level, domestically and internationally. I argue these artworks from theatre, performance, visual and sonic art are vital sites capable of articulating and resisting the exclusion that Muslims encounter in the Middle East as well as the United States of America. By interrogating these artworks produced in the spaces of the theatre, Internet, and underground performance venues in the Muslim diaspora, I am able to analyze scenographic, performative, and architectural strategies used by contemporary artists to build new artistic vocabularies of resistance. I argue that these artists and their works orchestrate interactions between the oppositional fronts, e.g., official and unofficial sectors, and provide spaces where people can better understand and interpret their collective and individualistic identities within and beyond the Middle Eastern official narrative