165 research outputs found

    Investigating the challenges and opportunities of Iranians' national identity in the age of globalization

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    Identity is the process of answering a bunch of questions of a person about himself/herself, such as: Who is he/she? Where has he/she been? To what tribe, race or nation does he/she belong? Where is his/her origin? And, what role does he/she play in world's civilization? Meanwhile, national identity is a means to distinguish one nation from another one based on shared consciousness around some collectively defined concepts, and no national identity will be developed unless there would be a common consciousness. However, the situation of national identity of countries especially developing countries such as Iran has more complicated in the age of so-called Globalization. This phenomenon that is caused by the change of economic infrastructure of capitalist world and the expansion of transportation and communication means such as mass media, have connected all societies, cultures etc. Therefore, the main objective of this paper is to investigate the components of Iranians' national identity and the challenges and opportunities posed in this regard in the era of globalization, using desk research methodology. In this context, the main question of the research is "What impact globalization has had on Iranians' national identity?" In other words, does globalization process undermine Iranians' national identity or strengthen it? The hypothesis proposed here is that globalization is both a challenge and opportunity; hence, Iranians' national identity should possess the capacity to cope with new sub-national and transnational identities. Finally, the required data and information has been collected from archival, library and internet resources

    Investigating the challenges and opportunities of Iranians' national identity in the age of globalization

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    Identity is the process of answering a bunch of questions of a person about himself/herself, such as: Who is he/she? Where has he/she been? To what tribe, race or nation does he/she belong? Where is his/her origin? And, what role does he/she play in world's civilization? Meanwhile, national identity is a means to distinguish one nation from another one based on shared consciousness around some collectively defined concepts, and no national identity will be developed unless there would be a common consciousness. However, the situation of national identity of countries especially developing countries such as Iran has more complicated in the age of so-called Globalization. This phenomenon that is caused by the change of economic infrastructure of capitalist world and the expansion of transportation and communication means such as mass media, have connected all societies, cultures etc. Therefore, the main objective of this paper is to investigate the components of Iranians' national identity and the challenges and opportunities posed in this regard in the era of globalization, using desk research methodology. In this context, the main question of the research is "What impact globalization has had on Iranians' national identity?" In other words, does globalization process undermine Iranians' national identity or strengthen it? The hypothesis proposed here is that globalization is both a challenge and opportunity; hence, Iranians' national identity should possess the capacity to cope with new sub-national and transnational identities. Finally, the required data and information has been collected from archival, library and internet resources

    Investigating the challenges and opportunities of Iranians' national identity in the age of globalization

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    Identity is the process of answering a bunch of questions of a person about himself/herself, such as: Who is he/she? Where has he/she been? To what tribe, race or nation does he/she belong? Where is his/her origin? And, what role does he/she play in world's civilization? Meanwhile, national identity is a means to distinguish one nation from another one based on shared consciousness around some collectively defined concepts, and no national identity will be developed unless there would be a common consciousness. However, the situation of national identity of countries especially developing countries such as Iran has more complicated in the age of so-called Globalization. This phenomenon that is caused by the change of economic infrastructure of capitalist world and the expansion of transportation and communication means such as mass media, have connected all societies, cultures etc. Therefore, the main objective of this paper is to investigate the components of Iranians' national identity and the challenges and opportunities posed in this regard in the era of globalization, using desk research methodology. In this context, the main question of the research is "What impact globalization has had on Iranians' national identity?" In other words, does globalization process undermine Iranians' national identity or strengthen it? The hypothesis proposed here is that globalization is both a challenge and opportunity; hence, Iranians' national identity should possess the capacity to cope with new sub-national and transnational identities. Finally, the required data and information has been collected from archival, library and internet resources

    An efficient null space-based Homomorphic MAC scheme against tag pollution attacks in RLNC

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    This letter proposes an efficient null space-based homomorphic message authentication code scheme providing resistance against tag pollution attacks in random linear network coding, where these attacks constitute a severe security threat. In contrast to data pollution attacks, where an adversary injects into the network corrupted packets, in tag pollution attacks the adversary corrupts (i.e. pollutes) tags appended to the end of the coded packets to prevent the destination nodes from decoding correctly. Our results show that the proposed scheme is more efficient compared to other competitive tag pollution immune schemes in terms of computational complexity

    Esquemas de segurança contra ataques de poluição em codificação de rede sobre redes sem fios

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    Doutoramento em TelecomunicaçõesResumo em português não disponivelThe topic of this thesis is how to achieve e cient security against pollution attacks by exploiting the structure of network coding. There has recently been growing interest in using network coding techniques to increase the robustness and throughput of data networks, and reduce the delay in wireless networks, where a network coding-based scheme takes advantage of the additive nature of wireless signals by allowing two nodes to transmit simultaneously to the relay node. However, Network Coding (NC)-enabled wireless networks are susceptible to a severe security threat, known as data pollution attack, where a malicious node injects into the network polluted (i.e., corrupted) packets that prevent the destination nodes from decoding correctly. Due to recoding at the intermediate nodes, according to the core principle of NC, the polluted packets propagate quickly into other packets and corrupt bunches of legitimate packets leading to network resource waste. Hence, a lot of research e ort has been devoted to schemes against data pollution attacks. Homomorphic Message Authentication Code (MAC)-based schemes are a promising solution against data pollution attacks. However, most of them are susceptible to a new type of pollution attack, called tag pollution attack, where an adversary node randomly modi es tags appended to the end of the transmitted packets. Therefore, in this thesis, we rst propose a homomorphic message authentication code-based scheme, providing resistance against data pollution attacks and tag pollution attacks in XOR NC-enabled wireless networks. Moreover, we propose four homomorphic message authentication code-based schemes which provide resistance against data and tag pollution attacks in Random Linear Network Coding (RLNC). Our results show that our proposed schemes are more e cient compared to other competitive tag pollution immune schemes in terms of complexity, communication overhead and key storage overhead

    Parameter reduction in nonlinear state-space identification of hysteresis

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    Hysteresis is a highly nonlinear phenomenon, showing up in a wide variety of science and engineering problems. The identification of hysteretic systems from input-output data is a challenging task. Recent work on black-box polynomial nonlinear state-space modeling for hysteresis identification has provided promising results, but struggles with a large number of parameters due to the use of multivariate polynomials. This drawback is tackled in the current paper by applying a decoupling approach that results in a more parsimonious representation involving univariate polynomials. This work is carried out numerically on input-output data generated by a Bouc-Wen hysteretic model and follows up on earlier work of the authors. The current article discusses the polynomial decoupling approach and explores the selection of the number of univariate polynomials with the polynomial degree, as well as the connections with neural network modeling. We have found that the presented decoupling approach is able to reduce the number of parameters of the full nonlinear model up to about 50\%, while maintaining a comparable output error level.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure