5 research outputs found

    The Effect of Detergent Effluent on the Physico-Chemical Characteristics and Plankton Diversity of Osere Stream, Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria

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    The physico-chemical properties and plankton diversity were studied in Osere stream, Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria from November 2009 to April 2010. Surface water and plankton samples were collected from three sampling stations. High value of Biochemical Oxygen Demand of 8.68mg/L and low value of Dissolved Oxygen of 1.23mg/L at the point of entry than at the upper flow of the stream indicate pollution stress. Also the presence of high abundance of Anabaena and Oscillatoria sp. which are pollution indicator species shows the negative effect the effluent from the detergent factory has on the stream, thus posing a potential threat to the people who live around and depend on the stream for daily use, hence the need for proper management of the stream. © JASE

    Evaluation of Arthropod Diversity and Abundance in Contrasting Habitat, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria

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    This study was conducted to determine the abundance and diversity of soil arthropods in Anua and Ekpri Nsukara farmland communities, Uyo, Nigeria from September to November, 2012. Soil arthropods were sampled using pitfall trap. A total of 707 Individuals of soil arthropods were encountered during the study period. Of the total number, 203 individuals were encountered in Anua while 504 in Ekpri Nsukara. Hymenoptera were the dominant taxa while the least was Blattodea in the two communities. Higher Shannon diversity index 1.3 was recorded in Anua while lower diversity index 0.86 was recorded in Ekpri Nsukara. Evenness ranged from 0.006 to 0.80 in Ekpri Nsukara and 0.02 to 0.61 in Anua. The lower abundance of soil arthropod in Anua community as compared to Ekpri Nsukara could be attributed to the partially open vegetation which exposes the arthropods to avoidable predators. © JASE

    The checklist and abundances of Small Mammals in Idu, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria

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    A study of the abundances of small mammals was conducted in Idu, UruanL.G.A of Akwa Ibom State Nigeria from April to December 2013. Indirect and direct methods for the observation of small mammals were employed in the area under study. A total of 36 individuals, consisting of 3 Orders (Rodentia, Carnivora and Pholidota) and 7 families of small mammals were encountered. The most abundant was Thryonomys swinderianus with a percentage of 63.88 followed by Rattus rattus 16.66, Cricetomys  gambianus 8.33 while Crossarchus obscurus, Atherurus africanus, Xerus erythropus and Manis tricuspis accounted for 2.77 respectively. The Thryonomys swinderianus had the highest body mass of 3.9kg while, Manis tricuspis has the highest body length of 79.9cm.. The abundance and diversity index of small mammal encountered were low and this may be attributed to deforestation, habitat loss, hunting and other anthropogenic activities in the study area. There is therefore a great need for conservation and management practices to protect these vulnerable mammals and their habitats. © JASEM KEY WORDS: Small mammals, Abundance, Anthropogenic activities, Conservatio

    The abundance and composition of crabs (Decapoda) in Uta Ewa brackish water, Akwa Ibom State, South-South, Nigeria

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    Study on the abundance and composition of crabs in Uta Ewa brackish water was carried out between January and May 2012 at two sampling stations. The physicochemical parameters of the water were measured in situ using standard methods according to APHA (1998). Crabs species were collected at two sampling stations using square lift net trap, while at low tide, crab species were collected by hand-picking at random and preserved in a chest box for identification. Air and Water temperature ranges from 27.9-31.6 oC and 28.2-28.9 oC respectively, while Dissolved Oxygen and Salinity were between 3.28-4.09 mg/L and 7.5-12.9 ppt respectively. The results of the physicochemical parameters were within limits of the National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agencies for aquatic life. A total of 107 crabs were collected from the two sampling stations. Goniopsis pelii was the most abundant in Station 1 accounting for 57.9%, followed by Callinectes amnicola 26.3%, while in Station 2, Callinectes amnicola was the most abundant accounting for 46.6% of the percentage abundance. Station 2 had the highest Shannon diversity index of 1.22, while Station 1 had 1.15. The  abundance and composition of crab species in the study areas is an indication that the area is an important ecological zone for benthos macroinvertebrates  conservation. Keywords: Uta Ewa, Brackish Water, Physicochemical Parameters, Abundance, Composition, Crab species

    The Effect of Detergent Effluent on the Physico-Chemical Characteristics and Plankton Diversity of Osere Stream, Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria

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    The physico-chemical properties and plankton diversity were studied in Osere stream, Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria from November 2009 to April 2010. Surface water and plankton samples were collected from three sampling stations. High value of Biochemical Oxygen Demand of 8.68mg/L and low value of Dissolved Oxygen of 1.23mg/L at the point of entry than at the upper flow of the stream indicate pollution stress. Also the presence of high abundance of Anabaena and Oscillatoria sp. which are pollution indicator species shows the negative effect the effluent from the detergent factory has on the stream, thus posing a potential threat to the people who live around and depend on the stream for daily use, hence the need for proper management of the stream