19 research outputs found

    Propuesta arquitectónica de un centro de esparcimiento social con enfoque sistémico y sostenible, Santa Eulalia UNFV-2018

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo proponer un modelo de diseño arquitectónico, aplicando los principios de un enfoque sistémico sostenible, permitiendo conceptualizar y aplicar las variables exógenas como es el clima y la topografía del lugar de estudio, asimismo, el aprovechamiento de la alta radiación solar y rescatar la flora y fauna del lugar en espacios públicos, lo cual permitirá la mitigación de la contaminación ambiental, a través de la utilización de las energías limpias y el manejo de los materiales biodegradables en la propuesta del proyecto. Estos espacios de esparcimiento social, académico y cultural permiten la integración de la comunidad Villarrealina. En este contexto la propuesta del diseño se mimetiza con el entorno del lugar, aplicando el terrazeo (herencia ancestral) para armonizar con la topografía y maximizar el aprovechamiento los espacios, la distribución de los espacios obedece a la alta vulnerabilidad del lugar del proyecto, la misma que está amenazada permanentemente por los desastres naturales donde se hace las sugerencias de reforzamientos estructurales

    Propuesta arquitectónica de un centro de esparcimiento social con enfoque sistémico y sostenible, Santa Eulalia UNFV-2018

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo proponer un modelo de diseño arquitectónico, aplicando los principios de un enfoque sistémico sostenible, permitiendo conceptualizar y aplicar las variables exógenas como es el clima y la topografía del lugar de estudio, asimismo, el aprovechamiento de la alta radiación solar y rescatar la flora y fauna del lugar en espacios públicos, lo cual permitirá la mitigación de la contaminación ambiental, a través de la utilización de las energías limpias y el manejo de los materiales biodegradables en la propuesta del proyecto. Estos espacios de esparcimiento social, académico y cultural permiten la integración de la comunidad Villarrealina. En este contexto la propuesta del diseño se mimetiza con el entorno del lugar, aplicando el terrazeo (herencia ancestral) para armonizar con la topografía y maximizar el aprovechamiento los espacios, la distribución de los espacios obedece a la alta vulnerabilidad del lugar del proyecto, la misma que está amenazada permanentemente por los desastres naturales donde se hace las sugerencias de reforzamientos estructurales

    Open-Access Geographic Sources And Data For The Study And Management Of Natural Resources

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    The objective of this systematic review is to describe and analyze open geographic data provided by governmental sources in order to provide an overview of open geographic sources and data for the study and management of natural resources in Peru. For this purpose, the web was explored and scientific articles were reviewed, finding a huge cartographic archive offered by the Peruvian State. On the one hand, public institutions put their respective geoportals into operation, and on the other hand, the launching into space of the PeruSAT-1 satellite. This increased the supply of official geospatial information in the last five years. In addition, geotechnical data was found in raw and processed form from global initiatives. All of this documentary collection is available to the public in an open, free and free form in cyberspace, which can be used in the study of the use, restoration, conservation and valuation of ecosystems and other elements of the environment

    Urban green areas to improve the quality of life in the San Juan de Miraflores district

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    This research seeks to propose a design of ecological green areas in the district of San Juan de Miraflores, Panamericana Sur sector. The lack of green spaces increases environmental pollution and affects the health of the residents of the neighborhood, the proposal to incorporate green areas in public spaces aims to improve the quality of life, in the methodology used to determine the location, a topographic survey of the district identifying the existing green areas, as well as evaluating the climatology, soil science, flora and fauna of the place and the urban environment for the design in such a way that it generates microclimates. It also had the support of a virtual survey directed to the residents of the area. As a final result, the design of a proposal for ecological spaces that integrate with the urban environment without losing their identity and minimizing their relationship with nature is proposed for users' interaction and comfort using clean technologies

    Lemna Minor influence in the treatment of organic pollutionof the industrial effluents

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    The purpose of the research was to determine the influence of industrial wastewater treatment using the Lemna Minor aquatic plant. Certain varieties of macrophyte plants can absorb or retain various contaminants. Thanks to this, it has been determined that the variety known as Lemna Minor presents this type of property. Three treatment trials were carried out varying the amounts of Lemna Minor (100, 200, and 300g). They are keeping constant the retention time of 10 days that were analyzed at 3, 6, and 10 days after the treatment and with a constant volume of the residual effluent. The results indicate that in terms of the parameters that determine organic contamination, BOD was reduced by (61 %); COD was reduced by (68 %) and the concentration of total suspended solids by (61 %).Revisión por pares de doble ciegoCampus San Juan de Luriganch

    Formative method for the development of environmental behavior in university students Lima-Peru

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    This research aims to determine the influence of the method of the formative project in the development of environmental behaviors in undergraduate students of a private university, 2020. This is because in the current educational system, teaching focused on developing competencies was established in the midnineties; despite this, some private academic centers can follow the traditional model for the fulfillment of objectives. The use of the formative project method, which is characterized by its permissibility feature, for which a plan of action is designed, data was collected through a questionnaire based on the Likert scale before and after the application of the project with a sample of 168 students. The results based on the Wilcoxon Ranges statistical analysis showed that there were no students with Low scores in the pre-test, but students with a Medium level of 44.05% (74); and 55.95% (94) presented a High level, and in the post-test, the number of Medium levels decreased by 3.57% (6) and the High level increased by 96.43% (162) students. They conclude that the method of the formative project influences the environmental behavior and concerning the dimensions of the Practices and improves the behavior of the students either in the recognition and analysis of the problem, the approach, and formulation of strategies.Campus Lima Centr

    Design of a Pyroacuotubular (Mixed) Boiler for the Reduction of Flue Gas Emissions through the Simultaneous Generation of Hot Water and Water Steam

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    Environmental protection is a continuous challenge that requires innovating the combustion process of boilers that emit polluting gases. This research proposes a novel pyroacuotubular (mixed) boiler design that reduces the emission of combustion gases by hot water and steam. The applied methodology considers the dimensioning-construction, modification, and analytical calculation of water volume, metallic masses, heat for hot water and steam generation, and combustion gases. The Ganapaty method of heat transfer is applied to prioritize the velocity of gas displacement, the pressure drop along the pipe, and its application on surfaces. In the parallel generation of hot water and steam, a mass of CO2 (1782.72 kg/h) and CO (5.48 kg/h) was obtained; these masses were compared with the results of the proposed design, obtaining a reduction in the mass of gases emitted to the environment in hot water CO2 (44.35%) and CO (44.27%); steam CO2 (55.65%) and CO (55.66%). A significant reduction was achieved in the simultaneous generation of hot water and steam compared to the individual generation, which shows that the simultaneous generation of the pyroacuotubular (mixed) boiler reduces the emission of combustion gases

    Design of a Pyroacuotubular (Mixed) Boiler for the Reduction of Flue Gas Emissions through the Simultaneous Generation of Hot Water and Water Steam

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    Environmental protection is a continuous challenge that requires innovating the combustion process of boilers that emit polluting gases. This research proposes a novel pyroacuotubular (mixed) boiler design that reduces the emission of combustion gases by hot water and steam. The applied methodology considers the dimensioning-construction, modification, and analytical calculation of water volume, metallic masses, heat for hot water and steam generation, and combustion gases. The Ganapaty method of heat transfer is applied to prioritize the velocity of gas displacement, the pressure drop along the pipe, and its application on surfaces. In the parallel generation of hot water and steam, a mass of CO2 (1782.72 kg/h) and CO (5.48 kg/h) was obtained; these masses were compared with the results of the proposed design, obtaining a reduction in the mass of gases emitted to the environment in hot water CO2 (44.35%) and CO (44.27%); steam CO2 (55.65%) and CO (55.66%). A significant reduction was achieved in the simultaneous generation of hot water and steam compared to the individual generation, which shows that the simultaneous generation of the pyroacuotubular (mixed) boiler reduces the emission of combustion gases

    Interpretation Center for the Revaluation of Flora and Fauna in Cusco, Perú

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    The purpose of this research is to propose an architectural design for an Interpretation Center aimed at the revaluation of the flora and fauna of Cusco, Peru, in 2023. Due to the lack of awareness spaces, deforestation, water pollution, and the planting of introduced species in the area, there is a loss of endemic flora and fauna. The methodologies used in this study included climatic analysis of the location, characterization of the flora and fauna, and the application of bioclimatic design strategies supported by the use of software (AutoCAD, Revit, and 3D Sun-path). Additionally, urban design strategies were employed based on the Inca worldview and the Sustainable Development Goals. The feasibility of implementing this urban and architectural proposal was compared with other projects such as the Sydney Water Restoration Project and the Ataria Nature Interpretation Center. As a result, an ecological network was designed for the preservation of endemic species. The project also includes green spaces, which account for 51% of the total area. These green spaces will facilitate carbon dioxide absorption and contribute to the revaluation of the Huantanay River and the creation of microclimates in the area


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    Las aguas de la actividad minera, las cuales se vierten a los cuerpos de agua naturales, generalmente contienen metales pesados en concentraciones que superan los límites máximos permisibles (LMP) o que superan los estándares de calidad ambiental (ECA). Los metales pesados en concentraciones más altas de lo permitido son muy perjudiciales para la vida del ser humano, los animales y las plantas de una localidad o región aledaña a la actividad de la empresa minera. En esta investigación de remediación se propone la aplicación de un método químico no convencional no costoso usando una base débil, complementado con un método de biorremediación usando cascarilla de arroz, para disminuir significativamente la concentración de los metales pesados de aguas provenientes de la actividad minera formal, en las serranías del Perú. Primero se ensayó con soluciones simples de concentraciones conocidas de metales pesados y luegose ensayó con soluciones más complejas de metales (con dos o más metales). Cuando se utilizaron dispersiones de jabón de 90 mL a 110 mL, los porcentajes de extracción de metales pesados oscilan en el rango de 95% a 99%. Cuando haymezclas de varios metales pesados cuyas concentraciones oscilan en el rango de 13 mg·L-1 -a 114 mg·L-1 y las cantidades de cascarilla de arroz oscilan de 2,0g a 3,25g, alcanzándose el pH a 6,0 – 7,5