277 research outputs found

    Paralongidorus iberis sp.n. and P. monegrensis sp.n. from Spain with a polytomous key to the species of the genus Paralongidorus Siddiqi, Hooper & Khan, 1963 (Nematoda : Longidoridae)

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    Des espèces du genre #Paralongidorus ont été trouvées pour la première fois en Espagne, près de Serreta Negra (Huesca) dans la région nord-ouest du pays. Deux nouvelles espèces, #P. iberis sp. n. et #P. monegrensis sp. n., sont décrites. #P. iberis sp. n. est caractérisé par une taille moyenne (4,4-4,9 mm), une région labiale arrondie et en relief, des poches amphidiennes en forme d'étrier et une queue conique, convexe dorsalement et à extrémité conique. #P. iberis sp. n., proche de #P. lemoni, en diffère par la forme de la queue, la présence de mâles, la longueur du corps, la position du guide du stylet, et la valeur des coefficients a et c. #P. monegrensis sp. n. est caractérisé par sa grande taille (7,5-12 mm), une région labiale hémisphérique très en relief, des poches amphidiennes en forme d'étrier, une queue conique, convexe dorsalement à extrémité arrondie. Cette espèce est proche de #P. sandellus et #P. xiphinemoides. Elle diffère de #P. sandellus par sa taille plus grande, un odontostyle plus long, la position du guide du stylet, et de #P. xiphinemoides par la présence de mâles, la longueur de l'odontostyle, la position du guide du stylet et le coefficient c'. Une clé polytomique des 70 espèces du genre est proposée, de même que deux nouvelles combinaisons : #P. sativus (Soni et Nama, 1983) n. comb. et #P. wiesae$ (Heyns, 1994) n. comb. (Résumé d'auteur

    Redescription of Aorolaimus capsici Jiménez Millan, Arias & Fijo, 1964 (Nematoda : Tylenchida)

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    La redescription d'#Aorolaimus capsici Jiménez Millan, Arias & Fijo, 1964 et une étude comparative du matériel type de cette espèce et de trois populations d'#A. perscitus (Doucet, 1980) Fortuner, 1987 ont été réalisées. Les faibles différences morphométriques montrées par les populations étudiées ne justifiant pas l'existence de deux espèces, il est proposé de considérer #A. persicus comme un synonyme mineur d'#A. capsici. (Résumé d'auteur

    Efficiency of football teams from an organisation management perspective

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    The aim of this paper is to assess the efficiency of football. Our contributions to the literature are the use of the resource-based theory and the strategy-structure-performance perspective as the study''s framework, efficiency has been considered as the result of the qualities of the productive resources in football teams and efficiency is calculated in every area in the field of play. The results show that the entire team''s efficiency is positively related to sporting success and the efficiency of attacking and ball recovery areas is directly related to the sport result and the efficiency of the team as a whole

    Single-Ion Anisotropy and Intramolecular Interactions in CeIIIand NdIIIDimers

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    [Image: see text] This article reports the syntheses, characterization, structural description, together with magnetic and spectroscopic properties of two isostructural molecular magnets based on the chiral ligand N,N′-bis((1,2-diphenyl-(pyridine-2-yl)methylene)-(R,R/S,S)-ethane-1,2-diamine), L1, of general formula [Ln(2)(RR-L1)(2)(Cl(6))]·MeOH·1.5H(2)O, (Ln = Ce (1) or Nd (2)). Multifrequency electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), cantilever torque magnetometry (CTM) measurements, and ab initio calculations allowed us to determine single-ion magnetic anisotropy and intramolecular magnetic interactions in both compounds, evidencing a more important role of the anisotropic exchange for the Nd(III) derivative. The comparison of experimental and theoretical data indicates that, in the case of largely rhombic lanthanide ions, ab initio calculations can fail in determining the orientation of the weakest components, while being reliable in determining their principal values. However, they remain of paramount importance to set the analysis of EPR and CTM on sound basis, thus obtaining a very precise picture of the magnetic interactions in these systems. Finally, the electronic structure of the two complexes, as obtained by this approach, is consistent with the absence of zero-field slow relaxation observed in ac susceptibility

    Effects of Randomness on the Field-Induced Phase Transition in the S=1 Bond-Alternating Spin Chain NTENP

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    We report novel effects of randomness in the S=1 bond-alternating antiferromagnetic chain compound with a dimer-singlet ground state [Ni(N,N'-bis(3-aminopropyl)propane-1,3-diamine(mu-NO2]ClO4 abbreviated as NTENP. The 15N NMR spectra develop a continuum with sharply peaked edges at low temperatures, indicating an inhomogeneous staggered magnetization induced by magnetic field. We attribute this to random anisotropic interactions due to disorder of NO2 groups in the chains. The field-induced antiferromagnetic transition exhibits remarkably anisotropic behavior. We propose that a field-induced incoherent magnetization is transformed into a coherent antiferromagnetic moment with spatially fluctuating amplitude.Comment: 4pages, 5 figues, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Chiral [MnIIMnIII3M'] (M' = NaI, CaII, MnII) and [MnIIMnIII6NaI2] clusters built from an enantiomerically pure Schiff base: synthetic, chiroptical and magnetic properties

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    From the reaction of manganese halides with the chiral Schiff bases obtained by condensation of o-vanillin and (R)- or (S)-phenylglycinol, 11 complexes based on pentanuclear cages with trigonal bipyramidal [MnIIMnIII3M'] (M'=NaI, CaII, MnII) or enneanuclear [MnIIMnIII6NaI2] cores were synthesized. Structural, supramolecular chirality, and optical properties were explored. The magnetic properties of related systems were reviewed, and the magnetic response of the new systems was rationalized to the bond parameters

    Syntheses, structures, chiroptical and magnetic properties of chiral clusters built from Schiff bases: a novel [MnIIMnIII6NaI2] core

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    Chiral clusters with MnIIMnIII3NaI and the new MnIIMnIII6NaI2 cores have been synthesised employing enantiomerically pure Schiff bases and halide ligands. The new compounds have been characterized by electronic circular dichroism (ECD) and magnetic susceptibility

    Trinuclear Complexes Derived from R/S Schiff Bases - Chiral Single-Molecule Magnets

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    The employment of enantiomerically pure Schiff bases in manganese chemistry is revealed to be an excellent method to obtain chiral single-molecule magnets and has allowed the characterization of several pairs of enantiomers, for which the magnetic properties were investigated. The reported systems consist of Mn-III-Mn-II-Mn-III linear trimers or Mn-3(III) cations in a triangular arrangement including the first example of a mu(3)-Cl bridge in an isolated manganese triangle
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