761 research outputs found


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    Con el fin de lograr los objetivos estratégicos determinados a partir de su misión y su visión, las universidades requieren de herramientas efectivas que permitan mejorar los sistemas de gestión y control. El sistema de control es un medio para expandir la estrategia en toda la organización. Desarrolla actividades de planificación, control y diagnóstico y, a partir de la medición y análisis de los resultados, permite evaluar el desempeño de la institución desde múltiples ángulos o criterios. De esta manera, facilita la toma de decisiones en función de los recursos disponibles, con una orientación hacia su mejora permanente. Es una herramienta para gestionar el cambio. Es necesario poder garantizar que las actividades reales de la universidad coincidan con las actividades planificadas. Y esta necesidad es mayor en la medida en que las instituciones se enfrentan a un entorno dinámico y cambiante, a un mayor nivel de incertidumbre y a una alta rivalidad competitiva. Ante esta necesidad, la Universidad Maza ha desarrollado un software que posibilita la implementación de la herramienta de gestión estratégica llamada ‘Tablero de Comando’. El objetivo del desarrollo es la implementación de un Sistema Integrado de Seguimiento del Plan de Gestión 2013 – 2016 de la institución, como base de control tanto de procesos administrativos como académicos. Este instrumento integra el plan estratégico con los procesos decisionales y con el análisis del rendimiento. Es decir, permite monitorear el cumplimiento del plan estratégico efectuando el seguimiento de la ejecución de los objetivos claves a través de la medición de indicadores. El software se fundamenta en los principios determinados por Norton y Kaplan (2000), quienes sentaron las bases teóricas sobre las cuales se desarrolla esta aplicación afirmando que el Cuadro de Mando Integral traduce la estrategia y la misión de una organización en un amplio conjunto de medidas de actuación, que proporcionan la estructura necesaria para un sistema de gestión y medición estratégica (Norton y Kaplan, 2000). El concepto novedoso del Tablero de Comando, es que se basa en tres dimensiones de tiempo, ayer, hoy y mañana, y logra unir el control operativo a corto plazo con la visión y la estrategia a largo plazo

    Discrete dislocation dynamics analysis of the effect of lattice orientation on void growth in single crystals

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    The micromechanisms of plastic deformation and void growth were analyzed using discrete dislocation dynamics in an isolated FCC single crystal deformed in-plane strain in the plane. Three different stress states (uniaxial tension, uniaxial deformation and biaxial deformation) were considered for crystals oriented in different directions and with a different number of active slip systems. It was found that strain hardening and void growth rates depended on lattice orientation in uniaxial tension because of anisotropic stress state. Crystal orientation did not influence, however, hardening and void growth when the crystals were loaded under uniaxial or biaxial deformation because the stress state was more homogeneous, although both (hardening and void growth rates) were much higher than under uniaxial tension. In addition, the number of active slip systems did not substantially modify the mechanical behavior and the void growth rate if plastic deformation along the available slip systems was compatible with overall crystal deformation prescribed by the boundary conditions. Otherwise, the incompatibility between plastic deformation and boundary conditions led to the development of large hydrostatic elastic stresses, which increased the strain hardening rate and reduced the void growth rate

    Cambios en las políticas de uso y aprovechamiento del agua en el proceso de industrialización mexicano. 1938-1960

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    La presente investigación es el resultado de un proyecto inicial que poco tiene que ver con el aquí desarrollado. Originalmente había planteado la investigación sobre la explotación del recurso forestal en el municipio de Valle de Bravo y cómo éste cambió con la construcción del vaso de la presa en la zona agrícola del poblado. Al comenzar a indagar sobre el asunto y percatarme de la dificultad que tendría para llevar a cabo la consulta del archivo municipal, opté por cambiar la zona de estudio hacia el municipio de Santo Tomás de los Plátanos. En el proceso de replantear el tema a investigar, me di cuenta que el objeto de estudio dejó de ser el recurso forestal y la documentación me dirigió hacia el recurso hidráulico. La construcción del sistema de presas hidroeléctricas inicialmente llamado Ixtapantongo –posteriormente fue denominado “Miguel Alemán” en honor al principal impulsor de este proyecto- requirió un control casi absoluto de los afluentes de los ríos Tilostoc, Temascaltepec, Malacatepec e Ixtapan del Oro, todos derivados de la Cuenca del Balsas. Durante el replanteamiento de la problemática apareció el concepto Reserva Nacional Hidráulica

    Simulation of the deformation of polycrystalline nanostructured Ti by computational homogenization

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    Computational homogenization by means of the finite element analysis of a representative volume element of the microstructure is used to simulate the deformation of nanostructured Ti. The behavior of each grain is taken into account using a single crystal elasto-viscoplastic model which includes the microscopic mechanisms of plastic deformation by slip along basal, prismatic and pyramidal systems. Two different representations of the polycrystal were used. Each grain was modeled with one cubic finite element in the first one while many cubic elements were used to represent each grain in the second one, leading to a model which includes the effect of grain shape and size in a limited number of grains due to the computational cost. Both representations were used to simulate the tensile deformation of nanostructured Ti processed by ECAP-C as well as the drawing process of nanostructured Ti billets. It was found that the first representation based in one finite element per grain led to a stiffer response in tension and was not able to predict the texture evolution during drawing because the strain gradient within each grain could not be captured. On the contrary, the second representation of the polycrystal microstructure with many finite elements per grain was able to predict accurately the deformation of nanostructured Ti

    An Aphid Effector Targets Trafficking Protein VPS52 in a Host-Specific Manner to Promote Virulence

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    Plant- and animal-feeding insects secrete saliva inside their hosts, containing effectors, which may promote nutrient release and suppress immunity. Although for plant pathogenic microbes it is well established that effectors target host proteins to modulate host cell processes and promote disease, the host cell targets of herbivorous insects remain elusive. Here, we show that the existing plant pathogenic microbe effector paradigm can be extended to herbivorous insects in that effector-target interactions inside host cells modify critical host processes to promote plant susceptibility. We showed that the effector Mp1 from Myzus persicae associates with the host Vacuolar Protein Sorting Associated Protein52 (VPS52). Using natural variants, we provide a strong link between effector virulence activity and association with VPS52, and show that the association is highly specific to M. persicae-host interactions. Also, coexpression of Mp1, but not Mp1-like variants, specifically with host VPS52s resulted in effector relocalization to vesicle-like structures that associate with prevacuolar compartments. We show that high VPS52 levels negatively impact virulence, and that aphids are able to reduce VPS52 levels during infestation, indicating that VPS52 is an important virulence target. Our work is an important step forward in understanding, at the molecular level, how a major agricultural pest promotes susceptibility during infestation of crop plants. We give evidence that an herbivorous insect employs effectors that interact with host proteins as part of an effective virulence strategy, and that these effectors likely function in a species-specific manner

    Procedures Based on Composite FEM Technology for the Resolution of Concrete-Framed Structures with Masonry in-fills: Comparison with Mexican Building Code

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    The construction of confined masonry buildings has become a good choice to meet the housing needs of low-income families in big cities. Despite this, current building codes for such construction allow the use of highly simplified analysis techniques that have hardly changed in the last 40 years. This paper is based on numerical simulation and discusses the need to combine and improve existing techniques in finite-element method (FEM) analysis for composite materials, to assess the overall structural behavior of reinforced concrete structures with masonry in-fills, and consequently to support the derivation of rational rules for analysis and design. Through the use of a simple yet powerful shell finite element (FE), state-of-the-art theories of mixtures to analyze composite materials, a computational tool to generate the volume fraction of composites, and the Mexican building code, this paper attempts to be a guide to numerical reproduction of the overall behavior of confined masonry structures

    A laminated structural finite element for the behavior of large non-linear reinforced concrete structures

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    In order to correctly predict the kinematics of complex structures, analysis using three-dimensional finite elements (3DFEs) seems to be the best alternative. However, simulation of large multi-layered structures with many plies can be una ordable with 3DFEs because of the excessive computational cost, especially for non-linear materials. In addition, the discretization of very thin layers can lead to highly distorted FEs carrying numerical issues, therefore, reduced models arise as an a ordable solution. This paper describes a new finite element formulation to perform numerical simulations of laminated reinforced concrete structures. The intention of this work is that the proposed scheme can be applied in the analysis of real-life structures where a high amount of computational resources are needed to fulfill the meshing requirements, hence the resulting formulation has to be a compromise between simplicity and efficiency. So that, the condensation of a dimension (thickness), mandatory to model three-dimensional structures with twodimensional finite elements (2DFEs), leads to refer all layers contained within such FEs to a plane, which is typically named middle plane or geometrical plane, since its sole function is to serve as a geometrical reference. This work is based on the assumption that the geometrical plane has to be distinguished from a mechanical plane, which is where the resultant sti ness of all layers is contained. It is also assumed in this work that the mechanical plane changes its position due to non-linear response of the component materials

    Dislocation Dynamics in Non-conves Domains using Finite Elements with Embedded Discontinuities

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    The standard strategy developed by Van der Giessen and Needleman (1995 Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 3 689) to simulate dislocation dynamics in two-dimensional finite domains was modified to account for the effect of dislocations leaving the crystal through a free surface in the case of arbitrary non-convex domains. The new approach incorporates the displacement jumps across the slip segments of the dislocations that have exited the crystal within the finite element analysis carried out to compute the image stresses on the dislocations due to the finite boundaries. This is done in a simple computationally efficient way by embedding the discontinuities in the finite element solution, a strategy often used in the numerical simulation of crack propagation in solids. Two academic examples are presented to validate and demonstrate the extended model and its implementation within a finite element program is detailed in the appendix