238 research outputs found

    La Dorsal Medio-Atlántica entre 24N y 30N

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    The Mid-Atlantic Ridge between the Kane and Atlantis fracture zones (24'N-3O0N) is a slow-spreading ridge (half-spreading rates between 10 and 14 mm/y) intersected by 17 non-transform discontinuities (offsets between O and 30 km). These discontinuities, together with the two fracture zones, bind 18 spreading segments, 50 km long in average. The location of these non-transfom offsets has been mapped from both gravity and SeaBeam bathymetric data covering an area 60 km wide and 800 long km over the ndge mis. The absence of a thick sediment cover that tends to obliterate the original seafloor morphology has ailowed us to assemble a map of seafloor faults for this region. Intense faulting of the oceanic crust is initiated away from the axial valiey floor, where volcanic processes dominate, and only rninor faults not visible on SeaBeam occur. Variations in faulting style along the strike of the ridge are related to ridge segmentation, with long segments containing long faults oriented 15OE. In shorter segments faults have a considerably shorter trace and have a different orientation (30°E) with respect to those occuring on longer segments. The along-axis variations in faulting style is accompained by variations of the asymmetry of the axial rift valley. The axial valley tends to be symmetric in the center of the segment (small amount of crustal extension) and becomes an asymmetrical half-graben (greater crustal extension) in the proximity of the bounding discontinuities. Since the spreading rate does not vary considerably along the single segments, this tectonic variability reflects a decrease of the magma supply rate along each segment axis away from the center towards the distal ends. Gravity anomaly profiles show that crustal thickness decreases from the center of the segment towards the discontinuities and/or that the density of the underlying mantle increases away from the segment center. The data also shows that along-axis topography is mainly isostatically compensated, while across-axis relief is dynamically maintained by internal stresses in the oceanic crust. The gravity data and morphological observations suggest that convection in the upper mantle is segmented, with the presence of upwelling plumes centered in each of the segments. The plumes would be responsible for higher melt supply rates in the center of the plume than near the discontinuities. Consequently, the amount of extension of the oceanic crust will also increase away from the: segment center towards the discontinuities. This accreting structure is also responsible for ,he variations in crustal thickness inferred from the gravity structure

    La Dorsal Medio-Atlántica entre 24N y 30N

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    The Mid-Atlantic Ridge between the Kane and Atlantis fracture zones (24'N-3O0N) is a slow-spreading ridge (half-spreading rates between 10 and 14 mm/y) intersected by 17 non-transform discontinuities (offsets between O and 30 km). These discontinuities, together with the two fracture zones, bind 18 spreading segments, 50 km long in average. The location of these non-transfom offsets has been mapped from both gravity and SeaBeam bathymetric data covering an area 60 km wide and 800 long km over the ndge mis. The absence of a thick sediment cover that tends to obliterate the original seafloor morphology has ailowed us to assemble a map of seafloor faults for this region. Intense faulting of the oceanic crust is initiated away from the axial valiey floor, where volcanic processes dominate, and only rninor faults not visible on SeaBeam occur. Variations in faulting style along the strike of the ridge are related to ridge segmentation, with long segments containing long faults oriented 15OE. In shorter segments faults have a considerably shorter trace and have a different orientation (30°E) with respect to those occuring on longer segments. The along-axis variations in faulting style is accompained by variations of the asymmetry of the axial rift valley. The axial valley tends to be symmetric in the center of the segment (small amount of crustal extension) and becomes an asymmetrical half-graben (greater crustal extension) in the proximity of the bounding discontinuities. Since the spreading rate does not vary considerably along the single segments, this tectonic variability reflects a decrease of the magma supply rate along each segment axis away from the center towards the distal ends. Gravity anomaly profiles show that crustal thickness decreases from the center of the segment towards the discontinuities and/or that the density of the underlying mantle increases away from the segment center. The data also shows that along-axis topography is mainly isostatically compensated, while across-axis relief is dynamically maintained by internal stresses in the oceanic crust. The gravity data and morphological observations suggest that convection in the upper mantle is segmented, with the presence of upwelling plumes centered in each of the segments. The plumes would be responsible for higher melt supply rates in the center of the plume than near the discontinuities. Consequently, the amount of extension of the oceanic crust will also increase away from the: segment center towards the discontinuities. This accreting structure is also responsible for ,he variations in crustal thickness inferred from the gravity structure

    Spin-orbit excitations of quantum wells

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    Confinement asymmetry effects on the photoabsorption of a quantum well are discussed by means of a sum-rules approach using a Hamiltonian including a Rashba spin-orbt coupling. We show that while the strength of the excitation is zero when the spin-orbit coupling is neglected, the inclusion of the spin-orbit interaction gives rise to a non zero strength and mean excitation energy in the far-infrared region. A simple expression for these quantities up to the second order in the Rashba parameter was derived. The effect of two-body Coulomb interaction is then studied by means of a Quantum Monte Carlo calculation, showing that electron-electron correlations induce only a small deviation from the independent particle model result

    Living under threat: psychosocial effects on victims of terrorism.

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    The fact of being under terrorist threats, such as death threats or intimidations, has psychosocial effects and impacts on victim’s psychosocial functioning. However, little attention has been paid to the study of threatened people through an evidence-based research. This study analyses quantitatively the experience of threatened people within a context of terrorism. Specifically, we want to gain insight into victims’ perceptions of their threatening situation, through participants who were under threat by the Euskadi ta Askatasuna (ETA) (Basque Homeland and Freedom) terrorist group in the Basque Country, Spain. Through a cross-sectional study and Principal component analysis, 87 victims of the ETA terrorist group in the Basque Country were surveyed, during the period of violence. The findings suggested six main psychosocial effects on threatened individuals, comprising issues such as (1) Thought processes and risk perception; (2) Emotional reactions; (3) Circles of vulnerability; (4) Suspicion/distrust; (5) Social interactions and (6) Safety and freedom of movement. In addition, victim’s perception of control was negatively related to the psychosocial effects, in factors 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, respectively. The article discusses and shows implications of the power of threats, along with their effects, as a psychosocial coercion instrument

    The incremental effect of Dark personality over the Big Five in workplace bullying: Evidence from perpetrators and targets

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    The current study analyzes the relationship between workplace bullying (self-reported experience of being a target and perpetration of bullying behaviors), Big Five and Dark Tetrad personality traits. The sample comprised 613 employees (54% female) from different Spanish organizations. Hierarchical regression analyses showed that neuroticism and Machiavellianism were positively related to being a target to bullying-related behaviors, whereas narcissism was negatively related. In the case of perpetrators, narcissism and sadism were positively, and agreeableness negatively related to workplace bullying behaviors. We conclude that personality traits are different in targets and perpetrators and should always be considered when investigating workplace bullying

    Caracterización geológica de la región de enlace entre la Cuenca de Bransfield y la Dorsal Sur de Scotia (Antártida)

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    In February 1992, a geological and geophysical survey was carried out in the NW Antarctic Peninsula region, between South Shetland, Elephant and Orkney Islands (Antarctica), during the "Scotia 92" cruise aboard BIO Hespérides. The multi-channel seismics, magnetics and gravity data show the different sedimentary characteristics between Scotia and Powell Basins. At the western end of the South Scotia Ridge (SSR), an area (50 x 100 km) covered by multibearn bathymetry reveals a maximum depth of more than 5,300 m corresponding to what we refer to as the Hespérides Deep. The SSR is a sinistral transform plate boundary between the Scotia and Antarctic plates (on the north and south respectively). The morphology of the SSR is constituted by two ridges separated by a deep and narrow valiey (10 to 30 km wide). Two main families of faults can be distinguished, one trending E-W and parallel to the plate boundary, and another one trending NW-SE. We iriterpret that the former accommodates the regional strike-slip motion, whereas the later has an extensional component which may be related to the main trend of Bransfield Basin. The rhomboid-shape of the Deep is the result of the interplay between both sets of faults. Assuming that the transform boundary runs between the two ridges we consider that the Hesperides Deep is a smaU puli-apart basin developed by the sinistral strike-slip motion along the SSR

    Universal quantum computation with the Orbital Angular Momentum of a single photon

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    We prove that a single photon with quantum data encoded in its orbital angular momentum can be manipulated with simple optical elements to provide any desired quantum computation. We will show how to build any quantum unitary operator using beamsplitters, phase shifters, holograms and an extraction gate based on quantum interrogation. The advantages and challenges of these approach are then discussed, in particular the problem of the readout of the results.Comment: First version. Comments welcom

    Security Assessment of the Spanish Contactless Identity Card

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    The theft of personal information to assume the identity of a person is a common threat. Individual criminals, terrorists, or crime rings normally do it to commit fraud or other felonies. Recently, the Spanish identity card, which provides enough information to hire on-line products such as mortgages or loans, was updated to incorporate a Near Field Communication (NFC) chip as electronic passports do. This contactless interface brings a new attack vector for these criminals, who might take advantage of the RFID communication to secretly steal personal information. In this paper, we assess the security of contactless Spanish identity card against identity theft. In particular, we evaluated the resistance of one of the contactless access protocol against brute-force attacks and found that no defenses were incorporated. We suggest how to avoid brute-force attacks. Furthermore, we also analyzed the pseudo-random number generator within the card, which passed all performed tests with good results.MINECO CyCriSec (TIN2014-58457-R).University of Zaragoza and Centro Universitario de la Defensa UZCUD2016-TEC-06.Project TEC2015-69665-R (MINECO/FEDER, UE)

    Taxonomy and hierarchy of psychological abuse strategies in intimate partner relationships

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    This study focuses on the analysis from of a psychosocial perspective of the components of psychological abuse in intimate partner relationships. Following a review of studies on the subject, the main objective that emerged was the need for a new taxonomy of strategies of psychological abuse accompanied by the corresponding operational definitions. After the proposal of this new classification, a second objective emerged that consisted of submitting it for evaluation by a group of experts through a Delphi study, in which thirty-two experts from the academic and professional worlds participated. These experts were asked to assess the suitability of the system categories, and to grade quantitatively the severity of the impact made by each of the strategies on the global phenomenon of psychological abuse in couples. The results show that the experts ratified the new classification of strategies and their operational definitions, thus endorsing their content and construct validity. In addition, they classified the strategies based on their degree of severity; those of an emotional nature were considered the severest, followed by those related to the immediate context, with those of a cognitive type in third place, and lastly, the behavioural ones. Finally, we discuss the results, and their implications. Este estudio se centra en analizar los componentes del abuso psicológico en la violencia de pareja adulta y contra la mujer desde un enfoque psicosocial. Tras realizar una revisión de los estudios sobre el tema, se plantea como primer objetivo el proponer una nueva taxonomía de estrategias de abuso psicológico, acompañadas de sus respectivas definiciones operativas. A partir de esta nueva clasificación, se traza un segundo objetivo que se centra en someter esta clasificación al juicio de un grupo de expertos a través de un estudio Delphi, en el que han participado 32 expertos de los ámbitos académico - universitario y profesional. Estos expertos debían juzgar la adecuación del sistema de categorías, además de evaluar cuantitativamente la severidad que aporta cada una de las estrategias al fenómeno global del abuso psicológico en la pareja. Los resultados muestran que los expertos ratifican la nueva clasificación de estrategias y sus definiciones operativas, avalando así su validez de contenido y constructo. Además, jerarquizaron las estrategias de abuso, atribuyendo mayor severidad a las de tipo emocional, seguidas de las relacionadas con el contexto cercano, de las de tipo cognitivo y las de carácter conductual. Se discuten los resultados, sus limitaciones y las implicaciones que pueden derivarse de ellos

    Research on nonlinear and quantum optics at the photonics and quantum information group of the University of Valladolid

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    We outline the main research lines in Nonlinear and Quantum Optics of the Group of Photonics and Quantum Information at the University of Valladolid. These works focus on Optical Solitons, Quantum Information using Photonic Technologies and the development of new materials for Nonlinar Optics. The investigations on optical solitons cover both temporal solitons in dispersion managed fiber links and nonparaxial spatial solitons as described by the Nonlinear Helmholtz Equation. Within the Quantum Information research lines of the group, the studies address new photonic schemes for quantum computation and the multiplexing of quantum data. The investigations of the group are, to a large extent, based on intensive and parallel computations. Some associated numerical techniques for the development of the activities described are briefly sketched