56 research outputs found

    Mode Switching and Subpulse Drifting in PSR B0826-34

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    We present high-quality observations of PSR B0826-34 at 1374 MHz. The emission from this pulsar exhibits strong bursts of pulses followed by long periods of `null' pulses. When it is strong, the radiation extends through the whole pulse period. We show for the first time that there is weak emission during the `null' phases, which should therefore be considered to be a different mode rather than a null. During this weak mode the profile is similar to that observed in the strong mode at low radio frequency. Using a phase-tracking method, the pattern of drifting subpulses during the strong mode is seen to be coherent across the whole profile. The drift rate is variable and includes positive and negative values. Thirteen subpulse bands have been directly observed, covering the whole longitude range. The subpulses and their spacings (P2P_2) are wider in one half of the profile than those in the other half. This difference, and the variation of observed P2P_2 within the two regions, can be accounted for if the magnetic pole is inclined to the rotation axis by about 0.5 degrees. These two regions appear to represent radiation from outer and inner cones. The intensity modulation of subpulses in all longitude ranges is related to the magnitude of the drift rate.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Strong pulses detected from a rotating radio transient J1819−-1458

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    We analyze individual pulses detected from RRAT J1819−-1458. From April 2007 to April 2010, we carried out observations using the Nanshan 25-m radio telescope of Urumqi Observatory at a central frequency of 1541.25 MHz. We obtain a dispersion measure DM=195.7±0.3DM=195.7\pm0.3 pc cm^{-3} by analyzing all the 423 detected bursts. The tri-band pattern of arrival time residuals is confirmed by a single pulse timing analysis. Twenty-seven bimodal bursts located in the middle residual band are detected, and, profiles of two typical bimodal bursts and two individual single-peak pulses are presented. We determine the statistical properties of SNR and W50_{50} of bursts in different residual bands. The W50_{50} variation with SNR shows that the shapes of bursts are quite different from each other. The cumulative probability distribution of intensity for a possible power law with index α=1.6±0.2\alpha=1.6\pm0.2 is inferred from the number of those bursts with SNR≄6SNR\ge6 and high intensities.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in A&

    Radiation properties of extreme nulling pulsar J1502-5653

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    We report on radiation properties of extreme nulling pulsar J1502-5653, by analyzing the data acquired from the Parkes 64-m telescope at 1374 MHz. The radio emission from this pulsar exhibits sequences of several tens to several hundreds consecutive burst pulses, separated by null pulses, and the appearance of the emission seems quasi-periodic. The null fraction from the data is estimated to be 93.6%. No emission is detected in the integrated profile of all null pulses. Systematic modulations of pulse intensity and phase are found at the beginning of burst-pulse sequences just after null. The intensity usually rises to a maximum for the first few pulses, then declines exponentially afterwards, and becomes stable after few tens of pulse periods. The peak phase appears at later longitudes for the first pulse, then drifts to earlier longitudes rapidly, and then systematic drifting gradually vanishes while the intensity becomes stable. In this pulsar, the intensity variation and phase modulation of pulses are correlated in a short duration after the emission starts following a null. Observed properties of the pulsar are compared with other nulling pulsars published previously, and the possible explanation for phase modulation is discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures. Accepted by MNRA

    Microlensing pulsars

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    We investigate the possibilities that pulsars act as the lens in gravitational microlensing events towards the galactic bulge or a spiral arm. Our estimation is based on expectant survey and observations of FAST (Five hundred meter Aperture Spherical Telescope) and SKA (Square Kilometer Array), and two different models of pulsar distribution are used. We find that the lensing rate is > 1 event/decade, being high enough to search the real events. Therefore, the microlensing observations focusing on pulsars identified by FAST or SKA in the future are meaningful. As an independent determination of pulsar mass, a future detection of microlensing pulsars should be significant in the history of studying pulsars, especially in constraining the state of matter (either hadronic or quark matter) at supra-nuclear densities. The observations of such events by using advanced optical facilities (e.g., the James Webb Space Telescope and the Thirty Meter Telescope) in future are highly suggested.Comment: 5pages, 2figure

    Precise determination of stellar parameters of the ZZ Ceti and DAZ white dwarf GD 133 through asteroseismology

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    An increasing number of white dwarf stars show atmospheric chemical composition polluted by heavy elements accreted from debris disk material. The existence of such debris disks strongly suggests the presence of one or more planet(s) whose gravitational interaction with rocky planetesimals is responsible for their disruption by tidal effect. The ZZ Ceti pulsator and polluted DAZ white dwarf GD 133 is a good candidate for searching for such a potential planet. We started in 2011 a photometric follow-up of its pulsations. As a result of this work in progress, we used the data gathered from 2011 to 2015 to make an asteroseismological analysis of GD 133, providing the star parameters from a best fit model with MM/M⊙M_{\odot} = 0.630 ±\pm 0.002, TeffT_{\rm eff} = 12400 K ±\pm 70 K, log(MHe/MM_{\rm He}/M) = -2.00 ±\pm 0.02, log(MH/MM_{\rm H}/M) = -4.50 ±\pm 0.02 and determining a rotation period of ≈\approx 7 days.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Unusual glitch activity in the RRAT J1819-1458: an exhausted magnetar?

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    We present an analysis of regular timing observations of the high-magnetic-field Rotating Radio Transient (RRAT) J1819−-1458 obtained using the 64-m Parkes and 76-m Lovell radio telescopes over the past five years. During this time, the RRAT has suffered two significant glitches with fractional frequency changes of 0.6×10−60.6\times10^{-6} and 0.1×10−60.1\times10^{-6}. Glitches of this magnitude are a phenomenon displayed by both radio pulsars and magnetars. However, the behaviour of J1819−-1458 following these glitches is quite different to that which follows glitches in other neutron stars, since the glitch activity resulted in a significant long-term net decrease in the slow-down rate. If such glitches occur every 30 years, the spin-down rate, and by inference the magnetic dipole moment, will drop to zero on a timescale of a few thousand years. There are also significant increases in the rate of pulse detection and in the radio pulse energy immediately following the glitches.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRAS, 7 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl
