14 research outputs found


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    This study aims to determine the effect of content sensory attribute beliefs, packaging and branding attribute beliefs, content functional attribute beliefs on utilitarian value through repurchase intention on RTD coffee products in Surabaya.The sampling technique used nonprobability sampling with the quota sampling method. The sample taken was 130 respondents who were consumers of RTD products. While the tool used to retrieve and collect data is an online questionnaire via google form. The data analysis technique uses a Structural Equation Model (SEM) using SmartPLS 4.0 softwareThe results of this study indicate that the effect of ready to drink coffee product attributes on repurchase intention through utilitarian value has a significant positive effect

    Peningkatan Daya Saing Pelaku Umkm di Surabaya Bidang Kuliner, Kerajinan Tangan, dan Jasa Melalui Pemasaran Digital

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    This community service activity is carried out as a follow-up to the Digital Marketing and Marketing Management course. There are several problems faced by partners that have been collected by students by mapping the partner's marketing strategy in the several semesters that have been undertaken. The first problem is from product management related to packaging, branding, the second problem is the limited capital for promotion, the third problem is the limited knowledge of marketing strategies and the lack of knowledge about how to make attractive promotional content through product photos and videos, the fourth problem is the ability to manage and create media social including Instagram, Facebook, website, and YouTube. Social media in the context of industrial organizations, various forms such as blogs, photo sharing, video channels and others, have become the subject of increasing interest. Therefore, from the four problems, this community service is made to help partners overcome the problems at hand. This activity is also a follow-up and application of Digital Marketing and Marketing Management courses. It is hoped that with this activity, students can apply the knowledge they have obtained to help partners improve competitiveness in terms of digital marketing

    Pengaruh Social Media Marketing, Brand Awareness, Dan Brand Image Terhadap Brand Loyalty Pada J&T Express Di Surabaya

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    Currently, the internet has a very big influence on the market which must be supported by delivery services so that it can reach consumers. Through the use of internet technology, using social media as a promotional event will create brand awareness and a good brand image, which in turn are expected to foster company loyalty. This study aims to analyze the effect of social media marketing, brand awareness, and brand image on brand loyalty at J&T Express in Surabaya. The sampling technique used was non probability sampling by means of purposive sampling. The sample used in this study was 150 respondents. The characteristics of respondents in this study were respondents who had made transactions at J&T Express in Surabaya. Data were collected using a questionnaire. The data analysis technique used is SEM analysis with the LISREL program. The research results prove that Social Media Marketing has a significant influence on Brand Awareness; Social Media Marketing has a significant influence on Brand Image; Brand Awareness has a significant influence on Brand Loyalty; Brand Image has a significant influence on Brand Loyalty; Social Media Marketing has a significant influence on Brand Loyalty. This research is expected make more use of social media marketing as a tools of communication which later will affect awareness, brand image, and loyalty

    Pelatihan Public Speaking Untuk Alumni Jurusan Manajemen Fakultas Bisnis Unika Widya Mandala Surabaya

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    This community service aims to provide additional knowledge-based and practical insights in becoming a business professional in terms of Public Speaking, special topics of Personal Branding and Grooming. Participants are alumni of the Management Department of the Faculty of Business, Widya Mandala, Surabaya. There were 10 participants who registered for the Community Service. However, 9 people attended the meeting. The results of the evaluation of this activity showed an average value of 4.44 which indicated that the participants rated it very well in providing training, providing material, and other facilities. The participants seemed enthusiastic, it was seen from their comments, input, and the desire for training with advanced and other topics


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    The sampling technique for this study was non-probability sampling using the LISREL program. The tool used is a questionnaire. The sample in this study consisted of 187 respondents, who are Gacoan Noodle customers aged from aged 12 to 25 years, who’s domicile throughout the city of Surabaya. The results of this study indicate that celebrity endorsers have a significant effect on brand image, celebrity endorsers have a significant effect on purchasing decisions, product quality has a significant effect on purchasing decisions, brand image has a significant effect on purchasing decisions, brand image mediates the influence of product quality on purchasing decisions, advertising attractiveness does not has a significant effect on brand image, product quality has no significant effect on brand image, advertising attractiveness has no significant effect on purchasing decisions, brand image does not mediate the influence of celebrity endorsers on purchasing decisions, brand image does not mediate the effect of advertising attractiveness on purchasing decisions

    Membangun Etos Kerja Karyawan Baru di Paroki Surabaya

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    Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh sumberdaya manusia yang memiliki etos kerja yang positif. Kegiatan penyuluhan etos kerja dilakukan pada Rabu 30 Januari pk 19.30-21.20. Jumlah peserta yang hadir adalah 9 orang OMK di Paroki Salib Suci Tropodo Surabaya. Peserta pengabdian masyarakat sangat antusias karena mengikuti diskusi dengan semangat


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    At this time, many issues in global society about environmentally issue. The issue is like global warming, illegal logging, environmental pollution and many more. Reason of that environmental damage is mostly come from industrial sector. Therefore many companies use green advertising and green brand image strategy. The purpose of this research is to find impact of green advertising and green brand image to green aware- ness and green purchase intention on Runa Beauty product in Indonesia. This re- search is causal research with using non probability sampling technique, using ques- tioner to collect data from Runa Beauty consumer in Indonesia. Analysist tools that used in this research is SmartPLS 3 with 150 total respondent. Outcome of this re- search is showed that green advertising and green awareness have a positives and significant relation with green awareness and green purchase intention. Besides that, green brand image and green advertising have a positives and significant have posi- tives and significant relation with green purchase intention too. There is different result that has not positives and significant relation with green purchase intention

    Service Excellence Untuk Pemilik Bisnis Kecil Di Surabaya

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    The purpose of the activity with the topic of service excellence includes providing counseling and consultation regarding providing excellent service, handling customer complaints, and using technology and social media to market products. Participants in the activity are small business owners in Surabaya who generally face marketing diffi-culties during the pandemic, including technology adoption, consisten-cy in meeting certain quality standards that allow customer complaints to arise, and lack of mastery in using social media to market products and serve consumers. This activity has been held online in March 2021 in two stages. The first stage is the provision of training in 3-day session through the zoom application, which is also broadcast on the YouTube channel. The second stage is the provision of consultation for eight days through the WhatsApp Group applicatio

    Community Engagement for Development (CED-WMCUS) 2019: Enlivening the Spirit of Sharing and Caring

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    Community Engagement for Development (CED) merupakan kegiatan tahunan yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan daerah tertinggal serta memberikan kesempatan bagi mahasiswa untuk mengaplikasikan ilmu yang didapat di dalam kelas perkuliahan bagi kemaslahatan masyarakat. Di tahun ini, kami berkesempatan membawa mahasiswa asing dari berbagai negara di Asia Tenggara untuk membantu masyarakat di desa Puhsarang, Kediri mengatasi berbagai macam permasalahan; mulai dari pendidikan, manajemen Bisnis UMKM, serta krisis sampah yang melanda desa tersebut


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    The pandemic era has caused a loss of opportunities to obtain information regarding product management through online media. This led to the implementation of this community service activity which aims to help the MSME community in Surabaya to innovate by using online platforms to increase product sales. The Abdimas team of lecturers from the Faculty of Business and the Faculty of Entrepreneurship at UKWMS is also assisted by UKWMS students and international students who are included in generation Z, there is also the provision of international materials by lecturers from TAR UMT Malaysia who support community service activities with continuous innovation to help MSME businesses with social media. The series of activities were carried out using the service-learning method in two sub-themes namely product improvement and social media management for 5 days. The results of community service activities are prototype updates on the packaging, product design, and changes to MSME owners' social media which can later be included in local village bazaar activities and outlets at culinary tourism centers in Surabaya. In addition, students also get many benefits to apply the knowledge gained in class