490 research outputs found

    Children of Mumbai’s Brothels: Investigating Developmental Prospects, Primary Relationships, and Service Provision

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    Objective: To understand the context of the lives of children reared in India’s red-light brothel districts. Background: Substantial empirical insight has emerged on the commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC). Yet the extant literature on brothel-based children (BBC), a uniquely vulnerable subset of at-risk children, is paradoxically deficient. Understanding the developmental needs of BBC is critical to mitigating risk. Method: In-depth, semistructured interviews were conducted with 9 service providers and 30 women residing in 2 red-light brothel districts of Mumbai. Phenomenological inquiry informed the research methodology and data analysis. Results: Mothers’ goals for children included survival, academic success, and future employment. Formal services were critical in meeting the basic needs of BBC, ensuring access to developmentally appropriate education, and maintaining safety overnight. Conclusion: BBC are at considerable risk for an array of developmental challenges. Multisector service providers must work together and with the mothers of BBC to mitigate intergenerational sexual exploitation in the formal sex economy. Implications: Results provide key areas for further research including longitudinal assessment of BBCs’ educational and occupational outcomes, as well as incidence of complex trauma among BBC and treatment options. Service gaps include outreach to older male BBC as well as shame reduction intervention

    PARTISIPASI MASYARAKAT DALAM PELAKSANAAN PEMBANGUNAN DESA (Studi di Desa Ponompiaan Kecamatan Dumoga Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow)

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    AbstrakDewasa ini dalam membangun suatu desa harus harus lebih mengedepankan pada partisipasi masyarakat, tanpa adanya partisipasi masyarakat maka pembangunan tidak akan terlaksana dengan baik. Keterlibatan dimulai dari tahap pembuatan keputusan, pelaksanaan, pemanfaaatan dan hasil sampai pada evaluasi. Disetiap perencanaan pembangunan diperlukan adanya suatu kontribusi berupa pemikiran ide-ide pendapat kritik maupun saran secara sukarela dari masyarakat untuk pembagunan suatu desa sehingga disetiap pengambilan keputusan adanya suatu sosialisasi dari pemerintah desa kepada masyarakat agar terciptanya keterbukaan atau taransparansi dari pemerintah desa kepada masyarakat menjadi tahu terkait program pembangunan yang disusun oleh pemerintah desa. Masyarakat melihat pembangunan di desa Ponompiaan masih belum terlaksana kondisi seperti iu menjadi masalah dan hambatan untuk pembangunan desa guna mensejahterakan masyarakat seperti yang dijelaskan dalam UU No 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa yaitu pada pasal 78 ayat 1 pembangunan desa bertjuan meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat desa dan kualitas hidup manusia serta penanggulangan kemsikinan melalui pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar, pembangunan sarana dan prasarana desa, pengembang potensi ekonomi local, serta pemanfaatan sumberdaya alam dan lingkungan secara berkelanjutan. Dalam pelaksanaannya masyarakat juga harus melibatkan diri dalam pembangunan desa.Kata Kunci : Partisipasi, Masyarakat, Pembangunan

    Fabrication of a 3D Printed Porous Junction for Ag|AgCl|gel-KCl Reference Electrode

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    Fused filament fabrication (FFF) is a 3D printing method that is attracting increased interest in the development of miniaturized electrochemical sensor systems due to its versatility, low cost, reproducibility, and capability for rapid prototyping. A key component of miniaturized electrochemical systems is the reference electrode (RE). However, reports of the fabrication of a true 3D-printed RE that exhibits stability to variations in the sample matrix remain limited. In this work, we report the development and characterization of a 3D-printed Ag|AgCl|gel-KCl reference electrode (3D-RE). The RE was constructed using a Ag|AgCl wire and agar-KCl layer housed in a watertight 3D-printed acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) casing. The novel feature of our electrode is a 3D-printed porous junction that protects the gel electrolyte layer from chloride ion leakage and test sample contamination while maintaining electrical contact with the sample solution. By tuning the 3D printing filament extrusion ratio (k), the porosity of the junction was adjusted to balance the reference electrode potential stability and impedance. The resulting 3D-RE demonstrated a stable potential, with a potential drift of 4.55 ± 0.46 mV over a 12-h period of continuous immersion in 0.1 M KCl, and a low impedance of 0.50 ± 0.11 kΩ. The 3D-RE was also insensitive to variations in the sample matrix and maintained a stable potential for at least 30 days under proper storage in 3 M KCl. We demonstrate the application of this 3D-RE in cyclic voltammetry and in pH sensing coupled with electrodeposited iridium oxide on a gold electrode. Our method offers a viable strategy for 3D printing a customizable true reference electrode that can be readily fabricated on demand and integrated into 3D-printed miniaturized electrochemical sensor systems

    Examining Physical Education Teaching Practices During the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Purpose/Method: This qualitative case study examined through an interpretive worldview how current high school (HS) physical education (PE) teachers (n=14) implemented online experiences that could have influenced students’ interpretations of their vicarious experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic (spring/fall of 2020). The study sought to better understand teachers’ perceptions of how social modeling of PA was implemented online, how online PA experiences impacted opportunities for social comparison among the students, and what teachers’ opinions of these practices were in relation to supporting students’ PA self-efficacy. Results: The results found that the study participants differed in their opinions on the most effective ways to provide students with PA demonstrations and implement students\u27 PA experiences during online instruction. Many of the teachers relied more on online videos to demonstrate PA, resulting in a decrease in teachers personally modeling PA themselves (theme 1). Due to the stress of the pandemic on students’ well-being, teachers and their school districts prioritized students’ social and emotional health which influenced how teachers had students participate in PA online (theme 2). This resulted in fewer PA experiences with students participating in front of each other and none of the teachers requiring students to model PA for peers online. Conclusion: This study serves as a starting point to better understand how teachers implemented online instructional practices that could have influenced students’ interpretations of their vicarious experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic. The information collected in this study can be used by current PE teachers to design future online practices

    A jelképek értelmezéséről

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    Identifying and Assisting Human Trafficking Survivors: A Post-Training Analysis of First Responders

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    First responders and the agencies for which they work face numerous challenges in identifying and assisting human trafficking survivors. This article aims to outline the ways in which first responders in a Midwestern state identify and provide services to human trafficking survivors. Six months after attending a two-day training aimed at recognizing and assisting human trafficking survivors, first responders were invited to participate in a follow-up survey regarding the training that they received. Responses were collected from 270 participants who work at various government, medical, or social service agencies in both rural and urban service areas across the state. Results focus on perceived prevalence of human trafficking, type of trafficking survivor populations served, barriers to service provision, and confidence in identifying indicators of human trafficking

    Increased skin autofluorescence of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes despite a well-controlled HbA1c:results from a cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: Early identification of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes at high risk for development of complications is important, as early intervention may prevent further deterioration. Here we investigate the applicability of assessing skin advanced glycation end products (sAGEs) by skin autofluorescence (SAF) as a potential surrogate risk marker. METHODS: This study included a cross-sectional analysis of SAF in 77 patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus and 118 healthy controls across age categories (11–12, 13–14, 15–16, and 17–19 years old). In patients, the impact of current and historical glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) values, age, and duration of diabetes on SAF was studied in a retrospective cohort study and analyzed with multivariable analyses. RESULTS: SAF was significantly and similarly higher in patients when compared with controls across all age categories (P ≤0.009). For patients, age, duration of diabetes, and current and historical HbA1c were associated with SAF in univariate analysis. Multivariate analysis showed no association between HbA1c and SAF. A subgroup of patients with a HbA1c-within-target (≤7.5 %/59 mmol/mol) were observed to have high SAF. CONCLUSION: Children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes show higher SAF than controls. The presumed correlation of high HbA1c with high SAF does not exist in all patients. Thus, use of this non-invasive measure may provide a surrogate marker for diabetic complications, additional to HbA1c