433 research outputs found

    Bioinspired auditory sound localisation for improving the signal to noise ratio of socially interactive robots

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    In this paper we describe a bioinspired hybrid architecture for acoustic sound source localisation and tracking to increase the signal to noise ratio (SNR) between speaker and background sources for a socially interactive robot's speech recogniser system. The model presented incorporates the use of Interaural Time Differ- ence for azimuth estimation and Recurrent Neural Net- works for trajectory prediction. The results are then pre- sented showing the difference in the SNR of a localised and non-localised speaker source, in addition to presenting the recognition rates between a localised and non-localised speaker source. From the results presented in this paper it can be seen that by orientating towards the sound source of interest the recognition rates of that source can be in- creased

    Next manned transportation system

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    Avionics is the connecting link that integrates the hardware and software which satisfy systems requirements. Issues of the next manned transportation system are outlined: STS evolution; personnel launch system (PLS) sizing issues and constraints; PLS thermal protection system; PLS launch vehicle concepts; reliability and safety; advanced launch systems (ALS); near-term issues; avionics requirements; guideline to reduce operational costs; and critical human factors design considerations


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    Dalam skripsi ini dirancang data warehouse yang digunakan untuk memberikan informasi yang lengkap mengenai mahasiswa dan mata kuliah. Tujuan dari perancangan ini mengambil keputusan dalam proses belajar berikutnya maupun permasalahan – permasalahan yang terjadi pada proses belajar mahasiswa tersebut. Perancangan data warehouse menggunakan SQL Server 2008 Bussiness Intelligent Development Studio.Informasi tersebut ditampilkan dengan pivot table dalam Microsoft Excel. Data warehouse dapat membantu penyediaan data yang dibutuhkan dalam pengukuran kinerja proses belajar mahasiswa. Informasi yang dihasilkan pada data warehouse tersebut adalah tingkat kelulusan mata kuliah dan kinerja mahasiswa

    Hinge Moments of Sealed-Internal-Balance Arrangements for Control Surfaces I : Theoretical Investigation

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    The results of a theoretical analysis of the hinge-moment characteristics of various sealed-internal-balance arrangements for control surfaces are presented. The analysis considered overhands sealed to various types of wing structure by flexible seals spanning gaps of various widths or sealed to the wing structure by a flexible system of linked plates. Leakage was not considered; the seal was assumed to extend the full spanwise length of the control surface. The effect of the developed width of the flexible seal and of the geometry of the structure to which the seal was anchored was investigated, as well as the effect of the gap width that is sealed. The results of the investigation indicated that the most nearly linear control-surface hinge-moment characteristics can probably be obtained from a flexible seal over a narrow gap (about 0.1 of the overhang chord), which is so installed that the motion of the seal is restricted to a region behind the point of attachment of the seal to the wing structure. Control-surface hinge moments that tend to be high at large deflections and low or overbalanced at small deflections will result if a very narrow seal is used
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