27 research outputs found

    A Unique Voltage Sensor Sensitizes the Potassium Channel AKT2 to Phosphoregulation

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    Among all voltage-gated K+ channels from the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, the weakly rectifying K+ channel (Kweak channel) AKT2 displays unique gating properties. AKT2 is exceptionally regulated by phosphorylation: when nonphosphorylated AKT2 behaves as an inward-rectifying potassium channel; phosphorylation of AKT2 abolishes inward rectification by shifting its activation threshold far positive (>200 mV) so that it closes only at voltages positive of +100 mV. In its phosphorylated form, AKT2 is thus locked in the open state in the entire physiological voltage range. To understand the molecular grounds of this unique gating behavior, we generated chimeras between AKT2 and the conventional inward-rectifying channel KAT1. The transfer of the pore from KAT1 to AKT2 altered the permeation properties of the channel. However, the gating properties were unaffected, suggesting that the pore region of AKT2 is not responsible for the unique Kweak gating. Instead, a lysine residue in S4, highly conserved among all Kweak channels but absent from other plant K+ channels, was pinpointed in a site-directed mutagenesis approach. Substitution of the lysine by serine or aspartate abolished the “open-lock” characteristic and converted AKT2 into an inward-rectifying channel. Interestingly, phosphoregulation of the mutant AKT2-K197S appeared to be similar to that of the Kin channel KAT1: as suggested by mimicking the phosphorylated and dephosphorylated states, phosphorylation induced a shift of the activation threshold of AKT2-K197S by about +50 mV. We conclude that the lysine residue K197 sensitizes AKT2 to phosphoregulation. The phosphorylation-induced reduction of the activation energy in AKT2 is ∌6 kT larger than in the K197S mutant. It is discussed that this hypersensitive response of AKT2 to phosphorylation equips a cell with the versatility to establish a potassium gradient and to make efficient use of it

    A Shaker-like K +

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    Glutamate receptor-like channels are essential for chemotaxis and reproduction in mosses

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    The deposited article version is a "Accelerated Article Preview" provided by Nature Publishing Group, and it contains attached the supplementary materials within the pdf.». This publication hasn't any creative commons license associated.Glutamate receptors are well characterized channels that mediate cell-to-cell communication during neurotransmission in animals. Nevertheless, information regarding their functional role in organisms without nervous systems is still limited. In plants, Glutamate Receptor-like (GLR) genes have been implicated in defence against pathogens, reproduction, control of stomata aperture and light signal transduction(1-5). However, the numerous GLR genes present in angiosperm genomes (20 to 70)(6) has prevented the observation of strong phenotypes in loss-of-function mutants. Here, we show that in the moss Physcomitrella patens, a basal land plant, mutation of GLR genes cause sperm failure in targeting the female reproductive organs. In addition, we show that GLR genes encode non-selective Ca(2+) permeable channels that can regulate cytoplasmic Ca(2+) and are needed to induce the expression of a BELL1-like transcription factor essential for zygote development. Our work reveals novel functions for GLRs in sperm chemotaxis and transcriptional regulation. Sperm chemotaxis is essential for fertilization in both animals and early land plants like bryophytes and pteridophytes. Therefore, our results are suggestive that ionotropic glutamate receptors may have been conserved throughout plant evolution to mediate cell-to-cell communication during sexual reproduction.Phillips University; Oxford University; University of Marburg; University of Muenster; MarieCurie ITN-Plant Origins grant: (FP7-PEOPLE-ITN-2008); FCT grants: (BEX-BCM/0376/2012; PTDC/BIA-PLA/4018/2012); NSF-US grant: (MCB 1616437/2016).info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    The calcium-permeable channel OSCA1.3 regulates plant stomatal immunity

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    Perception of biotic and abiotic stresses often leads to stomatal closure in plants 1,2. Rapid influx of calcium ions (Ca 2+) across the plasma membrane has an important role in this response, but the identity of the Ca 2+ channels involved has remained elusive 3,4. Here we report that the Arabidopsis thaliana Ca 2+-permeable channel OSCA1.3 controls stomatal closure during immune signalling. OSCA1.3 is rapidly phosphorylated upon perception of pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). Biochemical and quantitative phosphoproteomics analyses reveal that the immune receptor-associated cytosolic kinase BIK1 interacts with and phosphorylates the N-terminal cytosolic loop of OSCA1.3 within minutes of treatment with the peptidic PAMP flg22, which is derived from bacterial flagellin. Genetic and electrophysiological data reveal that OSCA1.3 is permeable to Ca 2+, and that BIK1-mediated phosphorylation on its N terminus increases this channel activity. Notably, OSCA1.3 and its phosphorylation by BIK1 are critical for stomatal closure during immune signalling, and OSCA1.3 does not regulate stomatal closure upon perception of abscisic acid—a plant hormone associated with abiotic stresses. This study thus identifies a plant Ca 2+ channel and its activation mechanisms underlying stomatal closure during immune signalling, and suggests specificity in Ca 2+ influx mechanisms in response to different stresses

    DĂ©finition de l'alea submersion marine sur le site de la Grande Plage de GĂąvres (Morbihan)

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    La DDE du Morbihan, assistĂ©e par le CETMEF, a chargĂ© le groupement DHI et GEOS de caractĂ©riser l'alĂ©a submersion marine sur le site de la grande plage de la commune de GĂąvres (Morbihan) en vue d'y mettre en place un Plan de PrĂ©vention des Risques Littoraux. Pour rĂ©pondre Ă  cette problĂ©matique, l'Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e en plusieurs phases, qui ont consistĂ© en: l'Ă©laboration d'une carte informative des phĂ©nomĂšnes naturels sur la zone d'Ă©tude, la mise en place d'une mĂ©thodologie et son calage sur un Ă©vĂ©nement de tempĂȘte historique, et la modĂ©lisation de l'Ă©vĂ©nement centennal pour caractĂ©riser l'alĂ©a. Le travail effectuĂ© a permis d'Ă©valuer l'Ă©volution morphologique du site en tenant compte des influences liĂ©es aux processus naturels et anthropiques. Une chronologie des tempĂȘtes et des dĂ©gĂąts occasionnĂ©s a pu ĂȘtre dressĂ©e afin de dĂ©terminer un Ă©vĂ©nement de calage. L'analyse statistique croisĂ©e des conditions de houles au large et des surcotes Ă  Groix a permis d'Ă©tablir les conditions ocĂ©ano-mĂ©tĂ©orologiques combinĂ©es caractĂ©risant un Ă©vĂ©nement d'occurrence centennal. La combinaison d'une houle au large de 7 m corrĂ©lĂ©e Ă  un niveau de pleine mer de + 6,83 m CM (cote marine) a Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©e comme la plus dommageable vis-Ă -vis du site. Ce niveau d'eau tient compte de l'effet de la marĂ©e, des surcotes, de l'Ă©lĂ©vation sĂ©culaire du niveau moyen et de la subsidence. AprĂšs calcul des dĂ©bits franchissant les ouvrages, la simulation de l'Ă©vĂ©nement de rĂ©fĂ©rence a permis d'Ă©tablir les cartes d'alĂ©a en fonctions des critĂšres d'Ă©valuation defines par le maĂźtre d'ouvrage

    The Role of Potassium Channels in Arabidopsis thaliana Long Distance Electrical Signalling: AKT2 Modulates Tissue Excitability While GORK Shapes Action Potentials

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    Fast responses to an external threat depend on the rapid transmission of signals through a plant. Action potentials (APs) are proposed as such signals. Plant APs share similarities with their animal counterparts; they are proposed to depend on the activity of voltage-gated ion channels. Nonetheless, despite their demonstrated role in (a)biotic stress responses, the identities of the associated voltage-gated channels and transporters remain undefined in higher plants. By demonstrating the role of two potassium-selective channels in Arabidopsis thaliana in AP generation and shaping, we show that the plant AP does depend on similar Kv-like transport systems to those of the animal signal. We demonstrate that the outward-rectifying potassium-selective channel GORK limits the AP amplitude and duration, while the weakly-rectifying channel AKT2 affects membrane excitability. By computational modelling of plant APs, we reveal that the GORK activity not only determines the length of an AP but also the steepness of its rise and the maximal amplitude. Thus, outward-rectifying potassium channels contribute to both the repolarisation phase and the initial depolarisation phase of the signal. Additionally, from modelling considerations we provide indications that plant APs might be accompanied by potassium waves, which prime the excitability of the green cable

    Signaling with Ions: The Keystone for Apical Cell Growth and Morphogenesis in Pollen Tubes

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    Ion homeostasis and signaling are crucial to regulate pollen tube growth and morphogenesis and affect upstream membrane transporters and downstream targets

    A Shaker-like K(+) Channel with Weak Rectification Is Expressed in Both Source and Sink Phloem Tissues of Arabidopsis

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    RNA gel blot and reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction experiments were used to identify a single K(+) channel gene in Arabidopsis as expressed throughout the plant. Use of the ÎČ-glucuronidase reporter gene revealed expression of this gene, AKT2/AKT3, in both source and sink phloem tissues. The AKT2/AKT3 gene corresponds to two previously identified cDNAs, AKT2 (reconstructed at its 5â€Č end) and AKT3, the open reading frame of the latter being shorter at its 5â€Č end than that of the former. Rapid amplification of cDNA ends with polymerase chain reaction and site-directed mutagenesis was performed to identify the initiation codon for AKT2 translation. All of the data are consistent with the hypothesis that the encoded polypeptide corresponds to the longest open reading frame previously identified (AKT2). Electrophysiological characterization (macroscopic and single-channel currents) of AKT2 in both Xenopus oocytes and COS cells revealed a unique gating mode and sensitivity to pH (weak inward rectification, inhibition, and increased rectification upon internal or external acidification), suggesting that AKT2 has enough functional plasticity to perform different functions in phloem tissue of source and sink organs. The plant stress hormone abscisic acid was shown to increase the amount of AKT2 transcript, suggesting a role for the AKT2 in the plant response to drought