283 research outputs found

    Bertolucci'nin yeni kahramanı Türk:9 Oscar'lı Son İmparator'un yönetmeni, birkaç yıl sonra hayatını çekmeyi düşündüğü Türk'ün adını vermedi

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 185/A-Sinema Tarihiİstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/14/YEN/0033) İstanbul Development Agency (TR10/14/YEN/0033

    An evaluation of indirect taxes in Turkey

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    The share of indirect taxes in tax revenues, specifically consumption taxes, is quite high in Turkey when compared to other OECD economies. This emphasis on indirect taxes in Turkey, as well as other developing economies, is argued to emerge from the inability of the government to collect direct taxes because of the existence of a large informal sector that is not easily taxable. It has been suggested that the recent increase in the indirect taxes puts the burden on mostly the poor, raising concerns of inequality. This paper evaluates the efficiency of the current indirect taxes in Turkey by taking into account distributional concerns. Using data from the 2003 Household Budget Survey, we estimate elasticities of different consumption goods and services using AIDS method. We then perform a marginal tax reform analysis to assess the efficiency of indirect taxes. Our findings indicate that there is room for improvement and the current tax rates are not optimal.Indirect taxes; Household survey; Marginal tax reform; AIDS estimation

    En iyisi yine Piri Reis

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 44-Piri Rei

    Extraction of cartographic objects in high resolution satellite images for object model generation

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    The aim of this study is to detect man-made cartographic objects in high-resolution satellite images. New generation satellites offer a sub-metric spatial resolution, in which it is possible (and necessary) to develop methods at object level rather than at pixel level, and to exploit structural features of objects. With this aim, a method to generate structural object models from manually segmented images has been developed. To generate the model from non-segmented images, extraction of the objects from the sample images is required. A hybrid method of extraction (both in terms of input sources and segmentation algorithms) is proposed: A region based segmentation is applied on a 10 meter resolution multi-spectral image. The result is used as marker in a "marker-controlled watershed method using edges" on a 2.5 meter resolution panchromatic image. Very promising results have been obtained even on images where the limits of the target objects are not apparent

    Hospital Choice: Survey Evidence From Istanbul

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    This paper analyzes the patient characteristics that affect the choice between public and private health care providers in Istanbul, Turkey. In addition to socioeconomic variables, such as insurance status or income, which have often been considered in the previous literature, we also focus on another factor, the availability of social networks, which might determine ease of access to hospital services in developing countries. The analysis is based on data from a household survey conducted in Istanbul. The econometric results indicate that potential social ties play an important role in choosing public health care centers over private ones for minor health problems. As public facilities have long been characterized by long waiting lines even for appointments for medical exams, this finding indicates that households who possess higher levels of social networks might be using those in easing access to public facilities.Public vs. Private Health Care Providers; Hospital Choice; Social Networks; Household Survey; Turkey

    Pengembangan Model Neuron Berbasis Konduktansi untuk Deteksi Penyakit Parkinson

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    Penyakit parkinson merupakan salah satu penyakit yang mengalami gangguan neurodegeneratif. Gangguan tersebut merupakan suatu kondisi patologis sel saraf di mana sel saraf akan terus kehilangan struktur atau fungsinya. Menghadapi semakin banyaknya penderita penyakit parkinson dan jumlah ahli yang sedikit, maka diperlukan suatu metode yaitu sistem yang profesional untuk mendukung pendeteksian awal pada penyakit tersebut. Pada penelitian ini, model direpresentasikan sebagai persamaan diferensial biasa yang digabungkan sehingga dapat menggambarkan tegangan aktifitas pada neuron Subtalamic Nuckleus (STN). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan hasil simulasi menggunakan model dasar Hodgin-Huxley (HH) dengan penambahan arus tambahan untuk mendeteksi adanya penyakit parkinson. Perhitungan model simulasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Runge-Kutta orde keempat. Hasil simulasi deteksi menunjukkan bahwa efek dari penambahan arus sinaptik dan arus stimulasi otak dalam secara signifikan terdapat tegangan respons yang berbeda dengan model asli persamaan HH pada aktifitas neuron. Hal ini disebabkan oleh reseptor terletak pada neuron glutamatergik, sehingga neuron-neuron ini akan dihambat oleh peningkatan aktivitas arus sinaptik dan stimulasi otak dala


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    Penelitian ini didasarkan pada fenomena yang menunjukkan bahwa kondisi karakter manusia dewasa ini, dilingkup internasional sampai personal individual mengalami krisis karakter kemanusiaan. Krisis karakter kemanusiaan terkait dengan semakin tiadanya harmoni dalam keluarga. Banyak keluarga mengalami disorientasi dan disorganisasi, sehingga berujung pada disintegrasi keluarga, bukan hanya karena krisis ekonomi, tetapi juga karena serbuan globalisasi nilai-nilai dan gaya hidup yang tidak selalu kompatibel dengan nilai-nilai dan norma-norma agama, sosial-budaya nasional bangsa Indonesia. Tujuan umum penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis peranan keluarga dalam pembentukan karakter peserta didik SMA/MA di Jampangtengah Kabupaten Sukabumi dalam perspektif dekonstruksi dengan konsep keluarga yang bersifat konvensional menuju restrukturalisasi konsep keluarga yang memiliki persepsi baru yang bersifat dekonstruktif. Tujuan khusus penelitian ini adalah menganalisis keadaan, peranan dan corak dekonstruksi sosial peranan keluarga dalam pembentukan karakter peserta didik SMA/MA di Jampangtengah Kabupaten Sukabumi. Fenomena krisis karakter kemanusiaan yang dialami beberapa peserta didik yang peneliti amati dan temukan telah terjadi pergeseran nilai yang ditunjukan adanya peserta didik beragam perilaku dan dekadensi moral, sehingga penelitian ini sangat penting dilakukan untuk mengetahui keadaan karakter, peranan dan corak dekonstruksi sosial peranan keluarga dalam pembentukan karakter peserta didik SMA/MA di Jampangtengan Kabupaten Sukabumi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif verifikatif dengan metode studi kasus. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMA/MA Jampangtangah kabupaten Sukabumi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan secara empiris telah terjadi perubahan, pergeseran dan hilangnya peranan keluarga dalam pembentukan karakter peserta didik. Bersamaan dengan perubahan tersebut, telah mendorong pola baru tentang peranan keluarga dalam pembentukan karakter peserta didik. Pola baru tersebut dipandang sebagai alternatif makna lama yang konvensional. Ketika pola baru itu berfungsi secara sepadan atau lebih tinggi nilai peranannya, maka akan membentuk karakter baik. Akan tetapi, ketika pola baru itu berfungsi secara tidak sepadan atau lebih rendah nilai peranannya, maka akan membentuk karakter buruk.---------This study is based on a phenomenon that indicates that the character of the human condition today, at the level of individual international until the personal character of the humanitarian crisis. Characters humanitarian crisis related to the increasing lack of harmony in the family. Many families experience the disorientation and disorganization, so that led to the disintegration of the family, not just because of the economic crisis, but also because of the invasion of the globalization of values and lifestyles that are not always compatible with the values and norms of religious, socio-cultural Indonesian national. The general objective of this study is to analyze the role of the family in shaping the character of high school students SMA/MA in Jampangtengah Sukabumi in perspective deconstruction of the concept of family which is conventional to the restructuring concept of the family that has a new perception that is deconstructive. The specific objective of this study is to analyze the situation, role and patterns of social deconstruction of the role of the family in shaping the character of high school students SMA/MA in Jampangtengah Sukabumi. This study used a qualitative descriptive approach to verification with the case study method. This research was conducted in SMA / MA Jampangtangah Sukabumi. The results showed empirically has been a change, shift and loss of family role in shaping the character of students. Along with these changes, has prompted a new pattern about the role of the family in shaping the character of students. The new pattern is seen as an alternative to the old conventional meaning. When a new pattern that function equivalent or higher value role, it will form a good character. How ever, when the new pattern of functioning disproportionate or lower the value of its role, it will form a bad character