97 research outputs found

    Genetic Diversity of Seed Orchard Crops

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    Private Plantation Techniques

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    The Effects of Exposure, Elevation and Tree Age on Seed Characteristics of Fagus orientalis Lipsky

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    Background and Purpose: Natural or artificial regeneration, rehabilitation, and conversion from coppice to high forest are important practices in Oriental beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) forests in Turkey. Studies of the seeds of this species have increased in number because mast years are infrequent and seed germination is inhibited by dormancy. In this study we quantified the effects of tree age (40-59, 60-79 and 80-99 years), stand exposure (north, west, east and south) and elevation (600 and 800 m a.s.l.) on seed characteristics (germination, moisture content, and weight) of Oriental beech. Material and Methods: The seeds used in this study were collected from natural beech forest at Kumluca, Bartin, in the western Black Sea region of Turkey. Experiments were carried out in the laboratory and the greenhouse of Bartin University. Results: Seed germination and moisture content varied significantly by elevation, and seed germination was strongly influenced by elevation. Moisture content was 14% at 600 m and 16% at 800 m. The effects of elevation and tree age on 100 seed weights were not significant but exposure had a significant effect. The highest 100 seed weight was recorded for trees on southern exposures and the highest germination percentage of 82% was recorded for trees on northern exposures. Conclusions: In conclusion, since oriental beech seedlings are produced by generative propagation method, seeds should be harvested in optimum distribution area of beech, from average ages and phenotypically plus tree

    The effect of age of seedling on growth and planting success in the artifıcial regeneration works of pedunculate oak (Quercus Robur L.)

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    Bu araştırmada, Devrek-Dorukhan Orman İşletme Şefliği 29b nolu bölmecikte farklı yaşlarda (2+0, 2+1 ve 1+3 yaş) dikim materyali kullanılarak yapılan saplı meşe (Quercus robur L.) yapay gençleştirme çalışmasında, fidan yaşının büyüme ve dikim başarısı üzerindeki etkisi belirlenmiştir. Bu amaçla, 0,5 ha büyüklüğündeki üç dikim grubundan tesadüfi örnekleme yöntemine göre 9 deneme alanı alınmıştır. Deneme alanlarında 17 yaşındaki meşe bireylerinin boy ve çapları (d1,30) ölçülmüş ve yaşama yüzdesi değerleri belirlenmiştir. 2009 yılında yapılan ölçüm ve sayım sonuçlarına göre, 10,6 m boy ve 17,2 cm çap gelişimi ile en iyi büyüme performansı 1+3 yaşlı fidanlar kullanılarak oluşturulan 3. dikim grubunda tespit edilmiştir. Araştırma alanında en yüksek fidan yaşama yüzdesi ise, %89 ile 2+0 yaşlı fidanlarla oluşturulan 1. dikim grubunda belirlenmiştir.In this study, the effect of the age of seedling on growth and planting success in the artificial work of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) which were made by using planting materials which were at different age (2+0, 2+1 and 1+3 age) in the 29b division in Devrek-Dorukhan Forest Range District was determined. In this purpose that 9 experimental areas which were owned field to 0,5 hectares were taken by using random sampling method in the three planting group. Height and diameters (d1,30) of oak individuals at the age of 17 were measured and survival percentage were determined in the experimental areas. According to the results of measurements and count in 2009, it was determined that the best growth performances with 10,6 m height and 17,2 cm diameter growth in the third planting group which were built up by using seedlings at the age of 1+3. The highest survival percentage with 89% was determined in the first planting group which was built up by using 2+0-year-old seedling

    Hartnup Disease Masked by Kwashiorkor

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    This report describes an 11-month old girl with Hartnup disease presenting with kwashiorkor and acrodermatitis enteropathica-like skin lesions but free of other clinical findings. This case with kwashiorkor had acrodermatitis enteropathica-like desquamative skin eruption. Since zinc level was in the normal range, investigation for a metabolic disorder was considered, and Hartnup disease was diagnosed

    Effect of Initial Configuration on DFT Calculations for Transition Metal Complexes

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    Computational methods, which solves the Schrödinger’s equation for molecules, have become an indispensable tool in last decades. And Density Functional Theory is one of the most used, and most effective computational method. Transition Metal complexes, on the other hand, have been being used extensively in many important applications in many fields, such as chemical catalysts, atomic thin films, and pharmaceutical industry. Applying computational methods to transition metal complexes has become inevitable to understand better, to control and to design these compounds. As it is known, it is very difficult to handle transition metals computationally, mostly due to near degeneracy in their electronic states. The computational algorithms usually cannot achieve as successive result as they can do for other typical elements, like carbon or nitrogen for instance. Computational methods are needed to be improved for properly deal with transition metal complexes. To find computationally cheaper but still effective methods to deal with these complexes is a major challenge. Unlike the analogue calculations, computational methods solve all equations iteratively, so there are major differences between these two calculation types. The starting point in state space (the assumed initial conformation of molecule) is could have a stronger effect then the expected, on the flow of the iterative solving algorithm of the computational approach. Here we present a comparative study for a Ruthenium complex. We have optimised the molecule several times. Each of the optimisations started from different initial molecular conformations. Then we have compared the result in different ways, like calculation times and minimum energy that had reached, to see effect of starting configurations on the calculation. It is showed that, starting configuration is an important parameter for computational calculations of transition metal complexes, and it is needed to be carefully chosen to improve success of calculations

    Hartnup disease masked by Kwashiorkor

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    This report describes an 11-month old girl with Hartnup disease presenting with kwashiorkor and acroder-matitis enteropathica-like skin lesions but free of other clinical findings. This case with kwashiorkor had acrodermatitis enteropathica-like desquamative skin eruption. Since zinc level was in the normal range, investigation for a metabolic disorder was considered, and Hartnup disease was diagnosed

    EBE SARIÇAMI (Pinus sylvestris L.ssp.hamata (Steven) Fomin var.compacta Tosun)’NIN KOZALAK VE TOHUM ÖZELLİKLERİNDE GENETİK ÇEŞİTLİLİK

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    Bu çalışma, Ebe sarıçamının 1993 yılında Bolu Mengen’de kurulan Bolu Çakmaklar orijinli tohum bahçesinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmada, tohum bahçesindeki klonların kozalak ve tohum özellikleri açısından göstermiş oldukları farklılıklar tespit edilmiştir. Varyans analizi sonucunda kozalak ve tohum özellikleri açısından klonlar arasında anlamlı farklılıklar bulunmuştur. Klonların kozalak özelliklerine ilişkin araştırma sonucunda, kozalak boyunun 27.69-41.39 mm, kozalak eninin 14.41-22.41 mm, kozalak ağırlığının da 2.08-5.75 gr değerleri arasında değiştiği saptanmıştır. Klonların tohum özelliklerine ilişkin araştırma sonucunda, bir kozalaktaki tohum sayısının 18-36 adet, yüz tane ağırlığının 0.23-0.803 gr, çimlenme yüzdesinin %43-%82 değerleri arasında değiştiği belirlenmişti

    Effects of Microorganisms, Hormone Treatment and Stratification on Seed Germination of Goldenrain Tree (Koelreuteria paniculata)

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    This study was conducted in an attempt to break dormancy and thus enhance germination of goldenrain tree (Koelreuteria paniculata) seeds. Prior to sowing, seeds were treated as follows: (i) cold stratification of seeds at 4 degrees C for 30,45 and 60 days; (ii) soaking in 500 mg/L polystimulin (PS-A6+PS-K), gibberellic acid (GA(3)), or benzylaminopurine (BAP) for 24 h and stratification for 30 days; or (iii) soaking in 100 mL/L effective microorganisms (EM 1), 5000 mg/L PS-A6+PS-K, GA(3) and BAP for 72 h, followed by stratification for 45 days. Results indicated that the highest germination (94\%) was obtained using 100 mL/L EM 1 application and stratification for 45 days at 4 degrees C. Stratification was also effective for breaking dormancy of K. paniculata seeds with EM I and 45 days or 60 days of stratification. (C) 2011 Friends Science Publisher