34 research outputs found

    The effect of serum electrolyte disturbances and uric acid level on the mortality of patients with acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of electrolyte and uric acid disturbances and their effects on mortality in patients with acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (AECOPD). Materials and methods: This study included all consecutive AECOPD patients who were managed at our Chest Diseases department between May 2017 and December 2017. Medical records of all the subjects were reviewed, and data were collected retrospectively. Eighty-one patients with AECOPD and 103 subjects in the control group were enrolled retrospectively. The association between the COPD and control groups and biochemical parameters in patients with and without long-term oxygen therapy and noninvasive mechanical ventilation treatment in COPD patients were compared with mortality. Results: Serum magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and calcium (Ca levels were higher in control subjects than in COPD patients (p=0.006, p=0.015, and p<0.001, respectively). While serum levels of Ca and K were significantly lower and serum level of uric acid was higher in deceased COPD patients than in alive AECOPD patients (p=0.023, p=0.001, and p=0.033, respectively), serum levels of Mg, P, and other biochemical parameters were similar. Conclusion: Serum Ca, K, and uric acid levels during the exacerbation period were significant predictors of mortality in COPD patients. In conclusion, the levels of these parameters should be measured and corrected during AECOPD treatment to decrease mortality

    Morphological overview of cardiovascular comorbidities in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Frank's sign

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    Objective: Cardiovascular diseases are the most common and important comorbidities in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Literature indicates that there may be a relationship between diagonal earlobe crease (DELC) and coronary artery disease (CAD). Accordingly, the present study aimed to assess the relationship with DELC and cardiac comorbidities in patients with COPD during routine physical examination. Materials and Methods: In this prospective cohort study, we evaluated the demographic data, pulmonary function test (PFT) results, lipid profile, oxygen saturation, and the presence of DELC in patients with COPD and control subjects. Results: DELC was diagnosed in 155 (62%) of COPD patients and these patients had a higher prevalence of CAD (p = 0.044). Moreover, DELC was diagnosed in 135 men (68.5%) and 20 (37.7%) women in the COPD group (p<0.001) and in 39 (48.8%) men and 14 (56.0%) women in the control group (p = 0.527). On the other hand, CAD was diagnosed in 18% of patients with early-stage COPD (n = 104) and in 30.8% of patients with late-stage COPD (n = 146) (p = 0.041). The sensitivity and specificity of DELC positivity in predicting CAD were 80.65% and 44.15% in COPD patients, respectively. Conclusion: The presence of cardiac comorbidities in COPD patients may play a vital role in the severity of the disease, exacerbations, and may also reduce the treatment response. Accordingly, an earlobe examination of patients with COPD may be useful in predicting the presence of cardiac comorbidities with high sensitivity. (C) 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    A rare case of kartagener’s syndrome with delayed diagnosis

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    Kartagener sendromu; otozomal resesif geçişli, situs inversus, bronşektazi ve kronik sinüzit ile karakterize bir primer siliyer diskinezi sendromudur. Semptomlar çoğu zaman çocukluk çağında ortaya çıkmaktadır. Olguların % 90’ı 15 yaş öncesi saptanmaktadır. Kartagener sendromlu hastalarda kronik öksürük, mukoid balgam çıkarma, sık pnömoni atakları gibi solunumsal problemler görülmektedir. Bronşiektazi, tekrarlayan akciğer enfeksiyonları nedeniyle gelişir. Sık akciğer enfeksiyonu geçirdiği öğrenilen 15 yaşındaki erkek olgu nadir görülen Kartagener Sendromu tanısı ile literatür bilgileri ışığında sunulmuştur.Kartagener’s syndrome is an autosomal recessive inherited, primary ciliary dyskinesia syndrome, which is characterized by situs inversus, bronchiectasis, and chronic sinusitis. Symptoms usually emerge during childhood period. Ninety percent of cases are diagnosed prior to 15 years of age. In patients with Kartagener’s syndrome, respiratory infections are encountered such as chronic coughing, mucoid sputum, and recurrent pneumonia attacks. Bronchiectasis develops as a result of recurrent lung infections. We presented a fifteen year old male patient who had a history of recurrent respiratory infections has been diagnosed with Kartagener’s syndrome with the guidance of literature survey

    A rare case of kartagener’s syndrome with delayed diagnosis

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    Kartagener sendromu; otozomal resesif geçişli, situs inversus, bronşektazi ve kronik sinüzit ile karakterize bir primer siliyer diskinezi sendromudur. Semptomlar çoğu zaman çocukluk çağında ortaya çıkmaktadır. Olguların % 90’ı 15 yaş öncesi saptanmaktadır. Kartagener sendromlu hastalarda kronik öksürük, mukoid balgam çıkarma, sık pnömoni atakları gibi solunumsal problemler görülmektedir. Bronşiektazi, tekrarlayan akciğer enfeksiyonları nedeniyle gelişir. Sık akciğer enfeksiyonu geçirdiği öğrenilen 15 yaşındaki erkek olgu nadir görülen Kartagener Sendromu tanısı ile literatür bilgileri ışığında sunulmuştur.Kartagener’s syndrome is an autosomal recessive inherited, primary ciliary dyskinesia syndrome, which is characterized by situs inversus, bronchiectasis, and chronic sinusitis. Symptoms usually emerge during childhood period. Ninety percent of cases are diagnosed prior to 15 years of age. In patients with Kartagener’s syndrome, respiratory infections are encountered such as chronic coughing, mucoid sputum, and recurrent pneumonia attacks. Bronchiectasis develops as a result of recurrent lung infections. We presented a fifteen year old male patient who had a history of recurrent respiratory infections has been diagnosed with Kartagener’s syndrome with the guidance of literature survey

    Klasik-kuantum moleküler dinamik yöntemi ile titreşim enerjisi transferi

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    TÜBİTAK TBAG01.03.1995Moleküliçi titreşim enerjisinin transferi, kontrollü reaksiyonları gerçekleştirmek isteyen bilim adamları için çok önemli bir konudur. Bu olayların mekanizmaları ve zaman ölçekleri, molekülde seçilmiş bağların oluşması veya kırılması için gerekli bilgiyi sağlarlar. Dinamik bir problemin kuantum mekaniksel analizi hesap zamanı açısından büyük güçlükler gösterir, buna karşılık klasik mekanik yöntemler ise sıfır noktası enerjisi veya tünelleme gibi olayları içermemeleri nedeni ile hatalı sonuçlara neden olabilirler. Bu çalışmada, her iki yaklaşımı birleştiren bir yöntem sunulmuş ve değişik uygulamaları tartışılmıştır. SCF yaklaşımı içerisinde problemin bir kısmı kuantum mekaniksel yollarla çözülmüş ve diğer kısımları ise klasik mekanik kanunlarınca yorumlanmıştır. Özellikle klasik kaosun, kısmi kuantumlaşma altında gösterdiği değişiklikler, kuantum dalgapaketine karşılık olabilecek faz uzayının tanımı ve bir boyutlu zincir üzerinde enerjinin transferi soruları çalışılmış, değişik çözüm yöntemleri geliştirilmiş ve bazı ipuçları elde edilmiştir

    Pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis with low fluorodeoxyglucose accumulation in PET/computed tomography

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    Pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis (PAM) is an uncommon lung disease characterized by accumulation of intraalveolar calcifications. The disease can be diagnosed based on the radiological findings. We present a 27-year-old women with five-year history of shortness of breath. She was diagnosed with PAM due to the presence of the characteristic chest X-ray and thorax computed tomography (CT) findings. We performed 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)-PET/CT imaging in order to detect any evidence of inflamation in the lung before deciding an anti-inflammatory treatment. The lung regions with dense calcifications revealed low FDG uptakes (SUVmax: 2.7) and the lung regions without calcifications showed lower FDG uptakes. No further treatment modality was planned besides inhaler salbutamol. Herein, we discuss this rare entity with literature search

    Are Red Blood Cell Distribution Width and RDW/ Hemoglobin Ratio Predictable in Mortality Among Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease?

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    Objective: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), the third most common cause of death in the world, is a multicomponentdisease with pulmonary and extrapulmonary manifestations. The red blood cell distribution width (RDW) conveysimportant information for short- and long-term prognosis through a variety of medical conditions. Anemia can be seen inpatients with COPD due to systemic inflammation and malnutrition. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of RDWand RDW/Hgb in the prediction of mortality in patients with exacerbated COPD.Materials and Methods: Between December 2015 and December 2017, 97 patients admitted to the Department of ChestDiseases at the Ufuk University Medical Faculty, with a diagnosis of COPD exacerbation were evaluated retrospectively. Thedemographic, clinical, laboratory characteristics, pulmonary functional tests, and arterial blood gases were noted. The RDWvalues and RDW/Hgb ratios were compared between patients who had died and those who were still alive.Results: About 79.4% of the patients (n=77) were male and the rest of them 20 (20.6%) were female. The mean age was73.01±9.54 years. The RDW values of patients with mortality were higher than the living COPD patients (p<0.001). TheRDW/Hgb ratio was found to be higher in patients who had died than those who were living (p<0.001). The levels of CReactiveprotein were significantly higher in patients with COPD with mortality (p=0.034).Conclusion: The elevated RDW levels and the RDW/Hgb ratio were associated with an increased annual number of attacks,comorbidities, and an increased PO2 and PCO2 mortality risk in patients with COPD

    Evaluation of Inflammatory Cells According to Phenotypes of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

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    GİRİŞ ve AMAÇ: KOAH’da kronik hava akımı kısıtlanması,küçük hava yolu hastalığı (obstrüktif bronşiyolit) ile parenkimharabiyetinin (amfizem) ortak etkileri sonucundagelişmektedir. Amacımız stabil KOAH hastalarındainflamatuar hücrelerin KOAH fenotipleri arasında fark olupolmadığını araştırmaktır.YÖNTEM ve GEREÇLER: Stabil evrede KOAH'lı hastalar vekontrol grubu alındı. Her iki grubun demografik verileri, Creaktif protein (CRP) ve hemogram parametrelerikarşılaştırıldı. KOAH’lı hastaların solunum fonksiyon testleri(SFT), dispne skalaları ve alevlenme sayısı kaydedildi.İnflamatuar hücrelerin, kontrol grubu ile KOAH fenotipleriarasındaki ilişkisi analiz edildi.BULGULAR: Nötrofil-Lenfosit Oranı (NLO), Nötrofil-PlateletOranı (NPO), Platelet-Lenfosit Oranı (PLO) ve NötrofilEozinofil Oranı (NEO) KOAH grubunda kontrol grubuna göreanlamlı olarak daha yüksek bulundu. KOAH grubununfenotipleri arasında total eozinofil sayısı ile NEO ve ELOoranlarında Astım KOAH Overlap (AKO) grubunda anlamlıfarklılık saptanırken diğerleri benzerdi.TARTIŞMA ve SONUÇ: Stabil KOAH’da santral ve periferiksolunum yollarının tümünde inflamasyon söz konusudur.Özellikle eozinofil sayısı AKO grubunda belirgindir.INTRODUCTION: Chronic airflow limitation in COPD develops as a result of the common effects of small airway disease (obstructive bronchiolitis) and parenchymal destruction (emphysema). Our aim is to investigate whether there is a difference between COPD phenotypes of inflammatory cells in stable COPD patients. METHODS: Stable COPD patients and control group were included. Demographic data, C-reactive protein (CRP) and hemogram parameters of the two groups were compared. Pulmonary function tests (PFT), dyspnea scales and exacerbation number of COPD patients were recorded. The relationship between inflammatory cells and control group and COPD phenotypes was analyzed. RESULTS: Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio (NLO), NeutrophilPlatelet Ratio (NPO), Platelet-Lymphocyte Ratio (PLO) and Neutrophil-Eosinophil Ratio (NEO) were significantly higher in COPD group than the control group. Total eosinophil count and NEO and ELR rates were significantly different between the phenotypes of the COPD group and asthma COPD overlap (ACO) group. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Inflammation is present in all central and peripheral airways in stable COPD, especially the eosinophil count is significant in the ACO group