76 research outputs found

    The claim that Muqātil b. Sulaymān is a Shīʿīte/Zaydī and his narrations in Shīʿīte sources

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    The commentary of Muqātil b. Sulaymān (d. 150/767) is very important because it is the oldest exegesis that has survived to the present day. As much as the importance of this tafsir is indisputable, the sectarian identity of the author is just as controversial. The sectarian belonging of the author is also closely related to the value of being a source of this commentary. Because the evaluations about Muqātil follow two extremes: “lying” and “authority in tafsir”. In the contemporary period, some researchers have taken these discussions on the sectarian identity of the author to the point that Muqātil is seen as “inconvenient” in the Sunnī tafsir tradition and this situation causes the tafsir of the author to be ignored. Therefore, the claims in question remove the problem from being a question of Muqātil’s sectarian identity and argue that Muqātil’s tafsir is sacrificed to ideological motives in the tafsir tradition. There are different opinions about whether Muqātil is attributed to Mushabbiha, Murjiʾa or Shīʿa/Zaydiyya. This study focuses on the claim that the author is Shīʿīte/Zaydī, which was brought to the fore by names such as Muhammad Ebu Zehre (d. 1974), especially Abdullah Mahmud Shahhâte (b. 1951), who was the interpreter of his commentary. The claim that Muqātil was a Shīʿīte/Zaydī was first put forward by Ibn al-Nadīm (d. 385/995), who was known for his Shīʿa inclination. While the prominent Shīʿīte scholar alKashshī (III-IV. /IX-X. century) and Abu Ja’fer et-Tusi (d. 460/1067) argued that he was a Shīʿīte/Zaydī. Also Tusi states that he was one of the companions of Muhammad al-Bakir (d. 114/733) and Ca’fer-i Sadik (d. 148/765). Again, a relationship was established between Muqātil b. Sulaymān and Zaydiyya by orientalists such as Louis Massignon (d. 1962) and Montgomery Watt (d. 2006). Our research has two main purposes: First, it is to make some convincing determinations that he is not a Shīʿīte/Zaydī based on the author’s own commentary. The second is to make some determinations about the place and influence of Muqātil in the Shīʿīte tradition, especially the sources of tafsir. Here, it will be tried to determine whether the narrations from Muqātil are included in the main tafsir and hadith sources of Shīʿa, and these narrations will be compared with the existing works. As a result, in this study, the Hijri II. the sectarian belonging of Muqātil, one of the leading commentators of the century, is evaluated through Shīʿīte sources.Mukâtil b. Süleymân’ın (ö. 767/150) tefsiri, günümüze ulaşan en eski tefsir olması nedeniyle oldukça önemlidir. Bu tefsirin önemi ne kadar tartışılmaz ise müellifin mezhebî kimliği bir o kadar tartışmalıdır. Müellifin mezhebî aidiyeti bu tefsirinin kaynak olma değeri ile yakından ilgilidir. Zira Mukâtil hakkındaki değerlendirmeler, “yalancılık” ile “tefsirde otorite olduğu” şeklinde iki uç noktada seyretmektedir. Çağdaş dönemde bazı araştırmacılar, müellifin mezhebî kimliği üzerindeki bu tartışmaları, Sünnî tefsir geleneğinde Mukâtil’in “sakıncalı” olarak görüldüğüne ve bu durumun müellifin tefsirinin görmezden gelinmesine sebep olduğuna kadar götürmüştür. Gerçekten de Mukâtil’e dair atıfların Taberî ve İbn Ebî Hâtim gibi rivayetleri derleyen ilk dönem tefsirlerinde ya hiç yer almadığı ya da çok az yer aldığı bir gerçektir. Dolayısı ile söz konusu araştırmacılar, problemi yalnızca Mukâtil’in mezhebi kimliği meselesi olmaktan çıkarmakta ve tefsir geleneğinde onun tefsirinin ideolojik sâiklere kurban edildiğini öne sürmüşlerdir. Mukâtil’in mezhebi kimliğine gelince onun Müşebbihe, Mürcie veya Şîa/Zeydiyye’ye nispet edildiğine dair farklı görüşler bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışma özellikle Mukâtil’in Şiî/Zeydî olduğu iddiası üzerine yoğunlaşmaktadır. Mukâtil’in Şiî/Zeydî olduğu iddiası ilk defa Şîa’ya eğilimiyle meşhur İbnü’n-Nedîm (ö. 385/995) tarafından öne sürülmüştür. Şiî ricâl âlimi el-Keşşî (III-IV. /IX-X. yüzyıl) ve Ebû Ca‘fer et-Tûsî (ö. 1067/460) de onun Şiî/Zeydî olduğunu savunmuştur. Ayrıca Ebû Ca‘fer et-Tûsî, Mukâtil’in Muhammed el-Bâkır (ö. 733/114) ve Ca‘fer-i Sâdık’ın (ö. 765/148) ashabından olduğunu vurgulamışlardır. Sünnî gelenekte daha çok teşbih inancıyla suçlanan Mukâtil, çağdaş dönemde tefsirinin muhakkiki Abdullah Mahmud Şehhâte (d. 1951) başta olmak üzere Muhammed Ebu Zehre (ö. 1974) gibi isimler tarafından da Şiî/Zeydî olarak tavsif edilmiştir. Yine Louis Massignon (ö. 1962) ve Montgomery Watt (ö. 2006) gibi oryantalistler tarafından da Mukâtil ile Zeydiyye arasında bir ilişki kurulmuştur. Bu araştırmamızın iki temel amacı bulunmaktadır: Birincisi, müellifin kendi tefsiri üzerinden onun Şiî/Zeydî olmadığına dair ikna edici bazı tespitlerde bulunmaktır. İkincisi ise Mukâtil’in başta tefsir ve hadis kaynakları olmak üzere Şiî gelenekteki yerine ve etkisine dair bazı değerlendirmelerde bulunmaktır. Burada özellikle Şîa’nın temel tefsir ve hadis kaynaklarında Mukâtil’den gelen rivayetlere yer verilip verilmediği, yer verildiyse bunun ne ölçüde olduğu tespit edilmeye çalışılacak ve bu rivayetlerin müellifin elimizdeki mevcut eserleri ile mukayesesi yapılacaktır. Bu sayede Şiî kaynaklarda Mukâtil’e nispet edilen rivayetlerin onun kendi kaynaklarında ve özellikle Salebî gibi ondan çokça istifade eden müfessirlerin eserlerinde bulunup bulunmadığı irdelenecektir. Ayrıca bu Şiî kaynaklarda Mukâtil’e nispet edilen rivayetlerin muhteva analizi de yapılacaktır. Neticede bu çalışmada, bazı Sünnî ve Şiî müellifler tarafından Şiî/Zeydî olduğu öne sürülen hicrî II. asrın önde gelen müfessirlerinden Mukâtil’in mezhebi aidiyeti, Şiî kaynaklar üzerinden değerlendirilmektedir

    Covid-19 Sürecinde Depresyon, Stres, Gelişmeleri Kaçırma Korkusu ve Zorlayıcı Sosyal Medya Kullanımı Arasındaki İlişkiler

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    Aralık 2019’da Çin’in Wuhan kentinde ortaya çıkan yeni tip Koronavirüs (Covid-19) hızlı bir şekilde dünyanın birçok yerine yayılmış ve binlerce kişinin yaşamını yitirmesine yol açmıştır. Bu virüsün fiziksel ve biyolojik etkisinin yanı sıra, önemli psikolojik etkileri de ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu etkilerin başında, depresyon, stres ve kaygı gibi bazı psikolojik rahatsızlıklar gelmektedir. Bu süreçte, insanlar özellikle bilgi edinme ve sosyal destek ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak amacıyla sosyal medya platformlarını daha çok kullanmaya başlamıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Covid-19 sürecinde insanların depresyon ve stres yaşantıları ile zorlayıcı sosyal medya kullanımları (ZSMK) arasındaki ilişkide gelişmeleri kaçırma korkusunun (GKK) aracılık rolünü bir yapısal eşitlik modellemesi (YEM) çalışmasıyla incelemektir. Bunun için Türkiye genelinde (N = 871, %60,7 kadın, Ortyaş = 28.70, S.S. = 9.99), 14-20 Haziran 2020 tarihleri arasında kolayda örneklem yöntemi kullanılarak verilerin toplandığı çevrimiçi bir anket gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma bulgularına göre, depresyonun ZSMK ile pozitif yönde doğrudan bir ilişkisi varken, stres ile ZSMK arasında bir ilişki tespit edilememiştir. Öte yandan, depresyon ve stres ile GKK arasında ve GKK ile ZSMK arasında pozitif yönde bir ilişki olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Ayrıca depresyon ve stres ile ZSMK arasındaki ilişkide GKK’nin aracılık rolünün olduğu araştırmada belirlenmiştir. Araştırma bulgularının, Covid-19 ile ilgili kriz yönetimini gerçekleştiren resmî kurumların, sosyal medya üzerinden kamuoyu ile gerçekleştirdiği etkin iletişime katkı sağlaması beklenmektedir.Publisher's Versio

    Uterin Serviksin Minimal Deviasyon Adenokarsinomu MDA

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    Minimal deviasyon adenokarsinom MDA servikal adenokarsinomların %1-3 oranında görülen bir varyantıdır.Nadir görülmesi nedeniyle standart tanısal metot ve tedavi protokolü yoktur. Uterin servikste 10-12 cm boyutunda kitlesi olan vakamızda tanı servikal biyopsi ile konamadı.Manyetik rezonans görüntülemede MRI MDA tanısı düşünüldü ve operasyon sonrası tanı kondu. Postoperatif olarak adjuvant kemoradyoterapi KRT uygulandı ve hasta 16 aylık bir süre rekürrens olmadan izlend

    A rare complication developing after delivery: septic pelvic thromboembophlebitis

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    Objective In this case report, we aimed to discuss a septic pelvic thromboembophlebitis (SPT) case detected 20 days later who had the previous history of cesarean section and had an intrauterine stillbirth vaginally at 30 weeks of gestation. Case(s) A 24-year old patient, who admitted to the emergency service with the complaints of fever and pain in the lower right abdomen and was reported to have a 4 cm formation consistent with thrombus on the right ovarian vein wall in the computed tomography (ST), was hospitalized for follow-up and treatment. The patient whose thrombus showed remission in the check-up tomography scan after the broad-spectrum antibiotherapy and anticoagulant treatment was discharged on the 10th day. The treatment of the patient who did not develop any complication in the follow-ups was completed with recover. Conclusion In conclusion, SPT is a complication which is seen rarely in both obstetric and gynecologic practices. SPT is a disease which may lead to fatal outcomes by late diagnosis but satisfying results with early diagnosis. Abdominal pain and fever symptoms should come to mind in all cases after delivery or operation

    The case of malignancy mimicking legionella pneumonia

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    Legionella pneumophila is a bacterium, which can grow inwater pipe networks and climate systems. Contaminationoccurs by aspiration of infected water or aerosol inhalation.It is usually presented with fever, bradycardia, andchange in mental status, hyponatremia, elevation of liverenzymes and deterioration of renal function. The definitediagnosis is established by detection of the antigens andcultivating in the culture medium. Also, malign lung tumorscan encounter with the same clinical findings, so lungcancer should be remembered in differential diagnosis.The patient hospitalized for the Legionella pneumophiladue to the physical examination and laboratory findingsduring the first evaluation in the emergency department.However, further examinations pointed to the cancer. Weaimed to emphasize the probability of malignant tumorsin terms of hyponatremia, increase in the liver enzymes,and failure in the renal functions, which were usually experiencedin emergency unit. J Clin Exp Invest 2013; 4(3): 390-392Key words: Legionella pneumophila, pneumonia, lung malignanc

    The influence of vaginal progesterone on Uterine Artery Pulsatility Index

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    Objectives: Uterine artery Doppler is frequently used in the first trimester and it is one of the more effective measurement methods in the prediction of preeclampsia and intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). Progesterone is a hormone that is used quite frequently in various indications in obstetrics and gynecologic practice. We aimed to investigate the influence of progesterone on the uterine artery Doppler pulsatility index (PI) at 11–14 gestational weeks. Material and methods: This study is a retrospective case-control study conducted in Selcuk University Faculty of Medicine between January and December 2019. Uterine artery Doppler PI values of patients using progesterone were compared with PI values of patients not using progesterone. Uterine artery PI was measured two times, left and right. Then the mean PI was calculated. All measurements were made by two operators and by the same ultrasonography machine. Results: A total of 288 patients, 140 patients using progesterone and 148 patients not using progesterone were included in the study. Demographic characteristics were similar between the groups (p > 0.05). There were no significant differences between the groups in the right and left uterine artery PI values. There was no significant difference for average uterine artery PI between the groups (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Progesterone has no significant influence on uterine artery PI. However, more prospective studies in which all potential confounding factors are considered including serum progesterone levels are needed for this subject

    A comparison of adductor canal block before and after thigh tourniquet during knee arthroscopy: A randomized, blinded study

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    Background: Adductor canal block (ACB) provides effective analgesia management after arthroscopic knee surgery. However, there is insufficient data about performing ACB before or after inflation of a thigh tourniquet. We aimed to investigate the efficacy of ACB when it is performed before and after thigh tourniquet and evaluate motor weakness. Methods: ACB was performed before the tourniquet inflation in the PreT group, it was performed after the inflation of the tourniquet in the PostT group. In the PO group, ACB was performed at the end of surgery after disinflation of the tourniquet. Results: There were no statistical differences between the groups in terms of demographic data. Opioid consumption showed no statistically significant differences (for total consumption; p = 0.5). The amount of rescue analgesia administered and patient satisfaction were also not significantly different between groups. There was no significant difference in terms of static and dynamic VAS scores between groups (for 24 hours; p = 0.3, p = 0.2 respectively). The incidence of motor block was higher in the PreT group (eight patients) than in the PostT group (no patients) and in the PO group (only one patient) (p = 0.005). Conclusions: Using a tourniquet before or after ACB may not result in any differences in terms of analgesia; however, applying a tourniquet immediately after ACB may lead to muscle weakness

    Effect of re-approximation of the rectus muscles on diastasis recti abdominis at cesarean section — a prospective cross-sectional study

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    Objectives: Caesarean section (CS) is one of the most frequently performed surgical procedures in the world and Turkey. Inthis study, we aimed to investigate the relationship between re-approximation of the rectus muscles during CS and the severityof diastasis recti abdominis in the first postoperative month. To investigate the relationship between re-approximationof the rectus muscles during CS and the severity of diastasis recti abdominis in the first postoperative month.Material and methods: The study was designed as a prospective cross-sectional study. Patients were divided into twogroups: parietal peritoneum closure only (Group 1), and closure of the parietal peritoneum and re-approximation of rectusmuscle (Group 2). The distance between the rectus muscles and the thickest rectus muscle thickness were measuredone month after CS from three anatomic regions using superficial ultrasonography by the same blinded physician. Theanatomic regions were described as xiphoid, 3 cm above the umbilicus, and 2 cm below the umbilicus. The relation of themeasurements between the groups was evaluated.Results: There was a total of 128 patients, 64 in Group 1 and 64 in Group 2. There were no statistical differences betweenthe groups in terms of the distance between rectus muscles and the thickness of rectus muscle at the described anatomicregions (p > 0.05).Conclusion: Re-approximation of rectus muscles has no effect on the prevention of diastasis recti, which is an importantcosmetic problem

    Assessment of proportion of hidden patients having symptoms of overactive bladder and why has it been hidden in female outpatients admitted to hospital

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    Purpose: To determine the proportion of patients with undetected symptoms of overactive bladder by using the overactive bladder-validated 8 (OAB-V8) screening questionnaire and investigate these symptoms were undetected in female patients who were hospitalized. Methods: We invited 2,250 female patients hospitalized in the Aegean region of Turkey to answer a self-administered questionnaire. The questionnaire included questions on evidence of lower urinary tract symptoms (OAB-V8), relevant medical history, and demographic data. Patients with a total OAB-V8 score ≥ 8 were defined as having OAB symptoms. Results: The proportion of patients with OAB symptoms in this study was 40.6%. Nearly 57% of the patients with OAB symptoms had not been previously admitted to any hospital for lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). The two most common reasons why women with OAB symptoms did not admit themselves to a hospital because of LUTS were as follows: "I did not think I had a disease" and "The symptoms did not bother me," with a response rate of 74.7%. The mean OAB-V8 scores of the patients with these two responses were significantly lower than those of the other patients (P < 0.001). Conclusions: This is the first study to demonstrate a significant proportion of women with undetected OAB symptoms. The main reasons the women did not admit themselves to a hospital were their unawareness of the disease and because the LUTS were not bothersome. Public awareness programs on this disease may resolve this problem. © 2016 Korean Continence Society