81 research outputs found

    Pathophysiological role of extrasynaptic GABAA receptors in typical absence epilepsy

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    GABA is the principal inhibitory neurotransmitter in the mammalian CNS. It acts via two classes of receptors, the GABAA, a ligand gated ion channel (ionotropic receptor) and the metabotropic G-protein coupled GABAB receptor. While synaptic GABAA receptors underlie classical ‘phasic’ GABAA receptor-mediated inhibition, extrasynaptic GABAA receptors (eGABAAR) mediate a new form of inhibition, termed ‘tonic’ GABAA inhibition. The subunit composition of eGABAARs differs from those present at the synapse, resulting in pharmacologically and functionally distinct properties. In this mini-review the findings presented at the 2nd Neuroscience Day meeting held last July in Malta will be summarised. Particular emphasis will be given to the important pathophysiological role of eGABAAR within thalamocortical circuits as a major player in nonconvulsive absence epilepsy. The new findings presented at the conference suggest that enhanced tonic inhibition is a common cause of seizures in several animal models of absence epilepsy and may provide new targets for therapeutic intervention.peer-reviewe

    Variable action potential backpropagation during tonic firing and low-threshold spike bursts in thalamocortical but not thalamic reticular nucleus neurons

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    Backpropagating action potentials (bAPs) are indispensable in dendritic signaling. Conflicting Ca2-imaging data and an absence of dendritic recording data means that the extent of backpropagation in thalamocortical (TC) and thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN) neurons remains unknown. Because TRN neurons signal electrically through dendrodendritic gap junctions and possibly via chemical dendritic GABAergic synapses, as well as classical axonal GABA release, this lack of knowledge is problematic. To address this issue, we made two-photon targeted patch-clamp recordings from rat TC and TRN neuron dendrites to measure bAPs directly. These recordings reveal that “tonic”’ and low-threshold-spike (LTS) “burst” APs in both cell types are always recorded first at the soma before backpropagating into the dendrites while undergoing substantial distance-dependent dendritic amplitude attenuation. In TC neurons, bAP attenuation strength varies according to firing mode. During LTS bursts, somatic AP half-width increases progressively with increasing spike number, allowing late-burst spikes to propagate more efficiently into the dendritic tree compared with spikes occurring at burst onset. Tonic spikes have similar somatic half-widths to late burst spikes and undergo similar dendritic attenuation. In contrast, in TRN neurons, AP properties are unchanged between LTS bursts and tonic firing and, as a result, distance-dependent dendritic attenuation remains consistent across different firing modes. Therefore, unlike LTS-associated global electrical and calcium signals, the spatial influence of bAP signaling in TC and TRN neurons is more restricted, with potentially important behavioral-state-dependent consequences for synaptic integration and plasticity in thalamic neurons

    The thalamus as a low pass filter: filtering at the cellular level does not equate with filtering at the network level

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    In the mammalian central nervous system, most sensory information passes through primary sensory thalamic nuclei, however the consequence of this remains unclear. Various propositions exist, likening the thalamus to a gate, or a high pass filter. Here, using a simple leaky integrate and fire model based on physiological parameters, we show that the thalamus behaves akin to a low pass filter. Specifically, as individual cells in the thalamus rely on consistent drive to spike, stimuli that is rapidly and continuously changing over time such that it activates sensory cells with different receptive fields are unable to drive thalamic spiking. This means that thalamic encoding is robust to sensory noise, however it induces a lag in sensory representation. Thus, the thalamus stabilizes encoding of sensory information, at the cost of response rate

    mGluR control of interneuron output regulates feedforward tonic GABAA inhibition in the visual thalamus

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    Metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) play a crucial role in regulation of phasic inhibition within the visual thalamus. Here we demonstrate that mGluR-dependent modulation of interneuron GABA release results in dynamic changes in extrasynaptic GABAA receptor (eGABAAR)-dependent tonic inhibition in thalamocortical (TC) neurons of the rat dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN). Application of the group I selective mGluR agonist dihydroxyphenylglycine produces a concentration-dependent enhancement of both IPSC frequency and tonic GABAA current (IGABAtonic) that is due to activation of both mGluR1a and mGluR5 subtypes. In contrast, group II/III mGluR activation decreases both IPSC frequency and IGABAtonic amplitude. Using knock-out mice, we show that the mGluR-dependent modulation of IGABAtonic is dependent upon expression of ή-subunit containing eGABAARs. Furthermore, unlike the dLGN, no mGluR-dependent modulation of IGABAtonic is present in TC neurons of the somatosensory ventrobasal thalamus, which lacks GABAergic interneurons. In the dLGN, enhancement of IPSC frequency and IGABAtonic by group I mGluRs is not action potential dependent, being insensitive to TTX, but is abolished by the L-type Ca2+ channel blocker nimodipine. These results indicate selective mGluR-dependent modulation of dendrodendritic GABA release from F2-type terminals on interneuron dendrites and demonstrate for the first time the presence of eGABAARs on TC neuron dendritic elements that participate in “triadic” circuitry within the dLGN. These findings present a plausible novel mechanism for visual contrast gain at the thalamic level and shed new light upon the potential role of glial ensheathment of synaptic triads within the dLGN.peer-reviewe

    Passive synaptic normalization and input synchrony-dependent amplification of cortical feedback in thalamocortical neuron dendrites

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    Thalamocortical neurons have thousands of synaptic connections from layer VI corticothalamic neurons distributed across their dendritic trees. Although corticothalamic synapses provide significant excitatory input, it remains unknown how different spatial and temporal input patterns are integrated by thalamocortical neurons. Using dendritic recording, 2-photon glutamate uncaging, and computational modeling, we investigated how rat dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus thalamocortical neurons integrate excitatory corticothalamic feedback. We find that unitary corticothalamic inputs produce small somatic EPSPs whose amplitudes are passively normalized and virtually independent of the site of origin within the dendritic tree. Furthermore, uncaging of MNI glutamate reveals that thalamocortical neurons have postsynaptic voltage-dependent mechanisms that can amplify integrated corticothalamic input. These mechanisms, involving NMDA receptors and T-type Ca2+ channels, require temporally synchronous synaptic activation but not spatially coincident input patterns. In hyperpolarized thalamocortical neurons, T-type Ca2+ channels produce nonlinear amplification of temporally synchronous inputs, whereas asynchronous inputs are not amplified. At depolarized potentials, the input–output function for synchronous synaptic input is linear but shows enhanced gain due to activity-dependent recruitment of NMDA receptors. Computer simulations reveal that EPSP amplification by T-type Ca2+ channels and NMDA receptors occurs when synaptic inputs are either clustered onto individual dendrites or when they are distributed throughout the dendritic tree. Consequently, postsynaptic EPSP amplification mechanisms limit the “modulatory” effects of corticothalamic synaptic inputs on thalamocortical neuron membrane potential and allow these synapses to act as synchrony-dependent “drivers” of thalamocortical neuron firing. These complex thalamocortical input–output transformations significantly increase the influence of corticothalamic feedback on sensory information transfer

    Dual function of thalamic low-vigilance state oscillations: Rhythm-regulation and plasticity

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    During inattentive wakefulness and non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, the neocortex and thalamus cooperatively engage in rhythmic activities that are exquisitely reflected in the electroencephalogram as distinctive rhythms spanning a range of frequencies from <1 Hz slow waves to 13 Hz alpha waves. In the thalamus, these diverse activities emerge through the interaction of cell-intrinsic mechanisms and local and long-range synaptic inputs. One crucial feature, however, unifies thalamic oscillations of different frequencies: repetitive burst firing driven by voltage-dependent Ca(2+) spikes. Recent evidence reveals that thalamic Ca(2+) spikes are inextricably linked to global somatodendritic Ca(2+) transients and are essential for several forms of thalamic plasticity. Thus, we propose herein that alongside their rhythm-regulation function, thalamic oscillations of low-vigilance states have a plasticity function that, through modifications of synaptic strength and cellular excitability in local neuronal assemblies, can shape ongoing oscillations during inattention and NREM sleep and may potentially reconfigure thalamic networks for faithful information processing during attentive wakefulness

    State-Dependent Firing Determines Intrinsic Dendritic Ca2+ Signaling in Thalamocortical Neurons

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    Activity-dependent dendritic Ca(2+) signals play a critical role in multiple forms of non-linear cellular output and plasticity. In thalamocortical neurons, despite the well-established spatial separation of sensory and cortical inputs onto proximal and distal dendrites respectively, little is known about the spatio-temporal dynamics of intrinsic dendritic Ca(2+) signalling during the different state-dependent firing patterns that are characteristic of these neurons. Here we demonstrate that T-type Ca(2+) channels are expressed throughout the entire dendritic tree of rat thalamocortical neurons and that they mediate regenerative propagation of low threshold spikes, typical of, but not exclusive to sleep states, resulting in global dendritic Ca(2+) influx. In contrast, actively backpropagating action potentials, typical of wakefulness, result in smaller Ca(2+) influxes that can temporally summate to produce dendritic Ca(2+) accumulations which are linearly related to firing frequency but spatially confined to proximal dendritic regions. Furthermore, dendritic Ca(2+) transients evoked by both action potentials and low threshold spikes are shaped by Ca(2+) uptake by sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) ATP-ases, but do not rely upon Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release. Our data demonstrate that thalamocortical neurons are endowed with intrinsic dendritic Ca(2+) signalling properties that are spatially and temporally modified in a behavioural state-dependent manner, and suggest that backpropagating action potentials faithfully inform proximal sensory but not distal corticothalamic synapses of neuronal output whereas corticothalamic synapses only “detect” Ca(2+) signals associated with low threshold spikes

    Human pluripotent stem cell-derived striatal interneurons: differentiation and maturation in vitro and in the rat brain

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    Striatal interneurons are born in the medial and caudal ganglionic eminences (MGE and CGE) and play an important role in human striatal function and dysfunction in Huntington's disease and dystonia. MGE/CGE-like neural progenitors have been generated from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) for studying cortical interneuron development and cell therapy for epilepsy and other neurodevelopmental disorders. Here, we report the capacity of hPSC-derived MGE/CGE-like progenitors to differentiate into functional striatal interneurons. In vitro, these hPSC neuronal derivatives expressed cortical and striatal interneuron markers at the mRNA and protein level and displayed maturing electrophysiological properties. Following transplantation into neonatal rat striatum, progenitors differentiated into striatal interneuron subtypes and were consistently found in the nearby septum and hippocampus. These findings highlight the potential for hPSC-derived striatal interneurons as an invaluable tool in modeling striatal development and function in vitro or as a source of cells for regenerative medicine

    GABAB receptors regulate extrasynaptic GABAA receptors

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    Tonic inhibitory GABAA receptor-mediated currents are observed in numerous cell types in the CNS, including thalamocortical neurons of the ventrobasal thalamus, dentate gyrus granule cells, and cerebellar granule cells. Here we show that in rat brain slices, activation of postsynaptic GABAB receptors enhances the magnitude of the tonic GABAA current recorded in these cell types via a pathway involving Gi/o G proteins, adenylate cyclase, and cAMP-dependent protein kinase. Using a combination of pharmacology and knockout mice, we show that this pathway is independent of potassium channels or GABA transporters. Furthermore, the enhancement in tonic current is sufficient to significantly alter the excitability of thalamocortical neurons. These results demonstrate for the first time a postsynaptic crosstalk between GABAB and GABAA receptors.peer-reviewe

    GABAB receptor-mediated activation of astrocytes by gamma-hydroxybutyric acid

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    The gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) metabolite gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) shows a variety of behavioural effects when administered to animals and humans, including reward/addiction properties and absence seizures. At the cellular level, these actions of GHB are mediated by activation of neuronal GABAB receptors (GABABRs) where it acts as a weak agonist. Because astrocytes respond to endogenous and exogenously applied GABA by activation of both GABAA and GABABRs, here we investigated the action of GHB on astrocytes on the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and the ventrobasal (VB) thalamic nucleus, two brain areas involved in the reward and proepileptic action of GHB, respectively, and compared it with that of the potent GABABR agonist baclofen. We found that GHB and baclofen elicited dose-dependent (ED50: 1.6 mM and 1.3 ”M, respectively) transient increases in intracellular Ca2+ in VTA and VB astrocytes of young mice and rats, which were accounted for by activation of their GABABRs and mediated by Ca2+ release from intracellular store release. In contrast, prolonged GHB and baclofen exposure caused a reduction in spontaneous astrocyte activity and glutamate release from VTA astrocytes. These findings have key (patho)physiological implications for our understanding of the addictive and proepileptic actions of GHB
