1,017 research outputs found

    Astrophysical foregrounds and primordial tensor-to-scalar ratio constraints from CMB B-mode polarization observations

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    We study the effects of astrophysical foregrounds on the ability of CMB B-mode polarization experiments to constrain the primordial tensor-to-scalar ratio, r. To clean the foreground contributions we use parametric, maximum likelihood component separation technique, and consider experimental setups optimized to render a minimal level of the foreground residuals in the recovered CMB map. We consider nearly full-sky observations, include two diffuse foreground components, dust and synchrotron, and study cases with and without calibration errors, spatial variability of the foreground properties, and partial or complete B-mode lensing signal removal. In all these cases we find that in the limit of very low noise level and in the absence of the intrumental or modeling systematic effects, the foreground residuals do not lead to a limit on the lowest detectable value of r. But the need to control the foreground residuals will play a major role in determining the minimal noise levels necessary to permit a robust detection of r < 0.1 and therefore in optimizing and forecasting the performance of the future missions. For current and proposed experiments noise levels, the foreground residuals are found non-negligible and potentially can affect our ability to set constraints on r. We also show how the constraints can be significantly improved on by restricting the post component separation processing to a smaller sky area. This procedure applied to a case of a COrE-like satellite mission is shown to result potentially in over an order of magnitude improvement in the detectable value of r. With sufficient knowledge of the experimental bandpasses as well as foreground component scaling laws, our conclusions are found to be independent on the assumed overall normalization of the foregrounds and only quantitatively depend on specific parametrizations assumed for the foreground components.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Robust forecasts on fundamental physics from the foreground-obscured, gravitationally-lensed CMB polarization

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    [Abridged] Recent results from the BICEP, Keck Array and Planck Collaborations demonstrate that Galactic foregrounds are an unavoidable obstacle in the search for evidence of inflationary gravitational waves in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization. Beyond the foregrounds, the effect of lensing by intervening large-scale structure further obscures all but the strongest inflationary signals permitted by current data. With a plethora of ongoing and upcoming experiments aiming to measure these signatures, careful and self-consistent consideration of experiments' foreground- and lensing-removal capabilities is critical in obtaining credible forecasts of their performance. We investigate the capabilities of instruments such as Advanced ACTPol, BICEP3 and Keck Array, CLASS, EBEX10K, PIPER, Simons Array, SPT-3G and SPIDER, and projects as COrE+, LiteBIRD-ext, PIXIE and Stage IV, to clean contamination due to polarized synchrotron and dust from raw multi-frequency data, and remove lensing from the resulting co-added CMB maps (either using iterative CMB-only techniques or through cross-correlation with external data). Incorporating these effects, we present forecasts for the constraining power of these experiments in terms of inflationary physics, the neutrino sector, and dark energy parameters. Made publicly available through an online interface, this tool enables the next generation of CMB experiments to foreground-proof their designs, optimize their frequency coverage to maximize scientific output, and determine where cross-experimental collaboration would be most beneficial. We find that analyzing data from ground, balloon and space instruments in complementary combinations can significantly improve component separation performance, delensing, and cosmological constraints over individual datasets.Comment: 37 pages plus appendices, 15 figures; first two authors contributed equally to this work; forecasting tool available at http://turkey.lbl.gov. v4: matches version published in JCAP (with extended dark energy constraints

    Characterising cosmic birefringence in the presence of galactic foregrounds and instrumental systematic effects

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    We study a possibility of constraining isotropic cosmic birefringence with help of cosmic microwave background polarisation data in the presence of polarisation angle miscalibration without relying on any assumptions about the Galactic foreground angular power spectra and in particular on their EB correlation. We propose a new analysis framework based on a generalised parametric component separation approach, which accounts simultaneously on the presence of galactic foregrounds, relevant instrumental effects and external priors. We find that upcoming multi-frequency CMB data with appropriate calibration priors will allow producing an instrumental-effect-corrected and foreground-cleaned CMB map, which can be used to estimate the isotropic birefringence angle and the tensor-to-scalar ratio, accounting on statistical and systematic uncertainties incurred during the entire procedure. In particular, in the case of a Simons Observatory-like, three Small Aperture Telescopes, we derive an uncertainty on the birefringence angle of σ(βb)=0.07\sigma(\beta_{b}) = 0.07^\circ (0.1^\circ), assuming the standard cosmology and calibration priors for all (single) frequency channels with the precision of σ(αi)=0.1\sigma(\alpha_i)= 0.1^\circ as aimed at by the near future ground-based experiments. This implies that these experiments could confirm or disprove the recently detected value of βb=0.35\beta_b=0.35^\circ with a significance between 33 and 5σ5 \sigma. [abridged version]Comment: 20 pages, 9 figure

    La chasse aux modes-B du fond diffus cosmologique dans la jungle des contaminations systématiques

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    This thesis presents a study of selected instrumental and astrophysical systematics, which may affect the performance of new generation of future observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) polarization. It elaborates on their impact on the science goals of those observations and discusses techniques and approaches for their removal. Its focus is on general issues typical of entire classes of experiments, but also on specific problems as encountered in the context of a CMB B-mode experiment, POLARBEAR. The main target of the CMB polarization effort undergoing currently in the field is a detection of the primordial B-modes anisotropies --- a so far undetected signature of the inflationary theories. This would have far-reaching impact on our understanding of the universe but also fundamental laws of physics. Understanding, modelling, and ultimately removal of the systematics are essential steps in any modern CMB analysis pipeline and their successful accomplishment, together with a high instrumental sensitivity, will decide of a final success of the entire effort. In this thesis I first describe optics of typical CMB experiments and introduce a parametrization of instrumental and cross-polarization effects particularly convenient for the analysis of their impact. Second, I present a model describing the atmospheric contamination and use it to provide some insights about the atmosphere's role and its impact on performance of ground-based experiments. I also outline how it could be used further to improve control of atmospheric effects in the CMB data analysis. Then, I discuss another source of sky systematics --- the polarized astrophysical foregrounds. In this context I present on the one hand a new approach to forecasting performance of the future experiments, which accounts for the presence of the foregrounds, while on the other I propose a framework for optimizing hardware of such experiments to let them achieve better performance. This part of thesis stems from a common work with drs. F. Stivoli and R. Stompor. I finally present one of the leading CMB polarization experiment POLARBEAR, in which I have been involved in over the course of my PhD studies. I describe its current status and performance as well as selected steps of its data analysis pipeline. In particular, I show methods to estimate some of the parameters introduced for the systematics modeling from simulated data. This work has been performed in collaboration with members of the POLARBEAR team.Cette thèse présente une étude de certains effets systématiques instrumentaux et astrophysiques, pouvant affecter les performances des nouvelles et futures générations d'observations de la polarisation du fond diffus cosmologique (CMB). Nous étudions l'impact de ces effets sur les objectifs scientifiques de ces observations, ainsi que les techniques pour leur élimination. Ce travail se concentre sur les problèmes généraux que rencontrent les expériences de manière générale, mais se penche également sur les questions plus spécifiques soulevées dans le cadre de l'expérience d'observation des modes-B du CMB, POLARBEAR. L'objectif principal de l'effort actuel pour l'étude de la polarisation du CMB est une détection des anisotropies primordiales appelées modes-B --- une signature des théories inflationnaires non détectée à ce jour. Cela aurait un grand impact sur notre compréhension de l'univers, mais aussi des lois fondamentales de la physique. Comprendre, modéliser, et, finalement, éliminer ces effets systématiques sont des éléments indispensables pour tout pipeline d'analyse moderne du CMB. Sa réussite, de concert avec une haute sensibilité instrumentale, décidera du succès final des efforts entrepris. Dans cette thèse je décris tout d'abord l'optique des expériences typiques d'observation du CMB et propose un paramétrage des polarisations instrumentale et croisée. Deuxièmement, je présente un modèle décrivant la contamination atmosphérique et utilise celui-ci afin de donner quelques aperçus sur le rôle et l'impact de l'atmosphère sur les performances des expériences au sol. J'indique également comment ces résultats peuvent être utilisés pour améliorer le contrôle des effets atmosphériques dans l'analyse des données CMB. Ensuite, je discute d'une autre source d'effets systématiques venant du ciel --- les avants-plans astrophysiques polarisés. Dans ce contexte, je présente d'une part une nouvelle approche pour prédire les performances des futures expériences prenant en compte la présence des avant-plans, et d'autre part je propose un cadre pour l'optimisation des expériences afin qu'elles puissent atteindre de meilleures performances. Cette partie de la thèse est issue d'un travail commun avec F. Stivoli et R. Stompor. Je présente enfin une expèrience phare pour l'observation de la polarisation du CMB, POLARBEAR, dans laquelle j'ai été impliqué au cours de mes études doctorales. Je décris le statut actuel et les performances de l'instrument ainsi que quelques étapes de son pipeline d'analyse des données. En particulier, je montre des méthodes d'estimation de certains des paramètres introduits pour la modélisation d'effets systématiques, à partir de données simulées. Ce travail a été réalisé en collaboration avec les membres de l'équipe POLARBEAR

    Forecasting performance of CMB experiments in the presence of complex foreground contaminations

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    We present a new, semianalytic framework for estimating the level of residuals present in cosmic microwave background (CMB) maps derived from multifrequency CMB data and forecasting their impact on cosmological parameters. The data are assumed to contain non-negligible signals of astrophysical and/or Galactic origin, which we clean using a parametric component separation technique. We account for discrepancies between the foreground model assumed during the separation procedure and the true one, allowing for differences in scaling laws and/or their spatial variations. Our estimates and their uncertainties include both systematic and statistical effects and are averaged over the instrumental noise and CMB signal realizations. The framework can be further extended to account self-consistently for existing uncertainties in the foreground models. We demonstrate and validate the framework on simple study cases which aim at estimating the tensor-to-scalar ratio, r. The proposed approach is computationally efficient permitting an investigation of hundreds of setups and foreground models on a single CPU

    La fortification

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    Copia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Cultura. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 2009El pie de imp. consta en la 2ª parteSign.: )(\p6\s, A-R\p4\s, S\p3\sPort. calc. arquitectónica: "M. de Betune. J. Briot fecit"Ilustraciones calc., grabados con piezas de artillería y fortificacione

    Detection of relic gravitational waves in the CMB: Prospects for CMBPol mission

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    Detection of relic gravitational waves, through their imprint in the cosmic microwave background radiation, is one of the most important tasks for the planned CMBPol mission. In the simplest viable theoretical models the gravitational wave background is characterized by two parameters, the tensor-to-scalar ratio rr and the tensor spectral index ntn_t. In this paper, we analyze the potential joint constraints on these two parameters, rr and ntn_t, using the potential observations of the CMBPol mission, which is expected to detect the relic gravitational waves if r0.001r\gtrsim0.001. The influence of the contaminations, including cosmic weak lensing, various foreground emissions, and systematical errors, is discussed.Comment: 26 pages, 19 figures, 4 tables; JCAP in pres