12 research outputs found

    Annealing effect on the structural, magnetic and transport properties in the CoxCu1-x granular alloys with 0.20 ≀ x ≀ 0.25 prepared by the ion-beam sputtering technique

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    We have studied the transport and magnetic properties of a metallic granular CoxCu1-x system, with 0.2≀x≀0.25, prepared by using an ion-beam sputtering technique. Giant magnetoresistance (GMR) has been observed for the all studied concentration with the average amplitude around 2%. at 300K. The maximum value has been observed for Co21Cu79 granular alloy after annealing at 450°C for 2h. Above this concentration the MR decreases which is attributed to the percolation effect, which causes a concurrent reduction in magnetic coercivity. The variation of magnetic and transport properties with the concentration and annealing time is discussed.We have studied the transport and magnetic properties of a metallic granular CoxCu1-x system, with 0.2≀x≀0.25, prepared by using an ion-beam sputtering technique. Giant magnetoresistance (GMR) has been observed for the all studied concentration with the average amplitude around 2%. at 300K. The maximum value has been observed for Co21Cu79 granular alloy after annealing at 450°C for 2h. Above this concentration the MR decreases which is attributed to the percolation effect, which causes a concurrent reduction in magnetic coercivity. The variation of magnetic and transport properties with the concentration and annealing time is discussed

    Stuctural And Magnetic Characterization Of CoxZn1-x/Cu Multilayers Obtained by Electrodeposition

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    We present the experimental results of (CoxZn1-x/Cu)n multilayers (3<x<10) grown using the electrochemical dual bath method. The X-ray diffraction patterns have shown that the CoZn structural lattice parameters are close to those of the monoclinic CoZn13 compound. We have developed an analytical model in the X-ray kinematical theory adapted to the electrodeposited (CoxZn1-x/Cu) multilayers. We have shown that the model can give interesting structural information about the multilayer components, and reproduces the position of the satellite peaks around the main diffraction peak. Thus we have deduced the multilayer period and performed comparison between experimental results and the analytical model. The magnetic properties at room temperature reveal both superparamagnetic and ferromagnetic features. The inclusion of Zn into the magnetic layer and the existence of CoZnCu based alloy at the interfacial regions explain the magnetic properties. The magnetoresistance (MR) loop displays a broad , rounded maximum and the saturation is not observed even at high applied fields. The MR(H) behaviour and its small ratio can be attributed to interfacial effects.We present the experimental results of (CoxZn1-x/Cu)n multilayers (3<x<10) grown using the electrochemical dual bath method. The X-ray diffraction patterns have shown that the CoZn structural lattice parameters are close to those of the monoclinic CoZn13 compound. We have developed an analytical model in the X-ray kinematical theory adapted to the electrodeposited (CoxZn1-x/Cu) multilayers. We have shown that the model can give interesting structural information about the multilayer components, and reproduces the position of the satellite peaks around the main diffraction peak. Thus we have deduced the multilayer period and performed comparison between experimental results and the analytical model. The magnetic properties at room temperature reveal both superparamagnetic and ferromagnetic features. The inclusion of Zn into the magnetic layer and the existence of CoZnCu based alloy at the interfacial regions explain the magnetic properties. The magnetoresistance (MR) loop displays a broad , rounded maximum and the saturation is not observed even at high applied fields. The MR(H) behaviour and its small ratio can be attributed to interfacial effects

    L'effet de l'extrait végétal de Yucca Schidigera sur l'excrétion oocystale chez le poulet de chair

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    In Algeria, coccidiosis constitutes one of the main constraints which hinder the development of the poultry production and is responsible for major losses to the poultry industry, reducing performance and increasing production costs, especially an increase of mortality and misuse of antibiotics. These molecules have fatal effects on the animal and public health, thus, alternatives were introduced, in particular the extracts of plants. The present study, conducted in October 2013, was carried out in five hundred broiler chicks (Hubbard F15 strain). The chicks were monitored from birth to the 52nd day. These animals, with homogeneous weight of 93 g and mixed sexes, came from the same hatchery and underwent the same environmental conditions. Animals of the first lot, identified as “Control lot” received a food exempt from any additive but antibiotics added to water. The animals of the second lot, identified as “Experimental lot”, received a water exempt from any additive and the same food added with the Yucca Schidigera extract. The objective of this study was the evaluation of the oocystale excretion by Mac Master’s method to estimate the activity of the Yucca Schidigera extract. The results highlighted an increase of oocystale excretion until 82.250 oocysts.g-1 of feces in the control lot and 22.950 oocysts.g-1 of feces in the experimental lot. The average levels of oocysts were significantly lower during three weeks from J14 to J35 in the experimental lot, then remained comparable for the rest of the experiment period (J36 to J51). These results showed that this additive considerably reduced the coccidian eggs elimination and proved its efficiency in the coccidiosis control. Keywords: Yucca Schidigera, Coccidiosis, Broilers, Antibiotics.En AlgĂ©rie, la coccidiose constitue l’une des principales contraintes qui entrave le dĂ©veloppement de la production avicole et cause d’énormes pertes Ă©conomiques, en l’occurrence l’augmentation du taux de mortalitĂ© et l’usage abusif des antibiotiques. Ces derniers ont des effets nĂ©fastes sur la santĂ© humaine et animale. Ainsi, des alternatives ont vu le jour, en particulier l’utilisation des extraits de plantes. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude, mise en place en octobre 2013, a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e dans un Ă©levage comportant cinq cent poussins d’un jour appartenant Ă  la souche de type chair Hubbard F15. Les poussins ont Ă©tĂ© suivis de leur naissance jusqu’au 52Ăšme jour. Ces animaux, d’un poids homogĂšne de 93 g et de sexes mĂ©langĂ©s, provenaient du mĂȘme couvoir et ont subi les mĂȘmes conditions d’ambiance. Les animaux du premier lot, identifiĂ© comme «Lot tĂ©moin», recevaient un aliment exempt de tout additif mais une eau additionnĂ©e d’antibiotiques. Les animaux du deuxiĂšme lot, identifiĂ© comme «Lot expĂ©rimental», recevaient une eau de boisson exempte de tout additif et un mĂȘme aliment additionnĂ© de l’extrait de Yucca Schidigera. L’objectif de cette Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© l’évaluation de l’excrĂ©tion oocystale, par la mĂ©thode de Mac Master, pour dĂ©terminer l’activitĂ© de l’extrait de Yucca Schidigera. Les rĂ©sultats ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© une augmentation d’excrĂ©tion oocystale jusqu’à 82.250 oocystes.g-1 de matiĂšres fĂ©cales pour le lot tĂ©moin et 22.950 oocystes.g-1 de matiĂšres fĂ©cales pour le lot expĂ©rimental. Les nombres moyens d’oocystes ont Ă©tĂ© significativement plus bas durant 3 semaines allant de J14 Ă  J35 dans le lot expĂ©rimental, puis devenaient comparables le reste du temps de J36 Ă  J51. Ces rĂ©sultats montrent que cet additif a considĂ©rablement rĂ©duit l’élimination des Ɠufs de coccidies et prouvĂ© son efficacitĂ© dans la maĂźtrise de la coccidiose. Mots clĂ©s: Yucca Schidigera, Coccidiose, Poulet de chair, Antibiotiques. &nbsp; &nbsp

    La tuberculose chez les petits ruminants en Algérie

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    La tuberculose des petits ruminants est une maladie de rĂ©partition mondiale qui sĂ©vit le plus souvent de façon sporadique. C’est une maladie Ă  Ă©volution progressive, Ă  dĂ©claration obligatoire associĂ©e Ă  son aspect zoonotique. Notre Ă©tude a consistĂ© Ă  rechercher les lĂ©sions suspectes de tuberculose par inspection des carcasses ovines et caprines dans deux abattoirs (Boufarik et Hadjout) d’une part, et Ă  identifier l’agent  pathogĂšne, d’autre part. L’inspection de 966 carcasses de petits ruminants a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© la prĂ©sence de lĂ©sions suspectes de tuberculose sur 40 carcasses, soit une proportion de 4,14%. RapportĂ©s Ă  chacune des deux espĂšces animales, les taux de prĂ©valence sont similaires (3,89% et 4,40% respectivement chez les caprins et les ovins). Nous avons pris en   considĂ©ration deux facteurs qui peuvent influer sur la prĂ©valence de la maladie et qui sont l’ñge et le sexe. Nous avons observĂ© que les mĂąles sont les plus atteints chez les caprins des deux localitĂ©s alors que chez les ovins, les femelles sont plus touchĂ©es dans une des deux localitĂ©s.  Concernant l’ñge, les animaux ĂągĂ©s sont les plus affectĂ©s chez les ovins et les caprins. L’examen microscopique direct a dĂ©tectĂ© 2 cas positifs chez les caprins sur un ensemble de 19 cas suspects, soit 10,5%, et aucun cas chez les ovins. Les rĂ©sultats de la culture mettent en Ă©vidence 8 cas positifs soit 42,1% pour l’espĂšce caprine et aucun cas positif chez les ovins. L’identification des cultures positives montre que 75% sont des mycobactĂ©ries typiques vs 25% de mycobactĂ©ries atypiques. On peut en conclure que cette affection est toujours prĂ©sente sans pouvoir donner de chiffre prĂ©cis sur sa prĂ©valence en raison de l’absence de dĂ©pistage  systĂ©matique chez ces espĂšces, mĂȘme dans les Ă©levages Ă  effectif important.Mots clĂ©s: Petits ruminants, tuberculose, bacilloscopie, culture, abattoir