97 research outputs found

    Lightlike Hypersurfaces of a Semi-Riemannian Product Manifold and Quarter-Symmetric Nonmetric Connections

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    We study lightlike hypersurfaces of a semi-Riemannian product manifold. We introduce a class of lightlike hypersurfaces called screen semi-invariant lightlike hypersurfaces and radical anti-invariant lightlike hypersurfaces. We consider lightlike hypersurfaces with respect to a quarter-symmetric nonmetric connection which is determined by the product structure. We give some equivalent conditions for integrability of distributions with respect to the Levi-Civita connection of semi-Riemannian manifolds and the quarter-symmetric nonmetric connection, and we obtain some results

    On Lightlike Geometry of Para-Sasakian Manifolds

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    We study lightlike hypersurfaces of para-Sasakian manifolds tangent to the characteristic vector field. In particular, we define invariant lightlike hypersurfaces and screen semi-invariant lightlike hypersurfaces, respectively, and give examples. Integrability conditions for the distributions on a screen semi-invariant lightlike hypersurface of para-Sasakian manifolds are investigated. We obtain a para-Sasakian structure on the leaves of an integrable distribution of a screen semi-invariant lightlike hypersurface

    Optimal Inequalities for Submanifolds of an Indefinite Space Form

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    Optimal inequalities involving the scalar curvature, the mean curvature vector and the second fundamental form for pseudo Riemannian submanifolds are proved and the equality cases of these inequalities are discussed. These results are studied for submanifolds of various indefinite contact space forms

    Lightlike Hypersurfaces of a Semi-Riemannian Product Manifold and Quarter-Symmetric Nonmetric Connections

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    We study lightlike hypersurfaces of a semi-Riemannian product manifold. We introduce a class of lightlike hypersurfaces called screen semi-invariant lightlike hypersurfaces and radical antiinvariant lightlike hypersurfaces. We consider lightlike hypersurfaces with respect to a quartersymmetric nonmetric connection which is determined by the product structure. We give some equivalent conditions for integrability of distributions with respect to the Levi-Civita connection of semi-Riemannian manifolds and the quarter-symmetric nonmetric connection, and we obtain some results

    Typography and Spatial Perception

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    İnsanoğlunun mağara duvarlarında başlattığı iletişim serüveni, günümüze kadar çeşitli evrimler geçirmiş, kullandığı teknik ve yöntemler süregelen teknolojilerle birlikte biçimsel değişikliklere uğramıştır. Bugün tüm mekânlarda, iletişimin omurgasını oluşturan tipografi, mekânların atmosferini tamamen değiştirerek bir iletişim aracından çok daha fazlasını teşkil etmeye başlamıştır. Bu sebeple tipografiye yalnızca salt bir iletişim aracı gözüyle bakamayacağımız gibi, onun biçimsel estetik özelliklerini ve sonucunda oluşturduğu duygusal etkileşimi de asla göz ardı edemeyiz. Öyle ki tipografi mekânda fiziksel bir unsur olmaktan öteye geçip, çoğu zaman izleyicisiyle kurduğu duygusal etkileşimle, mekânın kalbi, dili ve ruhu olmaktadır. İşte tipografi bütün bu süreçte alışılagelmiş kâğıt yüzeyinden çıkarak, bazen iki boyutlu bir biçimde duvarları, sütunları kullanır, bazen de üç boyutlu bir formla mekânın bizzat kendisi olur ve izleyicisiyle daha farklı bir duygusal bağ kurar. Bu çalışmayla, mekânlarda farklı malzeme ve tekniklerin birlikte kullanıldığı tipografiden örnekler seçilerek, bu örnekler üzerinden tipografinin mekânla iletişimi, etkileşimi çözümlenmeye çalışılmış ve mekân estetiğindeki önemine dikkat çekilerek oluşturduğu zihinsel ve duygusal etkileşim amaçlanmıştır.Since cave walls, communication among Humankind has evolved and the techniques and methods adopted have gone through stylistic changes with technologies. Typography has transformed communication by changing the spaces’ atmosphere. Typography also affects communication through its stylistic aesthetic features and emotional interactions. Typography establishes emotional interaction with its audience and often becomes the spaces’ heart, language and spirit. Typography can use walls, ceiling etc. in a two-dimensional way, turn into a three-dimensional form and establish unique emotional bonds with audience. It can also change its dimensions and becomes the space itself by entering massive forms or shapes. In this study, typographic examples reflecting various materials and techniques were selected, the communication and interaction of typography with space were tried to be resolved through such examples and it was aimed to draw attention to the significance of typography in the aesthetics of space and the mental and emotional interactions with audience