9 research outputs found

    Spontaneous Rupture of the Extensor Pollicis Longus Tendon due to Unusual Etiology

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    Background:The etiology of spontaneous rupture of the extensor pol-licis longus tendon includes systemic or local steroid injections, wrist fracture, tenosynovitis, synovitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and repetitivewrist motions.Case Report:We encountered a case of extensor pollicis longus ten-don rupture with an unusual etiology, cow milking. In this case, trans-fer of the extensor indicis proprius tendon was performed successfully.At 1 year after surgery, extension of the thumb was sufficient.Conclusion:It appears that patients with occupations involving repeti-tive motions are at a high risk of closed tendon ruptures

    Analysis of Maxillofacial Traumas at Thrace Region amid COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Aim:Pandemic caused by Coronavirus disease-2019 has created an unpredicted situation. Due to governmental regulations, a significant amount of health provider task force was relocated for pandemic management. This restrictions put forth a need for pragmatic solutions to cope with the demand of non-pandemic health management. Remote counselling was among these solutions. In this study, we aimed to share our remote counselling approach, also to analyze the maxillofacial trauma (MFT) patients operated during the first year of pandemic, and to compare these results with the results of the previous year.Materials and Methods:Beginning from May 11th, 2020 to May 11th, 2021, MFT patients were evaluated retrospectively. For comparison, patients referred within the same dates of the previous year were also evaluated. Two groups were constituted as pre-pandemic and pandemic. Groups were compared for demographics, affected facial region, operation performed as emergency or elective, time spanned from referral to surgery, and operative complications. Statistical significance was set as p0.05). Time spanned from referral to surgery was significantly shorter for the pandemic group in which the remote counselling approach was utilized (p<0.001).Conclusion:Remote counselling approach shortens the time spanned from referral to surgery among MFT patients referred during pandemic. Telemedicine may be used as a powerful tool for the management of MFT patients

    Reverse-flow retroauricular island flap in facial reconstruction

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    BACKGROUND Reconstruction of facial skin defects requires good-quality skin cover to satisfy aesthetic expectations of patient, especially when the skin defect is on the uncovered area of the face. Limitations in the available local tissue and donor-site morbidity restrict the options

    Carnitine or dimethyl sulfoxide, or both, for the treatment of anthracycline extravasation in rats

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    This study aimed to compare the efficacy of topical dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), intralesional and systemic carnitine as monotherapy and in combination against ulceration in rats induced by intradermal doxorubicin extravasation. Sixty-nine 3-month-old male Wistar albino rats, weighing between 200-225 g, were used in this study. Rats were applied monotherapy or a combination of topical DMSO, intraperitoneal or intralesional carnitine. Control groups received saline or no drug. The necrotic area was measured and extravasated neutrophil leukocytes were counted in healthy tissue adjacent to necrotic areas. Monotherapy with topical and systemic carnitine did not significantly reduce the size of necrotic areas. However, topical DMSO had reduced necrotic areas and inflammatory cells significantly and the addition of systemic carnitine to topical DMSO had increased the efficacy. DMSO is an effective, safe, and easy-to-apply treatment for doxorubicin-induced extravasation. Further clinical studies are needed to evaluate the use of carnitine in combination with DMSO