51 research outputs found

    Effect of magnesium carbonate on the uptake of aqueous zinc and lead ions by natural kaolinite and clinoptilolite

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    Adsorption behavior of Zn2+ and Pb2+ ions on kaolinite and clinoptilolite, originating from natural resources, was studied as a function of contact time and concentration. Zn2+ and Pb2+ ions are quickly adsorbed on both minerals and the uptake of the latter is more favored. The uptake of both ions was then examined on kaolinite–MgCO3 and clinoptilolite–MgCO3 mixtures over a metal ions range from 1 to 10 000 mg/L. The sorption behavior of Zn2+ and Pb2+ on pure MgCO3 was also studied. MgCO3 is much more effective in the retention of Zn2+ and Pb2+ ions, in particular at higher concentrations. The large increase in the retarded amounts of both ions was associated with formation of the hydroxy-carbonate phases; namely hydrozincite for Zn2+, and cerussite and hydrocerussite in the case of Pb2+

    Application of experimental design on determination of aluminum content in saline samples by adsorptive cathodic stripping voltammetry

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    Adsorptive cathodic stripping voltammetric determination of aluminum at ng mL-1 levels in salt samples based on the metal complexation with Calcon (1-(2-hydroxynaphthylazo)-2 naphthol-4-sulfonic acid) and the subsequent adsorptive deposition onto a hanging mercury drop electrode was studied. Central composite design was used as a design method. Several chemical and instrumental parameters (pH, ligand concentration, deposition time, deposition potential, and complexing time) were involved in the experimental design. Analytical parameters such as repeatability, linearity, and accuracy were also investigated and the detection limit was found as 0.32 ng mL-1.Ege University research fund (Project no: 2004 Fen 071

    An investigation on roundwood extraction of Fagus orientalis lipsky, Abies nordmanniana (Stew.) Spach. and Picea orientalis (L.) Link. by Urus M III forest skyline on snow

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    Harvesting and transportation of woods from forest are extremely difficult, expensive and timeconsuming operations. In the most regions of Turkey, the application of mechanized harvesting equipment is currently very limited due to low labor cost and high fuel cost. In Turkish forestry, the most common harvesting method is cut-to-length system, which is carried out intensively during the late spring and summer, as well as during the winter with a limited extent. In this study, productivity of roundwood extraction (Fagus orientalis Lipsky., Abies nordmanniana (Stew.) Spach. and Picea orientalis (L.) Link.) by Urus M III skyline on snow in Artvin, Turkey was investigated. The average total time of shift was measured as 13.10 min for uphill logging and 22.92 min for downhill logging. Increases in number of pieces, log diameter, log length and log volume increased the total transportation time. The results also indicated that the productivity value of Urus MIII skyline varies among the sites (5.87 m³/h in Site-1, 6.82 m³/h in Site-2, 4.08 m³/h in Site-3 for uphill and 1.69 m³/h in Site-4 downhill), and uphill yarding by Urus MIII was more productive than downhill yarding on snow

    An assessment in terms of mechanization of timber harvesting operations in Artvin forest regional directorate

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    Bu çalışmada Artvin Orman Bölge Müdürlüğü (OBM)’nde gerçekleştirilen odun hammaddesi üretim çalışmaları mekanizasyon açısından değerlendirilmiştir. Bu amaçla 2004-2009 yılları arasında bölge müdürlüğünde odun hammaddesi üretimi, bölge müdürlüğünün sahip olduğu üretim makineleri, odun hammaddesi üretiminde mekanizasyon kullanım oranı ve bölgedeki kış üretimi incelenmiştir. Sonuçta; Artvin OBM, odun hammaddesi üretim çalışmalarında mekanizasyon kullanımı açısından ülkemizin dikkat çeken bölge müdürlüğü olduğu, son 5 yıl dikkate alındığında bölgede üretilen odun hammaddesinin yaklaşık % 30’unun mekanizasyona dayalı yöntemlerle bölmeden çıkarıldığı belirlenmiştir. Yörede odun hammaddesi üretim çalışmalarında kullanılan üretim makinelerinin ekonomik ömürlerini tamamlaması nedeniyle eskiyen hava hatları ve orman traktörleri yeni model hava hattı ve traktörler alınarak yenilenmesi, makinelerin daha etkin ve ekonomik olarak kullanılması açısından gereklidir.In this paper, timber harvesting operations of Artvin Forest Regional Directorate (FRD) have been evaluated in terms of mechanization. For this purpose, timber harvesting at regional directorate, timber harvesting machinery owned by regional directorate, mechanization ratio in harvesting and winter harvesting in the region between 2004 and 2009 have been examined. As a result, it has been found out that Artvin FRD is one of the remarkable regional directorates of our country in terms of mechanization in timber harvesting operations, and that mechanization ratio is almost 30% on logging of wood raw material. As the harvesting machines used during timber harvesting in the area have completed their economic lives, the skylines and forest tractors worn have to replace with new model skylines and tractors, so that machines can be used more effectively and economically

    Physical And Performing Techniques Of Transforming And Developments In The Process From Kopuz To Sixstringed Kopuz

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2011Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2011Sabit iki nokta arasında tel gerip ses çıkartma fikri, medeniyet tarihi boyunca süregelmiş bir düşüncedir. Bu düşünceye ait ilk müzik aletlerinden biriside kopuzdur. Kopuz, tarihi M.Ö. 6000 yıl öncesine dayanan ve ait olduğu toplumlarca kutsal sayılan bir çalgı olmuş, yalnızca müzikal anlamda değil, hastalıkları tedavi amaçlı da kullanılmıştır. Kopuz yalnızca tek bir çalgıya verilen bir isim değil, günümüzde ki ?saz? kelimesinin karşılığı olarak geçmişte bütün çalgılar için kullanılmıştır. Tarih sürecinde çok farklı kopuz tipleri var olmuştur. Bu kopuzlar sahip oldukları tel sayılarına göre isimlendirilmişlerdir. Çalışmamız içerisinde geçmişte ve günümüzde kullanılan farklı tiplerde ki kopuzlar incelenmiş, özellikle günümüzde kullanılan kopuzlar ayrıntılı olarak ele alınmış, perde ölçüleri ve ses sistemi ile ilgili detaylı incelemelere ve yeni bulgulara yer verilmiştir. Orta Asya ve Anadolu'da tarih süreci içinde yaygın biçimde birçok toplum tarafından kullanılan kopuzun gelişimi hiçbir zaman durmamıştır. Toplumların konar göçer yaşam anlayışını terk edip yerleşik düzene geçmeleri sonucunda kopuzun tel ve perde sayısı artmıştır. Müziğin gelişimi sazların gelişimini etkilemiştir. Bu gelişimin sonucu olarak Teke yarımadasında üçtelli cura olarak da bilinen üçtelli kopuzdan, dede sazından, barok, erken Rönesans ve Rönesans dönemlerinde karşımıza çıkan lutdan ve klasik gitardan esinlenerek Erkan Oğur tarafından altıtelli kopuz türetilmiştir. Üçtelli curanın, kopuzun ve dede sazının tınısal özellikleri, icra şekilleri ve perde sistemleri, lutun klavye yapısı ve klasik gitarın arpej tekniği ile akort sistemleri Altıtelli kopuzun tasarımında önemli rol oynayan etkenlerdir. Altıtelli kopuz ile normal kopuz ve bağlamalar arasında ki en önemli farklar, tel sayısından dolayı klavyesinin kalınlığı, tel kalibrasyonu, çalım tekniğinden kaynaklı tınısal özelliği ve klasik gitarda olduğu gibi melodi ile armoninin aynı anda icra edilebilmesidir.The idea of streching string between two fixed points to produce sound, is an idea that is obtained throughout the history of civilization. One of the instruments that belongs to this idea is kopuz. Kopuz, whose history is dating back 6000 BC, was thought a sacred instrument by societies whom belongs, not only musically, were also used for the treatment of diseases. Kopuz was not only a name given to a single instrument, but also it was used for all instruments to define in the past like using ?saz? as a word to define all instruments today. There were many different types of kopuz in the process of history. These instruments are called by number of strings that they have. In this study, different type of kopuzs having used in the past and present were examined, especially kopuzs that are used today have been discussed in detail, new findings and detailed reviews are presented about fret positions, scale and makam systems. In the process of the history, kopuz whose widely used by many community, development has not stopped any time. As a result of societies passed to settled life from nomadic life, kopuz?s string and fret numbers increased. The development of music influenced the development of instruments. As a result of this development, six-stringed kopuz was produced by Erkan Ogur from three stringed kopuz that is known three stringed cura in Teke peninsula, saz of minstrel, lute that was played in Baroque, early Renaissance and Renaissance period, and classical guitar. Important factors that play an important role in the design of the six-stringed kopuz are timbre features, playing styles and fret systems of three stringed cura, kopuz and saz of minstrel, keyboard structure of lute, arpeggio technique and tuning systems of classical guitar. The most important differences between normal regular kopuzs and six-stringed kopuz are thickness of keyboard because of number of strings, string calibration, timbre feature on account of playing technique, and both harmony and melody can be played at the same time like in classical guitar.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Lateral stiffness estimation in frames and its implementation to continuum models for linear and nonlinear static analysis

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    Continuum model is a useful tool for approximate analysis of tall structures including moment-resisting frames and shear wall-frame systems. In continuum model, discrete buildings are simplified such that their overall behavior is described through the contributions of flexural and shear stiffnesses at the story levels. Therefore, accurate determination of these lateral stiffness components constitutes one of the major issues in establishing reliable continuum models even if the proposed solution is an approximation to actual structural behavior. This study first examines the previous literature on the calculation of lateral stiffness components (i.e. flexural and shear stiffnesses) through comparisons with exact results obtained from discrete models. A new methodology for adapting the heightwise variation of lateral stiffness to continuum model is presented based on these comparisons. The proposed methodology is then extended for estimating the nonlinear global capacity of moment resisting frames. The verifications that compare the nonlinear behavior of real systems with those estimated from the proposed procedure suggest its effective use for the performance assessment of large building stocks that exhibit similar structural features. This conclusion is further justified by comparing nonlinear response history analyses of single-degree-of-freedom (sdof) systems that are obtained from the global capacity curves of actual systems and their approximations computed by the proposed procedure