62 research outputs found

    A retrospective analysis of noise-induced hearing loss in the Dutch construction industry

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    Purpose Noise exposure is an important and highly prevalent occupational hazard in the construction industry. This study examines hearing threshold levels of a large population of Dutch construction workers and compares their hearing thresholds to those predicted by ISO-1999. Methods In this retrospective study, medical records of periodic occupational health examinations of 29,644 construction workers are analysed. Pure-tone audiometric thresholds of noise-exposed workers are compared to a non-exposed control group and to ISO-1999 predictions. Regression analyses are conducted to explore the relationship between hearing loss and noise intensity, noise exposure time and the use of hearing protection. Results Noise-exposed workers had greater hearing losses compared to their non-noise-exposed colleagues and to the reference population reported in ISO-1999. Noise exposure explained only a small proportion of hearing loss. When the daily noise exposure level rose from 80 dB(A) towards 96 dB(A), only a minor increase in hearing loss is shown. The relation of exposure time and hearing loss found was similar to ISO-1999 predictions when looking at durations of 10 years or more. For the first decade, the population medians show poorer hearing than predicted by ISO-1999. Discussion Duration of noise exposure was a better predictor than noise exposure levels, probably because of the limitations in noise exposure estimations. In this population, noise-induced hearing loss was already present at the beginning of employment and increased at the same rate as is predicted for longer exposure duration

    Transmembrane ion transport by polyphosphate/poly-(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate complexes

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    Inorganic polyphosphates (polyPs) and poly-(R)-3-hydroxybutyrates (PHB) are simple linear polymers that are found in a wide variety of organisms, ranging from the most primitive to the most highly evolved Polyphosphates attract and select for cations by charge. PolyPs are linear chains of tetrahedral phosphate residues linked through common oxygen atoms by phosphoanhydride bonds Poly-(R)-3-hydroxybutyrates (PHBs) solvate cations. PolyP chains can form a framework of sufficient length to cross the bilayer, attract cations, select for divalent over monovalent cations and, in response to voltage or concentration gradients, move cations along its backbone. However, their high charge density creates a strong electrostatic barrier to penetrating a lipid bilayer. Also, polyPs do not distinguish among cations of the same charge by differences in size or coordination geometry. In order to form effective and selective cation transporters, polyPs must associate with amphiphilic REVIEW 0006-2979/00/6503-0280$25.00 ©2000 MAIK Nauka / Interperiodica Biochemistry (Moscow), Vol. 65, No. 3, 2000, pp. 280-295. Translated from Biokhimiya, Vol. 65, No. 3, 2000, pp. 335-352. Original Russian Text Copyright © 2000 AbstractTransmembrane ion transport, a critical process in providing energy for cell functions, is carried out by poreforming macromolecules capable of discriminating among very similar ions and responding to changes in membrane potential. It is widely regarded that ion channels are exclusively proteins, relatively late arrivals in cell evolution. Here we discuss the formation of ion-selective, voltage-activated channels by complexes of two simple homopolymers, namely, inorganic polyphosphates (polyPs) and poly-(R)-3-hydroxybutyrates (PHBs), derived from phosphate and acetate, respectively. Each has unique molecular characteristics that facilitate ion selection, solvation, and transport. Complexes of the two polymers, isolated from bacterial plasma membranes or prepared from the synthetic polymers, form voltage-dependent, Ca 2+ -selective channels in planar lipid bilayers that are selective for divalent over monovalent cations, permeant to Ca 2+ , Sr 2+ , and Ba 2+ , and blocked by transition metal cations in a concentration-dependent manner. Recently, both polyP and PHB have been found to be components of ion-conducting proteins: namely, the human erythrocyte Ca 2+ -ATPase pump and the Streptomyces lividans potassium channel. The contribution of polyP and PHB to ion selection and/or transport in these proteins is yet unknown, but their presence gives rise to the hypothesis that these and other ion transporters are supramolecular structures in which proteins, polyP, and PHB cooperate in forming well-regulated and specific cation transfer systems

    Multisensory mechanisms of body ownership and self-location

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    Having an accurate sense of the spatial boundaries of the body is a prerequisite for interacting with the environment and is thus essential for the survival of any organism with a central nervous system. Every second, our brain receives a staggering amount of information from the body across different sensory channels, each of which features a certain degree of noise. Despite the complexity of the incoming multisensory signals, the brain manages to construct and maintain a stable representation of our own body and its spatial relationships to the external environment. This natural “in-body” experience is such a fundamental subjective feeling that most of us take it for granted. However, patients with lesions in particular brain areas can experience profound disturbances in their normal sense of ownership over their body (somatoparaphrenia) or lose the feeling of being located inside their physical body (out-of-body experiences), suggesting that our “in-body” experience depends on intact neural circuitry in the temporal, frontal, and parietal brain regions. The question at the heart of this thesis relates to how the brain combines visual, tactile, and proprioceptive signals to build an internal representation of the bodily self in space. Over the past two decades, perceptual body illusions have become an important tool for studying the mechanisms underlying our sense of body ownership and self-location. The most influential of these illusions is the rubber hand illusion, in which ownership of an artificial limb is induced via the synchronous stroking of a rubber hand and an individual’s hidden real hand. Studies of this illusion have shown that multisensory integration within the peripersonal space is a key mechanism for bodily self-attribution. In Study I, we showed that the default sense of ownership of one’s real hand, not just the sense of rubber hand ownership, also depends on spatial and temporal multisensory congruence principles implemented in fronto-parietal brain regions. In Studies II and III, we characterized two novel perceptual illusions that provide strong support for the notion that multisensory integration within the peripersonal space is intimately related to the sense of limb ownership, and we examine the role of vision in this process. In Study IV, we investigated a fullbody version of the rubber hand illusion—the “out-of-body illusion”—and show that it can be used to induce predictable changes in one’s sense of self-location and body ownership. Finally, in Study V, we used the out-of-body illusion to “perceptually teleport” participants during brain imaging and identify activity patterns specific to the sense of self-location in a given position in space. Together, these findings shed light on the role of multisensory integration in building the experience of the bodily self in space and provide initial evidence for how representations of body ownership and self-location interact in the brain

    Eetstoornissen in context

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    Immune activation in the pathogenesis of Dengue virus infection

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    Immune activation in the pathogenesis of Dengue virus infection

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