29 research outputs found

    Pola Aktivitas Dan Keanekaragaman Belalang (Insecta: Orthoptera) Di Taman Naasional Gunung Ciremai, Kuningan, Jawa Barat

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    Pattern Activities and Diversity of Grasshopper (Insecta: Orthoptera) in Ciremai MountainNational Park, Kuningan, West Java. The grasshoppers of the Gunung Ciremai National Park,based on collections in 2008 are reported. The grasshoppers were collected by transect methodin three locations: Seda (508 m asl), Palutungan (1076 m dpl) and Cilengkrang (1143 m asl). Atotal, thirty three species of grasshoppers were recognized. The numbers of species/diversityindex Shanon are: 25/2.99, Palutungan 18/2.60, and Cilengkrang 13 species/2.46. The highestactivity of Ciremai grasshoppers was between 11.00-12.00 pm. The Erianthus sp was newrecord from Java, whereas Oxya spp.and Catantops (Acridiidae) spp were only found onSeda. Bibracte sp.(Acridiidae) and Paratrigonidium faseocinctum (Gryllidae) were only foundon Cilengkrang, whereas Oxyrrhepes obtusa (Acridiidae) was only found on Palutungan.Species similarity on location, observation time, activity, and habitat of each grasshopper arediscussed

    Perbandingan Pakan Londok Pseudocalotes Tympanistriga (Squamata: Agamidae) Selama Musim Penghujan Dari Dua Tipe Habitat Di Gunung Ciremai, Jawa Barat

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    Telah dilakukan analisis isi lambung dari 64 spesimen koleksi Pseudocalotes tympanistriga (Squamata: Agamidae) yang dikoleksi saat musim penghujan (April 2006 dan Maret 2008) dari Gunung Ciremai, Jawa Barat. Terungkap bahwa pakan alami terdiri atas bermacam arthropoda kecil dan tidak terdapat unsur material tumbuhan. Terungkap pula bahwa populasi P. tympanistriga dari lokasi Arban hanya mengkonsumsi 12 macam mangsa sedangkan populasi dari lokasi Cigowong mengkonsumsi 22 macam mangsa. Perbedaan ini merupakan refleksi dari perbedaan tipe habitat antara kedua lokasi tersebut. Kedua populasi tersebut mempunyai kesamaan fenomena dalam hal tumpang tindih relung antar jenis kelamin maupun dengan betina bunting. Tidak adanya perbedaan yang signifikan antara proporsi ukuran tubuh (AGL/SVL) mungkin yang menyebabkan kesamaan dalam aktivitas mencari/berburu mangsa antar jenis kelamin maupun antara betina bunting dan non bunting

    Peranan Tumbuhan Liar Dalam Konservasi Serangga Penyerbuk Ordo Hymenoptera

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    The role of the wild plants in relation to the conservation of the Indonesian insectpollinators was studied at several areas of Java. Three of direct observationmethods were applied: study of biodiversity and observation on the wild flowersand the insect pollinators as well, and the behaviour of the insects. The flowersof wild plants were relatively smaller and paler in colour, however they were moreattractive to insect pollinators than cultivated plants. Flowering time of the wildplants was mostly during wet seasons, contrary to that of the cultivated plantswhich was mostly during dry seasons. Our observation indicated that these wildplants are the food resources of insect pollinators during wet seasons. Observationdata support the importance of wild plants to supply food to insect pollinatorsduring wet seasons. Management of wild and cultivated plant environments isnecessary to conserve insect pollinators

    Komunitas Serangga Pada Bunga Rafflesia Patma Blume (Rafflesiaceae) Di Luar Habitat Aslinya Kebun Raya Bogor Kota Bogor Provinsi Jawa Barat Indonesia

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    Insects Community on the Flower of Rafflesia patma Blume (Rafflesiaceae) in its Non NativeHabitat of Bogor Botanical Gardens, Bogor City, Province of West Java, Indonesia. The studywas conducted at the Bogor Botanical Gardens, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia using a bloomingfemale flower of R. patma. The insects were directly counted in the morning, noon, and afternoonon both fresh blooming and rotten R. patma . Twenty three insect species were collectedduring the study belonging to the order Coleoptera (2 families, 2 species, 5 individuals),Diptera (9 families, 18 species, 1176 individuals), and Hymenoptera (2 family, 4 species, 13individuals). Number of individuals of each insect species captured were frequently less than1.35% from total captured. There were specialization of flies visiting fresh opening flower andthe rotten one. Six species, Leiomyza laevigata (Asteiidae), Chrysomya megacephala, andHemipyrellia tagaliana (Calliphoridae), Stegana coleoptrata (Drosophilidae), Heteromyzaoculata and Tephrochlamys rufiventris (Heleomyzidae) were predicted as important pollinatorsof R. patma