461 research outputs found

    Sebuah Penelitian Mengenai Kemampuan Siswa Kelas 1 Sman 3 Pekanbaru dalam Menulis Teks Prosedur

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    This descriptive research was aimed to find out the ability of the first year students of SMAN 3Pekanbaru in writing procedure texts. The research data were collected in September 2016. The subject of this research was class X IPA 4 which consisted of 32 students. The data were collected by giving a writing test to the students.Based on the research, it was found out that first: the ability of the first year students in writing procedure texts is in good level with the mean score of 63.00. Second, the students' mean score in terms of grammar is in moderate level with the mean score of 49.17, in terms of organization is in good level with the mean score of 78.75, in terms of mechanic is in good level with the mean score of 61.45, in terms of vocabulary is in moderate level with the mean score of 48.33, in terms of fluency is in good level with the mean score of79.37. As a conclusion, the highest score obtained by the students is in terms of fluency with the mean score of 79.37 which is categorized into good level, and the lowest score that the students got is in terms of vocabulary the mean score of 48.33 which is categorized into moderate level. English teacher may develop the students' motivation and encourage them to learn more about procedure texts as a practice of writing procedure texts in order to make the students familiar with writing materials. For next researcher, the writer suggests that to conduct other research in this school

    Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Teorema Pythagoras Dengan Media Berbantuan Komputer

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran matematika SMP dengan media berbantuan komputer pada materi teorema Pythagoras yang valid, praktis, dan efektif ditinjau dari prestasi belajar matematika dan mathematics self-efficacy siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan yang terdiri atas empat tahap, yaitu tahap define, design, develop, dan disseminate. Subjek coba dalam penelitian ini terdiri atas 9 siswa untuk uji coba kelompok kecil dan 30 siswa untuk uji coba lapangan. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SMP Negeri 2 Banyubiru, Kabupaten Semarang. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah lembar validasi, lembar penilaian guru, lembar penilaian siswa, lembar observasi kegiatan guru, lembar observasi kegiatan siswa, dan kuesioner mathematics self-efficacy. Kriteria keberhasilan dalam penelitian ini adalah jika banyaknya siswa yang memperoleh nilai tes akhir melebihi KKM lebih dari 75% dan siswa yang memiliki skor mathematics self-efficacy pada kriteria tinggi atau sangat tinggi lebih dari 75%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan adalah valid, praktis, dan efektif ditinjau dari prestasi siswa dan skor mathematics self-efficacy mereka

    Assessing competency levels of students on learning of energy and weather concepts using partial credit model

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    This research described a competence levels of students on learning natural sciencesin elementary school. Specifically, we measure student’s capacity in understanding of energyand weather concepts. This research involved 64 students on elementary school. The data takesfrom class promotion test with consisting multiple choice questions (MCQ) and Essay Test. Dataanalysis was produced using the Partial Credit Model (PCM) Rasch measurement. The RaschPCM specifies that each item has its own scale rating structure, so the two test types can beanalysed simultaneously. The results showed that in general the students had difficulty toconcluding the observation that the motion of the object was influenced by its shape and size;and pointed out of the relation between cloud and weather conditions. On the separate part,students clearly realize how to conserve the energy in everyday life; and interpret the effects ofweather for human life. Furthermore, the MCQ test is problematic than the Essay Test forstudents. The average male student has better ability than the female students to comprehend thelearning materials

    Peningkatan Motivasi Dan Prestasi Belajar Operasi Hitung Bilangan Bulat Siswa Kelas 4 Melalui Media Visual Interaktif

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar dan prestasi belajar operasi hitung bilangan bulat siswa kelas IV SD Negeri Paliyan 4 Kecamatan Paliyan Kabupaten Gunungkidul melalui media visual interaktif. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari 2015. Subjek penelitian adalah seluruh siswa kelas 4 yang berjumlah 20 siswa. Data penelitian dikumpulkan melalui observasi, tes tulis, angket, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa media visual interaktif dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan prestasi belajar operasi hitung bilangan bulat siswa kelas 4

    Pendugaan Produktivitas Pohon Pakan Orangutan Sumatera (Pongo Abelii) Pada Kawasan Ppos (Pusat Pengamatan Orangutan Sumatera), Bukit Lawang

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    The population of Sumatran Orangutan (Pongo abelii) decreases due to forest conversion. In addition, the availability of feed orangutans also declining so much potential extinction of the Sumatran orangutan if this trend continues. This study aims to determine the productivity of the tree of the Sumatran orangutan (Pongo abelii) and ecological niche in the area of Sumatran Orangutan Observation Center (PPOS), Bukit Lawang. This study was conducted for 3 months observations performed every week. The result showed that the productivity of the tree of sumatran orangutan lowest for the urinary tree (Quercuss sumatrana) while the highest species productivity found in the forest of mango trees (Mangifera indica). Animal species found in the hills of mace, among others, sumatran orangutan, long-tailed monkeys, kedih, turtles, squirrels and hornbills

    Kejadian Chikungunya Di Kelurahan Karangsari Dan Panjer Kecamatan Kebumen, Kabupaten Kebumen

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    Chikungunya is one of diseases that transmitted by chikungunya virus (CHIK virus) one of RNA virusinclude in Alphavirus. In the year of 2012 outbreak of chikungunya was happen in Kebumen District,January-June 2012 as much 80 cases in Karangsari Village and May-June as much 33 cases in PanjerVillage. This research describe chikungunya case condition based on time,place and person, laboratoriumchikungunya cases confirmation and entomology survey to count maya index as indicator to estimatemosquitoes breeding places habitat. Cross sectional method had been used. Outbreak chikungunya hadbeen happen in Karangsari and Panjer Villages, Kebumen Subdistrict, Kebumen District between January-July 2012. Sex ratio of cikungunya cases nearly same. Both of two area found chikungunya cases inchildren under five years. As much 27 responden that interviewed and taken their blood for chikungunyaPCR test found that they never go to outside of sub district area, PCR test showed positive in 7 sample.Maya index include in middle category. Outbreak chikungunya had been happen in Panjer and KarangsariVillage, Kebumen Sub District,Kebumen District. Environmet condition such as mosquitoes breedinghabitat in middle category

    Development of Low-Noise/Low-Power Preamplifier for the Readout of Inorganic Scintillators and their Mass Production Test System

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    The development of the preamplifer and all test procedures done by our group during the past several years at the University of Basel will be discussed. In addition, we present the results from the testing of the first 1`500 channels of the preamplifiers for the Crystal Barrel experiment using a specially developed automatized test system
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