66 research outputs found

    Ecological and Physiological Assessment of Animal Anesthesia Methods

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    The use of pharmaceuticals is indispensable in everyday medical practice. The patient’s life sometimes depends on the right dosages and the chosen method of administration of the drug, therefore, for the successful provision of assistance to the animal, the specialist should become familiar with pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the drugs used to prevent undesirable side effects and to reduce the risk of adverse outcome of the disease. Currently, many veterinary enterprises have been opened in Russia, a considerable number of them are private veterinary clinics, where daily surgical interventions with the use of anesthetics are carried out. Depending on the equipment they use different methods of anesthesia of animals – inhalation, non-inhalation or a combined method. The article deals with pharmacokinetic factors in the field of veterinary anesthesiology, its peculiarities associated with different methods of introduction of different groups of anesthetics, which have a similar effect on the body when injected into anesthesia. Moreover, depending on the method of introduction, their absorption into the body varies, the depth of anesthesia changes and the time of exit from it is different


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    It is established that during fermentation of traditional food stuffs «kopal’chen» conditionally pathogenic microflora which is not rendering destructive influence on Trichinella nativa larva develops. Thus T. nativa larva keep viability and infective properties and can be a source of infection of indigenous population of Chukotka.Установлено, что при ферментации традиционного продукта питания «копальхен» развивается условно патогенная микрофлора, не оказывающая губительного влияния на личинки Trichinella nativa. При этом личинки трихинелл сохраняют жизнеспособность и инвазионные свойства и могут быть источником заражения коренного населения Чукотки

    Neuropsychological study of alcohol dependence in patients of the narcological department

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    The purpose of the study is to identify neuropsychological features of patients suffering from alcohol dependence with a diagnosis of stage 2 alcoholic disease, who are being in a narcological hospital.Цель исследования – выявить нейропсихологические особенности больных, страдающих зависимостью от алкоголя с диагнозом алкогольной болезни 2 стадии, находящихся на лечении в наркологическом стационаре

    Современные подходы к обеспечению качества диагностики в компьютерной томографии

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    To ensure the quality assurance of CT-examinations, it is necessary to obtain the high-quality diagnostic information and maintain the optimal exposure levels of patients and medical staff. This paper is focused on the requirements and main aspects of quality assurance of CT-examinations, which include quality control of the equipment, methods of CT-image quality control, optimization of radiation protection, as well as management of the unintended and accidental medical exposure. The paper contains recommendations on quality control of diagnostic equipment, methods for monitoring the quality control of CT-images, values of diagnostic reference levels for the detection of abnormally high patient doses and optimization of the radiation protection of patients, as well as the recommendations for management of radiation and non-radiation accidents. All main sections of the paper represent an unified quality assurance system in computed tomography.Обеспечение качества проведения компьютерно-томографических исследований способствует как получению необходимой диагностической информации, так и поддержанию оптимальных уровней облучения пациентов и персонала в этой области лучевой диагностики. В статье рассмотрены требования и основные аспекты обеспечения качества при проведении КТ-исследований, которые включают контроль качества оборудования, методики контроля качества КТ-изображения, методики проведения исследований, вопросы оптимизации радиационной защиты, а также предотвращения и расследования радиационных аварий. Все основные разделы статьи представляют из себя рекомендации по применению единой системы обеспечения качества проведения КТ-исследований

    Study of the Dynamic Structure of Native and Hydrophobized Glucose Oxidase by Time-Domain Dielectric Spectroscopy

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    The dynamic structures of native and hydrophobized (by covalent attachment of palmitoyl chains) glucose oxidase were studied by time-domain dielectric spectroscopy (TDDS). Analysis of the dipole correlation function for both types of the enzyme showed that the decay of the correlation function of the macromolecule motion can be presented as a sum of components corresponding to different kinds of protein motion:  isotropic rotation of the protein molecule as a whole, anisotropic Brownian tumbling of subunits, and anisotropic intramolecular motion of polar groups and substructures. The slowest relaxation time was found to be longer for the modified enzyme than for the native enzyme. The dielectric strengths for all relaxation processes, as well as the dipole moment and the molecular volume, were also larger for the modified glucose oxidase. The observed differences between various types of the dipole motion for the native and modified glucose oxidase are discussed

    Influence of fermentation on preservation of infective properties of Trichinella nativa larva in traditional food stuffs «Kopal’chen» of indigenous population of Chukotka

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    It is established that during fermentation of traditional food stuffs «kopal’chen» conditionally pathogenic microflora which is not rendering destructive influence on Trichinella nativa larva develops. Thus T. nativa larva keep viability and infective properties and can be a source of infection of indigenous population of Chukotka