43 research outputs found

    Učinak EDTA, heparina i pohrane na osmotsku krhkost eritrocita, osmolalnost plazme i hematokrit u odraslih nojeva (Struthio camelus).

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    To investigate the effects of two widely used anticoagulants and storage on the in vitro osmotic fragility of erythrocytes, haematocrit (Hct) and plasma osmolality of ostriches, blood was collected by venipuncture from 8 birds (90-110 kg) into vacutainer tubes containing either EDTA (k3) or lithium heparin. The osmotic fragility of the erythrocytes was determined by measuring the release of haemoglobin from blood added to tubes containing serially diluted phosphate buffered saline (PBS, pH 7.4). The Hct was determined by microcentrifugation and osmolality with a cryoscopic osmometer. Blood samples were analysed at 0.5 h, 6 h and 12 h after collection. EDTA increased the erythrocyte osmotic fragility compared to heparin (P5%) occurred at between 0.50% and 0.55% PBS in heparin. In 0.85% PBS the haemolysis of samples collected in EDTA was greater than 30%, whereas in heparin it was 0.05). However, Hct values were significantly lower in heparin compared to EDTA (P5%) pojavila se između 0,50 i 0,55% PBS-a u heparinu. U 0,85% PBS-u hemoliza uzoraka uzetih u EDTA bila je veća od 30%, dok je u heparinu bila 0,05). Vrijednosti hematokrita bile su međutim značajno manje u heparinu u usporedbi s EDTA (P<0,05). Osmolalnost s EDTA i heparinom bila je 30 minuta nakon uzimanja značajno manja (P<0,05) nego nakon šest i 12 sati. Nije bilo značajne razlike u osmolalnosti plazme šest sati nakon uzimanja u usporedbi s vrijednostima nakon 12 sati. Plazma u EDTA imala je značajno veću (P<0,05) osmolalnost nego ona u heparinu

    A study on neonatal intake of oleanolic acid and metformin in rats (rattus norvegicus) with metabolic dysfunction : implications on lipid metabolism and glucose transport

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    Abstract: Metabolic syndrome, a cluster of different disorders which include diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular diseases, is a global epidemic that is growing at an alarming rate. The origins of disease can be traced back to early developmental stages of life. This has increased mortalities and continues to reduce life expectancies of individuals across the globe. The aim of this study was to investigate the sub-acute and long term effects of neonatal oral administration of oleanolic acid and metformin on lipids (free fatty acids, FFAs) and genes associated with lipid metabolism and glucose transport using a neonatal rat experimental model. In the first study, seven days old pups were randomly grouped into control—distilled water (DW); oleanolic acid (60 mg/kg), metformin (500 mg/kg), high fructose diet (20% w/v, HF), oleanolic acid (OA) + high fructose diet (OA + HF), and Metformin + high fructose diet (MET + HF) groups. The pups were treated for 7 days, and then terminated on postnatal day (PD) 14. In the second study, rat pups were initially treated similarly to study 1 and weaned onto normal rat chow and plain drinking water on PD 21 till they reached adulthood (PD112). Tissue and blood samples were collected for further analyses..

    Comparison of the histology of the skin of the Windsnyer, Kolbroek and Large White pigs

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    The skin is a protective barrier, and an endocrine, sensory and thermoregulatory organ. We investigated whether the skin of local pigs had beneficial anatomical traits compared to exotic pigs to withstand the increased heat loads predicted under future climate change scenarios. Full-thickness skin specimens were obtained from the dorsal interscapular, lateral thoraco-abdominal and ventral abdominal regions of intact boars (age 6–8 months) of two local breeds of pigs (Windsnyer [n = 5] and Kolbroek [n = 4]) and an exotic pig breed (Large White [n = 7]). The skin sections were stained with a one-step Mallory–Heidenhain stain and Fontana stain (melanin). Sweat gland perimeter was measured using Image J software. The Windsnyer breed had the thinnest dermis layer while the Large White had the thickest dermis layer across all the three body regions (analysis of variance [ANOVA]; p < 0.001). The Windsnyers had widely spaced dermal pegs compared to the other breeds. The Windsnyers had significantly more superficial and larger (~1 mm depth; 4.4 mm perimeter) sweat glands than the Kolbroek (~3 mm depth; 2.2 mm perimeter) and Large White (~4 mm depth; 2.0 mm perimeter) pigs (ANOVA; p < 0.001). The Windsnyers had visibly more melanin in the basal layer, the Kolbroek pigs had very little and the Large Whites had none. The functionality of the sweat glands of the Windsnyer breed needs to be established. The skin from the Windsnyer breed possesses traits that may confer a protective advantage for the increased solar radiation and ambient temperatures predicted with climate change


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    The gastrointestinal tract of neonates is sensitive to dietary manipulations. When nursing mothers use Aloe vera, their babies are at risk of indirect exposure to Aloe vera via breast feeding or directly as health supplements. The effects of orally administered extracts of Aloe vera in unweaned rats were investigated. Six day old Sprague-Dawley rats were gavaged with aqueous or alcohol extracts of Aloe vera (low dose 50mg. kg-1 or high dose 500mg. kg-1) daily for eight days. All data were expressed as mean ± SD and analyzed by one way ANOVA. Pups receiving high doses of either extract had a significantly higher body mass gain than the group receiving lower dose (p < 0.05). Tibial length was significantly increased in the high dose aqueous extract group (15-26 %). The differences in growth could not be attributed to circulating insulin-like growth factor-1 as the levels were not significantly different. The caecum was significantly enlarged in the rats that received the high doses of both extracts. Although, there was no significant difference in the non-fasting plasma concentration of glucose and triglycerides, the hepatic lipid and glycogen content were significantly higher (p < 0.001) for the high dose aqueous extract group. The plasma alanine transaminase was not affected by the treatments, however the high doses of the extracts significantly increased plasma alkaline phosphatase activity. Short term administration of Aloe vera extracts resulted in growth promotion, enhanced hepatic storage of metabolic substrates, increased ALP possibly in relation to bone growth and caused hypertrophy of the caecum of neonatal rats. These effects need to be explored further to enhance animal production and health

    Insulinotropic effect of S-Allyl cysteine in rat pups

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    Abstract: S-Allyl cysteine (SAC) is found in garlic and has been reported to exert antidiabetic and antiobesity properties in drug-induced adult experimental models of metabolic dysfunction, but its potential beneficial effects in high-fructose diet neonatal rat models have not been determined. This study investigated the potential prophylactic effects of SAC in high-fructose diet fed suckling rat pups modelling human neonates fed a high-fructose diet. Four-day-old male (n=32) and female (n=32) Wistar rat pups, were randomly assigned to and administered the following treatment regimens daily for 15 days: group I, distilled water; group II, 20% fructose solution (FS); group III, SAC; group IV, SAC+FS. The pups' blood glucose, triglyceride, cholesterol, plasma leptin and insulin concentration, liver lipid content, and liver histology were determined at termination. In female rat pups, orally administered SAC prevented FS-induced hypoinsulinemia but significantly increased (P≤0.05) liver lipid content. Oral administration of SAC significantly increased (P≤0.05) plasma insulin concentration and homeostasis model assessment for insulin resistance in the male pups. The potential sexually dimorphic effects of SAC (insulinotropic effects in male pups and protection of female pups against fructose-induced hypoinsulinemia) suggest that SAC could be potentially exploited as an antidiabetic and insulinotropic agent. Caution should, however, be exercised in the use of SAC during suckling as it could result in excessive liver lipid accumulation and insulin resistance

    Long-Term Impact of Neonatal Intake of Oleanolic Acid on the Expression of AMP-Activated Protein Kinase, Adiponectin and Inflammatory Cytokines in Rats Fed with a High Fructose Diet

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    Abstract: AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is known to regulate both glucose and lipid metabolism, which play vital roles in the development of metabolic syndrome. One way of regulating AMPK is through hormonal activation using adiponectin. Patients diagnosed with type-2 diabetes (T2D) and obesity exhibit low adiponectin concentration levels in their blood. Moreover, studies have also shown that inflammatory processes play a significant role in the etiology of these metabolic diseases. In this study, the long-term effects of neonatal intake of oleanolic acid (OA) on the AMPK gene, genes associated with glucose transport and lipid metabolism, adiponectin levels, and inflammatory biomarkers in rats fed with a high fructose diet were investigated. Seven day old pups were randomly divided into five groups and treated as follows; 0.5% dimethylsulphoxide v/v in distilled water vehicle control (CON), oleanolic acid (OA, 60 mg/kg), high fructose diet (HF, 20% w/v), high fructose diet combined with oleanolic acid (HF+OA), and high fructose diet combined with metformin (HF+MET, 500 mg/kg)..

    Phytochemistry, pharmacology and ethnomedicinal uses of Ficus thonningii (Blume moraceae): A review

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    The common wild fig, Ficus thonningii, is extensively used in African ethnomedicine for treating a number of disease conditions which include diarrhoea, urinary tract infections, diabetes mellitus, gonorrhoea, respiratory infections, and mental illnesses. This review aims to present a logical analysis of the nutritional, phytochemical and pharmacological properties of F. thonningii in relation to its therapeutic applications. A bibliographic analysis of the uses, phytochemical constituents and phytophamacological properties of Ficus thonningii was carried out using published papers, medicinal plant databases and various ethnobotanical and ethnopharmacological books. Ficus thonningii contains various bioactive compounds which include alkaloids, terpenoids, flavonoids, tannins and active proteins, all of which contribute to its curative properties. In vitro and in vivo pharmacological studies revealed that F. thonningii possesses antimicrobial, antidiarrhoeal, antihelmintic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Acute and sub-chronic toxicity studies have shown that Ficus thonningii is non-toxic if administered orally in low doses. Scientific research has validated the ethnomedicinal claims that Ficus thonningii is useful in disease management. However, there is need to continue identifying, isolating and quantifying the active principles and possibly determine the mechanisms underlying its curative properties