20 research outputs found


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    Occurrence of Cr-bearing beryl in stream sediment from Eskişehir, NW Turkey

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    Beryl crystals are found within stream sediments transecting schists in the northeast of Eskişehir, western Anatolia. This paper studied the Eskişehir beryl crystals with optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM-EDX), infrared spectroscopy (IR) and geochemical analyses. Beryl is accompanied by garnet, glaucophane, quartz, epidote, muscovite and chlorite in the stream sediments. The crystals are euhedral emerald (green gem beryl) and light bluishgreen aquamarine, with ideal sharp IR bands. Wet chemical analysis of Eskişehir beryl yielded 61.28% SiO2, 15.13% Al2O3, 12.34% BeO, 0.18% Cr2O3, 1.49% MgO, 1.69% Na2O, 0.98% Fe2O3, and 0.008% V2O3, resulting in the formula (Al1.75Cr0.01Mg0.22Fe0.08)(Be2.90Si6.00)(Na0.32)O18. Large Ion Lithophile Elements (LILE) (barium, strontium), some transition metals (cobalt, except nickel) and High Field Strength Elements (HFSE) (niobium, zirconium, and yttrium) in stream sediments that are associated with beryl exhibited low content about metamorphic rocks. Beryl formation appears to be controlled by upthrust faults and fractures that juxtaposed them with Cr-bearing ophiolitic units and a regime of metasomatic reactions. Such beryl crystals have also been found in detrital sediments that are derived from the schists. Presencia de berilios relacionados con Cromo en corrientes sedimentarias de Eskisehir, noroeste de Turquía  ResumenCristales de berilo fueron encontrados en sedimentos de corrientes que atraviesan en esquistos en el noreste de Eskisehir, al oeste de Anatolia. En este artículo se presentan resultados sobre el estudio de los cristales de berilio de Eskisehir con microscopio electrónico de barrido (SEM-EDX, del inglés Scanning Electron Microscopy), espectroscopia infrarroja y análisis geoquímicos. El berilio estaba acompañado de granate, glaucofana, cuarzo, epidota, moscovita, y clorito en las corrientes sedmientarias. Los cristales son esmeraldas de formas definidas (gema verde de berilio) y aguamarinas color verde celeste, con bandas de espectroscopia infrarroja de buena nitidez. El análisis químico húmedo del berilio de Eskisehir mostró 61.28 % de SiO2, 15.13 % de Al2O3, 12.34 % de BeO, 0.18 % de Cr2O3, 1.49 % de MgO, 1.69 % de Na2O, 0.98 % de Fe2O3, y 0.008% de V2O3, lo que resulta en la formula (Al1.75Cr0.01Mg0.22Fe0.08)(Be2.90Si6.00)(Na0.32)O18. Los elementos litófilos de ion grande (bario, estroncio), algunos metales de transición (cobalto, excepto níquel) y los elementos de gran campo de fuerza (niobio, circonio e itrio) en las corrientes de sedimentos que están con berilio mostraron un bajo contenido sobre las rocas metamórficas. Las formaciones de berilio aparecen controladas por fallas de cabalgamiento y fracturas que se yuxtaponen con las unidades ofiolíticas relacionadas con cromo y un régimen de reacciones metasomáticas. Estos cristales de berilio se han encontrado también en sedimentos detríticos que se derivan de los esquistos


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    The primary aim of this thesis was to provide a new approach to better understand the concept of FTD and its subtypes. From a poorly recognized entity, FTD is now accepted worldwide as a major cause of young-onset dementia with the seminal contributions of the early FTD researchers. Currently, the biggest limitation is the lack of biological biomarkers which cause diagnostic confusion between FTD; a neurodegenerative disorder, and PPD, which are considered non-neurodegenerative disorders. However, our results reported in chapter 3 showed that the distinction between FTD and PPD is not black and white, and there is an anatomical overlap as well. We found that gray matter volume alterations in the prefrontal and anterior cingulate cortex, temporal lobe, amygdala, and insula comprise the trans-diagnostic brain anatomical alterations in bvFTD and PPD. Although diagnostic challenges seem to be relatively less in PPA compared to bvFTD, our results reported in chapter 4 showed that within 5 years (IQR = 2.5) after clinical onset, 65.6% of the PPA patients additionally fulfilled the clinical criteria for another neurodegenerative syndrome (PPA-plus). Fourteen out of 24 (58%) svPPA patients additionally met the diagnostic criteria of bvFTD (5.1 years, IQR = 1.1), whereas the clinical features of 15/18 (83%) lvPPA patients were consistent with AD (4.5 years IQR = 3.4). Furthermore, 12/22 (54%) of the subjects with the nfvPPA progressed to meet the diagnostic criteria of the corticobasal syndrome, progressive supranuclear palsy, or motor neuron disease (5.1 years IQR = 3.4). However, despite those limitations mentioned above, it should be addressed that the modern diagnostic criteria for bvFTD and PPA are used widely and they helped to recognize those patients who have behavioral and language problems in combination with frontal and/or left temporal atrophy. However, the degeneration may start from the right temporal lobe and none of the diagnostic criteria of FTD covers this specific presentation. In chapter 5, we reported the clinical and the radiological characteristics of 70 FTD patients with predominant right temporal atrophy and revealed that prosopagnosia, episodic memory impairment and behavioural changes such as disinhibition, apathy, compulsiveness and loss of empathy were the most common initial symptoms, whereas, during the disease course, patients developed language problems such as word-finding difficulties and anomia. Although the symptom distribution of rtvFTD cases was unique the radiological results were in line with the existing literature. Given the mirror image of svPPA, we could speculate that the nature of the temporal variants of FTD is similar. In other words, rtvFTD is also a sporadic, FTLD TDP type C disorder, just like svPPA. This argument opened new doors to study the genetic and pathological background of the syndrome. In chapter 6, we reported the genetic mutations and inheritance patterns of rtvFTD patients and compared them to svPPA. Genetic variants in FTD related genes were found in 33% (n=6) of genetically screened rtvFTD cases (n=18); including MAPT (n = 4), GRN (n = 1), and TARDBP (n = 1) genes, whereas only one svPPA case (out of 18 screened) had a genetic variant. The results of chapter 7 were in line with chapter 6. Our results confirmed that rtvFTD is genetically and pathologically heterogeneous. In this case report and systematic review, we reported the autopsy results of five subjects diagnosed with rtvFTD from our cohort and 44 single rtvFTD subjects from the literature. FTLD-TDP type C was the most common underlying pathology in rtvFTD, however, in 64% of rtvFTD, other underlying pathologies than FTLD-TDP type C were present, such as Tau-MAPT and FTLD-TDP type A and B

    Occurrence of Cr-bearing beryl in stream sediment from Eskişehir, NW Turkey

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    Beryl crystals are found within stream sediments transecting schists in the northeast of Eskişehir, western Anatolia. This paper studied the Eskişehir beryl crystals with optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM-EDX), infrared spectroscopy (IR) and geochemical analyses. Beryl is accompanied by garnet, glaucophane, quartz, epidote, muscovite and chlorite in the stream sediments. The crystals are euhedral emerald (green gem beryl) and light bluishgreen aquamarine, with ideal sharp IR bands. Wet chemical analysis of Eskişehir beryl yielded 61.28% SiO2, 15.13% Al2O3, 12.34% BeO, 0.18% Cr2O3, 1.49% MgO, 1.69% Na2O, 0.98% Fe2O3, and 0.008% V2O3, resulting in the formula (Al1.75Cr0.01Mg0.22Fe0.08)(Be2.90Si6.00)(Na0.32)O18. Large Ion Lithophile Elements (LILE) (barium, strontium), some transition metals (cobalt, except nickel) and High Field Strength Elements (HFSE) (niobium, zirconium, and yttrium) in stream sediments that are associated with beryl exhibited low content about metamorphic rocks. Beryl formation appears to be controlled by upthrust faults and fractures that juxtaposed them with Cr-bearing ophiolitic units and a regime of metasomatic reactions. Such beryl crystals have also been found in detrital sediments that are derived from the schists.   Presencia de berilios relacionados con Cromo en corrientes sedimentarias de Eskisehir, noroeste de Turquía   Resumen Cristales de berilo fueron encontrados en sedimentos de corrientes que atraviesan en esquistos en el noreste de Eskisehir, al oeste de Anatolia. En este artículo se presentan resultados sobre el estudio de los cristales de berilio de Eskisehir con microscopio electrónico de barrido (SEM-EDX, del inglés Scanning Electron Microscopy), espectroscopia infrarroja y análisis geoquímicos. El berilio estaba acompañado de granate, glaucofana, cuarzo, epidota, moscovita, y clorito en las corrientes sedmientarias. Los cristales son esmeraldas de formas definidas (gema verde de berilio) y aguamarinas color verde celeste, con bandas de espectroscopia infrarroja de buena nitidez. El análisis químico húmedo del berilio de Eskisehir mostró 61.28 % de SiO2, 15.13 % de Al2O3, 12.34 % de BeO, 0.18 % de Cr2O3, 1.49 % de MgO, 1.69 % de Na2O, 0.98 % de Fe2O3, y 0.008% de V2O3, lo que resulta en la formula (Al1.75Cr0.01Mg0.22Fe0.08)(Be2.90Si6.00)(Na0.32)O18. Los elementos litófilos de ion grande (bario, estroncio), algunos metales de transición (cobalto, excepto níquel) y los elementos de gran campo de fuerza (niobio, circonio e itrio) en las corrientes de sedimentos que están con berilio mostraron un bajo contenido sobre las rocas metamórficas. Las formaciones de berilio aparecen controladas por fallas de cabalgamiento y fracturas que se yuxtaponen con las unidades ofiolíticas relacionadas con cromo y un régimen de reacciones metasomáticas. Estos cristales de berilio se han encontrado también en sedimentos detríticos que se derivan de los esquistos

    Mineralogical and geochemical characteristics and genesis of hydrothermal kaolinite deposits within neogene volcanites, Kütahya (western Anatolia), Turkey

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    The Kü tahya kaolinite deposits are the most important source of raw materials for the ceramics industry in Turkey. To date, no detailed mineralogical or geochemical characterizations of these materials have been carried out; the present study aims to fill that gap. The Kütahya kaolinite deposits formed by alteration of dacite and andesite tuffs related to Neogene volcanism whichwas associated withe xtensional tectonics. The kaolinite deposits contain silica and Fe- and Ti-bearing phases (pyrite, goethite, and rutile) in vertical and subvertical veins that diminish and then disappear upward. Mineralogical zonation outward from the main kaolinite deposit is as follows: kaolinite> smectite + illite + opal-CT + feldspar; feldspar + kaolinite + quartz + smectite + illite; quartz + feldspar + volcanic glass. The veins and mineral distributions demonstrate that hydrothermal alteration was the main process in the development of the kaolinite deposits of the area. The very sharp, intense, diagnostic basal reflections at 7.2 and 3.57 Å, as well as non-basal reflections, well defined pseudohexagonal to hexagonal crystallinity with regular outlines, ideal differential thermal analysis-thermal gravimetric curves, and ideal, sharp, infrared spectral bands indicate well crystallized kaolinite. Micromorphologically, the development of kaolinite plates at the edges of altered feldspar and devitrified volcanic glass indicates an authigenic origin. Lateral increase in (SiO +Fe O +MgO+Na O+CaO+K O)/(Al2O3+TiO2) from the center of the kaolinite deposit outward also indicates hydrothermal zonation. Enrichment of Sr in altered and partially altered rocks relative to freshvolca nic-rock samples demonstrates retention of Sr and depletion of Rb, Ba, Ca, and K during hydrothermal alteration of sanidine and plagioclase within the volcanic units. In addition, depletion of heavy rare earth elements (HREE) relative to light rare earth elements (LREE) in the kaolinized materials may be attributed to the alteration of hornblende. The negative Eu anomaly suggests the alteration of feldspar by hydrothermal fluids. The isotopic data from kaolinite and smectite indicate that hydrothermalalteration processes developed at 119.1-186.9°C and 61.8-84.5°C, respectively. Thus, the kaolinite deposits formed by hydrothermal alteration of volcanic glass, feldspar, and hornblende by a dissolutionprecipitation mechanism which operated under acidic conditions within Neogene dacite, andesite, and tuffs


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    - Kaymaz (Sivrihisar) Eskişehir ilinin 80 km dogusunda yer almaktadir. Çalişma sahasi metamorfitler, ofiyolitler, fonolitler ve pegmatitten oluşmaktadir. Bu birimlerden metamorfitleri kesen dere sedimanlarinda beril kristallerinin varligi belirlenmiştir. Toplanan örneklerde en fazla 35 µm boyutunda, yeşil ve açik yeşilimsi mavi renkli beril taneleri hekzagonal yapili, bazal dilinimli, no= 1.584, ne= 1.568 işik kirma indisleri, tek optik eksenli (-) ve SEM de özşekilli hekzagonal prizmatik karakterli özellikler göstermektedir. Jeokimyasal olarak fonolit örneklerinde Be içerigi (9-31 ppm), pegmatitlerde (4-17 ppm) ve metamorfiklerde ise 1 ppm tespit edilmiştir. Fonolitlerde berilyumla ilişkili elementlerden F (260-440 ppm), Ba (1088-3106 ppm), La (300 ppm), Y (16-19 ppm), pegmatitlerde F (300 ppm), W (10 ppm) ve Sn (5 ppm) degerleri göstermesi ve beril kristallerinin fonolit ve pegmatitlerle tektonik ilişkili olan metamorfik kayaçlari kesen dere sedimanlarinda belirlenmesi berilin oluşumunun kökensel olarak bu kayaçlarla bagintili oldugunu göstermektedi

    Mineralogy, geochemistry, and genesis of lithium-bearing argillaceous sediments associated with the Neogene Bigadiç borate deposits, Balıkesir, western Anatolia, Türkiye

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    The Li-bearing claystone and carbonate are sedimentary rocks deposited in the lacustrine environment hosting the Bigadiç borate deposits in western Anatolia. The purpose of this paper is to explain the mineralogical, geochemical, stable isotope characterizations and formation of Li-rich claystone (hectorite, saponite), and have strategic, technological, and economic importance for the country's economy, which have not been sufficiently studied previously. In the rhyolitic and dacitic tuffs, sanidine and plagioclase crystals were altered, biotite and hornblende, Fe-oxidized, locally opaque, and chloritized in a sericitized, Fe-oxidized, argillized, calcified, and zeolitized glassy matrix. The claystone consists mainly of smectite and minor illite, volcanogenic quartz, feldspar, mica, hornblende, and occasionally calcite, aragonite, dolomite, and gypsum/anhydrite. Hectorite and saponite were determined based on the expansion of their basal peaks following heating at 500 °C and solvation with ethylen-glycol; additionally, hectorite expanded, and saponite was not affected after glycerine-saturated Cs-smectite and heating at 100 °C for 20 h. Smectite shows webby to crenulated forms, and coexist with feldspar, volcanic glass, rhomboidal calcite, blocky gypsum/anhydrite, and Fe-oxide phases. The Li values increase up to 2650 ppm in the smectite-rich claystone and marl, and up to 449 ppm in the volcanic rocks. The positive correlation of REE with each of SiO2, Al2O3, and K2O; positive correlation of MgO vs. Li, and increase of MgO + CaO, Sr, Li, LREE relative to MREE and HREE; negative Eu anomaly and high values of As and S suggest that the feldspar, mica, and hornblende alteration originating from the Miocene volcanic and pyroclastic materials and presence of gypsum/anhydrite during the hydrothermal alteration activities were the sources for the smectite formation. The high negative δ18O values of calcite, the δD and δ18O values of smectite and δ34S‰ and δ18O‰ values of gypsum, and the 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios range of calcite and gypsum suggest the contribution of mixing meteoric and hydrothermal environmental conditions during the depositional and diagenetic process(es) in the playa lake environment