29 research outputs found

    The prevalence of transitional object use in adolescence: is there a connection between the existence of a transitional object and depressive symptoms?

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    Objective: The purpose of the study was to investigate the prevalence of the use of a transitional object (TO) in adolescence and its connection with depressive symptoms and mental distress in youth by gender. Method: The study group consisted of 1,054 adolescents (465 boys, 589 girls) from normal comprehensive schools in Turku, a Finnish town with approximately 175,000 inhabitants. The mean age of both gender groups was 14.5 years (SD 0.5); respondents came from all social classes. Background and TO information was collected with questionnaires. Depressive symptoms and mental distress were explored by the children’s depression inventory (CDI) and its subscales: low self-confidence, anhedonia and sadness. Results: Of all respondents, 29% (n = 285) had a TO: 37% of girls and 18% of boys. The difference between genders was statistically significant. There was also a statistically significant gender difference in the character of the TO reported: 72 % of girls with a TO had a soft toy, whereas 49% of boys with a TO used hard objects, such as pens, hard toys or books. TO-users showed more depressive symptoms than non-users, but the difference was not statistically significant (P = 0.053). Significant differences were found in the CDI subscales: TO-users had more sadness than non-users and girls using a TO showed more sadness than non-using girls. TO-using boys did not differ from non-using boys with regard to sadness or the other CDI-subscales. Conclusions: The use of a TO seems to be common in adolescence. Adolescents with more depressive symptoms more often used a TO. The sadness of girls using TOs requires attention

    Impact of Rheumatic Musculoskeletal Disease on Psychological Development in Adolescents and Young Adults

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    Adolescents and young adults (AYAs) undergo significant physiological and psychological transformations. When developmental milestones are combined with additional challenges of growing up with a chronic rheumatic musculoskeletal disease (RMD), it can increase AYA's susceptibility to psychological problems. Emotional issues in adolescence can often persist into adulthood and negatively impact future health, social, and work outcomes. This chapter summarises psychological challenges for AYAs and recommends ways for healthcare professionals (HCPs) to promote mental wellbeing in AYAs with RMD

    Matemaattisesti lahjakkaiden oppilaiden ylöspÀin eriyttÀminen ja sen esteet perusopetuksessa

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    TÀmÀn tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittÀÀ kuinka hyvin alakoulun matematiikan opetus huomioi matemaattisesti lahjakkaat oppilaat matematiikan opetuksessa. Opetussuunnitelma (Opetushallitus, 2014) listaa seuraavat keinot, joiden avulla voidaan eriyttÀÀ opetusta myös ylöspÀin yleisessÀ tuessa: henkilökohtainen oppimissuunnitelma, tukiopetus, erilaiset opetusryhmÀt sekÀ opettajien vÀlinen yhteistyö. TÀssÀ tutkimuksessa keskitytÀÀn opetussuunnitelman mainitsemien eriyttÀmisen keinojen toteutumisen tutkimiseen yleisen tuen tasolla. LisÀksi tutkimus pyrkii selvittÀmÀÀn muita keinoja, joita opettajat kÀyttÀvÀt ylöspÀin eriyttÀmiseen matematiikassa sekÀ mahdollisia eriyttÀmisen esteitÀ. Tutkimuksen aineisto on kerÀtty 29.3.-10.4.2022 vÀlisenÀ aikana Webropol-kyselyÀ hyödyntÀen. Kyselyyn vastasi 103 alakoulun opettajaa ympÀri Suomea. Vaikka vastaajajoukko jÀikin odotettua pienemmÀksi, tulokset antavat hyvÀÀ suuntaviivaa matemaattisesti lahjakkaiden oppilaiden tÀmÀnhetkisen tuen muodoista perusopetuksessa ja tietyistÀ haasteista lahjakkaiden oppilaiden ylöspÀin eriyttÀmisessÀ.. Tulokset osoittavat, ettÀ ylöspÀin eriyttÀmistÀ yleisen tuen muotona kÀytetÀÀn kolmessa neljÀstÀ koulusta. Kun kysymystÀ ei tarkenneta yleiseen tukeen, ylöspÀin eriyttÀmistÀ matematiikan opetuksessa kÀyttÀÀ lÀhes yhdeksÀn kymmenestÀ opettajasta. Opetussuunnitelmassa mainittua henkilökohtaista oppimissuunnitelmaa matematiikan opetuksen tukena kÀytti lÀhes puolet opettajista. SyventÀvÀÀ opetusta oppilaille opetuksessaan tarjosi hieman alle kolmasosa vastaajista. Samanaikaisopettajuus opettajien vÀlisenÀ yhteistyömuotona oli kÀytössÀ hieman alle puolella vastaajista. Tukiopetus oli vÀhiten kÀytetty keino tutkimuksessa mainituista vaihtoehdoista matemaattisesti lahjakasta oppilasta tuettaessa. JohtopÀÀtöksenÀ voidaan todeta, ettÀ matemaattisesti lahjakkaille oppilaille tarjotaan perusopetuksessa erilaisia omaa oppimistasoa vastaavia mahdollisuuksia taitojen kehittymiseen. Samalla tutkimustulokset antavat viitteitÀ siitÀ, ettÀ lahjakkaiden oppilaiden matematiikan opetuksessa on vielÀ kehittÀmisen varaa, jotta se toteutuisi opetussuunnitelman mukaisesti

    Comparison of the self-image of teenagers in Finland, the United States, and Germany

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    In this research, the self-image of Finnish adolescents was compared with the self-images of American and West German adolescents. Results show that there are statistically significant differences between Finnish adolescents and American adolescents in five areas. Finnish adolescents are emotionally healthier than American adolescents, and their mood is better. American adolescents have higher vocational and educational goals than Finnish adolescents, and their adaptation skills to immediate environment and their coping skills are better. Differences between Finnish and West German adolescents are found in four scales. The affective harmony of the psychic structure of Finnish adolescents and their object relationships and friendships are better developed than those of West German adolescents. West German adolescents have higher vocational and educational goals than Finnish adolescents and their coping skills with themselves, other people, and their own world are better. Emotional tone (mood) is an area where Finnish adolescents scored higher than the American and the West German adolescents. Vocational and educational goals and adjustment skills are well developed in adolescents from the United States and West Germany. Adolescents in these three countries are alike in Impulse Control, Body Image, Sexual Attitudes, and Family Relations