8 research outputs found

    Know your neighbors: microbial recognition at the intestinal barrier and its implications for gut homeostasis and inflammatory bowel disease

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    Intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) perform several physiological and metabolic functions at the epithelial barrier. IECs also play an important role in defining the overall immune functions at the mucosal region. Pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) on the cell surface and in other cellular compartments enable them to sense the presence of microbes and microbial products in the intestinal lumen. IECs are thus at the crossroads of mediating a bidirectional interaction between the microbial population and the immune cells present at the intestinal mucosa. This communication between the microbial population, the IECs and the underlying immune cells has a profound impact on the overall health of the host. In this review, we focus on the various PRRs present in different cellular compartments of IECs and discuss the recent developments in the understanding of their role in microbial recognition. Microbial recognition and signaling at the epithelial barrier have implications in the maintenance of intestinal homeostasis, epithelial barrier function, maintenance of commensals, and the overall tolerogenic function of PRRs in the gut mucosa. We also highlight the role of an aberrant microbial sensing at the epithelial barrier in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and the development of colorectal cancer

    Epithelial RAC1-dependent cytoskeleton dynamics controls cell mechanics, cell shedding and barrier integrity in intestinal inflammation

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    Objective: Increased apoptotic shedding has been linked to intestinal barrier dysfunction and development of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). In contrast, physiological cell shedding allows the renewal of the epithelial monolayer without compromising the barrier function. Here, we investigated the role of live cell extrusion in epithelial barrier alterations in IBD. Design: Taking advantage of conditional GGTase and RAC1 knockout mice in intestinal epithelial cells (Pggt1biΔIEC and Rac1iΔIEC mice), intravital microscopy, immunostaining, mechanobiology, organoid techniques and RNA sequencing, we analysed cell shedding alterations within the intestinal epithelium. Moreover, we examined human gut tissue and intestinal organoids from patients with IBD for cell shedding alterations and RAC1 function. Results: Epithelial Pggt1b deletion led to cytoskeleton rearrangement and tight junction redistribution, causing cell overcrowding due to arresting of cell shedding that finally resulted in epithelial leakage and spontaneous mucosal inflammation in the small and to a lesser extent in the large intestine. Both in vivo and in vitro studies (knockout mice, organoids) identified RAC1 as a GGTase target critically involved in prenylation-dependent cytoskeleton dynamics, cell mechanics and epithelial cell shedding. Moreover, inflamed areas of gut tissue from patients with IBD exhibited funnel-like structures, signs of arrested cell shedding and impaired RAC1 function. RAC1 inhibition in human intestinal organoids caused actin alterations compatible with arresting of cell shedding. Conclusion: Impaired epithelial RAC1 function causes cell overcrowding and epithelial leakage thus inducing chronic intestinal inflammation. Epithelial RAC1 emerges as key regulator of cytoskeletal dynamics, cell mechanics and intestinal cell shedding. Modulation of RAC1 might be exploited for restoration of epithelial integrity in the gut of patients with IBD

    Cytokine-Mediated Crosstalk between Immune Cells and Epithelial Cells in the Gut

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    Cytokines are small proteins that are secreted by a vast majority of cell types in the gut. They not only establish cell-to-cell interactions and facilitate cellular signaling, but also regulate both innate and adaptive immune responses, thereby playing a central role in genetic, inflammatory, and infectious diseases of the gut. Both, immune cells and gut epithelial cells, play important roles in intestinal disease development. The epithelium is located in between the mucosal immune system and the gut microbiome. It not only establishes an efficient barrier against gut microbes, but it also signals information from the gut lumen and its composition to the immune cell compartment. Communication across the epithelial cell layer also occurs in the other direction. Intestinal epithelial cells respond to immune cell cytokines and their response influences and shapes the microbial community within the gut lumen. Thus, the epithelium should be seen as a translator or a moderator between the microbiota and the mucosal immune system. Proper communication across the epithelium seems to be a key to gut homeostasis. Indeed, current genome-wide association studies for intestinal disorders have identified several disease susceptibility loci, which map cytokine signatures and their related signaling genes. A thorough understanding of this tightly regulated cytokine signaling network is crucial. The main objective of this review was to shed light on how cytokines can orchestrate epithelial functions such as proliferation, cell death, permeability, microbe interaction, and barrier maintenance, thereby safeguarding host health. In addition, cytokine-mediated therapy for inflammation and cancer are discussed

    Cytokine-Mediated Crosstalk between Immune Cells and Epithelial Cells in the Gut

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    Cytokines are small proteins that are secreted by a vast majority of cell types in the gut. They not only establish cell-to-cell interactions and facilitate cellular signaling, but also regulate both innate and adaptive immune responses, thereby playing a central role in genetic, inflammatory, and infectious diseases of the gut. Both, immune cells and gut epithelial cells, play important roles in intestinal disease development. The epithelium is located in between the mucosal immune system and the gut microbiome. It not only establishes an efficient barrier against gut microbes, but it also signals information from the gut lumen and its composition to the immune cell compartment. Communication across the epithelial cell layer also occurs in the other direction. Intestinal epithelial cells respond to immune cell cytokines and their response influences and shapes the microbial community within the gut lumen. Thus, the epithelium should be seen as a translator or a moderator between the microbiota and the mucosal immune system. Proper communication across the epithelium seems to be a key to gut homeostasis. Indeed, current genome-wide association studies for intestinal disorders have identified several disease susceptibility loci, which map cytokine signatures and their related signaling genes. A thorough understanding of this tightly regulated cytokine signaling network is crucial. The main objective of this review was to shed light on how cytokines can orchestrate epithelial functions such as proliferation, cell death, permeability, microbe interaction, and barrier maintenance, thereby safeguarding host health. In addition, cytokine-mediated therapy for inflammation and cancer are discussed

    An intravital microscopy-based approach to assess intestinal permeability and epithelial cell shedding performance

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    Intravital microscopy of the gut using confocal imaging allows real time observation of epithelial cell shedding and barrier leakage in living animals. Therefore, the intestinal mucosa of anesthetized mice is topically stained with unspecific staining (acriflavine) and a fluorescent tracer (rhodamine-B dextran), mounted on a saline solution-rinsed plate and directly imaged using a confocal microscope. This technique can complement other non-invasive techniques to identify leakage of intestinal permeability, such as transmucosal passage of orally administered tracers. Besides this, the approach presented here allows the direct observation of cell shedding events at real-time. In combination with appropriate fluorescent reporter mice, this approach is suitable for shedding light into cellular and molecular mechanisms controlling intestinal epithelial cell extrusion, as well as to other biological processes. In the last decades, interesting studies using intravital microscopy have contributed to knowledge on endothelial permeability, immune cell gut homing, immune-epithelial communication and invasion of luminal components, among others. Together, the protocol presented here would not only help increase the understanding of mechanisms controlling epithelial cell extrusion, but could also be the basis for the developmental of other approaches to be used as instruments to visualize other highly dynamic cellular process, even in other tissues. Among technical limitations, optical properties of the specific tissue, as well as the selected imaging technology and microscope configuration, would in turn, determine the imaging working distance, and resolution of acquired images

    An IKK/NF-κB Activation/p53 Deletion Sequence Drives Liver Carcinogenesis and Tumor Differentiation

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    Background: Most liver tumors arise on the basis of chronic liver diseases that trigger inflammatory responses. Besides inflammation, subsequent defects in the p53-signaling pathway frequently occurs in liver cancer. In this study, we analyzed the consequences of inflammation and p53 loss in liver carcinogenesis. Methods: We used inducible liver-specific transgenic mouse strains to analyze the consequences of NF-κB/p65 activation mimicking chronic inflammation and subsequent p53 loss. Results: Ikk2ca driven NF-κB/p65 activation in mice results in liver fibrosis, the formation of ectopic lymphoid structures and carcinogenesis independent of p53 expression. Subsequent deletion of Trp53 led to an increased tumor formation, metastasis and a shift in tumor differentiation towards intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. In addition, loss of Trp53 in an inflammatory liver resulted in elevated chromosomal instability and indicated a distinct aberration pattern. Conclusions: In conclusion, activation of NF-κB/p65 mimicking chronic inflammation provokes the formation of liver carcinoma. Collateral disruption of Trp53 supports tumor progression and influences tumor differentiation and heterogeneity

    Caspase-8 in endothelial cells maintains gut homeostasis and prevents small bowel inflammation in mice

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    The gut has a specific vascular barrier that controls trafficking of antigens and microbiota into the bloodstream. However, the molecular mechanisms regulating the maintenance of this vascular barrier remain elusive. Here, we identified Caspase-8 as a pro-survival factor in mature intestinal endothelial cells that is required to actively maintain vascular homeostasis in the small intestine in an organ-specific manner. In particular, we find that deletion of Caspase-8 in endothelial cells results in small intestinal hemorrhages and bowel inflammation, while all other organs remained unaffected. We also show that Caspase-8 seems to be particularly needed in lymphatic endothelial cells to maintain gut homeostasis. Our work demonstrates that endothelial cell dysfunction, leading to the breakdown of the gut-vascular barrier, is an active driver of chronic small intestinal inflammation, highlighting the role of the intestinal vasculature as a safeguard of organ function