132 research outputs found

    Projekt medijskog i informatičkog opismenjavanja u Europi: Primjer Slovenije

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    The aim of this article is to present and critically assess the Media and Computer Literacy Project in Slovenia. The article is divided into four parts. Comparative analysis of the teaching of media and computer in the 1990s in Europe is presented in the first part. The media literacy project in Slovenia is assessed in the second part, while the third part assesses the computer literacy project in Slovenia and discusses information literacy, which refers to the ability to access, analyze, critically review and create diverse forms of information and communication (press, TV and radio, computer) and to develop skills and practices needed in the process of participatory democracy. The fourth part contains an analysis of the reasons why the computer literacy prevailed within the Media and Computer Literacy Project. Computer literacy received more support from the authorities because it broadly agreed with some general political and economic principles valued by Slovenian society. The author suggest that education policy-makers everywhere should carefully review their media and/or computer literacy policies and give clear support to information literacy.Cilj rada je prikazati kritički pristup projektu medijskog i računalnog opismenjavanja u Sloveniji. Članak je podijeljen u četiri dijela. U prvom dijelu prikazana je komparativna analiza nastave o medijima i računalima devedesetih u Europi. Projekt medijske pismenosti (media literacy) u Sloveniji procjenjuje se drugom dijelu. U trećem dijelu, o projektu računalnog opismenjavanja u Sloveniji raspravlja se usporedo s osnovama informacijske pismenosti koja uključuje sposobnost pristupa, analize, kritičke procjene i proizvodnje različitih medijskih oblika za novine, televiziju ili radio, računalo i ostale medije, jednako kao i razvijanje vjeÅ”tina i prakse potrebne za aktivno sudjelovanje građana u procesu demokracije. Četvrti dio analizira razloge zbog kojih project računalnog opismenjavanja prevladava nad projektom medijskog opismenjavanja. Između projekta medijskog i računalnog opismenjavanja, projekt računalnog opismenjavanja ima veću podrÅ”ku autoriteta, zato Å”to je u skladu s općim političkim i ekonomskim načelima vrijednosti u slovenskom druÅ”tvu. Ovaj članak upućuje na to da bi stručnjaci i kreatori Å”kolovanja za medije, trebali pažljivo preispitati politiku medijskog opismenjavanja te dati jasnu podrÅ”ku cjelovitoj informacijskoj pismenosti

    Kako imati dobar seks? Konstrukcija općeg miÅ”ljenja i pogleda na seksualnost

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    The aim of this article is to show which textual devices are used by the most popular women\u27s magazine in Slovenia to construct a commonsense consensual view of female sexuality. A critical discourse analysis of the Cosmopolitanā€™s advice articles on one of the most intimate parts of the private life ā€“ sex ā€“ was analysed. I propose that the writers of advice articles use pseudo-intimate, pseudo-scientific and prescriptive discourse to construct ā€˜common senseā€™ and a consensus about the contradictory ideology of female sexuality.Cilj je članka pokazati jezične elemente koje koristi najpopularniji slovenski ženski časopis Cosmopolitan kako bi konstruirao ā€œzdravorazumskuā€ suglasnost o ženskoj seksualnosti. Metodom analize diskursa kritički se propituju savjeti koje magazin u svojim člancima daje čitateljicama kad je riječ o najprivatnijem dijelu njihova života ā€“ seksu! Hipoteza je da autori članaka koriste pseudo-povjerljiv i pseudo- znanstveni diskurs kako bi konstruirali suglasnost i opće stajaliÅ”te o kontradiktornoj ideologiji ženske seksualnosti

    A continuous battle: relationships between journalists and politicians in Slovenia

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    This article deals with the relationship between journalists and politicians in post-socialist Slovenia, where journalists report increasing political pressures from editors, management and politicians. If socialism supported, even required, an intimate connection between party leaders and journalists, what are some ā€œnewā€ expectations that state or party officials have from journalists? Moreover, what is the self-professed role of journalists in the process of a democratic transition, and what ā€œnewā€ journalistic values are being adopted and challenged the most? On the basis of media political economy and 51 in-depth interviews (30 journalists and 21 politicians) we argue that there is a complex and multilayered relationship being formed between Slovene journalists and politicians. The Slovene case study can tell us more about the troublesome relationship between politicaleconomic elites and journalists in the transition to democracy in a new country that has only recently become a nation-state

    Nostalgia for Greater Serbia: Media coverage of Radovan Karadžicā€™s arrest

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    The arrest of former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadžic in July 2008 triggered wide-spread international interest and provided the opportunity for the Serbian public and its media to reflect upon the role of Serbia in the Yugoslav wars of the 1990s. Karadžic was a Bosnian-Serb president of the self-proclaimed Serbian republic within Bosnia and Herzegovina, and was indicted for genocide and crimes against humanity in 1995. On the basis of critical discourse analysis, we argue that Television Serbia, while covering Karadžic's arrest, constructed a nationalistic discourse by invoking nostalgia for Greater Serbia in ways that suppressed or concealed any connection between Karadžic specifically, the Serbs in general, and especially the current government with war crimes in Bosnia and Herzegovina. At the same time this discourse celebrated Serbia as a superior nation as it progressed toward inclusion in the European Union

    The level of health literacy of secondary school students in Slovenia

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    Introduction: Health literacy of secondary school students is particularly important as they are exposed to higher health risk. Therefore, the aim of the study is to determine the level of basic health literacy, critical and mental health literacy, and numeracy of Slovenian secondary school nursing students using a cross-sectional comparative method.Methods: The questionnaire measuring the level of basic numerical, critical, and mental health literacy was completed by 249 secondary school students, divided into a group of secondary school students attending a nursing program and students of others similar secondary schools such as economic technician, chemical technician and preschool education.Results: Secondary nursing students were found to have statistically significantly higher levels of basic and mental health literacy than their peers, rather than numerical and critical health literacy. In addition, the results show that there is no statistically significant difference in the level of health literacy between the groups of secondary school students in relation to the environment (rural/urban area).Conclusion: Numerical and critical health literacy should be systematically developed in nursing schools, and at least the basic aspects of health literacy should be introduced in all secondary school curricula

    Croatian journalistsā€™ narratives on Croatian war crimes in Bosnia-Herzegovina

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    The former Yugoslav wars of 1990s have proven to be one of the most violent and aggressive military conflicts after the 2nd World War in Europe. One of the wars in the former Yugoslav region took place between Croats and Bosnian Muslims (1992-1994). The causes for war and war itself are still being denied by the majority of Croats despite evidence from Croatian historians and the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in The Hague. Because the media have played a crucial role in the construction of the ethnic ā€œOtherā€ (the enemy), weā€™ve interviewed Croatian journalists to understand how they understand, explain and justify the war crimes committed in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The study shows that Croatian journalists appropriated ā€œwar on terrorismā€, ā€œIraqi warā€, ā€œEuropeanā€ and ā€œneo-liberalā€ discourses according to their own socio-historical framework to justify a particular ideology (in this case, the nationalistic ideology of a ā€œGreater Croatiaā€) and a particular practice (the war crimes against the Bosnian Muslims)

    Svjesnost, stavovi i kupovina hrane s oznakama kvalitete u Sloveniji

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    Purpose ā€“ This study aims to identify the awareness of Slovenian consumers and their attitudes towards labels, as well as the reasons why consumers do not buy labeled food. Design/Methodology/Approach ā€“ A qualitative approach involving six focus groups (N = 60) and shopping with consumers (N = 16) was conducted in the winter of 2020/2021. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. Findings and implications ā€“ The results show that the awareness of quality labels is weak mainly due to their considerable number and poor designed, but also on account of ineffective communication campaigns. With respect to the awareness of and attitude to the quality scheme, the participants were divided into four groups: ā€œThe Awareā€, ā€œThe Scepticsā€, ā€œPotential Buyersā€, and ā€œThe Disinterestedā€. The reasons for not buying quality labeled foods despite being aware of the labels included overpriced products, no availability of labeled foods generally and those with a good taste and special nutritional value specifically, familiarity/experience with the product, and mistrust of the labeling and social system. The study stresses the important role of social perception and trust in the social system for the acceptance and purchase of such food. Limitations ā€“ The main limitation of the study is its focus on digitally literate consumers only. Originality ā€“ The relevant literature is enhanced by considering the shopping with consumers exercise given that no published study to date, according to the authorsā€™ knowledge, is based on the observation of quality labels at the time of purchase.Svrha ā€“ Cilj studije je identificirati svjesnost slovenskih potroÅ”ača, njihove stavove prema oznakama kvalitete i razloge zaÅ”to ne kupuju označenu hranu. MetodoloÅ”ki pristup ā€“ Provedeno je kvalitativno istraživanje sa Å”est fokus grupa (N = 60) i tijekom kupovine s potroÅ”ačima (N = 16) u zimi 2020./2021. Za analizu podataka koriÅ”tena je tematska analiza. Rezultati i implikacije ā€“ Rezultati pokazuju da je svjesnost o oznakama kvalitete slaba uglavnom zbog činjenice da ih ima izuzetno puno, loÅ”e su osmiÅ”ljene i zbog neučinkovitosti komunikacijskih kampanji. S obzirom na svjesnost i stav prema kvaliteti, sudionici istraživanja su podijeljeni u četiri skupine: ā€œSvjesniā€, ā€œSkepticiā€, ā€œPotencijalni kupciā€ i ā€œNezainteresiraniā€. Razlozi zbog kojih se ne kupuje hrana s oznakom kvalitete, usprkos svjesnosti o oznakama, jesu precijenjeni proizvodi i nedostatak dostupnosti hrane s oznakama općenito, a posebno zbog dobrog okusa i posebnih nutritivnih vrijednosti, poznavanja/iskustva s proizvodom i nepovjerenja u označavanje i druÅ”tveni sustav. Za kupovinu i prihvaćanje takve hrane studija naglaÅ”ava važnu ulogu druÅ”tvene percepcije i povjerenja u druÅ”tveni sustav. Ograničenja ā€“ Glavno ograničenje istraživanja jest u tome Å”to je usmjereno na digitalno pismene potroÅ”ače. Doprinos ā€“ Relevantna literatura obogaćena je razmatranjem kupovine s potroÅ”ačima s obzirom na to da se ni jedna do danas objavljena studija, prema saznanjima autora, ne temelji na promatranju oznaka kvalitete u trenutku kupovine

    Evropska unija ā€“ nova domovina za ilegalne imigrante? Å tudija imaginarijev Evropske unije

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    Several studies deal with representation of the European Union (EU), but none of them analyzes the views of the contemporary Others of the EU. This study tries to fill this gap and to expand the post-nationalist approach to studying the EU with data gained from indepth interviews with illegal immigrants from Africa. The results show that before leaving Africa, illegal immigrants associated the EU with economic success based on the media, members of organized crime groups, and false images of immigrant life in the EU. On the basis of their experiences, their image of the EU changed: Europe is a land of repression, modern slavery, and racism.Mnoge Ŕtudije proučujejo reprezentacijo Evropske unije (EU), toda nobena ne analizira pogledov sodobnih Drugih na EU. Ta Ŕtudija skuŔa zapolniti to vrzel, obenem pa s podatki, pridobljenimi s poglobljenimi intervjuji z ilegalnimi imigranti iz Afrike, razŔiriti postnacionalni pristop k proučevanju EU. Rezultati kažejo, da so ilegalni imigranti pred odhodom povezovali EU z ekonomskim uspehom na podlagi medijev, pripadnikov organiziranega kriminala in lažnih podob imigrantskega življenja v EU. Na podlagi izkuŔenj se je njihova podoba EU spremenila: Evropa je dežela represije, sodobnega suženjstva in rasizma
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