7 research outputs found

    [risks To Health Of Intensive Care Unity Nursing Staff: Proposal Of Integral Approach Of Health].

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    In this study we discuss about risks to health of intensive care unity staff and suggest a proposal of integral approach of health. Literature review, from 1997 to 2007, at Bireme database about health education, intensive care unity, nursing and occupational health, regardless of design of study. All studies show that the environment of intensive care unity is unhealthy, which is also due to habits and attitudes of ICU health professionals. An approach to health education would be beneficial to minimize the problem. Strategies for continuing education are appropriate both in the prevention of occupational and environmental risks in intensive care units.2068-7

    Cuidados paliativos no paciente com HIV/AIDS internado na unidade de terapia intensiva

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    RESUMO Objetivo: Descrever as características de pacientes com HIV/AIDS e comparar as medidas terapêuticas e cuidados de fim de vida, antes e após a avaliação da equipe de cuidados paliativos. Métodos: Trata-se de uma coorte retrospectiva, que incluiu todos os pacientes com HIV/AIDS internados na unidade de terapia intensiva do Instituto de Infectologia Emílio Ribas e avaliados pela equipe de cuidados paliativos no período de janeiro de 2006 a dezembro de 2012. Resultados: Dos 109 pacientes avaliados, 89% tinham relato de doenças oportunistas, 70% apresentavam CD4 menor que 100cels/mm3 e apenas 19% aderiram ao tratamento. A mortalidade geral foi de 88%. Dentre os pacientes considerados em provável terminalidade (68%), observaram-se redução do uso da terapia antirretroviral altamente ativa (50,0% para 23,1%; p = 0,02), antibioticoterapia (100% para 63,6%; p < 0,001), drogas vasoativas (62,1% para 37,8%, p = 0,009), terapia de substituição renal (34,8% para 23%; p < 0,0001) e transfusão de hemoderivados (74,2% para 19,7%; p < 0,0001). Foi realizada reunião com a família em 48% dos casos, e 23% dos pacientes em provável terminalidade receberam alta da unidade de terapia intensiva. Conclusão: A equipe de cuidados paliativos foi acionada para pacientes com perfil de elevadas gravidade e mortalidade. Os pacientes acompanhados pela equipe de cuidados paliativos avaliados como provável terminalidade tiveram significativa redução de intervenções potencialmente inapropriadas, e 26% desses pacientes conseguiram receber alta da unidade de terapia intensiva

    Alta prevalência de excreção simultânea de poliomavírus JC e BK na urina de pacientes HIV+ sem sintomas neurológicos em São Paulo, Brasil

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the prevalence of the urinary excretion of BKV and JCV in HIV-infected patients without neurological symptoms. METHODS: Urine samples from HIV-infected patients without neurological symptoms were tested for JC virus and BK virus by PCR. Samples were screened for the presence of polyomavirus with sets of primers complementary to the early region of JCV and BKV genome (AgT). The presence of JC virus or BK virus were confirmed by two other PCR assays using sets of primers complementary to the VP1 gene of each virus. Analysis of the data was performed by the Kruskal-Wallis test for numerical data and Pearson or Yates for categorical variables. RESULTS: A total of 75 patients were included in the study. The overall prevalence of polyomavirus DNA urinary shedding was 67/75 (89.3%). Only BKV DNA was detected in 14/75 (18.7%) urine samples, and only JCV DNA was detected in 11/75 (14.7%) samples. Both BKV and JCV DNA were present in 42/75 (56.0%) samples. CONCLUSION: In this study we found high rates of excretion of JCV, BKV, and simultaneous excretion in HIV+ patients. Also these results differ from the others available on the literature