284 research outputs found

    Human Trafficking and Heroic Consumerism

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    Consumers are the new activists in the fight against modern slavery, with awareness campaigns urging citizens to use their consumer power to demand an end to labour exploitation. The contribution of political, or ethical, consumerism campaigns to the trafficking narrative is examined in this article through an analysis of the characterisation of consumers and corporations in campaigns from SlaveryFootprint.org, Stop the Traffik UK, and World Vision Australia. This article argues that campaigns urging political consumerism depict consumers as the heroic rescuers of enslaved victims, and embed solutions to modern slavery within a culture of unquestioned capitalism. This approach may have the unintended consequence of sidelining victims from the trafficking story as the focus of the narrative becomes the product, rather than the victim, of labour exploitation

    Baja Gear Reduction

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    El español escrito de la calle en el condado de Los Angeles: lengua y sociedad

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    Treballs Finals del Màster de Formació de Professor d'Espanyol com a Llengua Estrangera, Facultat d'Educació, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2000-2001, Tutora: Carmen Silva-CorvaláSe dice que los Estados Unidos son una versión reducida de nuestro mundo. En este sentido podríamos decir además que el español hablado en este país es un reflejo del mundo hispanohablante, porque incluye muchas de las diferentes variedades del español existentes e incluso otras sólo aquí presentes. Beardsley (1982:15-16) afirma al respecto que prácticamente todos los dialectos principales del español pueden ser estudiados en su uso real en EE.UU. y señala que no hay ningún estado, incluidos Alaska y Hawaii, que no tengan, al menos, una pequeña colonia de hispanohablantes. Existe tanta diversidad en el hablante como en el uso del español en EE.UU. La variedad de español que se habla, ya sea estándar, popular, rural o urbana, depende del lugar de nacimiento, el origen étnico, el lugar de residencia y otros factores extralingüísticos que afectan al hablante. Estos diferentes tipos de español de EE.UU., bien sea mexicano, cubano o puertorriqueño, dan lugar a variaciones lingüísticas en aspectos como la pronunciación, el vocabulario y el tiempo verbal. Además, el hablante puede utilizar un estilo formal o informal, una jerga coloquial o la mezcla de inglés y español, dependiendo de donde tenga lugar la conversación, se a quien de dirige y de las motivaciones que pueda tener. El español de EE.UU. puede ser cualquiera de las muchas variantes posibles, con sus diferencias regionales y estilísticas que hacen en él una lengua vibrante y singular..

    Transcriptional FIdelity of RNA Polymerase II

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    This research aims to elucidate possible genes that affect transcriptional fidelity of RNA polymerase II (pol II) and quantify these affects in vivo. The main focus of this project is the small nonessential subunit of RNA pol II, Rpb9, which is needed for accurate transcription, and the potential proteins the subunit interacts with. Possible gene candidates were selected based on synthetic lethality when they are simultaneously deleted with RPB9 or by their ability to suppress mutations in RPB9. An in vivo assay in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, used for this project, takes advantage of the transposable element Ty1. RNA transcribed from Ty1 DNA encodes a reverse transcriptase that copies the RNA into DNA and allows it to randomly insert into a host cell chromosome. Errors that occur during transcription of Ty1 RNA become permanent changes in the inserted chromosomal DNA that can be identified and counted. This research is only a small part of a much larger objective that attempts to explain the molecular mechanisms by which the cell maintains the fidelity of transcription. Maintaining fidelity is critical for cells; with poor fidelity RNA pol II would transcribe a "faulty" message, leading to the translation of a mutated or nonfunctioning protein which could disrupt normal cellular functions. This can be seen in transcriptional mutagenesis in which certain types of DNA damage result in misincorporation of nucleotides rather than transcriptional arrest. Another example of the importance of fidelity is molecular misreadings in which transcription errors, particularly insertions that cause frameshifts, have been implicated in age related diseases such as Alzheimer's. The preliminary results of this research have shown that this in vivo fidelity assay provides a valid way to quantify the effects of specific gene deletions on transcriptional fidelity. Proteins that were initially investigated were ones associated with RNA pol II: TFIIS (DST1) and the SAGA complex (SPT7). Preliminary experiments strongly suggested that TFIIS was not essential for RNA pol II fidelity. These experiments showed that wild type and dst1- cells each had indistinguishable error frequencies. These data are consistent with experiments conducted by Dr. Peterson using a different in vivo assay; however it contradicts a commonly held notion regarding TFIIS involvement in fidelity. This research is now currently constructing new yeast strains with the correct alleles need for the in vivo fidelity assay. Also, a strain containing a 1-59 amino acid deletion on Rpb9 has been created and is almost ready to test in the fidelity assay

    Increased risk for other cancers in individuals with Ewing sarcoma and their relatives.

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    BackgroundThere are few reports of the association of other cancers with Ewing sarcoma in patients and their relatives. We use a resource combining statewide genealogy and cancer reporting to provide unbiased risks.MethodsUsing a combined genealogy of 2.3 million Utah individuals and the Utah Cancer Registry (UCR), relative risks (RRs) for cancers of other sites were estimated in 143 Ewing sarcoma patients using a Cox proportional hazards model with matched controls; however, risks in relatives were estimated using internal cohort-specific cancer rates in first-, second-, and third-degree relatives.ResultsCancers of three sites (breast, brain, complex genotype/karyotype sarcoma) were observed in excess in Ewing sarcoma patients. No Ewing sarcoma patients were identified among first-, second-, or third-degree relatives of Ewing sarcoma patients. Significantly increased risk for brain, lung/bronchus, female genital, and prostate cancer was observed in first-degree relatives. Significantly increased risks were observed in second-degree relatives for breast cancer, nonmelanoma eye cancer, malignant peripheral nerve sheath cancer, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and translocation sarcomas. Significantly increased risks for stomach cancer, prostate cancer, and acute lymphocytic leukemia were observed in third-degree relatives.ConclusionsThis analysis of risk for cancer among Ewing sarcoma patients and their relatives indicates evidence for some increased cancer predisposition in this population which can be used to individualize consideration of potential treatment of patients and screening of patients and relatives

    Évaluation d’un programme de recherche canadien pour les résidents en anesthésiologie par rapport aux normes nationales à l’aide d’un modèle logique : une étude d’amélioration de la qualité

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    Background: Canadian specialty training programs are expected to deliver curriculum content and assess competencies related to the CanMEDS Scholar role. We evaluated our residency research program and benchmarked it against national norms for quality improvement purposes. Methods: In 2021, we reviewed departmental curriculum documents and surveyed current and recently graduated residents.  We applied a logic model framework to assess if our program’s inputs, activities, and outputs addressed the relevant CanMeds Scholar competencies.  We then descriptively benchmarked our results against a 2021 environmental scan of Canadian anesthesiology resident research programs. Results: Local program content was successfully mapped to competencies.  The local survey response rate was 40/55 (73%).  In benchmarking, our program excelled in providing milestone-related assessments, research funding, administrative, supervisory, and methodologic support, and requiring a literature review, proposal presentation, and local abstract submission as output.  Acceptable activities to meet research requirements vary greatly among programs.  Balancing competing clinical and research responsibilities was a frequently reported challenge.   Conclusions: The logic model framework was easily applied and demonstrated our program benchmarked well against national norms.  National level dialogue is needed to develop specific, consistent scholar role activities and competency assessments to bridge the gap between expected outcome standards and education practice.Contexte : Les programmes de spécialité canadiens doivent proposer un contenu de formation en lien avec le rôle CanMEDS d’érudit et évaluer les compétences qui s’y attachent. Nous avons évalué notre programme de résidence en recherche par rapport aux normes nationales en la matière à des fins d’amélioration de la qualité. Méthodes : En 2021, nous avons examiné les documents du programme d’études du département et interrogé des résidents et des médecins récemment diplômés. Nous avons utilisé un modèle logique pour déterminer si les intrants, les activités et les extrants de notre programme couvraient adéquatement les compétences pertinentes liées au rôle CanMeds d’érudit. Nous avons ensuite comparé de façon descriptive nos résultats à une analyse du milieu des programmes de résidence canadiens en recherche en anesthésiologie effectuée la même année. Résultats : Nous avons établi une correspondance entre le contenu du programme local et les compétences. Le taux de réponse à l’enquête était de 40/55 (73 %). D’après l’analyse comparative, notre programme se démarque par l’offre d’évaluations d’étape, de fonds de recherche, de soutien administratif, de supervision, d’orientation méthodologique, et, en ce qui concerne les extrants, par l’exigence d’une analyse documentaire, de la présentation d’une proposition et de la soumission d’un résumé à l’université. Les activités admissibles pour répondre aux exigences de la recherche varient considérablement d’un programme à l’autre. De nombreux répondants ont signalé la difficulté de concilier les responsabilités cliniques et de recherche. Conclusions : L’application du modèle logique a été aisée et elle a permis de montrer que notre programme respecte les normes nationales. Un dialogue au niveau national est nécessaire pour définir de manière précise et cohérente les activités et les évaluations des compétences en lien avec le rôle d’érudit afin de combler le fossé entre les normes quant aux résultats attendus et les pratiques des programmes

    High serum lactate level in cranial meningioma resection: A case report

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    AbstractBackgroundPeri-operative elevated serum lactate could be a sign of high risk of morbidity among affected patients. However, this finding can be self-limiting and with no consequences in some conditions.Case presentationWe present a case of transient elevated serum lactate level in a 33 year old man that underwent a cranial meningioma resection. The patient had an elevation of serum lactate levels peri-operatively, with a spontaneous gradual decline in the serum lactate five hours post-operatively. The patient had an otherwise uncomplicated post-operative course and was discharged home on the fifth post-operative day.ConclusionElevation in serum lactate level during a large meningioma resection could be transient and may not result in morbidity

    ERK and MMPs Sequentially Regulate Distinct Stages of Epithelial Tubule Development

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    AbstractEpithelial cells undergo tubulogenesis in response to morphogens such as hepatocyte growth factor (HGF). To organize into tubules, cells must execute a complex series of morphogenetic events; however, the mechanisms that underlie the timing and sequence of these events are poorly understood. Here, we show that downstream effectors of HGF coordinately regulate successive stages of tubulogenesis. Activation of extracellular-regulated kinase (ERK) is necessary and sufficient for the initial stage, during which cells depolarize and migrate. ERK becomes dispensable for the latter stage, during which cells repolarize and differentiate. Conversely, the activity of matrix metalloproteases (MMPs) is essential for the late stage but not the initial stage. Thus, ERK and MMPs define two regulatory subprograms that act in sequence. By inducing these reciprocal signals, HGF directs the morphogenetic progression of tubule development
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