537 research outputs found

    Strategic Study Abroad: A Program Proposal for Continued Faith Development of Chi Alpha Students Studying Abroad

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    With around 28,000 individual participants, Chi Alpha is a diverse network of Christian students on U.S. college campuses. By regularly meeting in groups and collectively reaching out to the community, students develop their faith and build lasting relationships. Faith development is an integral part of Chi Alpha students’ lives. Yet, because community is an important aspect in faith development, studying abroad can cause challenges. Students expressed missing accessible Christian peer support and mentorship while abroad. They further expressed disconnection from their faith and felt their spirituality had declined while studying abroad. As study abroad participation has been increasing over the past decade, the Chi Alpha executive ministry team turned new attention towards programming for study abroad students. A faith development program to operate concurrently with a student’s study abroad program was created. In relation to its name, Strategic Study Abroad aims to motivate Chi Alpha students to be strategic, not separating their cross-cultural learning experience from their beliefs, but engage their faith into the learning experience. Keywords: experiential learning theory, faith development theory, Chi Alpha, Assemblies of God, study abroa

    Are We There Yet? Discovery for the New Litigator

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    If the road is life, then discovery is litigation. It is how we reach our destination. Unfortunately, discovery is like getting there with someone in the backseat. Anyone who has ever traveled with passengers, especially children, knows how it plays out. In the beginning, everybody is excited. Everyone gleefully piles into the car, eager to launch. No one has any trouble amusing themselves. A couple hours in, a bathroom break and gas station snack later, it hits. The adrenaline wears off and the tedium kicks in. And then you hear the dreaded cry coming from the rear: Are we there yet? Like any road trip, discovery has its highs and lows. Developing a good discovery plan can be interesting and rewarding. Discovery brings us the facts-and the evidence we need to prove them. It fills the gaps in our case. Plus, without discovery, we would not know the thrill of finding that gem of a document, securing the admission during a deposition, or uncovering those deliciously indiscreet internal emails. Litigation without discovery would be like riding in a car blindfolded; there would be no way to mark our progress, we would miss all the roadside attractions, and bad things would almost certainly happen

    Role of inhibition of return in the safe driving of elderly persons

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    Elderly individuals represent a growing portion of our population and a growing number of elderly individuals are driving. A concern arises over the fact that elderly drivers are involved in more crashes than any other age group except for teenagers when the number of miles driven is accounted for. Research has found that deficits in visual attention are related to crashes in elderly drivers. Therefore, the current study attempted to look at a visual attention process, inhibition of return (IOR), and to try to determine its role in safe driving in the elderly. This is the first known study looking at the relationship between these two phenomena. Forty-one individuals aged 55 years and older completed an IOR task and these results were compared with psychological tests and driving evaluations that were completed earlier. Thirteen younger individuals completed the IOR task and served as the control group. An IOR effect was found and it was discovered that older and younger individuals differ in terms of the amount and type of IOR they show. Few correlations between IOR scores and psychological test scores and driving scores were significant. Two of the five regression models including age and IOR were significant. Location-based IOR added predictive ability to models that predicted driving evaluation scores and scanning errors. Because this is a new study in this area of research, subsequent research can expand on this study and make a number of modifications in order to discover more about the role of IOR in the safe driving of the elderly

    A Multilevel Model of Minority Director Participation Linking Board Diversity and Firm Performance

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    A board’s work is largely dependent on the collective contributions of individual directors; thus, greater board diversity, with increased knowledge complementarity, should encourage firm performance. However, empirical evidence of a board diversity/firm performance relationship is weak and inconsistent. We address this issue theoretically and empirically by moving from a monolithic, compositional view of board diversity to a multi-level approach. We argue that the realization of diversity benefits is likely dependent on individual and board processes that help transform the potential value of diverse directors into realized board and firm benefits. Drawing from the boards and team diversity literatures, we develop a multi-level model to investigate the antecedents and consequences of minority directors’ participation. Strong empirical support offers several contributions to the literature

    The intralumenal fragment pathway mediates ESCRT-independent surface transporter down-regulation

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    Surface receptor and transporter protein down-regulation is assumed to be exclusively mediated by the canonical multivesicular body (MVB) pathway and ESCRTs (Endosomal Sorting Complexes Required for Transport). However, few surface proteins are known to require ESCRTs for down-regulation, and reports of ESCRT-independent degradation are emerging, suggesting that alternative pathways exist. Here, using Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model, we show that the hexose transporter Hxt3 does not require ESCRTs for down-regulation conferring resistance to 2-deoxyglucose. This is consistent with GFP-tagged Hxt3 bypassing ESCRT-mediated entry into intralumenal vesicles at endosomes. Instead, Hxt3-GFP accumulates on vacuolar lysosome membranes and is sorted into an area that, upon fusion, is internalized as an intralumenal fragment (ILF) and degraded. Moreover, heat stress or cycloheximide trigger degradation of Hxt3-GFP and other surface transporter proteins (Itr1, Aqr1) by this ESCRT-independent process. How this ILF pathway compares to the MVB pathway and potentially contributes to physiology is discussed

    Socioeconomic Impacts on Survival Differ by Race/Ethnicity among Adolescents and Young Adults with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma

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    Shorter survival has been associated with low socioeconomic status (SES) among elderly non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) patients; however it remains unknown whether the same relationship holds for younger patients. We explored the California Cancer Registry (CCR), to investigate this relationship in adolescent and young adult (AYA) NHL patients diagnosed from 1996 to 2005. A case-only survival analysis was conducted to examine demographic and clinical variables hypothesized to be related to survival. Included in the final analysis were 3,489 incident NHL cases. In the multivariate analyses, all-cause mortality (ACM) was higher in individuals who had later stage at diagnosis (P < .05) or did not receive first-course chemotherapy (P < .05). There was also a significant gradient decrease in survival, with higher ACM at each decreasing quintile of SES (P < .001). Overall results were similar for lymphoma-specific mortality. In the race/ethnicity stratified analyses, only non-Hispanic Whites (NHWs) had a significant SES-ACM trend (P < .001). Reduced overall and lymphoma-specific survival was associated with lower SES in AYAs with NHL, although a significant trend was only observed for NHWs

    Probing High Permeability of Nuclear Pore Complexes by Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy: Ca2+ Effects on Transport Barriers

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Analytical Chemistry, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher. To access the final edited and published work see http:doi.org/10.1021/acs.analchem.9b00796.The nuclear pore complex (NPC) solely mediates molecular transport between the nucleus and cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell to play important biological and biomedical roles. However, it is not well-understood chemically how this biological nanopore selectively and efficiently transports various substances, including small molecules, proteins, and RNAs by using transport barriers that are rich in highly disordered repeats of hydrophobic phenylalanine and glycine intermingled with charged amino acids. Herein, we employ scanning electrochemical microscopy to image and measure the high permeability of NPCs to small redox molecules. The effective medium theory demonstrates that the measured permeability is controlled by diffusional translocation of probe molecules through water-filled nanopores without steric or electrostatic hindrance from hydrophobic or charged regions of transport barriers, respectively. However, the permeability of NPCs is reduced by a low millimolar concentration of Ca2+, which can interact with anionic regions of transport barriers to alter their spatial distributions within the nanopore. We employ atomic force microscopy to confirm that transport barriers of NPCs are dominantly recessed (∼80%) or entangled (∼20%) at the high Ca2+ level in contrast to authentic populations of entangled (∼50%), recessed (∼25%), and “plugged” (∼25%) conformations at a physiological Ca2+ level of submicromolar. We propose a model for synchronized Ca2+ effects on the conformation and permeability of NPCs, where transport barriers are viscosified to lower permeability. Significantly, this result supports a hypothesis that the functional structure of transport barriers is maintained not only by their hydrophobic regions, but also by charged regions

    Kids, Adolescents, and Young Adult Cancer Study—A Methodologic Approach in Cancer Epidemiology Research

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    Advances have been made in treatment and outcomes for pediatric cancer. However adolescents and young adults (AYAs) with cancer have not experienced similar relative improvements. We undertook a study to develop the methodology necessary for epidemiologic cancer research in these age groups. Our goal was to create the Kids, Adolescents, and Young Adults Cancer (KAYAC) project to create a resource to address research questions relevant to this population. We used a combination of clinic and population-based ascertainment to enroll 111 cases aged 0–39 for this methodology development study. The largest groups of cancer types enrolled include: breast cancer, leukemia, lymphoma, and melanoma. The overall participation rate is 69.8% and varies by age and tumor type. The study included patients, mothers, and fathers. The methods used to establish this resource are described, and the values of the resource in studies of childhood and young adult cancer are outlined