12,178 research outputs found

    Multiadaptive Galerkin Methods for ODEs III: A Priori Error Estimates

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    The multiadaptive continuous/discontinuous Galerkin methods mcG(q) and mdG(q) for the numerical solution of initial value problems for ordinary differential equations are based on piecewise polynomial approximation of degree q on partitions in time with time steps which may vary for different components of the computed solution. In this paper, we prove general order a priori error estimates for the mcG(q) and mdG(q) methods. To prove the error estimates, we represent the error in terms of a discrete dual solution and the residual of an interpolant of the exact solution. The estimates then follow from interpolation estimates, together with stability estimates for the discrete dual solution

    Atomistic spin dynamics of the CuMn spin glass alloy

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    We demonstrate the use of Langevin spin dynamics for studying dynamical properties of an archetypical spin glass system. Simulations are performed on CuMn (20% Mn) where we study the relaxation that follows a sudden quench of the system to the low temperature phase. The system is modeled by a Heisenberg Hamiltonian where the Heisenberg interaction parameters are calculated by means of first-principles density functional theory. Simulations are performed by numerically solving the Langevin equations of motion for the atomic spins. It is shown that dynamics is governed, to a large degree, by the damping parameter in the equations of motion and the system size. For large damping and large system sizes we observe the typical aging regime.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure

    Roots and Potatoes as Supplements to an Alfalfa – Grass Diet to Dairy Cows

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    Fourteen multiparous dairy cows were used in 3 x 3 change-over experiment designed to study effects of replacing barley by roots and potatoes in diets based on leguminous forage on feed intake, milk production and utilisation of feed nitrogen. The cows received a mixture of alfalfa (Medicago L.) and grass silage ad libitum and an isoenergetic quantity of a supplement based on either barley and potatoes (Ba/P), fodder beets (Beta vulgaris L.) and potatoes (Be/P) or barley (Ba). The grass in grass silage was dominated by timothy (Phleum pratense L.). Total DM intake as well as yield of milk and energy corrected milk was significantly lower on diet Be/P than on the other diets. The recovery of N in milk was around 20% of N-intake on all diets

    Microfabricated high-finesse optical cavity with open access and small volume

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    We present a microfabricated optical cavity, which combines a very small mode volume with high finesse. In contrast to other micro-resonators, such as microspheres, the structure we have built gives atoms and molecules direct access to the high-intensity part of the field mode, enabling them to interact strongly with photons in the cavity for the purposes of detection and quantum-coherent manipulation. Light couples directly in and out of the resonator through an optical fiber, avoiding the need for sensitive coupling optics. This renders the cavity particularly attractive as a component of a lab-on-a-chip, and as a node in a quantum network

    A dual weighted residual method applied to complex periodic gratings

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    An extension of the dual weighted residual (DWR) method to the analysis of electromagnetic waves in a periodic diffraction grating is presented. Using the α,0-quasi-periodic transformation, an upper bound for the a posteriori error estimate is derived. This is then used to solve adaptively the associated Helmholtz problem. The goal is to achieve an acceptable accuracy in the computed diffraction efficiency while keeping the computational mesh relatively coarse. Numerical results are presented to illustrate the advantage of using DWR over the global a posteriori error estimate approach. The application of the method in biomimetic, to address the complex diffraction geometry of the Morpho butterfly wing is also discussed

    Asymmetric magnetic reconnection with a flow shear and applications to the magnetopause

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    We perform a theoretical and numerical study of anti-parallel 2D magnetic reconnection with asymmetries in the density and reconnecting magnetic field strength in addition to a bulk flow shear across the reconnection site in the plane of the reconnecting fields, which commonly occurs at planetary magnetospheres. We predict the speed at which an isolated X-line is convected by the flow, the reconnection rate, and the critical flow speed at which reconnection no longer takes place for arbitrary reconnecting magnetic field strengths, densities, and upstream flow speeds, and confirm the results with two-fluid numerical simulations. The predictions and simulation results counter the prevailing model of reconnection at Earth's dayside magnetopause which says reconnection occurs with a stationary X-line for sub-Alfvenic magnetosheath flow, reconnection occurs but the X-line convects for magnetosheath flows between the Alfven speed and double the Alfven speed, and reconnection does not occur for magnetosheath flows greater than double the Alfven speed. We find that X-line motion is governed by momentum conservation from the upstream flows, which are weighted differently in asymmetric systems, so the X-line convects for generic conditions including sub-Alfvenic upstream speeds. For the reconnection rate, while the cutoff condition for symmetric reconnection is that the difference in flows on the two sides of the reconnection site is twice the Alfven speed, we find asymmetries cause the cutoff speed for asymmetric reconnection to be higher than twice the asymmetric form of the Alfven speed. The results compare favorably with an observation of reconnection at Earth's polar cusps during a period of northward interplanetary magnetic field, where reconnection occurs despite the magnetosheath flow speed being more than twice the magnetosheath Alfven speed, the previously proposed suppression condition.Comment: 46 pages, 7 figures, abstract abridged here, accepted to Journal of Geophysical Research - Space Physic

    Corrections to scaling in entanglement entropy from boundary perturbations

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    We investigate the corrections to scaling of the Renyi entropies of a region of size l at the end of a semi-infinite one-dimensional system described by a conformal field theory when the corrections come from irrelevant boundary operators. The corrections from irrelevant bulk operators with scaling dimension x have been studied by Cardy and Calabrese (2010), and they found not only the expected corrections of the form l^(4-2x) but also unusual corrections that could not have been anticipated by finite-size scaling arguments alone. However, for the case of perturbations from irrelevant boundary operators we find that the only corrections that can occur to leading order are of the form l^(2-2x_b) for boundary operators with scaling dimension x_b < 3/2, and l^(-1) when x_b > 3/2. When x_b=3/2 they are of the form l^(-1)log(l). A marginally irrelevant boundary perturbation will give leading corrections going as log(l)^(-3). No unusual corrections occur when perturbing with a boundary operator.Comment: 8 pages. Minor improvements and updated references. Published versio
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