262 research outputs found

    Embryonic development of anurans with growing degree-days as an explanatory factor

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    Dygnsgrader (ºD) används för att förklara den fysiologiska tiden som krävs för att uppnå olika livsstadier. Det används för fisk för att förklara den embryonala utvecklingen, växter för att uppnå t.ex. blomning och för insekter för att förklara kläckningsmönster. Denna studie undersöker om dygnsgrader kan appliceras på grodor med vanlig groda (Rana temporaria) som modellorganism. Temperaturmätningar gjordes varannan dag med maximum- och minimumtemperaturer i vatten och interpolerades för att få en översiktlig temperaturkurva. Denna kurva integrerades sedan då dygnsgrader är ackumulerade temperaturer under flera dagar. Dygnsgrader har mindre varians än dagbaserade uträkningar, därför är det viktigt att undersöka om dygnsgrader kan appliceras på grodor. Studien genomfördes i Uppsala, Uppland på fem olika lokaler och innefattade 20 olika äggsamlingar. Resultat från denna studie jämfördes även mot två andra studier för att undersöka om dygnsgrader fungerar för andra groddjur än arten vanlig groda. Det var en kall vår med isbildning på flera av vattenkropparna. Isbildningen medförde att vattentemperaturerna var för låga, den embryonala utvecklingen avstannade då i ca: fem dagar för de som överlevde. Variationskoefficienten för dagbaserad uträkning var 18 %. Medelvärdet av dygnsgrader för alla äggsamlingar var 133,60 ± 22,65, cv = 17 %. Medelvärdet för äggsamlingar exkluderat ispåverkade var 131,21 ± 17,88 ºD cv = 14 %. En förenklad uträkning av dygnsgrader gjordes för att jämföra med två andra studier: temperaturMedel × dagarMedel = dygnsgrader. Med denna uträkning fattas det 4°C i föreliggande studie för att dygnsgrader ska hamna på samma nivå som de andra två studierna. Det kan bero på mätfel t.ex. temperaturgivarna var för långt ned i vattnet eller att den teoretiska bastemperaturen inte stämmer. Medeltemperaturen i denna studie var 8°C och variansen för dygnsgrader var 22,64 vilket ger en variation på ca: tre dagar. En av dessa dagar var en följd av svårigheter att bestämma vilket utvecklingsstadie grodorna var i fält. Denna studie fann att dygnsgrader för grodor kan användas som en förklarande faktor för den embryonala utvecklingen då formeln som användes för att räkna ut dygnsgrader gav mindre variation än den dagbaserade, cv = 14 % respektive 18 %. Variansen för de exkluderade dygnsgraderna var lägre än de korrigerade dygnsgraderna vilket indikerar att bastemperaturen som användes inte är korrekt. Framtida studier bör fokusera på att ta reda på bastemperaturen för vanlig groda för att kunna använda sig mer precist av dygnsgrader.Growing degree-days (ºD) is used to explain the physiological time to achieve specific life history traits. It is used to explain the embryonic development in fish, time to reach flowering in plants, and to calculate hatching patterns in insects. The goal of this study is to investigate if growing degree-days can be applied to the embryonic development of anurans with the common frog (Rana temporaria) as the model organism. Maximum and minimum water temperatures were measured and collected every other day. These temperatures were interpolated to achieve an overall temperature curve. This temperature curve was integrated to get the physiological time in Growing Degree-Days (GDD). Since GDD have a smaller variance than calendar days, it is important to investigate if GDD could be applied to anurans. The study was performed in Uppsala city in the county of Uppland, Sweden. There were five study sites with a total of 20 egg clutches. To explore the possibility that GDD works on anurans in general and not just on the common frog; results from this study were compared to two other studies. It was a cold spring with ice formation on several of the water bodies. The ice formations gave rise to lysis of some egg clutches; however some clutches under the ice survived. The eggs that survived were delayed up to five days, due to the low temperatures. The coefficient of variation for calendar time based calculation was 18 %. The overall mean in growing degree days was 133.60 ± 22.65, cv = 17 % and the overall mean in growing degree-days excluding the clutches affected by ice was 131.21 ± 17.88, cv = 14 %. A simplified calculation of growing degree-days was conducted for a comparison of studies: Temperaturemean × Daysmean = Growing Degree-Days. This calculation showed that this study’s mean temperature was 4°C lower than the corresponding two studies with reference to GDD. The difference is likely due to measurement errors, i.e. the temperature when the thermometers were placed too deep or the used base temperature was not correct. The mean temperature in this study was 8°C and the standard deviation of GDD was 22.64 which provide a variation of ca: three days. One of these days originates directly from difficulties in determining the development stage in the field. This study shows that growing degree-days can be used as an explanatory factor of the embryonic development of anurans, due to the coefficient of variation of calendar days that were corrected with the formula for GDD was lower than the uncorrected calendar days: 14 % respectively 18 %. The excluded GDD were however lower than the corrected GDD, which indicates that the base temperature that was used is not correct. Future studies should focus on finding out the true base temperature of the common frog; this will provide a more precise measurement of GDD in anurans


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    Design representations are important tools for designers in the design process. To help designers choose the appropriate representation, taxonomies have been proposed based on type, degree of fidelity, and when to use them. However, Design representations may also play an important role in designers\u27 communication with users and enabling users as co-designers. Therefore, new taxonomies, focusing on design representations\u27 potential mediating roles in collaborative design processes with users, have been developed. The purpose of this interview study, with twelve designers within Swedish industry, was thus to investigate how designers use design representations in communication with users in the design process. The study indicates that the designers mainly interacted with users in order for them to answer specific design questions or to evaluate design solutions. If design representations\u27 value for facilitating communication and collaboration with users should be emphasized, we need to shift from teaching mainly taxonomies related to fidelity levels or when to use them in the design process, and rather educate future designers about design representations inherent potential to mediate and enhance the dialogue with users

    Ett nytt växtsortiment

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    A new project has developed at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Alnarp during the spring of 2006. The garden design students has, during the course Interior Garden Design designed and built an construction with a new range of plants for Swedish conservatories. The plants are mainly from the cool temperate areas, instead of the tropical which often are the most common in public spaces. This means, among other things, that the cost for warming is very low. The working process and the construction carried on as workshops in the conservatory at Trädgårdslaboratoriet in Alnarp. During a few weeks the hole construction is completed. After some month the result are over all expectations. The plants has established very well and grown a lot in a short time. The future for the new range of plants looks bright. The plants are easy to find on the market. On thing to do is to get out the knowledge on the market and establish the new niche. One similar project are already existing in Malmö, Glasbubblan at the Västra Hamnen which were completed in early 2006. This essay is a report, which includes a story and disuses fact of the plants. You also find many photos of the plants and construction. The meaning of these photos is to, in an illustrative and creative way, show interior garden design.Ett pilotprojekt har utförts på Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet i Alnarp under våren 2006. Trädgårdsingenjörsstudenter med designinriktning har under kursen Inomhusträdgårdens material och design planerat och byggt upp en anläggning med ett nytt växtsortiment. Växterna kommer i huvudsak från kalltemperarede områden, istället för tropiska som annars är det vanliga i offentliga miljöer. Detta innebär bland annat minskande uppvärmningskostnaderna. Arbetsprocessen och uppbyggandet bedrevs i form av workshops på plats i växthuset vid Trädgårdslaboratoriet i Alnarp. Under några veckor färdigställdes hela anläggningen och efter några månader är resultatet över förväntningarna. Växterna har etablerat sig mycket väl och vuxit en hel del på kort tid. Framtiden för det nya växtsortimentet ser ljus ut. Växtmaterialet är relativt lätt att få tag på. Det som återstår är att få ut kunskapen på marknaden och etablera den nya nischen. Ett liknande projekt finns redan i Malmö, Glasbubblan i Västra Hamnen som också färdigställdes under 2006. Detta examensarbete är ett reportage som innehåller en berättande text, som också behandlar fakta, samt fotografier av de växter som finns i anläggningen. Anledningen till att bildmaterialet är rikt representerat är att belysa trädgårdsdesign, i inomhusmiljö, på ett kreativt sätt

    Critical thermal minimum of the embryonic development in the common frog (Rana temporaria)

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    The embryonic development of anurans is known to be temperature-dependent and well-studied. Oviposition of Rana temporaria (common frog) in the northern temperate climate zone occurs as soon as the ice melts on water bodies. This early oviposition can take place in waters below 5 °C. The aim of this study was to find the critical thermal minimum of the embryonic life-stage in R. temporaria to use in degree-day calculations and investigate the survivability in low temperatures. The end of the embryonic period for R. temporaria was set to development stage 23 (hatching and tooth development, Gosner 1960). This study used 15 egg clutches, and subjected the embryos to seven constant temperature treatments between 1 – 7 °C. The sampling took place in south-central Sweden (59°N). The aim was achieved by investigating survival and development of the embryos. Studying survival was important to investigate if the critical thermal minimum of populations with no gene-flow between them differed. The maximum development stage was used to determine the developmental temperature threshold (base temperature) for the use of degree-days calculations. Lethal dose 50 (LD50) was used as a measurement of survival, and maximum development stage (DSmax) was used for development over temperature treatments. There was a significant local divergence for critical thermal minimum between populations based on survival. Two populations were not significantly different for survival; 4.96 °C, and 4.94 °C, the third population had a significant lower LD50 value of 4.37 °C. Developmental thresholds were temperature-dependent and there was no singular threshold for the embryonic development of R. temporaria. This might complicate the degree-day usage on anurans; however, this complicates the usage of degree-days on all organisms. When using the degree-day formula on embryonic development of R. temporaria I strongly suggest that 3.89 °C or 2.88 °C is to be used for the calculations, depending on the stopping point of development i.e. stage 23 or stage 20 respectively. Two of three populations had a currently unknown to Europe algae (Oophila) present in the embryo envelope. Embryos with the algae present had significantly higher survival; 64 % vs. 62 %. The populations without this alga had lower development maxima and the presence of alga might have skewed the results. Future studies should focus on the critical thermal minimum over latitudinal clines, distribution of the algae in Europe, and the possible symbiotic relationship between European anurans and Oophila

    How to make advanced online user studies meaningful

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    It is of vital importance to explore and understand future users\u27 needs and requirements in the early phases of the product development process. However, in times of social distancing meeting users might not be possible. The project reported on in this paper has investigated the possibilities of conducting advanced user studies online. In total 30 small experimental studies have been conducted. Common digital tools that were used were e.g. Zoom, Teams, Mural, Miro, Snapchat, and Instagram.The data was analyzed in a thematic content analysis by the authors on Mural. Identified challenges were excluding not tech-savvy user groups, missing out on interpersonal interaction and observations, as well as difficulties creating participant commitment and trust. On the positive side were perceived efficiency, a more levelled power distribution between participants, and ease of engagement and data retrieval for tech-savvy users.Identified best practices included lowering social barriers through warm up activities and techniques to support open discussion during workshops. Furthermore, engagement could be supported through private social media groups, regular reminders, as well as clear communication of purpose and goal of the activities

    Överbyggnadsmaterial vid anläggning av hårdgjorda ytor

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    Avsikten med det här arbetet är att försöka få en överblick över vilka typer av ballastmaterial under det övre slitlagret i en överbyggnad som projektörer föreskriver samt om det överensstämmer med vad anläggningsföretag använder. Företag som säljer ballastmaterial saluför en mängd olika typer av material i olika storlekar. Samtidigt är det svårt att få en överblick över vad som faktiskt ska eller bör användas. Slutsatsen från det här arbetet är att både projektörer och anläggare utgår från tekniska handböcker och referensverk när de bestämmer vilka ballastmaterial som ska användas. Oftast utgår både projektörer och anläggare från referensverket AMA anläggning. AMA anläggning baseras på vedertagen erfarenhet från anläggnings-branschen, men även en hel del på Trafikverkets styrdokument samt Trafikverkets tester och experimenterande av hårdgjorda ytor. Ibland har även kommuner sina egna tekniska handböcker för hårdgjorda ytor som ska användas på deras mark, vilka delvis baseras på AMA anläggning och delvis på kommunernas egna erfarenheter. Både anläggare och projektörer förlitar sig nästan uteslutande på dessa dokument då man vet att de fungerar. För anläggningsföretag är det extra noggrant att följa de föreskrifter som gäller när de anlägger. Om en beställare åberopar en föreskrift (t.ex. AMA anläggning) i sin upphandling och anläggnings-företaget inte följer dessa utgör det ett kontraktsbrott, vilket har konsekvenser. Vid s.k. totalentreprenader där anläggningsföretag själva väljer vilka ballastmaterial som ska användas brukar de anlägga enligt vad som föreskrivs i AMA anläggning.The purpose of this paper is to try to get an overview of what types of construction aggregates below road surfaces planners dictates hard-made surfaces and if this corresponds to what construction companies use. Companies who sell construction aggregates market different types of materials in different types of sizes. At the same time, it's difficult to grasp what actually should be used. The conclusion of this paper shows that both planners and construction companies rely on technical manuals and reference works when deciding what construction aggregates to use. Usually both planners and construction companies use the reference work AMA anläggning. AMA anläggning is based on established experience from the construction trade, as well as Trafikverkets control documents and Trafikverkets testing of hard-made surfaces. Sometimes municipalitys also has their own technical documents for hard-made surfaces built on their territory, partially based on AMA anläggning and partially on their experiences. Both construction companies and planners use these documents almost exclusively as they know it works. For construction companies it's extra important to follow the technical manuals for the job at hand. If a planner refers to a technical manual (for exampel AMA anläggning) in their procurement, and the construction company doesn't follow it it's a breach of contract which has consequences. In so called total contracts where the construction company chooses what construction aggregates to use themselves they construct according to AMA anläggning

    Spontaneous associations and label framing have similar effects in the public goods game

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    It is known that presentation of a meaningful label (e.g., "The Teamwork Game") can influence decisions in economic games. A common view is that such labels cue associations to preexisting mental models of situations, a process here called frame selection. In the absence of such cues, participants may still spontaneously associate a game with a preexisting frame. We used the public goods game to compare the effect of such spontaneous frame selection with the effect of label framing. Participants in a condition where the public goods game was labeled "The Teamwork Game" tended to contribute at the same level as participants who spontaneously associated the unlabeled game with teamwork, whereas those who did not associate the the unlabeled game with teamwork tended to make lower contributions. We conclude that neutrally described games may be subject to spontaneous frame selection effects comparable in size to the effects of label framing