42 research outputs found

    Establishing a Method for Electrical Immobilization of Whitefish on Board Fishing Vessels

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    A downscaled version of an electrical dry stunner used in aquaculture has been adapted for use on fishing vessels to immobilize the catch (cod, haddock and saithe) shortly after capture to facilitate immediate and easy catch handling, and to minimize downgrading due to poor bleed-out. Possible effects of electrical stimulation of white muscle (blood lactate, initial pH and twitch ability) were determined. Eye roll, respiration, equilibrium, swim ability and noxious stimuli were assessed after stunning and fillets were examined with respect to color shade, possible blood spots and discolorations. Suitable voltages, exposure times to electricity, and rows of electrodes were 40 and 70 V, 4 to 6 s, and 3 to 5 rows of electrodes, respectively. Cod and haddock can be immobilized without skeletal damages and occurrence of blood spots and discolorations. In contrast, 11% of the saithe had fractured spine usually accompanied by a single large blood spot.publishedVersio

    Research Field 2 - Sensors and measuring techniques: An overview Strategic Institute Program: "Efficient and economic sustainable fish processing industry"

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    Rapporten gir en oversikt over ulike måleprinsipper og sensortyper som en kunne tenke seg å anvende i forbindelse med automatisert prosessering av fersk fisk. Aktuelle brukere av slik teknologi er fiskemottak, slakteri- og foredlingsbedrifter (filet). Måling av ferskhet og bederving er således ikke inkludert i denne sammenheng. Med dagens teknologi peker to måleteknikker seg ut som spesielt aktuelle. Dette er maskinsyn og NIR. Maskinsyn er valgt som tema for PhD-kandidat innen RF 2 innen Strategisk Institutt Program 2001-2005

    Research Field 2 - Sensors and measuring techniques: An overview Strategic Institute Program: "Efficient and economic sustainable fish processing industry"

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    Rapporten gir en oversikt over ulike måleprinsipper og sensortyper som en kunne tenke seg å anvende i forbindelse med automatisert prosessering av fersk fisk. Aktuelle brukere av slik teknologi er fiskemottak, slakteri- og foredlingsbedrifter (filet). Måling av ferskhet og bederving er således ikke inkludert i denne sammenheng. Med dagens teknologi peker to måleteknikker seg ut som spesielt aktuelle. Dette er maskinsyn og NIR. Maskinsyn er valgt som tema for PhD-kandidat innen RF 2 innen Strategisk Institutt Program 2001-2005.publishedVersio

    Evaluation of the Whooshh Fish Transport System for transfer of Atlantic salmon broodstock between two tanks

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    A new system for gentle transfer of fish (Whooshh Fish Transfer System, WFTS) has been evaluated at the AquaGen Atlantic salmon broodstock premises. Transfer of broodstock between tanks was carried out by WFTS and the traditional hand-carry method which includes a MS-222 anaesthesia step. Transfer of fish by WFTS was carried out by using sedated (AQUI-S) and not sedated fish. The state of the fish were evaluated in terms of stress, behaviour, welfare, possible post-transfer delayed mortalities or other irregularities for up to one week after transfer. Generally, only modest stress reactions were determined and these were mainly related to fish handling operations before transfer, particularly when not sedated fish were loaded into the WFTS. The WFTS transfer itself did not impose an additional stress load. The hand-carry method was equally good, although the method is more labour-intensive. The use of the WFTS seems to eliminate the need for the MS-222 step. No mortalities or other irregularities were observed throughout the experimental period. We were not able to identify particular issues where fish welfare was clearly compromised. For safer and less cumbersome feeding of fish into the WFTS, it is recommended that the fish are sedated before transfer.Optimar ASpublishedVersio

    Workshop in Trondheim and excursions to the Norwegian seafood industry and NTNU

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    During the SeaMed project we have arranged workshops and visited seafood industry in Albania, Montenegro, Kosovo and Bosnia & Herzegovina. In October 2014, the whole consortium visited Trondheim. The three-day workshop included excursions to the Norwegian Seafood industry and NTNU. The final results from all project partners were presented, and future cooperation possibilities were discussed. The participants were visiting two salmon processing plants, Isfjord and Salmar/Nutrimar, and a salmon farm {Måsøval Fiskeoppdrett AS). In total 29 participants were involved in the workshop activities.publishedVersio

    Freeze-chilling of whitefish: Effects of capture, on-board processing, freezing, frozen storage, thawing, and subsequent chilled storage—a review

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    The current review investigates how whitefish quality is affected by capture at sea, on board handling, freezing, double freezing, frozen storage, thawing, and chilled storage. Packaging of fillets in MAP and vacuum are also covered. The main goal was to evaluate the freeze-chilling concept as a possible method for the fishing industry for all-year-round marketing of fish captured during the relatively short fishing period. The review covers both the effect of each processing step in the supply chain as well as the combined effect of all steps in the chain from sea to consumer, including post-thawing chilled storage, defined as the freeze-chilling method

    Bruk av Salsnes filterteknologi for fjerning av lakselus fra pumpevann ved et lakseslakteri

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    Filterteknologi fra Salsnes Filter AS for fjerning av lakselus i pumpevann ble testet ved slakteriet til Midt Norsk Havbruk AS, januar 2010. Vannprøver for mikroskopering ble hentet utenfor ventemerd, i ventemerd for pumping, etter pumping like før filtrering, og etter filtrering. Det ble også hentet prøver av avspylt filtermasse. Videre ble fastsittende, bevegelige stadier av lakselus telt før og etter pumping. Det ble ikke påvist lakselus utenfor ventemerd. I ventemerd før pumping ble det kun funnet frittlevende lusestadier Telling av fastsittende lus på laks før og etter pumping viste at en viss andel lus løsnet fra fisken i det den ble pumpet fra ventemerd til slakteri. Filterteknologien til Salsnes Filter fjernet parasittiske stadier av lakselus i pumpevannet effektivt, men det ble observert frittlevende stadier i renset vann. Disse har bredde mindre enn lysåpning i filteret, som var 350 μm. Ved å velge en lysåpning på 100 - 150 μm. kan man forvente å fjerne frittlevende stadier av lus. En kan da sannsynligvis oppnå 100 % fjerning av lakselus fra pumpevannet. I tillegg til lakselus, inneholdt avspylt filtermasse betydelige mengder fiskeskjell og slim, noe som tyder på at Salsnes Filterteknologi også fjerner organisk stoff (TOC) fra pumpevannet. Filtrering av pumpevann ved slakteri ved bruk av filterteknologi fra Salsnes filter kan være et viktig tiltak i kampen mot lakselus.Salsnes Filter ASpublishedVersio

    Establishing a Method for Electrical Immobilization of Whitefish on Board Fishing Vessels

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    A downscaled version of an electrical dry stunner used in aquaculture has been adapted for use on fishing vessels to immobilize the catch (cod, haddock and saithe) shortly after capture to facilitate immediate and easy catch handling, and to minimize downgrading due to poor bleed-out. Possible effects of electrical stimulation of white muscle (blood lactate, initial pH and twitch ability) were determined. Eye roll, respiration, equilibrium, swim ability and noxious stimuli were assessed after stunning and fillets were examined with respect to color shade, possible blood spots and discolorations. Suitable voltages, exposure times to electricity, and rows of electrodes were 40 and 70 V, 4 to 6 s, and 3 to 5 rows of electrodes, respectively. Cod and haddock can be immobilized without skeletal damages and occurrence of blood spots and discolorations. In contrast, 11% of the saithe had fractured spine usually accompanied by a single large blood spot

    Freeze-chilling of whitefish: Effects of capture, on-board processing, freezing, frozen storage, thawing, and subsequent chilled storage—a review

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    The current review investigates how whitefish quality is affected by capture at sea, on board handling, freezing, double freezing, frozen storage, thawing, and chilled storage. Packaging of fillets in MAP and vacuum are also covered. The main goal was to evaluate the freeze-chilling concept as a possible method for the fishing industry for all-year-round marketing of fish captured during the relatively short fishing period. The review covers both the effect of each processing step in the supply chain as well as the combined effect of all steps in the chain from sea to consumer, including post-thawing chilled storage, defined as the freeze-chilling method.publishedVersio