7,241 research outputs found

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pembayaran Online Menggunakan Payment Gateway

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    Transaksi elektronik menguntungkan karena dapat mengurangi biaya transaksi bisnis dan dapat memperbaiki kualitas pelayanan kepada pelanggan. Walaupun demikian, sering sekali layanan yang ditawarkan melalui media elektronik mudah sekali disalahgunakan oleh pihak – pihak yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Seperti halnya pada saat terjadi komunikasi yang melibatkan jumlah potongan yang harus dilakukan oleh akun bank tertentu dan penambahan nilai uang pada akun yang lain. Untuk menangani masalah tersebut, salah satunya adalah protokol SSL (Secure Socket Layer) dimana merupakan salah satu protokol untuk berkomunikasi melalui internet, yang artinya SSL berisi aturan untuk menjamin komunikasi yang terjadi aman. Untuk mengimplementasikan SSL tersebut, penulis merancang website payment gateway yang nantinya dapat berguna untuk mendeskripsikan informasi pembayaran dan membandingkan nilai hash yang dikirimkan penjual. Sehingga dengan adanya website payment gateway ini maka pihak customer dan merchant bisa mengetahui bagaimana sebenarnya komunikasi e-commerce berjalan di internet

    Pengembangan Aplikasi Reservasi Kamar Hotel Berbasis Web

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    Teknologi informasi merupakan salah satu teknologi yang sedang berkembang dengan pesat pada saat ini. Dengan kemajuan teknologi informasi, pengaksesan terhadap data atau informasi yang tersedia dapat berlangsung dengan cepat, efisien serta akurat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran sebuah model sistem informasi perhotelan menggunakan layanan web, melalui pembangunan sebuah aplikasi reservasi kamar hotel berbasis web. Dengan aplikasi ini, pengguna dapat dengan mudah memperoleh pelayanan dan informasi hotel kapanpun dan dimanapun mereka berada secara on-line. Sistem tersebut mengolah data reservasi kamar baik proses check-in, check-out maupun proses pembuatan laporan-laporan yang dibutuhkan per hari, bulan, maupun per periode. Sistem informasi reservasi dikembangkan dengan motodologi waterfall, dan dibangun dengan bahasa PHP dan PhpMyAdmin sebagai sebuah tools untuk membantu mengelola basis data MySql serta editor Macromedia Dreamweaver. Aplikasi regristrasi kamar hotel ini dapat digunakan sebagai sarana penyedia layanan dan informasi bagi penggunanya baik untuk admin, dan manager hotel dimanapun dan kapanpun mereka berada. Pengguna mendapatkan semua informasi yang akurat karena informasi yang tersedia senantiasa diperbaharui

    Evolving Workforce Roles in Medicare Next Generation ACOs

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    The purpose of this study was to explore key workforce strategies in Next Generation Accountable Care Organizations (Next Gen ACOs), the latest evolution in Medicare ACOs. We conducted semi-structured interviews with leaders from seven of the initial 18 Next Gen ACOs to better understand their perceptions regarding how workforce roles are changing to support the Next Gen ACO model. Key Questions: What new and expanded roles for existing health workforce members are reported by Next Generation ACO leaders? Has use of the health workforce changed as a result of Next Gen waivers for telehealth, home visits, and use of SNFs? Has the Next Generations ACO model led to changes in where care is provided (ie, more home visits, telehealth, other) or by whom (e.g. changes in NP or RN roles)? Are Next Generation ACOs partnering with community based organizations to address the social determinants of health? Is the Next Generation ACO model leading to increased workforce collaboration with community partners such as SNFs, home health agencies, homeless shelters, and other? Why and how do they believe these changes are occurring as a result of ACO payment incentives? What are the future plans (if any) for new or expanded workforce roles under Next Generation ACOs? Do ACO leaders believe scope of practice laws constrain them in shaping health workforce roles and task delegation? What are the barriers to continuing the development of your new workforce models are perceived by ACO leaders? What workforce education and training needs are emerging as a result of Next Generation ACOs? Are you partnering with local schools to develop new curriculum or tools

    Four Rocks

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    Four Rocks integrates a community of moss and lichen onto four large-scale drawings of coupled figures drawn to resemble the basalt boulders of the Columbia River Gorge. These organisms obfuscate the divisions between the figures, embodying the inextricable role our relationships play in the formation of self. The four diptychs can be reconfigured into various combinations. Physically changing the work’s composition disrupts the figures’ realism, replicating the necessary discomfort of being known intimately by others. The work’s basis in a specific geography rendered from memory interrogates memory’s influence on our conception of self and our ability to connect with others

    Perceptions of Electronic Health Records Effects on Staffing, Workflow, & Productivity in Community Health Centers

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    Significant Federal investments under the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act of 2009 and the Affordable Care Act have motivated many community health centers (CHCs) to implement electronic health records (EHRs) in the past few years. Evidence suggests that EHR implementation causes significant changes in how primary care clinicians spend their time and may be associated with changes in staff and facility level productivity. However, the mechanisms to explain these changes were mostly speculative. The goals of this project were to understand how, from the perspective of clinicians, support staff, and administrators, CHCs’ implementation of EHRs has changed staffing models, staff roles, and workflow, as well as the mechanisms by which EHRs influence staff productivity, coordination between providers, and quality of care. Key Questions How has EHR implementation changed staffing models in CHCs? How has EHR implementation changed staff roles and workflow in CHCs? How have these changes influenced CHC productivity and quality of care

    Pengaruh Investment Opportunity Set (IOS), Mekanisme Good Corporate Governance dan Reputasi KAP terhadap Kualitas Laba Perusahaan (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Property And Real Estate yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia 2010-2012)

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    This study aimed to examine the effect of investment opportunity set (IOS), good corporate governance mechanism (audit committee, independent directors, institutional ownership, managerial ownership) and public accounting firms reputation on quality of corporate earnings. The sample was taken using the method of purposive sampling from property and real estate company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2010 until 2012. Obtained 81 samples from 33 property and real estate company for 3 years. Hypothesis testing is performed using multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that audit committee have significant effect on corporate earnings. While investment opportunity set (IOS), independent directors, managerial ownership and institutional ownership of the firms reputation does not have significant effect on quality of corporate earnings.Keyword: Investment opportunity set (IOS), good corporate governance mechanism, public accounting firms, quality of corporate earnigs


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    This research is aimed to analysis on the errors in using simple past tense made by students at class VIII in SMP Trisakti I Medan. The subject of this research of the eighth grade students of SMP Trisakti I Medan. The method used in this study was descriptive analysis method to describe students’ errors and analyze the data by using formula:  x 100 %,  P=  percentage, F= Frequency of error made, N= Total of students’ errors. The data was taken from the test: it was written test. The result of the errors analysis process showed that students’ committed error into four types: omission,  addition, misformation, and misordering. From the frequency of each error types, showed that there are 218 errors made by the students.the most frequent error made by students is Misformation which consists of 160 errors or 73,3%,  it is followed by omission with 32 errors or 14,7%. The next is addition which consists of 15 errors or 6,7%. And the last is misordering with 11 errors or 5%

    All Who Wander: On the Prevalence and Characteristics of Multi-community Engagement

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    Although analyzing user behavior within individual communities is an active and rich research domain, people usually interact with multiple communities both on- and off-line. How do users act in such multi-community environments? Although there are a host of intriguing aspects to this question, it has received much less attention in the research community in comparison to the intra-community case. In this paper, we examine three aspects of multi-community engagement: the sequence of communities that users post to, the language that users employ in those communities, and the feedback that users receive, using longitudinal posting behavior on Reddit as our main data source, and DBLP for auxiliary experiments. We also demonstrate the effectiveness of features drawn from these aspects in predicting users' future level of activity. One might expect that a user's trajectory mimics the "settling-down" process in real life: an initial exploration of sub-communities before settling down into a few niches. However, we find that the users in our data continually post in new communities; moreover, as time goes on, they post increasingly evenly among a more diverse set of smaller communities. Interestingly, it seems that users that eventually leave the community are "destined" to do so from the very beginning, in the sense of showing significantly different "wandering" patterns very early on in their trajectories; this finding has potentially important design implications for community maintainers. Our multi-community perspective also allows us to investigate the "situation vs. personality" debate from language usage across different communities.Comment: 11 pages, data available at https://chenhaot.com/pages/multi-community.html, Proceedings of WWW 2015 (updated references

    Monitoring Vibration of a Model of Rotating Machine

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    Mechanical movement or motion of a rotating machine normally causes additional vibration. A vibration sensing device must be added to constantly monitor vibration level of the system having a rotating machine, since the vibration frequency and amplitude cannot be measured quantitatively by only sight or touch. If the vibration signals from the machine have a lot of noise, there are possibilities that the rotating machine has defects that can lead to failure. In this experimental research project, a vibration structure is constructed in a scaled model to simulate vibration and to monitor system performance in term of vibration level in case of rotation with balanced and unbalanced condition. In this scaled model, the output signal of the vibration sensor is processed in a microcontroller and then transferred to a computer via a serial communication medium, and plotted on the screen with data plotter software developed using C language. The signal waveform of the vibration is displayed to allow further analysis of the vibration. Vibration level monitor can be set in the microcontroller to allow shutdown of the rotating machine in case of excessive vibration to protect the rotating machine from further damage. Experiment results show the agreement with theory that unbalance condition on a rotating machine can lead to larger vibration amplitude compared to balance condition. Adding and reducing the mass for balancing can be performed to obtain lower vibration level
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