6,983 research outputs found

    Genetic variation within and among asexual populations of Porphyra umbilicalis Kützing (Bangiales, Rhodophyta) in the Gulf of Maine, USA

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    The intertidal marine red alga Porphyra umbilicalis reproduces asexually in the Northwest Atlantic. We looked for population substructure among typical open-coastal and atypical estuarine habitats in seven asexual populations of P. umbilicalis from Maine to New Hampshire using eight expressed sequence tag-simple sequence repeats (EST-SSR) or microsatellite loci. Six genotypes were identified, four of which may represent recombinant genotypes from a recombination event that took place locally, or that took place prior to introduction to the Northwest Atlantic. Genotypic diversity was lowest in a population from Wiscasset, Maine, which inhabits an atypical habitat high in the intertidal zone of a bridge piling in an estuarine tidal rapid. Genotypic diversity was highest in the southernmost populations from New Hampshire; we identified two genotypes that were unique to the southernmost populations, and probably represent the most derived genotypes. We looked at genetic distances among populations in similar habitats, and found that populations were more closely related to their closest neighboring population than to a population in a similar habitat. We show that genotypic diversity within P. umbilicalis populations in the Gulf of Maine is relatively high and thus fits a model of high steady-state variation within asexual populations

    In field N transfer, build-up, and leaching in ryegrass-clover mixtures

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    Two field experiments investigating dynamics in grass-clover mixtures were conducted, using 15N- and 14C-labelling to trace carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) from grass (Lolium perenne L.) and clover (Trifolium repens L. and Trifolium pratense L.). The leaching of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), as measured in pore water sampled by suction cups, increased during the autumn and winter, whereas the leaching of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) was fairly constant during this period. Leaching of 15N from the sward indicated that ryegrass was the direct source of less than 1-2 percent of the total N leaching measured, whereas N dynamics pointed to clover as an important contributor to N leaching. Sampling of roots indicates that the dynamics in smaller roots were responsible for N and C build-up in the sward, and that N became available for transfer among species and leaching from the root zone. The bi-directional transfer of N between ryegrass and clover could however not be explained only by root turnover. Other processes like direct uptake of organic N compounds, may have contributed

    Environmental impacts of grazed pastures

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    Large nitrogen (N) surplus and return of excreta-N in localised patches at high N rates in intensively grazed pasture systems markedly increases the risk of N losses to waterways and the atmosphere. Here are described the main routes of N input to grazed pastures, losses via N leaching, methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. Furthermore farm N budgets and N use efficiency in relation to management strategies that can be applied to reduce N losses are discussed. Nitrate leaching increases exponentially with increased inputs and is closely related to urine patches, which also influence the leaching of dissolved organic N. High N2O emission rates in grazed pastures are related to fertiliser-N or N in excreta combined with compaction by animal treading. Grazing may considerably reduce CH3 emissions compared to indoor housing of cows. Pastures are occasionally cultivated due to sward deterioration followed by a rapid and extended period of N mineralization, contributing to an increased potential for losses. Good management of the pasture (e.g. reduced fertiliser input and reduced length of grazing) and of the mixed crop rotation during both the grassland and the arable phase (e.g. delayed ploughing time and a catch crop strategy) can considerably reduce the negative environmental impact of grazing. It is important to consider the whole farm system when evaluating environmental impact. In particular for green house gasses since the pasture may serve as a source of N2O and indirectly of CH3, but also as a sink of CO2 influenced by management practices on the farm

    Wavemoth -- Fast spherical harmonic transforms by butterfly matrix compression

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    We present Wavemoth, an experimental open source code for computing scalar spherical harmonic transforms (SHTs). Such transforms are ubiquitous in astronomical data analysis. Our code performs substantially better than existing publicly available codes due to improvements on two fronts. First, the computational core is made more efficient by using small amounts of precomputed data, as well as paying attention to CPU instruction pipelining and cache usage. Second, Wavemoth makes use of a fast and numerically stable algorithm based on compressing a set of linear operators in a precomputation step. The resulting SHT scales as O(L^2 (log L)^2) for the resolution range of practical interest, where L denotes the spherical harmonic truncation degree. For low and medium-range resolutions, Wavemoth tends to be twice as fast as libpsht, which is the current state of the art implementation for the HEALPix grid. At the resolution of the Planck experiment, L ~ 4000, Wavemoth is between three and six times faster than libpsht, depending on the computer architecture and the required precision. Due to the experimental nature of the project, only spherical harmonic synthesis is currently supported, although adding support or spherical harmonic analysis should be trivial.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, accepted by ApJ

    Spatial variations in the spectral index of polarized synchrotron emission in the 9 yr WMAP sky maps

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    We estimate the spectral index, beta, of polarized synchrotron emission as observed in the 9 yr WMAP sky maps using two methods, linear regression ("T-T plot") and maximum likelihood. We partition the sky into 24 disjoint sky regions, and evaluate the spectral index for all polarization angles between 0 deg and 85 deg in steps of 5. Averaging over polarization angles, we derive a mean spectral index of beta_all-sky=-2.99+-0.01 in the frequency range of 23-33 GHz. We find that the synchrotron spectral index steepens by 0.14 from low to high Galactic latitudes, in agreement with previous studies, with mean spectral indices of beta_plane=-2.98+-0.01 and beta_high-lat=-3.12+-0.04. In addition, we find a significant longitudinal variation along the Galactic plane with a steeper spectral index toward the Galactic center and anticenter than toward the Galactic spiral arms. This can be well modeled by an offset sinusoidal, beta(l)=-2.85+0.17sin(2l-90). Finally, we study synchrotron emission in the BICEP2 field, in an attempt to understand whether the claimed detection of large-scale B-mode polarization could be explained in terms of synchrotron contamination. Adopting a spectral index of beta=-3.12, typical for high Galactic latitudes, we find that the most likely bias corresponds to about 2% of the reported signal (r=0.003). The flattest index allowed by the data in this region is beta=-2.5, and under the assumption of a straight power-law frequency spectrum, we find that synchrotron emission can account for at most 20% of the reported BICEP2 signal.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, updated to match version published in Ap

    Calculating External Costs of Transportation in Norway

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    Transport activities are known to have substantial negative external effects. One of the reasons for trying to value these effects is that the cost to society of using a specific transport mode should be reflected in the price that is paid by the transport user and thus form the basis for a transport tax policy. Previous calculations of marginal external costs of transport at the Institute of Transport Economics (TØI) as well as the methods employed are in many cases outdated and need revision. Therefore it has been decided to update the methods as well as the estimates. External effects included in this analysis are: a) emissions to air, b) noise, c) traffic accidents, d) wear of infrastructure and e) congestion. External costs are seen as related to transport volume, intensity of the effect, degree of harm of the effect and unit cost of harm. The assumptions of these relations will be discussed. One problem with the shape of the cost function is whether the effect (e.g. noise) can be said to be proportional to the transport volume. In estimating the unit costs mainly willingness-to-pay (WTP) methods will be applied. The marginal external costs of each mode or vehicle type is compared to what is actually paid at the margin by these modes in taxes and charges that are related to transport volume. Small vans and passenger cars internalise approximately their external cost in the form of traffic charges. Airplanes pay a lot more than their external cost because they cover the total cost of the CAA (Central Aviation Administration). Buses, passenger trains and cargo vessels pay a very small part of external costs in the form of traffic related charges

    MEDUSA - New Model of Internet Topology Using k-shell Decomposition

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    The k-shell decomposition of a random graph provides a different and more insightful separation of the roles of the different nodes in such a graph than does the usual analysis in terms of node degrees. We develop this approach in order to analyze the Internet's structure at a coarse level, that of the "Autonomous Systems" or ASes, the subnetworks out of which the Internet is assembled. We employ new data from DIMES (see http://www.netdimes.org), a distributed agent-based mapping effort which at present has attracted over 3800 volunteers running more than 7300 DIMES clients in over 85 countries. We combine this data with the AS graph information available from the RouteViews project at Univ. Oregon, and have obtained an Internet map with far more detail than any previous effort. The data suggests a new picture of the AS-graph structure, which distinguishes a relatively large, redundantly connected core of nearly 100 ASes and two components that flow data in and out from this core. One component is fractally interconnected through peer links; the second makes direct connections to the core only. The model which results has superficial similarities with and important differences from the "Jellyfish" structure proposed by Tauro et al., so we call it a "Medusa." We plan to use this picture as a framework for measuring and extrapolating changes in the Internet's physical structure. Our k-shell analysis may also be relevant for estimating the function of nodes in the "scale-free" graphs extracted from other naturally-occurring processes.Comment: 24 pages, 17 figure

    An analysis of long and medium-haul air passenger demand, volume 1

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    A basic model was developed which is a two equation pair econometric system in which air passenger demand and airline level-of-service are the endogenous variables. The model aims to identify the relationship between each of these two variables and its determining factors, and to identify the interaction of demand and level-of-service with each other. The selected variable for the measure of air passenger traffic activity in a given pair market is defined as the number of passengers in a given time that originate in one region and fly to the other region for purposes other than to make a connection to a third region. For medium and long haul markets, the model seems to perform better for larger markets. This is due to a specification problem regarding the route structure variable. In larger markets, a greater percentage of nonlocal passengers are accounted for by this variable. Comparing the estimated fare elasticities of long and medium haul markets, it appears that air transportation demand is more price elastic in longer haul markets. Long haul markets demand will saturate with a fewer number of departures than will demand in medium haul markets
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