35,685 research outputs found

    A statistical analysis of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron (EMIC) waves and their correlation to the 11-year solar cycle

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    This thesis presents a statistical analysis of EMIC waves measured at Halley Research Station from 2008 through 2012. An introduction covering the origin of and theory behind EMIC waves is provided, along with a background covering previous statistical research regarding EMIC waves. Guidelines regarding EMIC wave definition and analysis are described along with examples of how they were used. The data shows an increase in the total number of EMIC waves as well as the number and percentage of EMIC waves with maximum frequency above 1 Hz during the 5-year period. The results suggest that the total number of EMIC waves and the proportion of EMIC waves with maximum frequency above 1 Hz increase with increasing solar activity. A future perspective in EMIC wave research is also provided

    Entropy of eternal black holes

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    The entropy of a quantum-statistical system which is classically approximated by a general stationary eternal black hole is studied by means of a microcanonical functional integral. This approach opens the possibility of including explicitly the internal degrees of freedom of a physical black hole in path integral descriptions of its thermodynamical properties. If the functional integral is interpreted as the density of states of the system, the corresponding entropy equals calS=AH/4AH/4=0{cal S} = A_H/4 - A_H/4 =0 in the semiclassical approximation, where AHA_H is the area of the black hole horizon. The functional integral reflects the properties of a pure state.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the Sixth Canadian Conference on General Relativiy and Relativistic Astrophysics, 7 pages, Late

    On the Strong Ratio Limit Property for Discrete-Time Birth-Death Processes

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    A sufficient condition is obtained for a discrete-time birth-death process to possess the strong ratio limit property, directly in terms of the one-step transition probabilities of the process. The condition encompasses all previously known sufficient conditions

    Connectivity of circulant digraphs

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    An explicit expression is derived for the connectivity of circulant digraphs

    Asymptotic period of an aperiodic Markov chain

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    We introduce the concept of asymptotic period for an irreducible and aperiodic, discrete-time Markov chain X on a countable state space, and develop the theory leading to its formal definition. The asymptotic period of X equals one - its period - if X is recurrent, but may be larger than one if X is transient; X is asymptotically aperiodic if its asymptotic period equals one. Some sufficient conditions for asymptotic aperiodicity are presented. The asymptotic period of a birth-death process on the nonnegative integers is studied in detail and shown to be equal to 1, 2 or infinity. Criteria for the occurrence of each value in terms of the 1-step transition probabilities are established.Comment: 19 page

    The indeterminate rate problem for birth-death processes

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    A birth-death process is completely determined by its set of rates if and only if this set satisfies a certain condition C, say. If for a set of rates R the condition C is not fulfilled, then the problem arises of characterizing all birth-death processes which have rate set R (the indeterminate rate problem associated with R). We show that the characterization may be effected by means of the decay parameter, and we determine the set of possible values for the decay parameter in terms of JR. A fundamental role in our analysis is played by a duality concept for rate sets, which, if the pertinent rate sets satisfy C, obviously leads to a duality concept for birth-death processes. The latter can be stated in a form which suggests the possibility of extension in the context of indeterminate rate problems. This, however, is shown to be only partially true

    On the α-classification of birth-death and quasi-birth-death processes

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    In several recent papers criteria for the α-classification of birth-death and quasi-birth-death processes have been proposed. In this paper the relations between the various criteria are brought to light

    Weighted sums of orthogonal polynomials related to birth-death processes with killing

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    We consider sequences of orthogonal polynomials arising in the analysis of birth-death processes with killing. Motivated by problems in this stochastic setting we discuss criteria for convergence of certain weighted sums of the polynomials

    Unipolar and bipolar operation of InAs/InSb nanowire heterostructure field-effect transistors

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    We present temperature dependent electrical measurements on n-type InAs/InSb nanowireheterostructurefield-effect transistors. The barrier height of the heterostructure junction is determined to be 220 meV, indicating a broken bandgap alignment. A clear asymmetry is observed when applying a bias to either the InAs or the InSb side of the junction. Impact ionization and band-to-band tunneling is more pronounced when the large voltage drop occurs in the narrow bandgapInSb segment. For small negative gate-voltages, the InSb segment can be tuned toward p-type conduction, which induces a strong band-to-band tunneling across the heterostructucture junction.This work was carried out within the Nanometer Structure Consortium at Lund University and was supported by the Swedish Research Council (VR), the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF), and the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation