4,021 research outputs found

    Peso al nacer de niños brasileños menores de dos años

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    Low birth weight is associated with increased risk of dying in the first year of life. This study was motivated by recent changes in the determination of birth weight patterns with the advent of the perinatal epidemiological transition. We analyzed data from the Brazilian National Survey of Demographic and Health of Children and Women including only children < 24 months. Prevalence of low birth weight in Brazil was 6.1%. Risk factors included female gender, residence in the South and Southeast geographic regions, low maternal education, and maternal smoking. The low birth weight profile changed, with higher prevalence in more economically developed regions, reflecting the neonatal epidemiological transition determined by changes in patterns of childbirth care and incorporation of perinatal life support technologies, in addition to the previously known biological risks associated with poverty and misinformation.El bajo peso al nacer tiene una gran relación con el riesgo de morir en el primer año de vida. Estudios muestran su asociación con problemas de desarrollo en la infancia y enfermedades en la vida adulta. Dada la importancia de este indicador, el objetivo de este estudio fue investigar los factores sociales, demográficos, biológicos y ambientales involucrados en su determinación. Se analizaron los datos de la Investigación Nacional de Demografía y Salud del Niño y de la Mujer (PNDS-2006), incluyendo solamente niños menores de 24 meses de vida. La prevalencia de bajo peso al nacer en Brasil fue de un 6,1%. Los factores de riesgo identificados fueron sexo femenino, residir en las macrorregiones Sur y Sudeste y ser hijo de madres con baja escolaridad o tabaquistas. Hubo cambios en el perfil de bajo peso al nacer, con mayor prevalencia en regiones más desarrolladas económicamente, reflejando la transición epidemiológica perinatal, caracterizada por cambios en los padrones de asistencia al parto e incorporación de los avances tecnológicos en la asistencia perinatal, además de factores de riesgo biológicos conocidos, asociados a la pobreza y a la desinformación.O baixo peso ao nascer tem grande relação com risco de morrer no primeiro ano de vida. Estudos mostram sua associação com problemas de desenvolvimento na infância e doenças na vida adulta. Dada a importância desse indicador, o objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os fatores sociais, demográficos, biológicos e ambientais envolvidos na sua determinação. Analisaram-se dados da Pesquisa Nacional de Demografia e Saúde da Criança e da Mulher (PNDS-2006), incluindo apenas crianças menores de 24 meses de vida. A prevalência de baixo peso ao nascer no Brasil foi de 6,1%. Os fatores de risco identificados foram sexo feminino, residir nas macrorregiões Sul e Sudeste e ser filho de mães com baixa escolaridade ou tabagistas. Houve mudanças no perfil do baixo peso ao nascer, com maior prevalência em regiões mais desenvolvidas economicamente, refletindo a transição epidemiológica perinatal, caracterizada por mudanças nos padrões de assistência ao parto e incorporação dos avanços tecnológicos na assistência perinatal, além de fatores de risco biológicos conhecidos associados à pobreza e à desinformação.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPSciEL

    Effects of the gg-factor in semi-classical kinetic plasma theory

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    A kinetic theory for spin plasmas is put forward, generalizing those of previous authors. In the model, the ordinary phase space is extended to include the spin degrees of freedom. Together with Maxwell's equations, the system is shown to be energy conserving. Analysing the linear properties, it is found that new types of wave-particle resonances are possible, that depend directly on the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron. As a result new wave modes, not present in the absence of spin, appear. The implications of our results are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, two figures, version to appear in Physical Review Letter

    Imaginary Phases in Two-Level Model with Spontaneous Decay

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    We study a two-level model coupled to the electromagnetic vacuum and to an external classic electric field with fixed frequency. The amplitude of the external electric field is supposed to vary very slow in time. Garrison and Wright [{\it Phys. Lett.} {\bf A128} (1988) 177] used the non-hermitian Hamiltonian approach to study the adiabatic limit of this model and obtained that the probability of this two-level system to be in its upper level has an imaginary geometric phase. Using the master equation for describing the time evolution of the two-level system we obtain that the imaginary phase due to dissipative effects is time dependent, in opposition to Garrison and Wright result. The present results show that the non-hermitian hamiltonian method should not be used to discuss the nature of the imaginary phases in open systems.Comment: 11 pages, new version, to appear in J. Phys.

    Continuous variable entanglement sharing in non-inertial frames

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    We study the distribution of entanglement between modes of a free scalar field from the perspective of observers in uniform acceleration. We consider a two-mode squeezed state of the field from an inertial perspective, and analytically study the degradation of entanglement due to the Unruh effect, in the cases of either one or both observers undergoing uniform acceleration. We find that for two observers undergoing finite acceleration, the entanglement vanishes between the lowest frequency modes. The loss of entanglement is precisely explained as a redistribution of the inertial entanglement into multipartite quantum correlations among accessible and unaccessible modes from a non-inertial perspective. We show that classical correlations are also lost from the perspective of two accelerated observers but conserved if one of the observers remains inertial.Comment: 19 pages, 13 EPS figures (most low-res due to oversize); terminology revise

    Considering the role of cognitive control in expert performance

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    © 2014, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht. Dreyfus and Dreyfus’ (1986) influential phenomenological analysis of skill acquisition proposes that expert performance is guided by non-cognitive responses which are fast, effortless and apparently intuitive in nature. Although this model has been criticised (e.g., by Breivik Journal of Philosophy of Sport, 34, 116–134 2007, Journal of the Philosophy of Sport, 40, 85–106 2013; Eriksen 2010; Montero Inquiry:An interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy, 53, 105–122 2010; Montero and Evans 2011) for over-emphasising the role that intuition plays in facilitating skilled performance, it does recognise that on occasions (e.g., when performance goes awry for some reason) a form of ‘detached deliberative rationality’ may be used by experts to improve their performance. However, Dreyfus and Dreyfus (1986) see no role for calculative problem solving or deliberation (i.e., drawing on rules or mental representations) when performance is going well. In the current paper, we draw on empirical evidence, insights from athletes, and phenomenological description to argue that ‘continuous improvement’ (i.e., the phenomenon whereby certain skilled performers appear to be capable of increasing their proficiency even though they are already experts; Toner and Moran 2014) among experts is mediated by cognitive (or executive) control in three distinct sporting situations (i.e., in training, during pre-performance routines, and while engaged in on-line skill execution). We conclude by arguing that Sutton et al. Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, 42, 78–103 (2011) ‘applying intelligence to the reflexes’ (AIR) approach may help to elucidate the process by which expert performers achieve continuous improvement through analytical/mindful behaviour during training and competition

    Phases of quantum states in completely positive non-unitary evolution

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    We define an operational notion of phases in interferometry for a quantum system undergoing a completely positive non-unitary evolution. This definition is based on the concepts of quantum measurement theory. The suitable generalization of the Pancharatnan connection allows us to determine the dynamical and geometrical parts of the total phase between two states linked by a completely positive map. These results reduce to the knonw expressions of total, dynamical and geometrical phases for pure and mixed states evolving unitarily.Comment: 2 figure

    Adiabatic response for Lindblad dynamics

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    We study the adiabatic response of open systems governed by Lindblad evolutions. In such systems, there is an ambiguity in the assignment of observables to fluxes (rates) such as velocities and currents. For the appropriate notion of flux, the formulas for the transport coefficients are simple and explicit and are governed by the parallel transport on the manifold of instantaneous stationary states. Among our results we show that the response coefficients of open systems, whose stationary states are projections, is given by the adiabatic curvature.Comment: 33 pages, 4 figures, accepted versio

    Relation between geometric phases of entangled bi-partite systems and their subsystems

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    This paper focuses on the geometric phase of entangled states of bi-partite systems under bi-local unitary evolution. We investigate the relation between the geometric phase of the system and those of the subsystems. It is shown that (1) the geometric phase of cyclic entangled states with non-degenerate eigenvalues can always be decomposed into a sum of weighted non-modular pure state phases pertaining to the separable components of the Schmidt decomposition, though the same cannot be said in the non-cyclic case, and (2) the geometric phase of the mixed state of one subsystem is generally different from that of the entangled state even by keeping the other subsystem fixed, but the two phases are the same when the evolution operator satisfies conditions where each component in the Schmidt decomposition is parallel transported

    An experimental observation of geometric phases for mixed states using NMR interferometry

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    Examples of geometric phases abound in many areas of physics. They offer both fundamental insights into many physical phenomena and lead to interesting practical implementations. One of them, as indicated recently, might be an inherently fault-tolerant quantum computation. This, however, requires to deal with geometric phases in the presence of noise and interactions between different physical subsystems. Despite the wealth of literature on the subject of geometric phases very little is known about this very important case. Here we report the first experimental study of geometric phases for mixed quantum states. We show how different they are from the well understood, noiseless, pure-state case.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure