80 research outputs found

    Physics Based Design, the Future of Modeling and Simulation

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    This paper discusses the expanding role of modeling and simulation in the design and development of electrical power systems. The concepts of physics-based design and building blocks are introduced to show how complex systems may be simplified. However, the detail and complexity of tomorrow’s systems are beyond today’s tools. Computing power has increased to the point where physics-based design is possible. The aim of this paper is to discus the issues and opportunities for modeling and simulation in advanced system design.


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    PT Focus Central Securindo is one of the companies engaged in the electronics distributor located at Ruko Palam Spring where PT Focus Central Securindo was established in 2016. The technique used in this study is saturated sampling used is the distribution of questionnaires. The method for analytical in this study is multiple regresion which includes: validity test, reliability test, normality test, multicholine meaning test, heteroscedastic test, determination test and partial test. And we have the results showed that the brand partically affected 3.405 > 1.983 of the t table, so that 0.00 < 0.05 alpha. While the partical effect of product quality is 8.368 > 1.983 from t table. And with the purchase decision we have a signifcant influence of 106,188 > 3,080 from F table, then 0.00 < 0.05. And the signifcance value of the simultaneous test. And the study results on consumer satisfaction showed that the R2 effect of 81.9%. that means the brand and product quality had a significant effect

    Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Korban Tindak Pidana Penipuan Yang Dilakukan Melalui Media Elektronik

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    Perlindungan yang diberikan oleh Undang-Undang Republik IndonesiaNomor 19 Tahun 2016 tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik berupa penyelesaian perkara dan pemberian sanksi pidana yang diberikan kepada tersangka atau terdakwa. Pasal 28 ayat (1) Undang-UndangRepublik Indonesia Nomor 19 Tahun 2016 tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronikdapat indikasikan sebagai pasal yang mengatur mengenai penipuan, akan tetapi jika dikaji lebih dalam lagi, unsur-unsur yang terdapat pada pasal 28 ayat (1) Undang-UndangRepublik Indonesia Nomor 19 Tahun 2016 tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik ini masihdirasa kurang untuk memenuhi unsur-unsur yang terdapat di dalam perbuatan yang memberikan informasi fiktif dalam hal penjualan barang di dunia maya. Lain halnya dengan Pasal 378 KUHP, yang rinci mengurai unsur-unsur perbuatan yang memberikan informasi fiktif./ The Internet isused as a means to commit a crime, one of which is fraud. The protection granted by the Law ofthe Republic of Indonesia Number 19 the Year 2016 on Information and Electronic Transactionsin the form of settlement of cases and the provision of criminal sanctions provided to the suspector defendant. Article 28 paragraph of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 19 theYear 2016 on Information and Electronic Transactions may indicate as the article regulatingfraud, but if examined more deeply, the elements contained in Article 28 paragraph Law –TheRepublic of Indonesia No. 19 of 2016 on Information and Electronic Transactions is stillconsidered less to meet the elements contained in the act that provides fictitious information interms of sales of goods in cyberspace. Another case with Article 378 of the Criminal Code, whichdetailed parse elements of acts that provide fictitious informatio

    O Centro de Educação Física e Desportos na atribuição de sentidos junto à educação física escolar (1970-2004)

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    This article originates from a historical research on the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports (FPES) of the UFSM. The study aimed at understanding the senses attributed to School Physical Education by the Institution between 1970 and 2004. To do so, the methodological arrangement intersected three approaches: Thematic Oral History interviews, literature review and documental review about the professional qualification promoted by the FPES. The information obtained in this process allowed the identification of the predominance of technical-instrumental and sporty perspectives in the institutional conceptions about what ought to be developed in School Physical Education over the period. Este artículo resulta de una pesquisa de naturaleza historia acerca del Centro de Educación Física e Deportes (CEFD) de UFSM. El objetivo del estudio consistió en comprender los sentidos atribuidos por la Institución a la educación física escolar,  entre 1970 y 2004. Para ello, la construcción metodológica involucró el entrecruzamiento de tres abordajes: entrevistas de Historia Oral Temática, revisión bibliográfica y revisión documental en cuanto a formación profesional promovida por el CEFD. Las informaciones obtenidas han ese proceso han permitido identificar la predominancia de perspectivas técnico instrumentales y deportivas en las concepciones institucionales acerca de lo que debería ser desarrollado en la educación física escolar, en el periodo. Este artigo resulta de uma pesquisa de natureza histórica a respeito do Centro de Educação Física e Desportos (CEFD) da UFSM. O objetivo do estudo consistiu em compreender os sentidos atribuídos pela Instituição à educação física escolar, entre 1970 e 2004. Para tanto, a construção metodológica envolveu o entrecruzamento de três abordagens: entrevistas de História Oral Temática, revisão bibliográfica e revisão documental a respeito da formação profissional promovida pelo CEFD. As informações obtidas nesse processo permitiram identificar a predominância de perspectivas técnico-instrumentais e esportivas nas concepções institucionais sobre o que deveria ser desenvolvido na educação física escolar, no período

    Mathematical and computer modeling of electro-optic systems using a generic modeling approach

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    The conventional approach to modelling electro-optic sensor systems is to develop separate models for individual systems or classes of system, depending on the detector technology employed in the sensor and the application. However, this ignores commonality in design and in components of these systems. A generic approach is presented for modelling a variety of sensor systems operating in the infrared waveband that also allows systems to be modelled with different levels of detail and at different stages of the product lifecycle. The provision of different model types (parametric and image-flow descriptions) within the generic framework can allow valuable insights to be gained

    Identifying a minor histocompatibility antigen in mauritian cynomolgus macaques encoded by APOBEC3C

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    Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplants can lead to dramatic reductions in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) reservoirs. This effect is partially mediated by donor T cells recognizing lymphocyte-expressed minor histocompatibility antigens (mHAgs). The potential to mark malignant and latently infected cells for destruction makes mHAgs attractive targets for cellular immunotherapies. However, testing such HIV reservoir reduction strategies will likely require preclinical studies in non-human primates (NHPs). In this study, we used a combination of alloimmunization, whole exome sequencing, and bioinformatics to identify an mHAg in Mauritian cynomolgus macaques (MCMs). We mapped the minimal optimal epitope to a 10-mer peptide (SW10) in apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme catalytic polypeptide-like 3C (APOBEC3C) and determined the major histocompatibility complex class I restriction element as Mafa-A1∗063, which is expressed in almost 90% of MCMs. APOBEC3C SW10-specific CD8+ T cells recognized immortalized B cells but not fibroblasts from an mHAg-positive MCM. These results provide a framework for identifying mHAgs in a non-transplant setting and suggest that APOBEC3C SW10 could be used as a model antigen to test mHAg-targeted therapies in NHPs

    Whole Exome Sequencing of HIV-1 long-term non-progressors identifies rare variants in genes encoding innate immune sensors and signaling molecules

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    Abstract Common CCR5-∆32 and HLA alleles only explain a minority of the HIV long-term non-progressor (LTNP) and elite controller (EC) phenotypes. To identify rare genetic variants contributing to the slow disease progression phenotypes, we performed whole exome sequencing (WES) on seven LTNPs and four ECs. HLA and CCR5 allele status, total HIV DNA reservoir size, as well as variant-related functional differences between the ECs, LTNPs, and eleven age- and gender-matched HIV-infected non-controllers on antiretroviral therapy (NCARTs) were investigated. Several rare variants were identified in genes involved in innate immune sensing, CD4-dependent infectivity, HIV trafficking, and HIV transcription mainly within the LTNP group. ECs and LTNPs had a significantly lower HIV reservoir compared to NCARTs. Furthermore, three LTNPs with variants affecting HIV nuclear import showed integrated HIV DNA levels below detection limit after in vitro infection. HIV slow progressors with variants in the TLR and NOD2 pathways showed reduced pro-inflammatory responses compared to matched controls. Low-range plasma levels of fibronectin was observed in a LTNP harboring two FN1 variants. Taken together, this study identified rare variants in LTNPs as well as in one EC, which may contribute to understanding of HIV pathogenesis and these slow progressor phenotypes, especially in individuals without protecting CCR5-∆32 and HLA alleles

    Specific CD8+ T cell responses correlate with control of simian immunodeficiency virus replication in Mauritian cynomolgus macaques

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    Specific major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I alleles are associated with an increased frequency of spontaneous control of human and simian immunodeficiency viruses (HIV and SIV). The mechanism of control is thought to involve MHC class I-restricted CD8+ T cells, but it is not clear whether particular CD8+ T cell responses or a broad repertoire of epitope-specific CD8+ T cell populations (termed T cell breadth) are principally responsible for mediating immunologic control. To test the hypothesis that heterozygous macaques control SIV replication as a function of superior T cell breadth, we infected MHC-homozygous and MHC-heterozygous cynomolgus macaques with the pathogenic virus SIVmac239. As measured by a gamma interferon enzyme-linked immunosorbent spot assay (IFN-γ ELISPOT) using blood, T cell breadth did not differ significantly between homozygotes and heterozygotes. Surprisingly, macaques that controlled SIV replication, regardless of their MHC zygosity, shared durable T cell responses against similar regions of Nef. While the limited genetic variability in these animals prevents us from making generalizations about the importance of Nef-specific T cell responses in controlling HIV, these results suggest that the T cell-mediated control of virus replication that we observed is more likely the consequence of targeting specificity rather than T cell breadth

    Development of biometric recognition system using electroencephalogram (EEG) signals

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    As the technology advancing at phenomenal rate, security had become an integral part of life. Regardless of whether it is a personal, business security or government security, security becomes an important issue which requiring constant upgrading. Biometric recognition system had been deployed widely; however, the security risk for the biometric system had grown significantly. Hence, there is a need to find more biological traits which are more secure against potential security attack. As of recent, there had been much research on the electroencephalogram signals as a new modality that can be used to develop a more robust biometric system due to its uniqueness and its robustness against the threat. This report will present the use of EEG as a potential biometric system with the use of self and relatives’ image. In the offline experiment, the signal will be preprocessed and extracted to form a template vector. The template vector for each subject will be correlated with test EEG features. The significance of correlation determines the acceptance/rejection of a person during online authentication. P value determines how significantly correlated the two signals are. A predefined p-value is employed in the authentication procedure, chosen from a number of validation sessions. During the online experiment, the P value of self-face in theta band and relative face in the beta band will be compared with the predefined value. If both conditions are less or equal to the predefined threshold, then the person will be accepted into the system and vice versa. Based on the result from three subjects, the overall accuracy of the proposed solution is 70.83%, the average False Acceptance Rate (FAR) is 33.33%, and the average False Rejection Rate (FRR) is 25%.Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering