34 research outputs found

    Interaction Between Breast Cancer Cells and Adipose Tissue Cells Derived from Fat Grafting

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    Background Adipose tissue transplantation has the benefit of providing both regenerative and aesthetic outcomes in breast cancer treatment. However, the transplanted tissue can stimulate the growth of residual cancer cells. Objectives The aim of this study is to identify the interactions between adipose tissue cell subpopulations and human cancer cell lines. Methods Intact adipose tissue from lipofilling procedures as well as fibroblasts derived from adipose tissue, were cocultured in the presence of MDA-MB-231, MCF-7 e ZR-75-1 breast cancer cell lines. The influence on cancer cell lines of fibroblasts, induced to differentiate into specific adipocytes, was also assayed. Results All cancer cell lines displayed a significant increase in proliferation rate when cocultured in the presence of either intact adipose tissue or induced adipocytes. To a lesser extent, uninduced fibroblasts stimulate breast cancer cell proliferation. Conclusions Recent studies have shown that the microenvironment surrounding breast cancer cells may stimulate growth and promote progression of residual cancer cells when surgery is performed on the main tumor mass. Accordingly, the graft of adipose tissue could potentially promote or accelerate the development of a subclinical tumor or support its locoregional recurrence. Our data suggest that adipocytes have a remarkable influence on the proliferation of cancer cell lines. The oncological safety of the lipofilling procedure outcome is still debated; thus, further studies and consistent follow-up examination are needed

    Alterazioni della deglutizione: epidemiologia, cause, prevenzione e trattamento nutrizionale

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    Qualsiasi anomalia del processo di deglutizione intesa come sensazione di difficile o ostruito passaggio del cibo attraverso bocca, faringe o esofago viene individuata con il termine “disfagia”. Per “presbifagia” si intendono invece le caratteristiche, legate all’invecchiamento, di una deglutizione ancora parzialmente sana ed indenne ma non completamente efficace

    Programmazione del dietetico in comunitĂ  per anziani

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    L’organizzazione del dietetico per collettività di anziani deve garantire una sana ed equilibrata alimentazione attraverso il rispetto di specifici criteri. L’oggetto della ristorazione in collettività di anziani è un servizio complessivo che non si limita agli alimenti consumati, ma comprende la situazione ambientale, la qualità del servizio e l’attenzione alle esigenze dell’utenza

    Le alterazioni del tono dell’umore e del sonno: epidemiologia, cause, prevenzione e trattamento nutrizionale

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    Tra i disturbi del sonno lamentati dagli anziani (ad es. difficoltà di addormentamento, risveglio mattutino precoce e/o sonnolenza diurna) solo quest’ultima è un fattore di rischio associato a mortalità e morbilità cardiovascolare

    The role of nuclear matrix proteins binding to matrix attachment regions (Mars) in prostate cancer cell differentiation.

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    In tumor progression definite alterations in nuclear matrix (NM) protein composition as well as in chromatin structure occur. The NM interacts with chromatin via specialized DNA sequences called matrix attachment regions (MARs). In the present study, using a proteomic approach along with a two-dimensional Southwestern assay and confocal laser microscopy, we show that the differentiation of stabilized human prostate carcinoma cells is marked out by modifications both NM protein composition and bond between NM proteins and MARs. Well-differentiated androgen-responsive and slowly growing LNCaP cells are characterized by a less complex pattern and by a major number of proteins binding MAR sequences in comparison to 22Rv1 cells expressing androgen receptor but androgen-independent. Finally, in the poorly differentiated and strongly aggressive androgen-independent PC3 cells the complexity of NM pattern further increases and a minor number of proteins bind the MARs. Furthermore, in this cell line with respect to LNCaP cells, these changes are synchronous with modifications in both the nuclear distribution of the MAR sequences and in the average loop dimensions that significantly increase. Although the expression of many NM proteins changes during dedifferentiation, only a very limited group of MAR-binding proteins seem to play a key role in this process. Variations in the expression of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) and special AT-rich sequence-binding protein-1 (SATB1) along with an increase in the phosphorylation of lamin B represent changes that might trigger passage towards a more aggressive phenotype. These results suggest that elucidating the MAR-binding proteins that are involved in the differentiation of prostate cancer cells could be an important tool to improve our understanding of this carcinogenesis process, and they could also be novel targets for prostate cancer therapy

    Valutazione della composizione corporea mediante impedenziometria vettoriale

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    La metodica impedenziometrica consente di stimare le componenti della composizione corporea partendo dalla misura dell’impedenza dei tessuti. Esistono tre tecnologie principali: impedenza bioelettrica convenzionale (BIA), impedenza bioelettrica spettroscopica (BIS), analisi bioelettrica vettoriale dell’impedenza (BIVA). I principali vantaggi della BIA convenzionale e della BIVA sono la non invasività, la portabilità, la rapidità di esecuzione, un costo relativamente basso e la sicurezza (non è raccomandata solo nei portatori di pace-maker)

    Dislipidemia: epidemiologia, cause, prevenzione e trattamento nutrizionale

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    L’ipercolesterolemia è molto diffusa in Italia ed in continuo aumento: tra gli anziani, si riscontra nel 24% degli uomini e nel 39% delle donne, mentre il 36% degli uomini ed il 38% delle donne presentano livelli borderline

    Focus on metabolic and nutritional correlates of polycystic ovary syndrome and update on nutritional management of these critical phenomena

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    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is associated with numerous metabolic morbidities (insulin resistance (IR), central obesity) and various nutritional abnormalities (vitamin D deficit, mineral milieu alterations, omega6/omega3 PUFA ratio unbalance). METHODS: We performed a systematic literature review to evaluate the till-now evidence regarding: (1) the metabolic and nutritional correlates of PCOS; (2) the optimum diet therapy for the treatment of these abnormalities. This review included 127 eligible studies. RESULTS: In addition to the well-recognized link between PCOS and IR, the recent literature underlines that in PCOS there is an unbalance in adipokines (adiponectin, leptin, visfatin) production and in omega6/omega3 PUFA ratio. Given the detrimental effect of overweight on these metabolic abnormalities, a change in the lifestyle must be the cornerstone in the treatment of PCOS patients. The optimum diet therapy for the PCOS treatment must aim at achieving specific metabolic goals, such as IR improvement, adipokines secretion and reproductive function. These goals must be reached through: accession of the patient to hypocaloric dietary program aimed at achieving and/or maintaining body weight; limiting the consumption of sugar and refined carbohydrates, preferring those with lower glycemic index; dividing the food intake in small and frequent meals, with high caloric intake at breakfast; increasing their intake of fish (4 times/week) or taking omega3 PUFA supplements; taking Vitamin D and chromium supplementation, if there are low serum levels. CONCLUSION: Lifestyle intervention remains the optimal treatment strategy for PCOS women. A relatively small weight loss (5 %) can improve IR, hyperandrogenism, menstrual function, fertility

    Expression levels of hnRNP U, Matrin3, PARP and SATB1 in LNCaP and PC3 cells.

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    <p>The ordinates represent the mean±SE of the relative amounts of these proteins as determined by quantitative analysis of three to six WBs carried out utilizing at least three different preparation of NM (*P≤0.05; **P<0.0005). Representative WBs are shown on the right; the major proteolytic fragments of PARP1 and SATB1 are marked by full dots. The relative molecular weights of standard proteins in kDa are reported.</p