445 research outputs found

    Price Dispersion and Differentiation in Online Travel: An Empirical Investigation

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    Previous research has examined whether price dispersion exists in theoretically highly efficient Internet markets. However, much of the previous work has been focused on industries with low cost and undifferentiated products. In this paper, we examine the presence of price dispersion and product differentiation using data on the airline ticket offerings of online travel agents (OTAs). We find that different OTAs offer tickets with substantially different prices and characteristics when given the same customer request. Some of this variation appears to be due to product differentiation—different OTAs specialize by systematically offering different trade-offs between ticket price and ticket quality (minimizing the number of connections, matching requested departure and return time). However, even after accounting for differences in ticket quality, ticket prices vary by as much as 18% across OTAs. In addition, OTAs return tickets that are strictly inferior to the ticket offered by another OTA for the same request between 2.2% and 28% of the time. Overall, this suggests the presence of both price dispersion and product differentiation in the online travel market

    Fuel-Supply-Limited Stellar Relaxation Oscillations: Application to Multiple Rings around AGB Stars and Planetary Nebulae

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    We describe a new mechanism for pulsations in evolved stars: relaxation oscillations driven by a coupling between the luminosity-dependent mass-loss rate and the H fuel abundance in a nuclear-burning shell. When mass loss is included, the outward flow of matter can modulate the flow of fuel into the shell when the stellar luminosity is close to the Eddington luminosity LEddL_{\rm Edd}. When the luminosity drops below LEddL_{\rm Edd}, the mass outflow declines and the shell is re-supplied with fuel. This process can be repetitive. We demonstrate the existence of such oscillations and discuss the dependence of the results on the stellar parameters. In particular, we show that the oscillation period scales specifically with the mass of the H-burning relaxation shell (HBRS), defined as the part of the H-burning shell above the minimum radius at which the luminosity from below first exceeds the Eddington threshold at the onset of the mass loss phase. For a stellar mass M_*\sim 0.7\Msun, luminosity L_*\sim 10^4\Lsun, and mass loss rate |\dot M|\sim 10^{-5}\Msun yr−1^{-1}, the oscillations have a recurrence time ∼1400\sim 1400 years ∼57τfsm\sim 57\tau_{\rm fsm}, where τfsm\tau_{\rm fsm} is the timescale for modulation of the fuel supply in the HBRS by the varying mass-loss rate. This period agrees with the ∼\sim 1400-year period inferred for the spacings between the shells surrounding some planetary nebulae, and the the predictied shell thickness, of order 0.4 times the spacing, also agrees reasonably well.Comment: 15 pages TeX, 1 ps figure submitted to Ap

    Motif Statistics and Spike Correlations in Neuronal Networks

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    Motifs are patterns of subgraphs of complex networks. We studied the impact of such patterns of connectivity on the level of correlated, or synchronized, spiking activity among pairs of cells in a recurrent network model of integrate and fire neurons. For a range of network architectures, we find that the pairwise correlation coefficients, averaged across the network, can be closely approximated using only three statistics of network connectivity. These are the overall network connection probability and the frequencies of two second-order motifs: diverging motifs, in which one cell provides input to two others, and chain motifs, in which two cells are connected via a third intermediary cell. Specifically, the prevalence of diverging and chain motifs tends to increase correlation. Our method is based on linear response theory, which enables us to express spiking statistics using linear algebra, and a resumming technique, which extrapolates from second order motifs to predict the overall effect of coupling on network correlation. Our motif-based results seek to isolate the effect of network architecture perturbatively from a known network state

    Error analysis of free probability approximations to the density of states of disordered systems

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    Theoretical studies of localization, anomalous diffusion and ergodicity breaking require solving the electronic structure of disordered systems. We use free probability to approximate the ensemble- averaged density of states without exact diagonalization. We present an error analysis that quantifies the accuracy using a generalized moment expansion, allowing us to distinguish between different approximations. We identify an approximation that is accurate to the eighth moment across all noise strengths, and contrast this with the perturbation theory and isotropic entanglement theory.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Hybrid Decays

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    The heavy quark expansion of Quantum Chromodynamics and the strong coupling flux tube picture of nonperturbative glue are employed to develop the phenomenology of hybrid meson decays. The decay mechanism explicitly couples gluonic degrees of freedom to the pair produced quarks and hence does not obey the well known, but model-dependent, selection rule which states that hybrids do not decay to pairs of L=0 mesons. However, the nonperturbative nature of gluonic excitations in the flux tube picture leads to a new selection rule: light hybrids do not decay to pairs of identical mesons. New features of the model are highlighted and partial widths are presented for several low lying hybrid states.Comment: 13 pages, 1 table, revte

    Agribusiness management series: Effect of grazing past first hollow stem on wheat and stocker profits

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    The Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service periodically issues revisions to its publications. The most current edition is made available. For access to an earlier edition, if available for this title, please contact the Oklahoma State University Library Archives by email at [email protected] or by phone at 405-744-6311

    No imminent quantum supremacy by boson sampling

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    It is predicted that quantum computers will dramatically outperform their conventional counterparts. However, large-scale universal quantum computers are yet to be built. Boson sampling is a rudimentary quantum algorithm tailored to the platform of photons in linear optics, which has sparked interest as a rapid way to demonstrate this quantum supremacy. Photon statistics are governed by intractable matrix functions known as permanents, which suggests that sampling from the distribution obtained by injecting photons into a linear-optical network could be solved more quickly by a photonic experiment than by a classical computer. The contrast between the apparently awesome challenge faced by any classical sampling algorithm and the apparently near-term experimental resources required for a large boson sampling experiment has raised expectations that quantum supremacy by boson sampling is on the horizon. Here we present classical boson sampling algorithms and theoretical analyses of prospects for scaling boson sampling experiments, showing that near-term quantum supremacy via boson sampling is unlikely. While the largest boson sampling experiments reported so far are with 5 photons, our classical algorithm, based on Metropolised independence sampling (MIS), allowed the boson sampling problem to be solved for 30 photons with standard computing hardware. We argue that the impact of experimental photon losses means that demonstrating quantum supremacy by boson sampling would require a step change in technology.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures. Comments welcom

    The effect of extended stocker grazing on wheat and stocker profits

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    The Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service periodically issues revisions to its publications. The most current edition is made available. For access to an earlier edition, if available for this title, please contact the Oklahoma State University Library Archives by email at [email protected] or by phone at 405-744-6311

    Hybrid Meson Decay Phenomenology

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    The phenomenology of a newly developed model of hybrid meson decay is developed. The decay mechanism is based on the heavy quark expansion of QCD and the strong coupling flux tube picture of nonperturbative glue. A comprehensive list of partial decay widths of a wide variety of light, ssˉs\bar s, ccˉc\bar c, and bbˉb \bar b hybrid mesons is presented. Results which appear approximately universal are highlighted along with those which distinguish different hybrid decay models. Finally, we examine several interesting hybrid candidates in detail.Comment: 37 pages, 2 figures, 6 tables, Revte
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