435 research outputs found

    On the Oscillatory Nature of Several Fourier Multipliers

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    Tesis Doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Matemáticas. Fecha de lectura: 17-05-201

    DNA methylation rates scale with maximum lifespan across mammals

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    DNA methylation rates have previously been found to broadly correlate with maximum lifespan in mammals, yet no precise relationship has been observed. We developed a statistically robust framework to compare methylation rates at conserved age-related sites across mammals. We found that methylation rates negatively scale with maximum lifespan in both blood and skin. The emergence of explicit scaling suggests that methylation rates are, or are linked to, an evolutionary constraint on maximum lifespan acting across diverse mammalian lineages

    Global Cardiovascular Disease Risk Scores: A Systematic Review of the Literature and Study of the Effect of Risk Scores on Physician Adherence to Guidelines for the Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease

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    Several major guidelines and organizations now advocate routine assessment of cardiovascular risk using Framingham-derived coronary heart disease (CHD) risk scores. Yet there is relatively little data on whether the routine use of such assessments translates into improved clinical outcomes. In particular, little is known about how knowledge of a patient's calculated 10-year CHD risk affects a physician's perception of the patient's risk and whether that in turn translates into improved adherence to published guidelines for the primary prevention of CHD. This paper is organized into three major sections: First, a thorough review of the theoretical benefits of global CHD risk calculation is presented. Following this is a systematic review of the literature. supporting the efficacy of incorporating Framingham-derived global risk scores into routine clinical practice. Lastly we present the methods and preliminary results of a study designed to determine whether physicians make better CHD prevention decisions when they interpret a patient's risk factor information in the context of a calculated 10-year risk of CHD than when they use the risk factor information alone.Master of Public Healt


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    In vertebrates, immunoglobulins have long been considered the primary means for recognition of potential pathogens since they are the product of an adaptive immune system capable of generating and selecting for the most efficient antibody when adequately primed. However, initiating a naive system requires signals from cells that employ invariant receptors rather than antibodies. These innate receptors appear to recognize repetitive polymers commonly found only in microbes. Frequently, these receptors are lectins specific for polysaccharides ubiquitous of the microbial surface. Lectins in the blood or lymph are widespread among metazoans while antibodies are a vertebrate innovation suggesting that lectins may be evolutionarily their functional precursors. Even in primitive jawed vertebrates, there is a complete adaptive immune system, but it is relatively inefficient in comparison to mammals. Therefore, lectins might have a prominent immune function in lower vertebrates comparable to antibodies. To test this, a teleost was surveyed for humoral and hepatic lectins. A fucose-specific lectin of 32 kDa (FBP32) was initially purified from the palmetto bass and upon sequencing indicated it was unlike other reported lectins. The primary structure is characterized by a tandem polypeptide motif (FBPL) with partial homology to a long pentraxin from a frog. An inflammatory challenge of bass to test if FBP32 behaved like a mammalian pentraxin indicated that the FBP32 transcript level increases, but protein levels appear constitutive. An extensive search using both molecular cloning and gene database queries revealed that FBP32 is a member of a diverse protein family reflecting varying concatenations of the FBPL and even present in a cell surface receptor, but of sporadic phylogenetic distribution most notably being absent in mammals. Analysis of FBP32s genic structure reveals that it is flanked by phase 1 introns, which may explain the domains ability to concatenate and shuffle to form mosaic proteins. In collaboration with experts, the tertiary structure of an FBPL including its fucose-binding site was elucidated revealing a novel lectin fold, the F-type lectin fold (FTL), that is shared by unrelated proteins. Characterization of FBPLs demonstrates that the study of mammals alone may not reveal the full extent of immune system innovation

    Disseny i implementació d'una aplicació de visualització de dades mèdiques per a un dispositiu Windows Phone

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    Aquest projecte permet visualitzar i manipular de forma interactiva dades mèdiques extretes d'un escànner a dispositius Windows Phone


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    El objetivo de la investigación fue diseñar un software R-MICMAC como complemento en el análisis para el consenso de los expertos en la investigación. Se basó en un estudio tecnológico con apoyo en una revisión documental. Para el desarrollo del programa se empleó el software R de libre acceso. Adicionalmente, se usó el software Restudio, en un ambiente que permitió interactuar con el software R y generar acceso al comando de ayuda. El diseño del software R-MICMAC resuelve los inconvenientes presentados por el MICMAC, al obtener la misma matriz de salida que ofrece MICMAC y al generar el listado de programa y algoritmo es posible cualquier modificación que convenga al usuario. Además, se pueden introducir tantas matrices como expertos se hayan consultado y el programa determina la matriz de consenso para ejecutar el algoritmo del MICMAC. Asimismo, posibilita que las tablas resultantes del procesamiento de la información se exporten directamente a Excel, desde donde es posible desarrollar otros cálculos y gráficos con mayor facilidad. El software diseñado requiere del proceso de validación teórica y práctica, que permita accionar en la praxis investigativa


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    DEVELOPMENT OF FUNCTIONAL THINKING IN LEARNERS USING THE GEOGEBRA APPLICATION AS A TOOL   RESUMEN La Matemática en general y el Álgebra en particular son disciplinas de difícil com-prensión para los alumnos. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo promover un pensamiento funcional utilizando, el software GeoGebra, desde la solución de un problema de la vida práctica como una experiencia de enseñanza. Los métodos fundamentales fueron, desde lo teórico el analítico sintético y el inductivo deductivo y desde el nivel empírico la encuesta. La experiencia fue realizada con estudiantes de primer ingreso, al detectar graves deficiencias en conceptos algebraicos y fun-cionales. Los resultados fundamentales estuvieron en el logro de solucionar pro-blemas prototípicos de la vida práctica y las habilidades en la herramienta del soft-ware GeoGebra el cual posibilitó desarrollo del pensamiento funcional. PALABRAS CLAVE: software GeoGebra; pensamiento funcional; Álgebra; resolución de problemas. ABSTRACT Mathematics in general and Algebra in particular are disciplines that are difficult for students to understand. The present work aims to promote functional thinking using GeoGebra software, from the solution of a problem of practical life as a teaching experience. The fundamental methods were, from the theoretical the synthetic analytic and the inductive deductive and from the empirical level the survey. The experience was carried out with first-year students, detecting serious deficiencies in algebraic and functional concepts. The fundamental results were in the achievement of solving prototypical problems of practical life and skills in the GeoGebra soft-ware tool which enabled the development of functional thinking. KEYWORDS: GeoGebra software; functional thinking; algebra; problem solving. REFERENCIAS BIBLIOGRÁFICAS Algarabel, S.E. (1996). Solución de problemas: Una revisión de la importancia del uso de heurísticos y una evaluación de su utilización en Matemáticas. . Revista Española de Pedagogía. (N. 203,). Ballester Pedroso, S. y. (2001). Metodología de la Enseñanza de la Matemática I. (Vol. I). Ciudad de la Habana., Ciudad Habana., Cuba: Ed. Pueblo y Educación. Benedicto Baldonado, C. (2013). ESTUDIO DE FUNCIONES CON GEOGEBRA. Tesis de maestría, Universidad de Valencia., Matemática, Valencia. Recuperado el 15 de Septiembre de 2016, de http://mobiroderic.uv.es/bitstream/handle/10550/25803/Benedicto%20Baldonado%202012.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y Enríquez O’Farrill, I., & Crespo Borges, T. (2009). Tecnologías de la información y las Comunicaciones en el proceso de Enseñanza Aprendizaje del preuniversitario. Curso 63.Pedagogía 2009. (D. C. Enríquez, Ed.) La Habana, Cuba: Sello editor Educación Cubana. Ministerio de Educación. López Fernández, R. (2017). Estrategia de formación continua del docente universitario en la didáctica de los entornos virtuales de aprendizaje (EVA). Revista Conrado, 12-22 Martínez Gómez, J. N. (2013). Apropiación del concepto de función usando el software Geogebra. Tesis de Maestría, Universidad Nacional de Colombia Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Exactas, Departamento de Matemáticas y Estadística, Manizales. Obtenido de http://www.bdigital.unal.edu.co/9498/1/8411011.2013.pdf Müller, H. (1990). El Trabajo Heurístico Y La Ejercitación En La Enseñanza De La Matemática En La Enseñanza General Politécnica Y Laboral. Santiago de Cuba: l I.S.P. “Frank País García”. PISA. (2010). Programme for International Student Assessment. Lima. Rico, L. (2012). La competencia matemática en PISA. En F. S. (Ed.), La Enseñanza de las matemáticas y el Informe PISA (págs. 21-40). Madrid: Santillana. Obtenido de http://www.google.com.cu/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEw Torres Lima, P. (1997). Influencias de la computación en la enseñanza de la matemática. Tesis Doctoral, UCP "Silverio Blanco" SS, Matemática-Computación, La Habana

    Integration of warranty as a decision variable in the process of recertification of parts resulting from end-of-life system dismantling

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    In this paper, a new approach to determine optimal disassembly plan of an end-of-life system by using Bayesian network is introduced. The best solution is called the optimal trajectory. A trajectory model is proposed which allows handling the different key factors and also makes it possible to manage uncertainties specific to system deconstruction. After having presented the disassembly planning issue, Bayesian networks instantiated to dismantling problem are introduced together with the influence diagram which allow the decision maker to proceed to the economic assessment of the different possible strategies. Among the various cost factors is the cost related to warranty of the recycled products. A warranty program management is described. Eventually, the global trajectory model, including the implementation of the warranty cost has a decision variable, is presented