111 research outputs found

    Formation of Stable Vascular Networks in Engineered Tissues

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    Research on Access and Success of Under-Represented Groups in the Geosciences

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    The geosciences as an allied group of fields touch virtually all aspects of the human enterprise: locating and providing water, energy and mineral resources; assuring a safe and resilient environment for civilization; and providing an understanding of how the Earth system functions today, in the past and into the future. Given how the geosciences touch the lives of all people, it should also be a field that is representative of all people, but this is not yet the case. Especially with the global importance of the geosciences growing and the geoscience workforce projected to encounter shortfalls of qualified practitioners in the coming decades, it is imperative that the geoscience education research community frame and investigate central questions that can help increase the diversity of the geosciences at all levels. We must find ways to attract all kinds of students, especially those from under-represented groups to our sciences and build programs, experiences and careers in which they thrive. The research challenges proposed in this chapter focus on two essential and interdependent perspectives (1) the point of view of the individual students, faculty and professionals as they manage their own internal balance of identities as they traverse curricula, programs and career pathways, and (2) a view that captures system-wide interactions around the individuals at all stages, including family, culture, department, university and society

    Strategies for Targeted Delivery to the Peripheral Nerve

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    Delivery of compounds to the peripheral nervous system has the potential to be used as a treatment for a broad range of conditions and applications, including neuropathic pain, regional anesthesia, traumatic nerve injury, and inherited and inflammatory neuropathies. However, efficient delivery of therapeutic doses can be difficult to achieve due to peripheral neuroanatomy and the restrictiveness of the blood-nerve barrier. Depending on the underlying integrity of the blood-nerve barrier in the application at hand, several strategies can be employed to navigate the peripheral nerve architecture and facilitate targeted delivery to the peripheral nerve. This review describes different applications where targeted delivery to the peripheral nervous system is desired, the challenges that the blood-nerve barrier poses in each application, and bioengineering strategies that can facilitate delivery in each application

    Spintronic properties of one-dimensional electron gas in graphene armchair ribbons

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    We have investigated, using effective mass approach (EMA), magnetic properties of a one-dimensional electron gas in graphene armchair ribbons when the electrons of occupy only the lowest conduction subband. We find that magnetic properties of the one-dimensional electron gas may depend sensitively on the width of the ribbon. For ribbon widths Lx=3Ma0L_x=3Ma_0, a critical point separates ferromagnetic and paramagnetic states while for Lx=(3M+1)a0L_x=(3M+1)a_0 paramagnetic state is stable (MM is an integer and a0a_{0} is the length of the unit cell). These width-dependent properties are a consequence of eigenstates that have a subtle width-dependent mixture of K\mathbf{K} and K′\mathbf{K'} states, and can be understood by examining the wavefunction overlap that appears in the expression for the many-body exchange self-energy. Ferromagnetic and paramagnetic states may be used for spintronic purposes.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Examination of the effects of X-ray phase contrast imaging dose on DNA in mesenchymal stem cells by comet assay

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    INTRODUCTION: Imaging techniques based on X-ray phase-contrast (XPC) have shown tremendous promise for applications involving biomaterials and soft tissue formation [1,2].XPC imaging can be applied at higher energy offering the potential for lower dose imaging. Essential to the development of this technique and its routine use is an understanding of the potential damage of X-ray dose on cells and tissues. EXPERIMENTAL: In this study the comet assay, a sensitive assay for DNA damage, was used to evaluate DNA damage on mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) exposedto X-ray irradiation. We examined the effects of early (immediately following irradiation) and delayed (24h post-irradiation) X-ray effects caused by low (15mGy) and intermediate (150mGy and 1.5 Gy) exposure on MSCs during a monitoring period of 4 weeks (five irradiations, one weekly). Cells were submitted to apolychromatic X-ray source (Thermo Fisher PXS10 conditions: voltage 45 kV, source current 160A, source power 7.2 W, source spot size 9 um, photon flux on the sample 7.66106photonss-1mm-2irradiation).Statistical analysis was performedby using Two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Tukey’s multiple comparisons posttest in GraphPad Prism 5.0.A difference at p< 0.05 was considered statistically significant.RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Resultsof the DNA comet assay indicated that early effects of low-and intermediate-dose of XPC induced an increase in the number of cells with DNA damage after each irradiation, where intermediate-dose (150 mGy and 1.5 Gy) produced significantly higher damage relative to controls. DNA damage induced by low and intermediate doses returned to the control value 24h after the irradiation exposure, suggesting a strong protection of MSCs at the tested doses of XPC irradiation. CONCLUSIONS: The data presented in this studyshows that 24 h after the last of five weekly low and intermediate doses XPC irradiation, the harmful effects on DNA in MSCs were notdetected. The current study reinforces the need of investigating consequences of low and intermediate doses of X-ray PC irradiation in the field of tissue engineering and provide new basis for MSCs using in the clinics.ExcellMater Conference 2024: Innovative Biomaterials for Novel Medical Devices, Belgrade, Serbia, April 10-12, 2024

    Disciplinary Learning From an Authentic Engineering Context

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    This small-scale design study describes disciplinary learning in mathematical modeling and science from an authentic engineeringthemed module. Current research in tissue engineering served as source material for the module, including science content for readings and a mathematical modeling activity in which students work in small teams to design a model in response to a problem from a client. The design of the module was guided by well-established principles of model-eliciting activities (a special class of problem-solving activities deeply studied in mathematics education) and recently published implementation design principles, which emphasize the portability of model-eliciting activities to many classroom settings. Two mathematical modeling research questions were addressed: 1. What mathematical approaches did student-teams take when they designed mathematical models to evaluate the quality of blood vessel networks? and 2. What attributes of mature mathematical models were captured in the mathematical models that the student-teams designed? One science content research question was addressed: 1. Before and after the module, what aspects of angiogenesis did students describe when they were asked what they knew about the process of blood vessel growth from existing vessels? Participants who field-tested the module included high school students in a summer enrichment program and early college students enrolled in four general-studies mathematics courses. Data collected from participants included mathematical models produced by small teams of students, as well as students’ individual responses before and after the module to a prompt asking them what they knew about the process of new blood vessel growth from existing vessels. The data were analyzed for mathematical model type and science content by adopting methods of grounded theory, in which researchers suspend expectations about what should be in the data and, instead, allow for the emergence of patterns and trends. The mathematical models were further analyzed for mathematical maturity using an a priori coding scheme of attributes of a mathematical model. Analyses showed that student-teams created mathematical models of varying maturity using four different mathematical approaches, and comparisons of students’ responses to the science prompt showed students knew essentially nothing about angiogenesis before the module but described important aspects of angiogenesis after the module. These findings were used to set up an agenda for future research about the design of the module and the relationship between disciplinary learning and authentic engineering problems

    Collective edge modes in fractional quantum Hall systems

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    Over the past few years one of us (Murthy) in collaboration with R. Shankar has developed an extended Hamiltonian formalism capable of describing the ground state and low energy excitations in the fractional quantum Hall regime. The Hamiltonian, expressed in terms of Composite Fermion operators, incorporates all the nonperturbative features of the fractional Hall regime, so that conventional many-body approximations such as Hartree-Fock and time-dependent Hartree-Fock are applicable. We apply this formalism to develop a microscopic theory of the collective edge modes in fractional quantum Hall regime. We present the results for edge mode dispersions at principal filling factors ν=1/3,1/5\nu=1/3,1/5 and ν=2/5\nu=2/5 for systems with unreconstructed edges. The primary advantage of the method is that one works in the thermodynamic limit right from the beginning, thus avoiding the finite-size effects which ultimately limit exact diagonalization studies.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, See cond-mat/0303359 for related result

    Edge of a Half-Filled Landau Level

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    We have investigated the electron occupation number of the edge of a quantum Hall (QH) droplet at ν=1/2\nu=1/2 using exact diagonalization technique and composite fermion trial wavefunction. We find that the electron occupation numbers near the edge obey a scaling behavior. The scaling result indicates the existence of a well-defined edge corresponding to the radius of a compact droplet of uniform filling factor 1/2. We find that the occupation number beyond this edge point is substantial, which is qualitatively different from the case of odd-denominator QH states. We relate these features to the different ways in which composite fermions occupy Landau levels for odd and even denominator states.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Consumer-Resource Body-Size Relationships in Natural Food Webs

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    It has been suggested that differences in body size between consumer and resource species may have important implications for interaction strengths, population dynamics, and eventually food web structure, function, and evolution. Still, the general distribution of consumer–resource body-size ratios in real ecosystems, and whether they vary systematically among habitats or broad taxonomic groups, is poorly understood. Using a unique global database on consumer and resource body sizes, we show that the mean body-size ratios of aquatic herbivorous and detritivorous consumers are several orders of magnitude larger than those of carnivorous predators. Carnivorous predator–prey body-size ratios vary across different habitats and predator and prey types (invertebrates, ectotherm, and endotherm vertebrates). Predator–prey body-size ratios are on average significantly higher (1) in freshwater habitats than in marine or terrestrial habitats, (2) for vertebrate than for invertebrate predators, and (3) for invertebrate than for ectotherm vertebrate prey. If recent studies that relate body-size ratios to interaction strengths are general, our results suggest that mean consumer–resource interaction strengths may vary systematically across different habitat categories and consumer types

    Enhanced Viability of Endothelial Colony Forming Cells in Fibrin Microbeads for Sensor Vascularization

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    Enhanced vascularization at sensor interfaces can improve long-term function. Fibrin, a natural polymer, has shown promise as a biomaterial for sensor coating due to its ability to sustain endothelial cell growth and promote local vascularization. However, the culture of cells, particularly endothelial cells (EC), within 3D scaffolds for more than a few days is challenging due to rapid loss of EC viability. In this manuscript, a robust method for developing fibrin microbead scaffolds for long-term culture of encapsulated ECs is described. Fibrin microbeads are formed using sodium alginate as a structural template. The size, swelling and structural properties of the microbeads were varied with needle gauge and composition and concentration of the pre-gel solution. Endothelial colony-forming cells (ECFCs) were suspended in the fibrin beads and cultured within a perfusion bioreactor system. The perfusion bioreactor enhanced ECFCs viability and genome stability in fibrin beads relative to static culture. Perfusion bioreactors enable 3D culture of ECs within fibrin beads for potential application as a sensor coating
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