22 research outputs found

    Cerebrovascular pressure reactivity and brain tissue oxygen monitoring provide complementary information regarding the lower and upper limits of cerebral blood flow control in traumatic brain injury : a CAnadian High Resolution-TBI (CAHR-TBI) cohort study

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    Background: Brain tissue oxygen tension (PbtO2) and cerebrovascular pressure reac-tivity monitoring have emerged as potential modalities to individualize care in moder-ate and severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). The relationship between these modalities has had limited exploration. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between PbtO(2) and cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) and how this relationship is modified by the state of cerebrovascular pressure reactivity.Methods: A retrospective multi-institution cohort study utilizing prospectively collected high-resolution physiologic data from the CAnadian High Resolution-TBI (CAHR-TBI) Research Collaborative database collected between 2011 and 2021 was performed. Included in the study were critically ill TBI patients with intracranial pres-sure (ICP), arterial blood pressure (ABP), and PbtO(2) monitoring treated in any one of three CAHR-TBI affiliated adult intensive care units (ICU). The outcome of interest was how PbtO2 and CPP are related over a cohort of TBI patients and how this relationship is modified by the state of cerebrovascular reactivity, as determined using the pressure reactivity index (PRx).Results: A total of 77 patients met the study inclusion criteria with a total of 377,744 min of physiologic data available for the analysis. PbtO2 produced a triphasic curve when plotted against CPP like previous population-based plots of cerebral blood flow (CBF) versus CPP. The triphasic curve included a plateau region flanked by regions of relative ischemia (hypoxia) and hyperemia (hyperoxia). The plateau region shortened when cerebrovascular pressure reactivity was disrupted compared to when it was intact.Conclusions: In this exploratory analysis of a multi-institution high-resolution physiology TBI database, PbtO(2) seems to have a triphasic relationship with CPP, over the entire cohort. The CPP range over which the plateau exists is modified by the state of cerebrovascular reactivity. This indicates that in critically ill TBI patients admitted to ICU, PbtO2 may be reflective of CBF.Peer reviewe

    Whole-cell bacterial bioreporter for actively searching and sensing of alkanes and oil spills

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    Acinetobacter baylyi ADP1 was found to tolerate seawater and have a special ability of adhering to an oilwater interface of 1080 mu m emulsified mineral and crude oil droplets. These properties make ADP1 an ideal bacterial chassis for constructing bioreporters that are able to actively search and sense oil spill in water and soils. Acinetobacter baylyi bioreporter ADPWH_alk was developed and applied to the detection of alkanes and alkenes in water, seawater and soils. Bioreporter ADPWH_alk was able to detect a broad range of alkanes and alkenes with carbon chain length from C7 to C36. So far, ADPWH_alk is the only bioreporter that is able to detect alkane with carbon chain length greater than C18. This bioreporter responded to the alkanes in about 30 min and it was independent to the cell growth phase because of two point mutations in alkM promoter recognized by alkane regulatory protein ALKR. ADPWH_alk was applied to detect mineral oil, Brent, Chestnut and Sirri crude oils in water and seawater in the range 0.1100 mg l-1, showing that the bioreporter oil detection was semi-quantitative. This study demonstrates that ADPWH_alk is a rapid, sensitive and semi-quantitative bioreporter that can be useful for environmental monitoring and assessment of oil spills in seawater and soils

    Magnetic nanoparticle-mediated isolation of functional bacteria in a complex microbial community

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    Although uncultured microorganisms have important roles in ecosystems, their ecophysiology in situ remains elusive owing to the difficulty of obtaining live cells from their natural habitats. In this study, we employed a novel magnetic nanoparticle-mediated isolation (MMI) method to recover metabolically active cells of a group of previously uncultured phenol degraders, Burkholderiales spp., from coking plant wastewater biosludge; five other culturable phenol degraders—Rhodococcus sp., Chryseobacterium sp. and three different Pseudomonas spp.—were also isolated from the same biosludge using traditional methods. The kinetics of phenol degradation by MMI-recovered cells (MRCs) was similar to that of the original sludge. Stable isotope probing (SIP) and pyrosequencing of the 16S rRNA from the ‘heavy’ DNA (13C-DNA) fractions indicated that Burkholderiales spp. were the key phenol degraders in situ in the biosludge, consistent with the results of MRCs. Single-cell Raman micro-spectroscopy was applied to probe individual bacteria in the MRCs obtained from the SIP experiment and showed that 79% of them were fully 13C-labelled. Biolog assays on the MRCs revealed the impact of various carbon and nitrogen substrates on the efficiency of phenol degradation in the wastewater treatment plant biosludge. Specifically, hydroxylamine, a metabolite of ammonia oxidisation, but not nitrite, nitrate or ammonia, inhibited phenol degradation in the biosludge. Our results provided a novel insight into the occasional abrupt failure events that occur in the wastewater treatment plant. This study demonstrated that MMI is a powerful tool to recover live and functional cells in situ from a complex microbial community to enable further characterisation of their physiology

    Temporal Statistical Relationship between Regional Cerebral Oxygen Saturation (rSO2) and Brain Tissue Oxygen Tension (PbtO2) in Moderate-to-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: A Canadian High Resolution-TBI (CAHR-TBI) Cohort Study

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    Brain tissue oxygen tension (PbtO2) has emerged as a cerebral monitoring modality following traumatic brain injury (TBI). Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)-based regional cerebral oxygen saturation (rSO2) can non-invasively examine cerebral oxygen content and has the potential for high spatial resolution. Past studies examining the relationship between PbtO2 and NIRS-based parameters have had conflicting results with varying degrees of correlation. Understanding this relationship will help guide multimodal monitoring practices and impact patient care. The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between PbtO2 and rSO2 in a cohort of TBI patients by leveraging contemporary statistical methods. A multi-institutional retrospective cohort study of prospectively collected data was performed. Moderate-to-severe adult TBI patients were included with concurrent rSO2 and PbtO2 monitoring during their stay in the intensive care unit (ICU). The high-resolution data were analyzed utilizing time series techniques to examine signal stationarity as well as the cross-correlation relationship between the change in PbtO2 and the change in rSO2 signals. Finally, modeling of the change in PbtO2 by the change in rSO2 was attempted utilizing linear methods that account for the autocorrelative nature of the data signals. A total of 20 subjects were included in the study. Cross-correlative analysis found that changes in PbtO2 were most significantly correlated with changes in rSO2 one minute earlier. Through mixed-effects and time series modeling of parameters, changes in rSO2 were found to often have a statistically significant linear relationship with changes in PbtO2 that occurred a minute later. However, changes in rSO2 were inadequate to predict changes in PbtO2. In this study, changes in PbtO2 were found to correlate most with changes in rSO2 approximately one minute earlier. While changes in rSO2 were found to contain information about future changes in PbtO2, they were not found to adequately model them. This strengthens the body of literature indicating that NIRS-based rSO2 is not an adequate substitute for PbtO2 in the management of TBI

    Cerebrovascular pressure reactivity and brain tissue oxygen monitoring provide complementary information regarding the lower and upper limits of cerebral blood flow control in traumatic brain injury: a CAnadian High Resolution-TBI (CAHR-TBI) cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: Brain tissue oxygen tension (PbtO2) and cerebrovascular pressure reactivity monitoring have emerged as potential modalities to individualize care in moderate and severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). The relationship between these modalities has had limited exploration. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between PbtO2 and cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) and how this relationship is modified by the state of cerebrovascular pressure reactivity. METHODS: A retrospective multi-institution cohort study utilizing prospectively collected high-resolution physiologic data from the CAnadian High Resolution-TBI (CAHR-TBI) Research Collaborative database collected between 2011 and 2021 was performed. Included in the study were critically ill TBI patients with intracranial pressure (ICP), arterial blood pressure (ABP), and PbtO2 monitoring treated in any one of three CAHR-TBI affiliated adult intensive care units (ICU). The outcome of interest was how PbtO2 and CPP are related over a cohort of TBI patients and how this relationship is modified by the state of cerebrovascular reactivity, as determined using the pressure reactivity index (PRx). RESULTS: A total of 77 patients met the study inclusion criteria with a total of 377,744 min of physiologic data available for the analysis. PbtO2 produced a triphasic curve when plotted against CPP like previous population-based plots of cerebral blood flow (CBF) versus CPP. The triphasic curve included a plateau region flanked by regions of relative ischemia (hypoxia) and hyperemia (hyperoxia). The plateau region shortened when cerebrovascular pressure reactivity was disrupted compared to when it was intact. CONCLUSIONS: In this exploratory analysis of a multi-institution high-resolution physiology TBI database, PbtO2 seems to have a triphasic relationship with CPP, over the entire cohort. The CPP range over which the plateau exists is modified by the state of cerebrovascular reactivity. This indicates that in critically ill TBI patients admitted to ICU, PbtO2 may be reflective of CBF

    Impact of Chronological Age and Biological Sex on Cerebrovascular Reactivity in Moderate/Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: A CAnadian High-Resolution TBI (CAHR-TBI) Study

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    Impaired cerebrovascular reactivity has emerged as an important associate with poor long-term outcome after moderate/severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). However, our understanding of what drives or modulates the degree of impaired cerebrovascular function remains poor. Age and biological sex remain important modifiers of cerebrovascular function in health and disease, yet their impact on cerebrovascular reactivity after TBI remains unclear. The aim of this study was to explore subgroup responses based on age and biological sex on cerebral physiology. Data from 283 TBI patients from the CAnadian High Resolution TBI (CAHR-TBI) Research Collaborative were evaluated. Cerebrovascular reactivity was determined using high-frequency cerebral physiology for the derivation of three intracranial pressure (ICP) based indices: (1). PRx - correlation between ICP and mean arterial pressure (MAP), (2). PAx - correlation between pulse amplitude of ICP (AMP) and MAP and (3). RAC - correlation between AMP and cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP). Insult burden (% time above clinically defined thresholds) were calculated for these indices. These cerebral physiology indices were studied for their relationship with age via linear regression, age trichotomization ( 60) and decades of age ( 69) schemes. Similarly, differences based on biological sex were assessed. A statistically significant positive linear correlation was found between PAx, RAC and age. In corollary, a statistically significant relationship was found between increasing age on trichotomized and decades of age analysis with PAx and RAC measures. PRx failed to demonstrate such relationships to advancing age. There was no clear difference in cerebrovascular reactivity profiles between biological sex categories. These findings suggest that AMP-based cerebrovascular reactivity indices may be better positioned to detect impairment in TBI patients with advancing age. Further investigation into the utility of PAx and RAC is required, as they may prove useful for certain subgroups of patients