133 research outputs found

    Techniques for large-scale automatic detection of web site defacements.

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    2006/2007Web site defacement, the process of introducing unauthorized modifications to a web site, is a very common form of attack. This thesis describes the design and experimental evaluation of a framework that may constitute the basis for a defacement detection service capable of monitoring thousands of remote web sites sistematically and automatically. With this framework an organization may join the service by simply providing the URL of the resource to be monitored along with the contact point of an administrator. The monitored organization may thus take advantage of the service with just a few mouse clicks, without installing any software locally nor changing its own daily operational processes. The main proposed approach is based on anomaly detection and allows monitoring the integrity of many remote web resources automatically while remaining fully decoupled from them, in particular, without requiring any prior knowledge about those resources. During a preliminary learning phase a profile of the monitored resource is built automatically. Then, while monitoring, the remote resource is retrieved periodically and an alert is generated whenever something "unusual" shows up. The thesis discusses about the effectiveness of the approach in terms of accuracy of detection---i.e., missed detections and false alarms. The thesis also considers the problem of misclassified readings in the learning set. The effectiveness of anomaly detection approach, and hence of the proposed framework, bases on the assumption that the profile is computed starting from a learning set which is not corrupted by attacks; this assumption is often taken for granted. The influence of leaning set corruption on our framework effectiveness is assessed and a procedure aimed at discovering when a given unknown learning set is corrupted by positive readings is proposed and evaluated experimentally. An approach to automatic defacement detection based on Genetic Programming (GP), an automatic method for creating computer programs by means of artificial evolution, is proposed and evaluated experimentally. Moreover, a set of techniques that have been used in literature for designing several host-based or network-based Intrusion Detection Systems are considered and evaluated experimentally, in comparison with the proposed approach. Finally, the thesis presents the findings of a large-scale study on reaction time to web site defacement. There exist several statistics that indicate the number of incidents of this sort but there is a crucial piece of information still lacking: the typical duration of a defacement. A two months monitoring activity has been performed over more than 62000 defacements in order to figure out whether and when a reaction to the defacement is taken. It is shown that such time tends to be unacceptably long---in the order of several days---and with a long-tailed distribution.Il web site defacement, che consiste nell'introdurre modifiche non autorizzate ad un sito web, è una forma di attacco molto comune. Questa tesi descrive il progetto, la realizzazione e la valutazione sperimentale di una sistema che può costituire la base per un servizio capace di monitorare migliaia di siti web remoti in maniera sistematica e automatica. Con questo sistema un'organizzazione può avvalersi del servizio semplicemente fornendo l'URL della risorsa da monitorare e un punto di contatto per l'amministratore. L'organizzazione monitorata può quindi avvantaggiarsi del servizio con pochi click del mouse, senza dover installare nessun software in locale e senza dover cambiare le sue attività quotidiane. Il principale approccio proposto è basato sull'anomaly detection e permette di monitorare l'integrita di molte risorse web remote automaticamente rimanendo completamente distaccato da queste e, in particolare, non richiedendo nessuna conoscenza a priori delle stesse. Durante una fase preliminare di apprendimento viene generato automaticamente un profilo della risorsa. Successivamente, durante il monitoraggio, la risorsa è controllata periodicamente ed un allarme viene generato quando qualcosa di "unusuale" si manifesta. La tesi prende in considerazione l'efficacia dell'approccio in termini di accuratezza di rilevamento---cioè, attacchi non rilevati e falsi allarmi generati. La tesi considera anche il problema dei reading mal classificati presenti nel learning set. L'efficiacia dell'approccio anomaly detection, e quindi del sistema proposto, si basa sull'ipotesi che il profilo è generato a partire da un learning set che non è corrotto dalla presenza di attacchi; questa ipotesi viene spesso data per vera. Viene quantificata l'influenza della presenza di reading corrotti sull'efficacia del sistema proposto e viene proposta e valutata sperimentalmente una procedura atta a rilevare quando un learning set ignoto è corrotto dalla presenza di reading positivi. Viene proposto e valutato sperimentalmente un approccio per la rilevazione automatica dei defacement basato sul Genetic Programming (GP), un metodo automatico per creare programmi in termini di evoluzione artificiale. Inoltre, vengono valutate sperimentalmente, in riferimento all'approccio proposto, un insieme di tecniche che sono state utilizzate per progettare Intrusion Detection Systems, sia host based che network-based. Infine, la tesi presenta i risultati di uno studio su larga scala sul tempo di reazione ai defacement. Ci sono diverse statistiche che indicano quale sia il numero di questo tipo di attacchi ma manca un'informazione molto importante: la durata tipica di un defacement. Si è effettuato un monitoraggio di oltre 62000 pagine defacciate per circa due mesi per scoprire se e quando viene presa una contromisura in seguito ad un defacement. Lo studio mostra che i tempi sono inaccettabilmente lunghi---dell'ordine di molti giorni---e con una distribuzione a coda lunga.XX Ciclo197

    Evolving Modularity in Soft Robots Through an Embodied and Self-Organizing Neural Controller

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    Modularity is a desirable property for embodied agents, as it could foster their suitability to different domains by disassembling them into transferable modules that can be reassembled differently. We focus on a class of embodied agents known as voxel-based soft robots (VSRs). They are aggregations of elastic blocks of soft material; as such, their morphologies are intrinsically modular. Nevertheless, controllers used until now for VSRs act as abstract, disembodied processing units: Disassembling such controllers for the purpose of module transferability is a challenging problem. Thus, the full potential of modularity for VSRs still remains untapped. In this work, we propose a novel self-organizing, embodied neural controller for VSRs. We optimize it for a given task and morphology by means of evolutionary computation: While evolving, the controller spreads across the VSR morphology in a way that permits emergence of modularity. We experimentally investigate whether such a controller (i) is effective and (ii) allows tuning of its degree of modularity, and with what kind of impact. To this end, we consider the task of locomotion on rugged terrains and evolve controllers for two morphologies. Our experiments confirm that our self-organizing, embodied controller is indeed effective. Moreover, by mimicking the structural modularity observed in biological neural networks, different levels of modularity can be achieved. Our findings suggest that the self-organization of modularity could be the basis for an automatic pipeline for assembling, disassembling, and reassembling embodied agents

    Impact of Morphology Variations on Evolved Neural Controllers for Modular Robots

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    Modular robots, in particular those in which the modules are physically interchangeable, are suitable to be evolved because they allow for many different designs. Moreover, they can constitute ecosystems where “old” robots are disassembled and the resulting modules are composed together, either within an external assembling facility or by self-assembly procedures, to form new robots. However, in practical settings, self-assembly may result in morphologies that are slightly different from the expected ones: this may cause a detrimental misalignment between controller and morphology. Here, we characterize experimentally the robustness of neural controllers for Voxel-based Soft Robots, a kind of modular robots, with respect to small variations in the morphology. We employ evolutionary computation for optimizing the controllers and assess the impact of morphology variations along two axes: kind of morphology and size of the robot. Moreover, we quantify the advantage of performing a re-optimization of the controller for the varied morphology. Our results show that small variations in the morphology are in general detrimental for the performance of the evolved neural controller. Yet, a short re-optimization is often sufficient for aligning back the performance of the modified robot to the original one

    Exploring the Usage of Topic Modeling for Android Malware Static Analysis

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    The rapid growth in smartphone and tablet usage over the last years has led to the inevitable rise in targeting of these devices by cyber-criminals. The exponential growth of Android devices, and the buoyant and largely unregulated Android app market, produced a sharp rise in malware targeting that platform. Furthermore, malware writers have been developing detection-evasion techniques which rapidly make anti-malware technologies ineffective. It is hence advisable that security expert are provided with tools which can aid them in the analysis of existing and new Android malware. In this paper, we explore the use of topic modeling as a technique which can assist experts to analyse malware applications in order to discover their characteristic. We apply Latend Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) to mobile applications represented as opcode sequences, hence considering a topic as a discrete distribution of opcode. Our experiments on a dataset of 900 malware applications of different families show that the information provided by topic modeling may help in better understanding malware characteristics and similarities

    A General Purpose Representation and Adaptive EA for Evolving Graphs

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    Graphs are a way to describe complex entities and their relations that apply to many practically relevant domains. However, domains often differ not only in the properties of nodes and edges, but also in the constraints imposed to the overall structure. This makes hard to define a general representation and genetic operators for graphs that permit the evolutionary optimization over many domains. In this paper, we tackle this challenge. We first propose a representation template that can be customized by users for specific domains: the constraints and the genetic operators are given in Prolog, a declarative programming language for operating with logic. Then, we define an adaptive evolutionary algorithm that can work with a large number of genetic operators by modifying their usage probability during the evolution: in this way, we relieve the user from the burden of selecting in advance only operators that are “good enough”. We experimentally evaluate our proposal on two radically different domains to demonstrate its applicability and effectiveness: symbolic regression with trees and text extraction with finite-state automata. The results are promising: our approach does not trade effectiveness for versatility and is not worse than other domain-tailored approaches

    Beyond Body Shape and Brain: Evolving the Sensory Apparatus of Voxel-Based Soft Robots

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    Biological and artificial embodied agents behave by acquiring information through sensors, processing that information, and acting on the environment. The sensory apparatus, i.e., the location on the body of the sensors and the kind of information the sensors are able to capture, has a great impact on the agent ability of exhibiting complex behaviors. While in nature, the sensory apparatus is the result of a long-lasting evolution, in artificial agents (robots) it is usually the result of a design choice. However, when the agents are complex and the design space is large, making that choice can be hard. In this paper, we explore the possibility of evolving the sensory apparatus of voxel-based soft robots (VSRs), a kind of simulated robots composed of multiple deformable components. VSRs, due to their intrinsic modularity, allow for great freedom in how to shape the robot body, brain, and sensory apparatus. We consider a set of sensors that allow the agent to sense itself and the environment (using vision and touch) and we show, experimentally, that the effectiveness of the sensory apparatus depends on the shape of the body and on the actuation capability, i.e., the VSR strength. Then we show that evolutionary optimization is able to evolve an effective sensory apparatus, even when constraints on the availability of the sensors are posed. By extending the adaptation to the sensory apparatus, beyond the body shape and the brain, we believe that our study takes a step forward to the ambitious path towards self-building robots

    On the impact of body material properties on neuroevolution for embodied agents

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    Artificial agents required to perform non-trivial tasks are commonly controlled with Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), which need to be carefully fine-tuned. This is where ANN optimization comes into play, often in the form of Neuroevolution (NE). Among artificial agents, the embodied ones, are characterized by a strong body-brain entanglement, i.e., a strong interdependence between the physical properties of the body and the controller. In this work, we aim at characterizing said interconnection, experimentally evaluating the impact body material properties have on NE for embodied agents. We consider the case of Voxel-based Soft Robots (VSRs), a class of simulated modular soft robots which achieve movement through the rhythmical contraction and expansion of their modules. We experiment varying several physical properties of VSRs and assess the effectiveness of the evolved controllers for the task of locomotion, together with their robustness and adaptability. Our results confirm the existence of a deep body-brain interrelationship for embodied agents, and highlight how NE fruitfully exploits the physical properties of the agents to give rise to a wide gamut of effective and adaptable behaviors

    On the Schedule for Morphological Development of Evolved Modular Soft Robots

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    Development is fundamental for living beings. As robots are often designed to mimic biological organisms, development is believed to be crucial for achieving successful results in robotic agents, as well. What is not clear, though, is the most appropriate scheduling for development. While in real life systems development happens mostly during the initial growth phase of organisms, it has not yet been investigated whether such assumption holds also for artificial creatures. In this paper, we employ a evolutionary approach to optimize the development—according to different representations—of Voxel-based Soft Robots (VSRs), a kind of modular robots. In our study, development consists in the addition of new voxels to the VSR, at fixed time instants, depending on the development schedule. We experiment with different schedules and show that, similarly to living organisms, artificial agents benefit from development occurring at early stages of life more than from development lasting for their entire life

    On the Mutual Influence of Human and Artificial Life: an Experimental Investigation

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    Our modern world is teeming with non-biological agents, whose growing complexity brings them so close to living beings that they can be cataloged as artificial creatures, i.e., a form of Artificial Life (ALife). Ranging from disembodied intelligent agents to robots of conspicuous dimensions, all these artifacts are united by the fact that they are designed, built, and possibly trained by humans taking inspiration from natural elements. Hence, humans play a fundamental role in relation to ALife, both as creators and as final users, which calls attention to the need of studying the mutual influence of human and artificial life. Here we attempt an experimental investigation of the reciprocal effects of the human-ALife interaction. To this extent, we design an artificial world populated by life-like creatures, and resort to open-ended evolution to foster the creatures adaptation. We allow bidirectional communication between the system and humans, who can observe the artificial world and voluntarily choose to perform positive or negative actions towards the creatures populating it; those actions may have a short- or long-term impact on the artificial creatures. Our experimental results show that the creatures are capable of evolving under the influence of humans, even though the impact of the interaction remains uncertain. In addition, we find that ALife gives rise to disparate feelings in humans who interact with it, who are not always aware of the importance of their conduct

    Evolving modular soft robots without explicit inter-module communication using local self-attention

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    Modularity in robotics holds great potential. In principle, modular robots can be disassembled and reassembled in different robots, and possibly perform new tasks. Nevertheless, actually exploiting modularity is yet an unsolved problem: controllers usually rely on inter-module communication, a practical requirement that makes modules not perfectly interchangeable and thus limits their flexibility. Here, we focus on Voxel-based Soft Robots (VSRs), aggregations of mechanically identical elastic blocks. We use the same neural controller inside each voxel, but without any inter-voxel communication, hence enabling ideal conditions for modularity: modules are all equal and interchangeable. We optimize the parameters of the neural controller—shared among the voxels—by evolutionary computation. Crucially, we use a local self-attention mechanism inside the controller to overcome the absence of inter-module communication channels, thus enabling our robots to truly be driven by the collective intelligence of their modules. We show experimentally that the evolved robots are effective in the task of locomotion: thanks to self-attention, instances of the same controller embodied in the same robot can focus on different inputs. We also find that the evolved controllers generalize to unseen morphologies, after a short fine-tuning, suggesting that an inductive bias related to the task arises from true modularity
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